Thursday, November 21, 2024

Udon's Mega Man Will Celebrate Free Comic Book Day 2025

Udon Entertainment is kicking off their new line of Mega Man comic books with a special issue for Free Comic Book Day 2025. Mega Man #0, a silver-tier FCBD book, will be available at participating comic book retailers on May 3, 2025. (You can view the full list of FCBD titles here)

The art for this issue is by Jeffrey Cruz (a familiar name from Mega Man Legacy Collection 1, Mega Man Mastermix, and several Udon projects), Kenny Ruiz, Edwin Huang and Andrew Dickman, with the story written by Tavis Maiden.

Details about the story are coming soon, but I can share that this issue is a one-shot with a "silly" vibe that won't be fully reflective of the series' overall tone. Mega Man #1 proper, launching shortly after, promises to bring the "cool."

More updates on Udon's Mega Man soon!


  1. am i dreaming?! i didn’t know there were going to be new comics!!!

  2. Between this cover and LC1, it’s pretty clear which RM’s are Jeffrey’s favorites. :p

    I know the article says the story will be pretty light-hearted (potentially non-canon to the actual series), and the cover may have unseen characters anyway, but I’m hoping the diverse range of RM’s seen points to this *not* being a verbatim retelling of the game story. That was the biggest downfall of the Archie comics, imo.

    1. I disagree about the Archie point. I always thought the way they adapted the game stories was one of that series biggest strengths. They were clearly inspired by the games, but were greatly remixed and elaborated on and otherwise just creatively reinterpreted in a way that really worked. The way they were handling the introduction to Protoman in particular was absolutely fantastic and it will never not be a sore point to me that the series ended before we got to see that character arc fully fleshed out.

    2. Verbatim? Where? That is true for most of Ikehara's Rockman series, but Archie had several differences, examples including MM2 having a virus plot and the Light Numbers rescuing Mega Man, Super Adventure Rockman before MM3, new allies and enemies, two crossovers, ...

      Archie Mega Man was great, its downfall was more likely due to Archie suffering several lawsuits and losing several staff members around that time. The worst was probably Ken Penders, who pestered Archie so much that Archie had enough and nuked the Sonic comics (a reboot followed by a cancel), with Mega Man ending up going together as a side effect.

      I wonder what direction the new comic will take. Will it start from the very beginning, or will it tell new tales after Mega Man 11, similar to IDW's Sonic comic? Or a brand new universe with no connection to the games, like Fully Charged?

    3. I mean the story more in broader strokes. I like Needle Man, but I don’t think it’s necessary to introduce him and 6 casts of Robot Masters before Bass, an actual important character. And the writers probably felt similarly given his anachronistic appearances in some issues.

      And I’ll admit, this is largely just my own take regarding adaptations and remakes: if I wanted the original story/experience/content, I’d seek out the original. A recreation will never be the same thing, so I don’t think it should try.

      Though yeah, Proto Man was pretty good in Archie. Figures the Americans knew how to use him better. :p

    4. The Archie run was fine. I enjoyed it a lot. It was a lot truer to the characters than most of the manga adaptions I have read.

      I have little to no interest in this new run, UNLESS it is a continuation of the Archie story. What is it, the 4th US comic run, if you count the ridiculous Fully Charged concept? Just for it to go nowhere in the long term.

    5. Ken penders needs to go to jail

    6. Fully Charged comic was nominally better than the actual show, which isn't saying much. Aki sharing a name with an MMX character was ridiculous, though.

    7. Didn't Penders take an important piece of paper with him when he left, in a way that screwed Archie over when they took him to court? Dude's a whackadoo.

    8. If I remember correctly it was actually Archie’s fault on that part they had lost not only his but some of the other writers original contracts as well (unless you believe Ken’s claim that they never existed).

      As someone who mostly liked the Archie run even if we had the old team behind it and no licensing trouble to worry about. I’d rather there be a fresh take on the series after all this time, even if we’re probably gonna hear the MM1 plot retold again lol.

      I think the fully charged comics are kinda funny it had very little to do with the show and ended just as quickly, it’s like an edgy fan AU made it to print.

    9. If it's a different writer, it might be interesting to see how they do compared to Flynn.

      I don't disagree with you on the comic.

