Friday, February 21, 2025

Udon's Mega Man Timelines Issue #1 Covers Revealed

Udon Entertainment's new line of Mega Man comics is fast approaching, and thanks to Preview World, we now have a look at the covers for the first issue.

This first issue, written by Tavis Maiden and illustrated by Kenny Ruiz, kicks off Mega Man Timelines, a series of five interconnected one-shots spanning the classic, X, Zero, Legends, and ZX series. Cover A is by Kenny Ruiz himself, Cover B is by Jon Sommariva, and Cover C is the typical blank cover.

The issue is due to hit comic shops on May 28th, but before that, you can grab a free issue #0 at participating retailers on May 3rd for Free Comic Book Day.

Share your thoughts on the covers and what you’re expecting from this new comic series in the comments!


  1. "covers"... 😑
    Paying two extra dollars for a cover with almost no ink on it says everything better than I ever could.
    Doesn't matter... I doubt my comic shop will survive to get to issue #5.

    1. Yeah, the bankruptcy of Diamond is definitely gonna shake things up, probably for the worst. I know comics haven’t been in the best place for awhile, but now seems like a *particularly* bad time for a new licensed book… which I guess is why the scope seems intentionally limited.

  2. 1st cover looks pretty good. 2nd’s not bad either. Not sure what’s going on with the last one, I assume they’re keeping the cover a secret until later, like Skybound seems to do. I *really* hope they’re not actually asking two more bucks for literal nothing.

    1. I disagree. the second one looks pretty awful to me. what is even going on with his baby right leg?!? it's either super small, or like 30 feet away from him. it looks super sloppy. 1st one looks good though

    2. Idk, just looks like extreme perspective to me. The foreground leg and buster arm are oversized to compensate. It’s definitely marginally less good though. The face is weird (looks like he smelt a bad fart), and while a cute idea, the Sea of Mets is visually boring imo.

    3. Blank covers are for you to take to conventions and have an artist do a custom illustration for.

    4. there's stylized extreme perspective... and then there's this... absolutely nothing justifies that baby leg that they tried to hide behind the blast effect. "oh, no one will notice this".

  3. The blank cover is for you to take to a convention or something to have an artist draw you an original cover illustration

  4. The more I look at them, the more I hate these covers. Jon really phoned in this cover. what am I even looking at? his buster, right hand, and right foot look alright, and that's it. everything else looks pretty mangled. he has no armpit, his left leg is a baby leg, his thighs are off, his abdomen is super stretched, his head is too far to the side in his helmet, one of his ear things is missing and the other basically conforms to the shape of his head. it's just an utter disaster of a cover. I can't believe someone got paid to make that.

    the first one looks alright, but if I look at it too long, it starts to look a bit off, particularly below the waist. not sure what's going on at all with his blue briefs section. his right thigh is bending. the thigh itself bends, not at the knee or the pelvis, but it's like his thigh is elastic. too much bounce man power? and the arm connection to the buster is kinda weird. that aside, from the waist up, looks pretty good.

    but really, that second one... just awful.

    1. You are an honest critic. Maybe I should have you look at my art sometime. I mean that btw.

  5. One of the guys on the first cover has a REALLY bad case of sidemouth.

  6. I totally understand all of your opinions, but I think the covers are fine. At least we're getting new Mega Man comics.

  7. I swear this comment sections spills venom for everything, and so do most Mega Man discussion spaces on the world wide web and discord servers.

    1. Then what's the point of mentioning it if it's not specific to this website? :V

    2. nothing is perfect and you can't please everyone.

  8. I like how the first one dithers the shading with square blocks on Mega Man to make it look quasi-pixelated. Super cool technique I'd never considered before outside of pixel art itself.

  9. Comments here are wild. Can't wait for these comics, and will definitely be hitting my local comic shop come time of release. I'm typically digital-only nowadays, but I wanna get at least one of these.

  10. "a series of five interconnected one-shots spanning the classic, X, Zero, Legends, and ZX series"... That will be the comic's undoing. They couldn't just make a straightforward Mega Man comic with a decent narrative. All the issues based on less popular MM spinoffs will hurt the sales badly.

    1. a less popular game could be a very popular comic book. Zero, Legends and ZX has a lot more to offer in terms of a comic imo, despite them being the less popular serieses.

      also, they might be guaging interest. whichever one shot does best could get it's own series if demand is high enough.

    2. Yeah, this series seems more like market research than anything. Though I’m still surprised ZX is getting equal focus as any other “series” in the main timeline. Might as well include X-Over too (which I would be more than fine with, because X-Over has interesting conceits and potential that were completely unused in anything).

    3. hey, ZX actually got it's own manga

  11. Kenny Ruiz's cover looks fire. Love the style!


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