Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Rockman X DiVE Will Be Renamed as Rockman: Time Rift in China

The mystery surrounding the resurfaced Time Rift classification appears to have been solved. NebulaJoy has quietly announced that Rockman X DiVE will finally debut in Mainland China, but under a different name. A pre-launch website for the game has just gone live, and while some assets on the site still reference the X DiVE name, the game is officially being marketed as Rockman: Time Rift (or 洛克人: 時間裂縫 in Chinese).

A Rockman Corner reader, choosing to remain anonymous, explains that for a game to be approved for publication in China, it must adhere to localization requirements, including minimizing the use of English text. This rule extends to the game's title, meaning a name like 'DiVE' would likely not meet approval. As a result, NebulaJoy repurposed the name 'Time Rift'/'時間裂縫'—still under their ownership—from their unrelated, cancelled Rockman project from 2021–2022.

In other words, the version of Time Rift we saw before is still dead. Even with a new name, it’s clear the X DiVE train isn’t slowing down anytime soon.

Source: NebulaJoy


  1. Bummer. I was really curious in what that cancelled game would be like.

  2. Nothing surprises me with this franchise anymore. To me, this is completely on brand lol.

  3. Replies
    1. My words exactly, Ash.

      I wonder if they repurposed the plot, too? I mean, a "time rift" plot would work just fine with the game, but they'd have to redo things to be more like, well, Rockman Xover with RiCO and ViA being, like, "time patrollers from the future". Which, honestly, would be kind of cool, if not played out. (Anyone remember Dragon Ball Xenoverse?)

    2. mega man XenoVerse with replied cacs sounds cool ngl

    3. CaC’s would be great, it’s up there with Xover content as “thing I wanna see most in the mobile game nonsense.”

    4. Create-a-Character.

    5. @6:34 anon: Cac stands for Create a Character and they're just the custom characters in dragon ball XenoVerse

    6. Thanks @Jark Spore and @Megatron X!

  4. This is clown behaviour at it's peak. Why would they do that after they murdered the OG?

    Unless they get actual new content into this one, it will just die faster than the previous version.

  5. Come on they are teasing us at this point

    1. no they are not

    2. They absolutely aren't reading anything.

    3. you 2 are wrong because they probably still know what xz is

    4. Nothing will happen.

  6. This is probably better than the alternative to be honest. XZ likely would have ended up just being another gacha slop and it's up in the air whether it would ever get the Offline treatment to make it worth playing. At least this way, we're spared yet another gacha slop game and it's just China getting the old one instead.

  7. Aww, I wanted them to revive the actual XZ Time Rift...

    1. Why? It was just going to be more mobile gacha garbage.

    2. Not necessarily, do you have any confirmation of this? Also even if it were, I don't see how having another profitable mobile game could hurt.

    3. All of their apps have microtransactions, Devil May Cry: Peak of Combat(which was extremely buggy), 不良人3(or The Bad Guys), 航海王:燃烧意志-正版授权(or One Piece: Burning Will-Authorized) and Stellar Traveler. Because then they don't have to make any games, they can just keep contracting others to make even more gachas.

  8. This makes no sense, Time Rift has more English text in it than Dive.

    1. "DiVE" is the English word with no Chinese equivalent, or at least one NebulaJoy owns. They're not literally calling it Time Rift but 洛克人時間裂縫. Time Rift is how it could be translated in English.

  9. I guess things were just going too well for me. Oh well, I'm not even mad. This is not a big surprise. I doubt Mega Man can stay dead forever. Who knows? Maybe I'll live long enough to see Mega Man enter the public domain. That way, people can make canon Mega Man content without Capcoms permission.

    1. I don't think there is such a thing as public domain canon. Or even possible to state what is and what is not canon in total.

    2. F’real, I wish public domain worked more like trademark, and a long enough lapse in product would lead to entering public domain (not that they don’t have their butts covered there, at least with Mega Man).

      But no, shareholders run corporations, monopoly is the goal, and Sony will buy Kadokawa. *sigh*

    3. Mega Man is actually a bad game franchise.

    4. @10:44 am, then what are you doing on a Mega Man fansite?

  10. I uh, guess I’m disappointed? I would’ve rather there be some kind of new thing, but this isn’t exactly a huge loss either way. And maybe this will have something vaguely interesting and not just repackaged leftovers for the PRC.

  11. "Sips coffee" nothing changes with this IP I can't tell if MegaMan fans loyalty is the purest thing I've ever seen or the most clueless either way it's bad.

    1. Honestly I just like the series for the good childhood and teen years memories when it was a big part of my life bitd. Other than that I gave up hope for anything new a long time ago, kinda hard to be as much of a fan as I used to be when theres nothing happening. So yeah, I don't get the loyalty either.

  12. As others said, if I remember correctly Nebulajoy stated that they are unable to make new content as characters,Bosses, etc. with no capcom approval so wasn't their licensing of this game already ended? or renaming it can be an exception and allows them to do new stuff? it's weird honestly, I just think they will just add their Super Saiyan Characters at only 2 yrs and call it end of service or less if Chinese are not really interested on it.

  13. Ok im happy about this, I got too many games im playing right now lol

  14. I can't say this really bothers me at all, I don't get the hype over mobile games.

    1. You know it's bad when the fandom is so starved of new content that there's mild disappointment over a mobile game

    2. Pretty much, I’ve kind of accepted the fact that one of my favorite childhood series is basically dead at this point.

  15. This is peak comedy, I'm dying

  16. Well, that's unfortunate... I was looking forward to seeing XZ Time Rift, maybe someday...

  17. They can still incorporate elements from the cancelled game into this one, I suppose... If so, please let it be good and come do DiVE Offline.

  18. I can see the meltdowns are already beginning.

    1. You might have missed them when XDive first released, bro.

    2. XDive may not have been amazing or anything but at least we got great artwork out of it.

  19. X DiVE hate aside, the new title doesn't even make sense for what X DiVE's story is telling lol


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