    10. It says Tavis Maiden is writing this issue at least but I’m not certain if he’s just writing this one or will be working on the series as a whole.

  3. Cute art. Nice to see robot masters from the later NES games represented.

  4. Cold Man? Quite the deep cut! Any word on who the writers are?

  5. The art style of this comic looks so good! 🤩

  6. Chamba is PERFECT for the art! Any word on the writer?? I hope they have someone that hasn't worked with Udon before. The only one I could think of writing Megaman would be Jim Zub, maybe?

  7. So Psyched that Andrew Dickman got on this issue. Absolute legend

  8. Cool! Looking forward to it.

    I know the linked article stated that the Battle Network and Star Force series rights were tied up elsewhere, but I can't help but wonder what they'll eventually do for that side of the equation.

  9. I'm hyped for this!

  10. I will get my grubby little hands on this so fast when it's time

  11. Oooooooooooo imma get that.

  12. Well that's nice to see. I really like the artwork for this cover, it has a nice vibe to it.

  13. So long as they keep Ian Flynn away from it! I cancelled my subscription to the Archie book because of that hack. And please, no Sonic The Hedgehog crossovers! The fans have earned a decent, authentic Mega Man comic written and drawn by professionals who know and respect the source material.

    I, for one, have been waiting since Valiant Comics teased one in the letter column of their Super Mario Bros. comics back in 1990. Keeping my fingers crossed on this one!

    1. I'm not a fan of Ian's writing either.

    2. What's so bad about Ian Flynn? The Archie series was fantastic, and he's been doing a great job with the IDW Sonic comic too. I see a lot of people bandwagon hating the guy but nothing actually giving the hate substance.

    3. Ian's writing for the Sonic games has been extremely cringe inducing.

    4. @12:05 PM Yeah nah, I don't see it. Frontiers was a blast, had the most interesting story in forever, and was the most fun and hype I've had with a Sonic fan since Generations over a decade ago, and Shadow Generations felt like a return to form to the types of games we were getting between 2001 and 2008 and was even more fun to me than Frontiers from a gameplay perspective. Still don't actually see any substance to the hate other than it just being a weird bandwagon.

    5. Return to form to the cringe era? Yeah that isn't something to be proud of for Sonic.

    6. I don't know anything about Ian Flynn and I'm not going to talk bad about his craft or whatever, but clearly the guy's passion is Sonic. He's like a Sonic mega fan. He should stay far away from Mega Man. I mean, he simply doesn't have the proper faculties to handle it professionally and objectively. He should stick to what he loves and got him into the industry in the first place.

    7. @11:37 PM That's the thing though, you calling it cringe doesn't mean anything objective. This was the era that shaped the Sonic fanbase as we know it today, it was incredibly popular, and continues to be incredibly popular. This is why Shadow Generations is making SEGA the fat stacks of green right now. As far as SEGA is concerned, Flynn's writing is good enough to be making them the big bucks and that's all they care about. Large sections of the fanbase would agree, which is why the money is coming in. Call it cringe all you want, but he's got to be doing something right for so many people to be enjoying his work.

      @7:52 AM I'd disagree. While Sonic is certainly one of his passions, his passion for Mega Man shines through as well with his work on the old Archie series. This makes sense as well, as the two franchises have a lot of overlap when it comes to fans. There's absolutely no way that he could have written what he did for the Archie series and not have a strong love for Mega Man like he does for Sonic.

    8. I don’t think the commercial success of Front Ears or Shadow Gens has anything to do with Flynn. Besides, no one had complaints with Pontaff in their first two games.

      And Shadow Gens is just normal Gens with different shapes. It’s fine to like those shapes, but there’s not much deeper there.

    9. @Jark Spore The success of Frontiers and Shadow Generations has a lot to do with Flynn. If you pay attention to the Sonic community, you'll find a lot of people citing the better storytelling in these two games compared to everything from Colors to Forces as a big part of the reason why they are feeling optimistic and supportive of the franchise again. "We are so back" is getting spread around a lot regarding Shadow Generations in particular.

      The positive sentiments around his work in Frontiers are also very likely why SEGA decided to let him rewrite the script for Sonic Generations in the SXSG remaster, as the original game is also often touted as having a very bare bones and unfinished feeling story with oblivious characters and little to nothing actually happening. The rewrite isn't a drastic overhaul and does have some small problems of its own, but it does make the characters less oblivious and makes the story feel just a little bit more fleshed out even without adding any new scenes.

