Saturday, March 1, 2025

Hiya Toys Mega Man X Figure Revealed at Toy Fair

On display at Toy Fair 2025, Hiya Toys unveiled a 1/12-scale X figure. While still in the licensor approval stage, the prototype already showcases multiple interchangeable hand parts and at least three different faceplates.

While it may not appear fully articulated just yet, the figure is part of Hiya's Exquisite Basic line—meaning it will almost certainly feature a high level of articulation, allowing for a variety of poses and display options. You can get a sense of what to expect here.

Notably, the sign next to the prototype reads "Mega Man X Series X", suggesting this will be the first in a larger lineup of  X series figures from Hiya. 

Source: Preternia


  1. There were some neat announcements this weekend. And a lot of peg warmers doomed to Ollies.

    The M.A.S.K. revival was interesting, though shame its not 3.5" scale.
    I'd buy the Super7 Thundercats if they were 1/12 or 5.5" not 7".
    G1 Arcee is tempting.

    I dont have any Hiya, not sure about those. But,there are too many rockman lines now. Can't buy em all.

    1. I’m surprised MASK is so small. I guess since the vehicles are the main attraction.

      Missing Link Arcee is super cool, but I can’t help but wish it had *less* articulation, just what was needed for transformation + elbows or shoulders. As is, it feels less like a companion for the original Season 3/2010 line and more like a teaser for more of those characters in Missing Link. Well, I’m sure Unicron is on their shortlist too…

    2. The entire gimmick of Missing Link is it is G1 with the new articulation. The Missing Link Prime is the coolest thing ever LOL. I love that thing. Shame they are way overpriced for what they are.... $40 penny racers is a tough sell for a lot of people.

      M.A.S.K. was always a 2" figure line. But its also sad because it screams to be compatible with G.I. Joe.

    3. I’m aware: I have Convoy and Bumble. Though I’ll admit my faulty expectation for Arcee is from a translated designer quote and how static the initial prototype looked. Either way, really want them to get to Hoist and Brawn/Gong sooner than later (probably still years off).

    4. I only buy characters I care about. So I have no interest in Sunstreaker. Im interested in a Missing Link Starscream just to see how they do it. And Rodimus.
      What I really want is a Masterpiece Jazz.
      And a anime accurate Bumble. I am surpised the massive 3rd party market didnt make a head swap yet.

  2. Excited to see where this goes. This one looks like it has a Saber hand, so I wonder how far the line is planning to go. Hoping to see Armors and Viles eventually.

  3. This looks pretty solid so far, I'm hoping it goes the distance, and we see other characters. A nice alternative to the Model Kits.

  4. What a good year for megaman figures. That being said I'll have to get threezero megaman x first as I don't think this is coming out anytime soon. I also hope they do zero, sigma, axl, and a few other mainstay characters.

  5. Seeing MDLX and now Hiya giving MegaMan X a chance hopefully we can expect to see more characters, I just hope they don't do Secondary weapons variants like crazy cuz if they do probably they don't sell well and well the line gets canned so let's expect the best, I just wish they make an Axl figure someday, Koto Kit it's amazing but seeing them giving him a chance and now the White Armor around the corner I don't see a reason (Aside the X & Zero breadwinners) other companies can't make him another one.

  6. Well, he has very realistic hands. Is that the part that licensor approval is pending on? :p

    I know I’ve defended it before, and I still understand it, but these Mega Man/X iterations are starting to blend together. Could we get like, Dynamo? Or Duo? Something less milk-toast?

  7. There making too many x figure .MDLX,27abyss,kotobukiya and this (We need better charcters like protoman or bass and zero)

    1. Have we hit brand awarness saturation yet? No?
      Keep licensing to more toy brands. We still need MOTU x Mega Man.

  8. Just save up for a Koto models. 😅


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