Saturday, September 14, 2024

Mega Man is Coming to Brawlhalla

Mega Man is crossing over with Brawlhalla! Along with Beat and Rush, he'll be part of the game starting on September 25th. Ubisoft and Blue Mammoth will share more details about the event soon. In the meantime, check out the animated trailer above to hold you over.

Stay tuned for updates!


  1. Smash bros was a big enough hint MegaMan being included in anything is irrelevant.

    1. Who do you think is authorizing all of these crossovers?

    2. Is that supposed to be an insult? Do you have any idea how many people waited for Mega Man to be playable in Smash.

    3. @AnonymousSeptember 14, 2024 at 9:57 PM

      I don't know, 50?

    4. Mega Man was the 2nd most requested third party character for Smash and I think his inclusion helped the series into the brief resurgence that it had. I wouldn't handwave it as being irrelevant.

    5. Wasn't Rockman in Smash announced before Rockman 11 was announced?
      If so: that's definitely not an irrelevant correlation.

    6. Smash's announcement was on 06/11/2013, 11 was first announced on 12/05/2017. They have nothing to do with each other.

    7. Not necessarily. Smash could have easily helped open some doors during a time when Capcom was uninterested in doing anything with the series.

    8. Companies simply do not waste promotion on franchises they have no intention of using, especially as much as Mega Man has been recently. If there's no intention to financially profit off a franchise, there's no point in spreading awareness of it. The whole point of promotion is to reach out to potential new fans ahead of a new product reveal as well as any existing fans who still hold interest to help maximize profits for that new product on release. In particular, the influx of crossovers recently points towards a strong desire within Capcom to broaden the Mega Man fanbase to a wider audience than before, which absolutely is not insignificant.

    9. "could've"
      There it is.

    10. @4:35
      Have you thought that maybe... just maybe... they are trying to make a quick buck? This attempt at rationalizing everything Capcom does as some sort of clue to an upcoming game™ that has been unannounced for years is laughable. There have been more merchandise and crossovers/collaborations news articles in the previous year than the current one if you go back to check older articles. For some reason, some of these articles haven't been labelled properly. For example, did you know Mega Man X had a crossover DLC pack with Minecraft and for some reason it isn't labelled as "crossover" or "Collaboration"? Even Capcom's statements during their General Shareholders meetings have been similar:
      2023: "Mega Man is one of Capcom’s historic IPs and is loved by fans, and as such we want to take care in how we develop the series. We are considering how to approach the production of new entries in the series, which requires numerous factors, including the development of a solid concept, ideas and gameplay, etc."
      2024: "Mega Man is one of our highly-valued IPs and we are considering how to create games for it on an ongoing basis."

    11. @10:28 PM That's quite literally not how the promotional business model works. Promotion is only valuable for expanding awareness of a franchise to bring in new fans, the money made from it is either nonexistent or too trivial to matter. New fans are also pointless if they have nothing to spend their money on, so a bump in promotion is generally indicative of upcoming products.

      There's nothing at all laughable about it. If anything, you're making it look like you don't know anything about the games industry by acting this way. I doubt you're actually new to gaming though, so it's more likely that your ignorance is intentional. It seems as though you simply hate Capcom so much and have been backing the "it will never happen" horse for so long that your very pride is staked in that prediction of yours coming to pass, so no matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary your gut instinct is to do everything within your power to "debunk" it, no matter how far you need to stretch your logic.

      For instance, these articles are completely unofficial. Them being mislabeled has absolutely nothing to do with the state of the franchise. Additionally, you're quite literally quoting Capcom themselves discussing their intention to develop new entries in the franchise while trying to argue against the chance of that ever happening. A "highly-valued IP" is not something that any business in the entertainment media industry would ever just sit on, that's not how the business works. You'd have to be delusional to take a statement like that and still insist that new games aren't happening and never will happen, especially when after making these statements they start ramping up promotion for the franchise in question.

    12. @5:30

      Yes, could have. Sorry not all of us like talking as if our thoughts and opinions are facts. If all you want is a snark and self-aggrandizing self-righteousness, I'll try and acquiesce.

      Acting like putting Mega Man in something as big as Smash was or is irrelevant is idiotic and can only be claimed by someone not arguing in good faith.