    10. What the self-titled fans think have little bearing on sales, because the bulk of sales (at least for works that are popular) are from normies. And I don’t think normies went out and bought SXSG because Flynn doesn’t know what Time Stones do.

      And rewriting Gens in particular is, frankly, asinine. To reel things back in, it’s equivalent to rewriting the dialogue of Rockboard to have it better match canon: sure, you can try, but the game is inherently disinterested in canon on a conceptual level.

    11. I want to add: I have nothing against Flynn. I just feel that him and the recent games’ success and deeper stories are a correlation more than a causation. The actual content of Sonic Team games comes from Sonic Team themselves and their story. It was Sonic Team’s idea to make Colors the way it was, not Pontaff’s. No one ever praises or curses the localizers pre-Pontaff, so them having this cult-of-personality now eludes me.

    12. Nobody plays Sonic games for the story.

    13. Sonic fans support anything regardless of how bad it is, they are not a measure for quality.

    14. Reminder Kishimoto called Flynn's script simple:
      --It seems like a lot of effort has been put into the story and setting of this work.

      Kishimoto: That's right. For Sonic games, American scriptwriters write the story, then translate it and incorporate it into the Japanese version. This time, we asked a famous American comic scriptwriter overseas to write a serious script, and when he submitted the manuscript, I thought, "This kind of easy-to-understand content won't be well-received in Japan." It may be a national trait, but it seems that in America, there is no such thing as reading between the lines. Of course, I thought that such a cinematic and easy-to-understand script would be wonderful for the Americans, but I made some changes to all the lines.


    15. Sonic games always sell well regardless of quality so that is a moot point.

    16. Original:
      Sonic asks Tails if Green Hill Zone was awfully familiar.
      Tails says not to him.

      Replaces this with a lore dump about Green Hill being on South Island.

      It's a meta joke to the fact that he wasn't in Sonic 1 and it makes sense in canon but Ian just has to lore dump even if it makes no sense.
      And that's only one of many Flynn ups, not to mention retconning Amy's character so she isn't obsessed with Sonic in her profile(and it's definitely his doing not a Sega mandate according to his August 2023 podcast).

    17. @4:02: I thought it was weird that Sonic and Tails had amnesia in og Gens but I do agree the rewrite could've been a bit better. Thought it was fine overall though...

    18. @4:02

      Most egregious to me is when Sonic claims the Time Stones enable time travel, which isn’t actually supported in the games or adjacent information (manuals).

      Though to be fair regarding Amy, the surgical removal of her character started with Sonic Boom at the latest, which he didn’t have much to do with, save the short-lived comics and a couple episodes of the show.

    19. @4:02: Also, Sega themselves have been trying to slightly rewrite Amy's character since (I think) Sonic Origins. I think the rewrites for Amy are a bit unnecessary but I say this as someone who enjoys her characterization in Sonic X. I think they're removing too much (particularly I thought the joke where she knocks Knuckles into a tree was funny and they should've kept it) where they should've instead just have toned down her crush on Sonic a bit, but I also think it's a good thing they want to flesh her out more instead of her whole character revolving around the blue hog. Though I don't get why they want to make fortune cards a big thing with her, like huh????

    20. @Megatron X

      I agree about the tree scene, though I think that was more about Knuckles than Amy. That scene was a big contribution to the whole “SEGA treats Knuckles like a joke” perspective throughout the 10’s, but removing that part makes the scene kinda sauceless. I say this as a big Knuckles fan myself (always my favorite to play as)!

      And I guess the tarot cards are since the hammer is too comedic, especially in Japan. Also, something something Sonic CD manual.

    21. @Jark Spore: I mean what do the Time Stones do otherwise? Like wasn't the reason for getting the time stones to stop Robotnik The Eggman from changing the past after
      Sonic saves the day? I guess I just feel that it's not too much of a stretch that the time altering object can also induce time travel somehow.

      As someone who also like Knuckles, they should've kept the scene the same, cause it's just a gag and a fun one at that. I get why they removed it but I don't think it would've harmed anything.

      I will die on the hill that the Hammer is better than the cards for Amy!

