Friday, October 25, 2024

Rockman XZ: Time Rift Approved for Release in China—Has the Game Been Revived?

Alright, bear with us on this one. In 2021, we learned about Rockman XZ: Time Rift, an official mobile action RPG in development at NebulaJoy—the team behind Rockman X DiVE—which was set to cross over the X and Zero series. Shortly after these initial reports, a source indicated the game was cancelled. But, in a surprising twist, it appears not only that the game might have been revived, but it could even be nearing release.

Today, China's National Press and Publication Administration (NPPA) approved 128 individual video games for domestic release, including a "Rockman: Time Rift".

While this news seems promising, it’s possible the approval is based on an application submitted years ago when the game was still in active development but hadn’t yet been cancelled. NPPA policy requires games to be at least 70% complete to be approved, which suggests the game was already quite far along when it was submitted.

But this could also be a positive sign that the game has been revived. With X DiVE finally wrapped up and Devil May Cry: Peak of Combat axed, NebulaJoy’s resources might be fully focused on Time Rift. Unfortunately, this will be one of those "let's wait and see" deals.

If you need a refresher, here’s what the game looked like three years ago based on leaked material. You can watch the concept trailer here.

We'll be keeping a close watch on this one...

Source: NPAA


  1. The designs are cool so I'd like to be cautiously optimistic about this project, but I'll hold off on judgement until I hear whether they're making this like an actual game (such as X DiVE Offline) or if it's predatory monetization hell (such as the original X DiVE). I'd rather pay an up front cost for a good game than have the whole thing ruined by the free to play model. I want video games, not virtual gacha/slot machines.

    1. I'll take anything I can get
      frankly X Dive was great for new artwork and remixes, so if this turns out to be real we can expect more of that at the very least

    2. I doubt it’ll be like Offline at launch. Though if this game eventually gets that treatment, it could be interesting.

    3. 11:30 AM replying to 1:06 PM here, I've always detested the original X DiVE only being good for its assets. Offline is what the game should have been from the start; a game you buy up front for what it's worth with no greedy gacha mechanics designed to make you spend way more money than what the game is worth. As glad as I am that XDO exists to redeem X DiVE however, I really don't want to see them just jump right back into ripping us off with casino mechanics. I can live with spinoff games like Offline to tide us over until the next mainline release, but if it's like the original X DiVE then all the game will really amount to is a virtual gambling scam machine with a Mega Man skin. It's as if the whole industry these days is getting taken over by Las Vegas lately. I don't play video games to gamble my money away, I play them to just have a good fun time and get away from real life's problems for a bit. I refuse to justify that trend with "At least we get some cool art and music out of it".

      If they aren't going to give us real games, they should sell the IP to someone who will. SEGA's starting to ramp up the budget for Sonic lately, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to do the same with Mega Man if they could get ahold of the IP. Alternatively, it's pretty obvious that Inti-Creates is still dying to make more Mega Man games. I'm sure they'd be thrilled to get a chance to grab the IP to add to their catalogue of similar titles.

    4. If Inafune's still involved with Inti, I doubt Capcom would want to sell to them. :V

    5. Well, I’m glad to see SEGA go from “they should sell their IP!” to “they should have IP sold to them!” Though personally, I don’t know if they’d be the best fit for Mega Man. Nintendo would probably be a better fit, but I would sooner see a Mega Man movie made by Tommy Wiseau than buy a new Nintendo system.

      Yeah, Inti would be the best case scenario. And with their ties to Comcept, that’s the best chance to get Inafune back to the series! Huzzah!

    6. If Sega had Mega Man it would be boost to win gameplay with levels that are like race tracks. No thanks.

    7. Nintendo would be the absolute worst case scenario, the Mega Man fangame community would get nuked by those overly aggressive Nintendo lawyers.

    8. @8:02 PM "Boost to win" was a myth from the beginning. People have been saying that since Sonic Unleashed and it wasn't true then. The level design in that game is actually quite good. People said it again for Colours and Generations, once again not true. Colours in particular has too many slow platforming sections if anything, but it's generally a good game.

