Friday, March 21, 2025

Mega Man X Timelines #1 Covers and Solicitation

Courtesy of Previews World, here are the three cover variants and solicitation for Udon Entertainment's Mega Man X Timelines issue #1. 

"The X-generation of Mega Man adventures is here! In this wall-jumping, buster-blasting one-shot, X and Zero track down a rogue Maverick Reploid - the ice cool Chill Penguin! Plus, secrets revealed! How will the future change once X learns what he's truly fighting for!?"

This issue is written by Daniel Arsenault with art by Edwin Huang, who also illustrates covers A and C, while Hanzo Steinbach handles cover B.

Mega Man X Timelines #1 hits comic shops on June 18th.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. man, these covers. the X ones are better than the classic ones, but they're kinda rough. feels like amateur fanart rather than professional work. would have been much better off with ultimateMaverickX doing the art.

    I mean, it's a cover! it's meant to sell the book, don't skimp on that part!

    1. I just noticed the middle one has a really weird fist for X D:

    2. Damn... If I buy the floppies at all, I would get just one version. That was the one I was gonna get. I'm never going to unsee "potato fist"...

  3. Seems like the story is gonna involve the first Light Capsule and seeing how X reacts. It's gonna be really fun seeing just the Leg parts on X in the comic.

    At least, that's my assumption.

  4. THESE ARE SICK not gonna lie i would probobaly display these on my shelf with the cover art showing unlike my other megaman comics which are just there on my shelf


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