    22. @Anonymous November 23, 2024 at 2:06 PM
      "If you pay attention to the Sonic community, you'll find a lot of people citing the better storytelling in these two games compared to everything from Colors to Forces as a big part of the reason why they are feeling optimistic and supportive of the franchise again."
      That doesn't prove anything. Besides, Kishimoto is the one that came up with the story for Frontiers although Flynn had some say in it. It's unknown who came with what, but it's known Flynn screwed up the amnesia part of the plot(the animations were based on the English script then Kishimoto tried to fix it as much as he could for the Japanese one).
      "'We are so back' is getting spread around a lot regarding Shadow Generations in particular."
      Some posted this exact thing with Forces. Sonic fans on the net do this with anything.

    23. Shadow Generations is a bizarre case where it isn't really known who wrote what(even if the credits try to make it look like as if Flynn wrote everything for the re-write):
      "Someone pointed out that Doom's laugh in the English dub has a distinct quirk found only in JP->ENG translations, so even though Flynn is credited as the scriptwriter there's some weirdness going on that suggests Japanese tampering."
      And as someone else wrote:
      "I don't think we'll ever get an honest answer on how much Ian actually writes. Remember that Ian is also credited for writing The Final Horizon in Frontiers yet there are parts he said he didn't write."

    24. The only time I saw people say "We're so back" with Forces was when the initial trailer dropped, once the game released most people despised it, with Sonic X Shadow Generations the majority of people seem to actually like the game and it's story. Also on the topic of how much Ian actually writes I'm guessing he only writes certain parts and has to collaborate with other writers, in other words I think it's probably a team effort and not just one guy writing it all, but who knows.

    25. The Amy retcons in Frontiers are definitely Flynn's. The Japanese script has these lines for her instead:
      "You haven't seen me as a lovely lady yet!"
      "Sonic, next time I see you, you'll be sorry."
      And on top of that he gave her this line:
      "They believed in a god even with all of this amazing technology? I didn't expect that."
      Which is absolutely pathetic. Atheist Amy, hah, get out of here with that clown show.

    26. >Be Kishimoto
      >In close working relationship with Maekawa
      >Maekawa gets axed after your second project due to Western critics not liking his writing
      >Higher ups decide that your next game needs to have a lighter tone
      >Come up with a general idea for a story
      >Your higher ups bring in two Western cartoon writers to make a script based on your story
      >It turns out okay, but you probably wanted something closer to Dimps' version of the script
      >The game is well received
      >As a reward the writers get to do whatever they want for your next game
      >They use their freedom to go against your wishes and bring back Orbot and Cubot (both intended to be one-offs) and ruin your new OCs
      >The writing for this game is critically slammed
      >Sonic Team decides the next game should have a darker tone since fans are asking for it
      >The script for your new game is written by them too
      >It's universally panned as a bad story
      >Next game is in development hell for so long that the old writers' contracts run out
      >Sonic Team decides to bring in a Comic book writer who's popular with fans to replace them
      >You aren't going to risk this story getting ruined, so you give him the premise and major plot beats and tell him to only write the dialogue
      >He constantly asks a bunch of stupid questions
      >When you receive the script back you're disappointed in how there's no subtlety and how everyone's OOC
      >There are so many references to that you have to abandon the amnesia plot you had wanted
      >You pass the script back and forth a few times, but it doesn't get any better
      >You decide to completely rewrite the script for the JP dub of the game since the English script is beyond saving
      >Remove most of the references and OOC writing so the game can stand on its own
      >The game's a success meaning the new writer will be around for the foreseeable future
      >You try to be polite in public, but you still call the new writer a hack in interviews with Japanese media
      Imagine how much Kishimoto hates Gaijin by this point.

    27. I don’t care what anyone says, Forces was peak Pontaff.

      But I wish they wouldn’t focus so much on the English localization. Like I saw shrap say recently, we like it *because* it’s Japanese. Though maybe the pendulum swings the other way? Maybe the Japanese like mismatched lip flaps the same way Americans do? I know they get American movies dubbed in Japanese a lot.

    28. @10:07: It doesn't even make sense for Amy to be Atheist come to think of it since she uses fortune cards now. Like that's a spiritual thing so she has some sort of faith/spirituality.

    29. @10:10: 1. This ain't 4Chan (thank goodness) 2. I ain't reading allat.