      The best case for it you could make is Sonic Frontiers and even then there's only one level you can beat that way, the main problem with the levels in that game was that they were too short and unengaging even despite not being boost to win. Frontiers diverted attention away from the traditional Boost levels and made them side stages while taking away the ability to hurt enemies with Boost, you get hurt instead so you're strongly incentivized to use other strategies, and many of the stages take design from other games like Generations and SA2 so there wouldn't be any Boost to win to begin with.

      The most recent game Shadow Generations also isn't Boost to win and actually has the best level design and physics we've had since the original Sonic Generations. When even IGN is rating the game a 9 you know they're doing something right considering IGN are known to be massive Sonic haters with a plainly obvious bias.

      SEGA's also known for other series such as Yakuza which are truly fantastic games. They know how to treat the main gameplay in their games right, it's just a matter of how much budget they're throwing at it. The only real gripe I have with SEGA right now is regarding censorship and how they handle DLC.

    9. Selling to Sega is like trading alzheimers for a labotomy.
      Take it indie. WayForward or Yacht Club Games. Someone like them who make games FUN.

    10. Man selling it to Wayforward and Yacht Club would not me a lobotomy it would be a straight beheading, might as well chop it up to pieces. I don''t even think they have the talent to even illustrate a character right from the series let alone make a game around them that feels authentic.

      Sell it to an actual Mega Man team like Inti-Creates, or at least Natsume (since they seem to be active again)... But honestly it is unrealistic to think Capcom will sell one of their most associated with and iconic IPs. I also think Capcom is the best Company to hold the IP to be honest. That said, what they should actually do is license the production of games to external developers like ArcSys with their supervision.

      Worst case scenario is Nintendo tho. That's some monkey paw BS except with barely any good prospects.

    11. @9:15 pm, great level design? The boost games all have level design that are built like race tracks with stiff controls. Adventure 1 had way better gameplay than any of the boost games ever will.

    12. Something I don't like about Inti's getting the MegaMan IP as their own is the over sexualization of their characters, and not only grown up characters, just the weird fans that like roll will support that kind of stuff. I prefer capcom and Inti keep their differences and distant relations as a thing of the past, if the ZX director can be shared or wants to continue the story in capcom's hands well that woud be great, but I feel capcom should find another company where to make more MegaMan games. Although The Games sure need to have standards of quality and that they need to make more than 1 million to be successful if not MegaMan is going back to Capcom's trash bin for another decade.

    13. Man, seeing boost level hounding in regards to *Mega Man* is really funny. Y’all know Mega Man has always been extremely linear, right? MM6 warrior stages are the exception, not the rule.

      That said, if you’re gonna go indie, might as well go all the way, like Batterystaple, Domesticated Ant, maybe Adam Kareem if you’re feeling saucy. WayForward in particular is pretty much AA now.

    14. @10:56 AM They're not built like race tracks, they're built like platforming stages. Aside from Forces, they all even have multiple different routes you can take to reach the goal, some faster than others. You're not one of those people who bases their entire opinion off what Youtubers have to say without actually playing something for yourself are you?

    15. To be fair, you can platform and have multiple branching paths in Mario Kart dating back to 64. I know Nintendo considers Mario Kart to be more of a party game but it is and arcade/kart racing game.

    16. Personally I'd love to see another company get a shot at owning the IP just so we could directly compare to how Capcom has managed it over the years.

      At least it would be interesting.

    17. @3:14pm Maybe even entertaining, but that's just me being a lil' stinker.

  2. Huh. Interesting thing to wake up to. Well, if XDive did hit a mark that Capcom wanted, it'd make sense to try again. Guess time will tell~

  3. This looks awesome, can't wait to hear more!

  4. Well, this came out of nowhere. Cool designs though.

  5. Can't we get something other than mobile games?

  6. Interesting but mobile ? BLEH. It should be on consoles as downloading.

  7. It’s just gonna be another gacha smh

  8. So like this game supposed to explain the gap between the zero series and the X series or is it a non cannon online fighting game

    1. I highly doubt it's going to be a mainline title given it's being worked on by NebulaJoy. Most likely it's going to be more gachaslop.

