Opening on March 20 in Osaka, the exhibition will showcase proposals, original drawings, graphic works, and various materials tracing Capcom's journey from its early days to its modern technology.
The first thing that catches the eye is a file folder featuring printed pages from the proposal of the first Rockman—pages that we haven't seen before.
Visitors can view these pages in full, along with additional content, in the section Final Round: Passing Down the Capcom DNA, which Capcom describes as:
Legendary Design Documents
"Design documents and spec sheets of the games that built Capcom will be on display, including rarely seen 40-year-old title documents from Capcom's founding period."
ugh, i love the uni jetstream 4&1, i can't believe they're gonna have a mega man version! i hope we get the chance to snag these in america like we did with the mega man anniversary exhibition...