  14. Thankfully the writer is different other than Ian

  15. What's up with all the Ian hate? I've never read his other works, but I thought his work on the Archie comics was great. Genuinely wondering here

    1. I agree. If it were not for him doing the writing for Archie's Mega Man, we would never have gotten a well-written comic book series.

    2. Just my opinion, but the amount of references to other media was kind of annoying. It got bad enough that management told him to tone it down, though other people ate it up like gangbusters.

      I may or may not be bitter that he ripped on Ruby-Spears.

    3. That being said, the beginning of the comics seemed to be legitimately good, and not too much on the "The Protomen, right guys? Emerald-Spears, right? Ruby-Spears was anime-riffic, riiiight?"

  16. Don't see any substance to liking Flynn.

    1. Don't see any substance to hating on him.

    2. Seems to depend on your sense of humor. :X

    3. Don't see any substance to liking him.

  17. This just reminds me when Ian Flynn begged Udon to hire him and even linked Protodude, haha:
    You aren't getting that contract, man. Deal with it!

    1. Look I’m not the biggest Ian Flynn fan but he ain’t even writing for this like calm down Archie MM is dead it can’t hurt you anymore

    2. I'm perfectly calm, I just don't want this megalomaniac anywhere near Mega Man.

  18. Flynn's "great writing:"
    "Oh, but I suppose that doesn't concern someone like you, who can't do anything but roll around at the speed of sound."
    "Ugh. Please, no tedious speeches about the 'super power of teamwork.'"

    1. Yeah, that's the kind of ham-fisted stuff that makes me groan.

    2. What do you mean? Sonic's always had writing like this. You could take almost any scene out of context from SA1 or SA2 or Heroes or especially even Shadow 05 and say the same kind of "it's cringe" nonsense, but this is the writing style that many fans of the series are nostalgic towards, which is why it's what sells now. Do you really expect a series about a speedy blue talking hedgehog to be 100% serious and not get cheesy from time to time?

    3. There's a line between completely hamfisted and grimdark. The execution isn't very good - even "would rather roll around" would be better than "can't do anything but", in my opinion.

    4. @3:51 PM It's worse in context and Frontiers is full of crap like this. It's also full of forced references that add nothing to the plot or characters and it's even worse in the Generations port along with the censorship. Acting like this is comparable to the older games is disingenuous.

    5. You're in denial if you don't see the problem in these dialogues.

    6. and delusional.

    7. Y'all did not just resort to calling people delusional for having an opinion, it ain't that deep guys.

    8. @Megatron X, then maybe the Sonic guys should stop going off on people who don't agree with them.

    9. @10:04 I don't pay attention to the comics. Is that something they've actually done, or is it something people perceive them as having done? I know one guy associated with a different series did that...

    10. @10:04: Going off? I haven't seen any of these "Sonic Guys" being disrespectful so far. The only people being rude here are the guys hating on Ian tbh. I'm not saying Ian can't be criticized but some comments are acting like he poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses. And then y'all want to call people who like his work delusional or in denial, I don't think that's warranted or fair.

      @RS Proto Man: Wouldn't surprise me...

    11. @Megatron X
      Oh yeah, because anyone criticizing Flynn is only being part of a "bandwagon" as @12:27 AM anon wrote /s. So you think that's being respectful? That's justifiable to you? If anything, it sounds like that anon can't handle any criticism of his Flynn idol. Not to mention his defenses are ridiculous and some of them debunked long ago.

    12. @2:26 Since I don't follow the comics, I'm curious what the arguments and defenses are. Someone got upset at me for criticizing the Short Circuits and that Ian Flynn wasn't involved in them.

    13. *and said that Ian Flynn wasn't involved in them

    14. @2:26: So that anon said that he saw "a lot" of people bandwagon, he didn't say everyone did. Also he's not exactly incorrect in that claim because I've seen plenty of posts both here and on other places where people just spew hate at the guy without actually giving criticism to his writing because at the moment it's just the popular thing to do. If you say you don't like his writing and actually cite why, that's fine, but if you just start calling the guy and his supporters names (E.G. calling Ian a megalomaniac for wanting to write for a series that he has a passion for) then you're just being rude. Also I'm not saying the Sonic fans are perfect either cause I've seen them be complete jerks too, but on this comment section at least I have seen no truly rude comments from Sonic fans so far (of course I coulda missed one and I don't support that person if they're being jerks).