  9. IT HID ITSELF WHILE IT REPAIRED ITSELF! (in all seriousness though i'm glad to see this game come back because i thought it was neat lookin)

    1. A logical thing to do for someone injured in a battlefield or a dev working on patching some bugs in an emulator that emulated a Nintendo console.


    1. Quit being a Capcom shill, it's a mobile game.

    2. Shut up with the "Capcom shill" trash.

      Someone looking forward to something doesn't make them a shill, especially just because it's on a platform you don't care for.

      This one wasn't even being developed by Capcom.

    3. Anonymous October 25, 2024 at 8:03 PM Also the game most likely will makes its way to steam so like dive so no most likely it wont just be a "mobile game"

    4. @4:12 am, the series deserves better than been mobile phone games. So why don't you maybe shut up with your trash attitude?

    5. @87 I respectfully disagree. If it starts life as a cash grabbing gacha, that's what it should be considered UNTIL a non-gacha version is released, which isn't a guarantee.

    6. Based on some responses, seems many here might have been too young to remember the glory days of MM in the 90s and 2000s (half of the anons here). Damn right MM deserves far better than mobile games and gacha. I'm sick of it and upset at what it has become (recent exception being MM11). And just being happy for what we get only encourages capcom to do even more mobile and gacha. Higher standards would be good (made for the big screen, multi-platform, legit sequel and no gacha, continue the story).

    7. Sorry I'm commenting anonymously since I'm out at the moment yeah that's true would only play online on steam with no gatcha so we can just hope and pray for that. That is...if the game gets out of China

    8. @5:16

      You are the only one here with a trash attitude and calling other people's attitude trash because they aren't actively unhappy about something is pure projection. So no, you shut up.

      Criticize Capcom or the state of the series all you want, but don't go out of your way to be a jerk to people just because something exists that they might be looking forward to that you aren't.

    9. @7:54 AM Yes, exactly. I'm also very tired of people acting like bullies to other people just for being enthusiastic about something they aren't as if it's their duty. If they've lost hope for the future then fine, that's their own problem. They don't need to be dragging everyone else down to their level.

  11. Better late than never, I suppose!

  12. This sounds too good to be true.

    1. It really doesn't, it's just going to be another mobile gacha game.

  13. Replies
    1. Agustin is a real name in the U.S.A

    2. Hey, why don't you pay attention to me?

  14. Welp. Back in the coal mines with Zero-X it seems.

  15. Even if it was, I think we can safely say that no one (or most no one) here cares. We don't need more mobile game spin offs. It is cringe.

    1. The only people who care are the ones who gladly accept any Mega Man scraps they can get and praise Capcom for it.

    2. Yeah, accepting scraps sends a message to Capcom that it is ok to keep sticking to just scraps (voting with their dollar in this sense).

  16. đŸ¤¦ God, I really hate mobile games... đŸ«©

    1. If you hate them, then why are you playing them?

    2. How do you know they're playing them?

    3. We're all playing the mobile game of life I suppose...

    4. So the reason life is so... yea... is cause it's a mobile game? That makes a ton of sense.

    5. Maybe the real mobile game was the friends we made along the way.

      This is a joke, by the way.

  17. If this is more gacha, "fans" get what they f'ing deserve.

    1. Why do you say that? Fans don't want gacha but they're gonna keep getting it because...?

    2. Not actual fans, consoomers like dive fans. That's what the quotes were for.

    3. Oh, okay. I thought you meant something else, like "the fandom is so entitled, they don't deserve a main line title."

  18. And the companies mock these "fans" on social media by hastagging #MobileGameAddiction
    But since they don't know how they read the "fans" probably don't know what that means.

  19. A Mega Man game gets un-cancelled and the community's reaction is "NO, NOT THIS ONE!"

    1. Don't complain if your dollars go down the drain when the game closes.

    2. Considering that category consists of multiple sequels and resolutions to decade-old cliffhangers, I understand the disappointment. Though I think XZ at least looks better than Universe, maybe Rockman Online, assuming that didn’t have a character creator.

      But I don’t see myself going for this one… unless they add X-Over content.

