Thursday, January 9, 2025

My Arcade Reveals Mega Man Pixel Pocket Pro

On display at this year's Consumer Electronics Show, the My Arcade Mega Man Pixel Pocket Pro is a keychain gaming device small enough to fit in your pocket or hang off your backpack. It includes—you guessed it—Mega Man 1 through 6.

With a 2-inch screen and a questionable A and B button layout, the Pixel Pocket Pro may not be the ideal—or even comfortable—way to play these games. It's more of a novelty than anything. But if you're interested, it'll you back $19.99 when it hits retailers later this year.

My Arcade is also re-releasing the larger Mega Man Pocket Player Pro from a couple of years ago, bundled with a new carrying case. It’s a more practical choice for longer handheld gaming sessions, but if you’re not drawn to the novelty, there are better ways to play the first six NES games.

Image Credit: lordkatsuhikojinnai | Source: GenXGrownUp


  1. It would be a feat to beat any of the games on this. No Select button either, so bye bye pause glitch.

    I think the next version of “novelty NES Mega Man” should be an augmentation that projects the games directly to your brain.

  2. Oh come on....... AGAIN? I've already own their 4 Pico, Nano, and their Micro Player, AND their Pocket Player Pro versions of Mega Man ports.... NOW they wanted to make this? Is it Capcom desperate, or is My Arcade desperate to throw Mega Man out this much like so? Don't forget we also have Arcade1Up to thank bringing Mega Man 1-6 as its own little console set.
    I mean.... I'm more than happy to get this one too, but My Arcade has already ported Mega Man 1-6 more than enough times. That is all I am saying.

  3. The button layout is so weird with this one! Why not keep it the same as the previous model? I get that it is smaller, but there is room there to shrink the buttons and slide them over. Look at the GBA Micro

    My wife bought me the original for me for Christmas this year, and its a lot of fun to just pick up and play! But this one is just.. Odd

  4. I just realized that the Evil Energy would've probably been responsible for Dr. Wily becoming more evil as the series continued explaining his characterization in the X series. Otherwise, they are in different continuities where he was always that way. It either affected him or it made a replica of him. Unrelated, but another reason the whole Zero supplanting X in general but more specifically in the original plan for his series thing that makes it grotesque is that if it wasn't for Capcom stepping in, what should've been X's destiny would've been Zero's. One of the few times Capcom snapped out of a terrible decision.

  5. Other reasons the usurper protagonist plan was a bad idea:
    Ruining the message, themes, character development, narrative and plot for what? To prop up Zero? X is meant to surpass the technological flaws and they were about to undo that for Zero? That's beyond idiotic and selfish, people know this and that's why they give such an overwhelming negative response. Face it, Zero was never as popular as you all thought. Zero fans are mythomaniacs and see all this imagined narrative that doesn't exist. Not everyone but the majority of Zero fans are very proud ironically missing one of the points of Iris's existence to knock his pride down a notch. Yet another point that goes over their heads.

    Zero is a plot device for X with it being very blatant in X2 just like Iris was for Zero. It goes without saying that I got nothing against Zero as a character, after all it's only a fictional being with his makers being the ones at fault. In fact, I first played X4 with him.

    In order for Dr. Weil's death to be a pay off it needs to have a set up which it doesn't. All that happens is that it is implied that because Dr. Weil killed other humans now Zero can kill him breaking his rule, but that isn't a pay off. Where's the character development? Where's the struggle? There's none, it was an on the fly decision.

    The character development in X4 goes to waste with his character reset in the Zero series only to do nothing with that reset afterwards.

    They could've ended at Zero 3 just fine and saved Dr. Weil for the sequel series—which they kind of did for the latter although clumsily—, but they wanted the money. What's the point of going on about leaving Zero as a guardian when he's killed off immediately afterwards? Why kill off Dr. Weil when he is immediately brought back in the sequel series? The only difference is that in that series he is an object, but still having the same objectives.

    Before someone replies that Interactive Image Creates weren't the ones that wanted a sequel and it was all Capcom in that one interview with Aizu, Ito said this instead in page 170 of Mega Man Zero Complete Works: "But in the end, we decided that it would be better to continue the story, rather than go back and create a tangent." "We" implies it was them and not Capcom or it was a mutual agreement, this is also why Inti are unreliable narrators.


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