    15. @Megatron X
      NO, calling it a bandwagon is absolutely being rude, quit making excuses! He's a megalomaniac because he's pushing his version of the characters onto the main story(the games although it's just as bad in the comics) rather than being loyal.

    16. The second time he wrote "it just being a weird bandwagon" implying everyone not just some.

    17. @9:59 Idk if I'd call that being a megalomaniac. I see it as someone being too excited about their own versions of characters, rather than the power they have. I can certainly understand it, but it's also something that should be dialed back - especially if management says so.

    18. Then again, it seems like I'm not on the up and up as to what Mr. Flynn has been doing with the series.

    19. That's the thing though, "bandwagon" isn't a rude term imo, the definition for it is: "used in reference to an activity, cause, etc. that is currently fashionable or popular and attracting increasing support" so the term itself can be used in a way that's not mean spirited. And it's not inaccurate to call the recent negativity towards Flynn a bandwagon because it is a large trend. However calling it a "weird bandwagon" isn't right because that implies that the opinion isn't valid, so yes that one anon said something rude, my bad.

      But saying Ian's a megalomaniac for "pushing his version of the characters onto the main story" doesn't make sense to me because that is his job, he's one of the main writer's for the games, and he's THE main writer for the comics so he's fully allowed to write the characters however he sees fit cause that's his job as the writer, you can disagree with how he writes the characters (I have my own issues with his writing as well I know he ain't perfect) and criticize him all you want, but saying he's a "megalomaniac" isn't criticism and is just calling names. And calling his supporters "delusional" is rude because that's invalidating their opinion, and it's treating them like they're mentally ill for having an opinion you don't agree with.

    20. @Megatron X
      Nope, forcing his version of the characters ISN'T his job. In the comics, it isn't correct either, but it's kind of whatever because they aren't canon. Changing them in the games is unacceptable and yes he's a megalomaniac for forcing those changes fitting perfectly the definition: "If you describe someone as a megalomaniac, you are criticizing them because they enjoy being powerful, or because they believe that they are more powerful or important than they really are."

  19. Can’t say I’m super familiar with Tavis Maiden so I’m curious to give this a read

  20. I liked Ian Flynn's writing. I thought his commitment to continuity was something Mega Man sorely needed. If this Udon series isn't going to bother with something like that, it's just another in a long line of half-hearted "throw stuff at the wall" attempts from Capcom to do something with the IP.

  21. I actually like Ian Flynn's writing, I think it fits Sonic pretty well. The real question is what does Ian have to with any of this? Like guys he's even not writing the Mega Man comic.

    1. I guess people assumed Flynn would take up writing duties again after continuing to write Sonic for IDW.

    2. Yeah, this tirade has big “rent-free” energy, and is largely irrelevant to this blog’s topic. Though I guess it shows there’s not much to talk about otherwise.

    3. I don't understand why people are even talking about Sonic here, outside of the crossover. It'd be like me bringing up Penders' non-Sonic work where he was drawing regular people.

    4. @RS Proto Man, that Penders stuff is the stuff of nightmares.

    5. His Sonic work is pretty dire-looking, yeah. IIRC he drew humans okay, though.

    6. @RS Proto Man, what's funny is his early stuff from the early to mid 90s was pretty decent but it's like his art style progressively got worse starting in the late 90s and these days the way he makes characters look is pure nightmare fuel.

    7. @10:56 That's unfortunate. Seeing professionals degrade especially is depressing.

  22. this whole comment board is cancerous oh my god. look, im a huge sonic fan. i have things i like about ian flynn, and i have things i dislike. i like his work on archie mega man. but at the end of the day, he has nothing to do with this. the writer has been confirmed, so who cares about him or "keeping him away" from the series or whatever. he's not here, so if you were hoping he wasnt going to be, congrats i guess. i imagine most people who wanted him, including the people who're big enough fans of RM to be on this website and even comment, arent as disappointed as you might think.

    1. Huzzah, an Anon of quality! Seriously this comment section got kinda crazy for no reason lol.

    2. Especially considering Sonic wasn't even mentioned in the article.

  23. Udon should really release some of their previously announced projects from 6 years ago that they just swept under the rug.