    3. I apologise if what I said doesn't seem to make sense. Most people don't want a mobile game is what I'm getting at.

    4. It's another cash grab gacha, if probably was a brand new console game it would be different, but we already went through a gacha for 4 years with no New console Game announcements, that's why the reactions are like this.

    5. Mega Man fandom is just trash every time

    6. Yeah okay, try to put a negative spin on people not being excited about a mobile game. Most fans want a full on Mega Man game for consoles with no gacha micro transactions, it's not a hard concept to grasp. Well, maybe for you it is.

    7. @3:06 pm, if the Mega Man fandom is such trash then why are you here? Doesn't that make you trash as well?

    8. You got that right, anon 2:25. That and I just want actual sequels to the main timeline series games and the game play to match, like it was for 2 decades before all this weird low standard stuff. We don't need a hodge-podge of assets from previous games absent in a mobile gacha (gotcha! for those who actually buy it) lacking a legit story mode that seems to be a bunch of mini games and seeing how many points you can rack up. I saw videos of how dive played, and it was lame (even the explosions looked bad, despite nice music and art). It doesn't have the feel of actual sequels. MM11 did it right. More sequel and do it like that.

      Same reason I wouldn't be interesting in Megaman soccer, Megaman racing (I never touched those), and to be honest, I never cared to touch Battle Network either. It's too different from MM. If they want to make more of that, fine, but my problem is these days, it has been at the expense of legit games to the main timeline in a sequel MM fashion. Also keep MM an action platformer. No turn based CM setup, and if they do, at least continue normal MM games side by side. Then everyone can be happy.

    9. Comparing X DiVE to Battle & Chase is an insult to BnC. And I don’t even hate X DiVE! :p

    10. Agreed Jack, Battle & Chase is a pretty good game and not on the level of mediocre mobile games.

  20. That MMZ design looks a lot like the Eastern Model kit; I wonder if this was their source material?

    1. I believe so. X Dive also had it as "Ver.Ke" so maybe it's a reused/tweaked model from that.

  21. Woooo! More X content LET'S GOOO!!

  22. Oh great, another mobile game.

    The art styles and shading seems worse than X DiVE, kinda remind me of all those cheap Chinese 3D mobile games.

  23. The X Dive team made it? Lol have fun with your new app game that will be ported later China as for me way better opportunites exist. Never get tired of seeing how right I was about this IP. And I have yet to regret leaving it behind lol. Why do I check up on those who laughed and poked fun at me here? Because I really do enjoy watching people talk like they are fat aristocrats but they are always STARVED on the roadside I can't get enough of people dropping everything they have into the shame jar and still get nothing because that's what followers should get especially if you can't think for yourself. Appreciating something is appropriate but being a slave to it and ignoring reason is another story. I don't care if this gets posted or not frankly but everything being 1 sided sounds like Korean attitude lol better not dislike MegaMan or off with your head rofl!

  24. I think this is good news if confirmed, but the plot point of bridging MMX into MMZ just seems like to big of a development to put into a mobile game. I'd rather see it on a bigger release for PC/consoles.

    1. A mobile gacha game is not good news.

    2. While I’m inclined to agree, it’s not like this is something that would, well, *ever* happen in a main game. Even when the series was healthy and steady, when there were people involved who gave a damn about story, the closest we’ve gotten to a square crossover is BN meets Star Force ft. Time Travel. Inafune has gone on record as not really wanting to make those kinda stories, at least for 20XX to X. You might as well let the Chinese app devs go nuts, Capcom sure as hell won’t.

      Besides, it’ll probably just be more time travel shenanigans. Literally has “Time Rift” in the title.

    3. Fun fact Mr Anon. Some people like mobile games! đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜± Crazy I know!

    4. Yep. Crazy. Some people are pretty stupid.

    5. Maybe it'll get the offline treatment some day... Alas I agree that Capcom would never bridge different time lines like this title proposes, so they can always have room for more stuff in-between. Probably gonnna be non canon.

  25. As a former Peak of Combat player, yeah no, don't get too overly excited over this one. At leasi XDiVE was separately handled by someone else but lol.


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