Saturday, March 22, 2025

16 Additional Pages From Mega Man 1's Design Document

Now that The Great Capcom Exhibition is open to the public, visitors have discovered a large display featuring 16 previously unseen pages from Mega Man 1's original design document, written and illustrated by Akira Kitamura. 

While we’re still waiting for an English translation, the pages reveal fascinating details, including early story concepts, unused gameplay mechanics, and even a glimpse of Roll as a boss. Check 'em out below!

Here are some early observations pending an English translation:

  • Early versions of Dr. Light and Dr. Wily were named Dr. Brown and Dr. White, respectively. Dr. White had been Dr. Brown’s best friend since childhood, with both graduating from the same high school and university. However, Dr. White was ultimately responsible for a number of industrial robots going on a rampage.

  • Special Weapons acquired from Robot Masters could only be used once in each stage. In the final ninth stage, the player would start with all eight Special Weapons they acquired, but they can choose only one to take into the ninth stage. The boss of the ninth stage is described as a "robot with brown tiles".
  • After selecting a Special Weapon from the pause screen, it becomes unavailable for the rest of the stage. However, it reappears and can be used again when entering a new stage.

  • When Mega Man takes damage, he was originally intended to be knocked back in the opposite direction. In fact, remnants of this mechanic still exist in the game's code!
  • As Akira Kitamura previously alluded, Roll was originally intended to be fought as a bos, with her hands pressed together as part of an attack.

  • Mr. Brown was abducted by a robot (or an advanced computer) after a malfunction in its emotional control device. Upon its initial defeat, Mr. Brown would have become part of the Mother Computer, which was envisioned as a screen-filling final boss.
  • The arms or appendages of the Mother Computer is strikingly similar to an unused Super Cutter sprite in the final game.

Many thanks to Ryuseiaec for the photos!


  1. Pretty neat, love the big brain robot. Though I always imagined Boss Roll would’ve been significantly bigger, like Wily Machine size. That’s what mystique does I guess, haha.

  2. nice hope we can get some scans later


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