Thursday, February 20, 2025

More Images of Sega's Rockman Luminasta Figure, Set for Release in July

Following its initial reveal, Sega has released additional images of the Rockman Luminista figure, which was on display at Sega Fav. We get a much clearer view of the figure's backside, highlighting the intricate details on the feet. It has also been confirmed that the figure stands at 7.4 inches tall, making it one of the larger entries in the Luminasta line.

A sign at the event also indicates that Rockman will begin distribution in the third week of July, slated to appear as a redemption prize across amusement centers in Japan. The figure will also be available as a standalone purchase, with some overseas retailers alike Pixelatoy and Chronicles Inc already preparing pre-orders. North American retailers are expected to follow soon.

Also of note, Sega has once again classified the figure under a "Rockman Luminasta" subline, hinting that more characters will receive the Luminasta treatment in the future.


  1. looks amazing hope the price will be on the more cheaper side tho.....

  2. Looking pretty good still, I’m surprised how well defined his back is. It’s almost uncanny…

    If anything, the expression could use some work. Gritted teeth or the slight frown from the artwork it’s based on might look better.


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