Thursday, March 13, 2025

Mega Man Timelines Writers and Artists Revealed

Street Fighter Prime #0 from Udon Entertainment recently hit comic shops, and inside, you'll find a two-page preview of all five Mega Man Timelines one-shots, from Classic to Mega Man Legends

I can't share the cover art previews from the second page, but I do have the complete list of writers and artists for each issue:

There's a few familiar faces here! Ian Flynn, known for his work on Archie's Mega Man, is back to script Mega Man Zero, while the venerable David Oxford aka LBD Nytetrayn—longtime Mega Man fan, writer, and all-around great guy—is tackling Mega Man Legends. He’s teaming up with Mic Fong, whose past work on Dreamwave’s Mega Man comics might ring a bell. 

More updates on Mega Man Timelines soon!


  1. This is actually a solid list of writers and artists for these comics. I can't wait to see these for myself!

  2. Awesome, Ian Flynn writing the comic for the games with the best stories. Can't wait for him to completely fuck them up!

    1. Zero intercepting the bomber in Z2: “Wow, this is just like that time me and Axl took down Wind Crowrang during the Red Alert Incident!”

    2. Never really understood the hate that Ian Flynn got. The Archie comics ran through MM1-3 (barely), games with nearly zero dialogue and we have some who claim to be an authority on how the story should be told.

      So what if the comic's expounded storyline included some Easter eggs and pop-culture shout outs? It doesn't impact canon anymore than Ariga's manga did. I have a feeling some "fans" just hate to see anything touched by western artists/writers/developers for some weird reason.

    3. The references are ham-fisted, is all. I never paid attention to Ariga's work because some of his designs put me off.

      I'm just some jackdaw on the internet, really. Don't pay attention to my seething.

    4. @MatureMMFan

      That's not a fair assessment in my opinion, since I don't like Ian Flynn writing (for Mega Man at least) but I love Ben Bates art, far more than Ariga's actually. And no, I know I have the RS Mega Man as a profile pic, but I am in no way related to RS Proto Man. Also, there isn't much western Mega Man official work, but I love many many western fan music among other things.

    5. Hah, yeah I'm not One. I don't even know who most of these guys are because I'm a filthy casual.

    6. Oh yeah, I've seen people complain that Ian Flynn made Metal Man into a joke by running with the "weak to his own weapon" thing. I could see that being kind of obnoxious.

  3. Very excited for these! Hoping they do well and we get more in the future!

  4. Aww yay! Glad Ian Flynn is getting to do more of these; I'm sure he was disappointed the series ended before he got to tell the full story. And holy cow LBD must be stoked!!

  5. Matt Moylan's writing the ZX issue? Hard pass.

  6. LBD getting to write an official Mega Man Legends story feels almost poetic.

  7. Wait, so Timelines is technically 5 different books now? Will we get 20XX Timelines #2 after Legends Timeline #1, and so on? I thought this would be more of a limited series…


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