    13. @12:22
      "you're making it look like you don't know anything about the games industry"
      Oh yeah, because you totally do /s.
      "these articles are completely unofficial. "
      The contents of the articles aren't, but you're arguing in bad faith so of course you didn't even bother to check, not that anything different was expected.
      "Them being mislabeled has absolutely nothing to do with the state of the franchise."
      They're merchandise and crossovers, they couldn't not have everything to do with the franchise if they tried. Wow, way to destroy your own point.
      "you're quite literally quoting Capcom themselves discussing their intention to develop new entries in the franchise while trying to argue against the chance of that ever happening."
      Never stated against the chance of it ever happening, you got the wrong anon. Nowadays, other than empty words there's nothing suggesting they are working in a new entry. Not even a producer.
      I'll stick to the facts than your idiotic beliefs and you have proved NOTHING that there was any causation between Smash and 11. Correlation does not imply causation.

    14. Meh. I played Smash on the 3DS for about an hour or two and got bored of it. Played PlayStation All-stars and it was very meh. These kinds of games are just not for me.

    15. I mean, Mega Man’s redesign and the boss intro screen in 11 are pretty much direct rips from the Smash 4 trailer. Too bad they didn't rip the musical style too. >_>

    16. Different anon here.
      Agreed, I've never found those fun either.
      @Jark Spore
      The designs are different, just look at the heights, also the joints are black in Smash while in Mega Man 11 they are light blue, the pattern of the fissure lines on the torso are different too, the part between the neck and the body is light blue in Smash meanwhile in Mega Man 11 it is blue, and I'm sure there are other differences between the two. In the trailer the screens are there to illustrate Rock summoning the special weapons they aren't boss intros or previews, the design of the Wily-bot background(inside the screen) is different and so is the text alignment when comparing them side by side.

      The Mega Man 11 model was originally a prototype based on the Mega Man 8 model. Here:

    17. @11:47
      Zas en toda la boca.

    18. @11:47
      You haven't provided any facts.

      First off, I never claimed a causation between Smash and 11. I claimed that "Smash could have easily helped open some doors during a time when Capcom was uninterested in doing anything with the series" and that "I think his inclusion helped the series into the brief resurgence that it had." Any other quotes on the subject were from other people.

      The logic behind those claims is all of the attention that Mega Man got for being in Smash, as well as the fact that there was that resurgence in the first place. Not to say it's the only reason for the resurgence mind, just that being a part of something so big is likely to help get more eyes on the character/series and that having so much attention on it and getting people talking about it could easily have been motivating factors for Capcom.

      Granted, it's impossible for anyone to know for sure how these crossovers and the reactions to them are seen by Capcom behind closed doors, but it's not outlandish thinking to suggest they are at least paying some attention to these things.

      Hardly "idiotic beliefs" as you needlessly rudely claim, though your terrible attitude isn't surprising at this point.

      Meanwhile, what "facts" have you provided? If the claim is that Mega Man being in anything is irrelevant, that's a subjective opinion. It's okay to feel that way, but just because YOU see it as irrelevant doesn't make it so. Not for people who have enjoyed the crossovers, or any of the things that may have come up as a result of them or the doors they potentially opened. Where you veer into 'bad-faith' arguments is when you start talking like it's objective.

      But this also isn't surprising because, as I alluded to earlier, "not all of us like talking as if our thoughts and opinions are facts." Clearly I wasn't talking about you.

      As far as I'm concerned your attitude is terrible and toxic. That's all I have left to say on the matter.

    19. @12:44

      Alright, but I never said they were the same. I said that they were similar, and that one set was inspired by the other. I’m talking broader strokes, like the wrist/ankle seams, and the chest etching (though I’ll admit, I never directly compared them before now, and the chests are more different than I thought).

      And even if the weapon section from the Smash 4 trailer wasn’t a boss intro, the boss intro from 11 still owes more to that than any boss intro from the actual games, where the boss is usually posing in a void with stars or lightning going off, even outside the 20XX series.

  2. Replies
    1. i hate ubisoft so no

    2. i hate ubisoft so no

    3. Pretty much sums it up, yeah.

    4. @anon 10:29

      Dude, are you going full nuclear drama alert on Ubisoft?

    5. Me too, but the game is also free, so why not give it a shot?
      I guess there's a possibility that they will charge for this character pack, as I think paying for additional characters is the business model for this game.

    6. i mean ill play anything with megaman in it

    7. If you don't like it don't comment, it's not that hard y'know

    8. Well, too bad for you anyone can comment. Kinda authoritarian there, by the way. It's fine to leave a negative comment.

  3. oh interesting i guess i'll try brawlhala

  4. Mega Man is getting a suspicious amount of love lately. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Capcom has big plans for the franchise.

    1. Keep thinking that way and you’ll be severely disappointed, Capcom is just doing the usual with Mega Man. They have been doing crossovers for years, it doesn’t mean “omg new game confirmed”.

    2. No plans is as big as naming a NEW Series Producer for the franchise FIRST and FOREMOST, otherwise it will be no more than just empty words, broken promises and copium in a hollow vacumn tank, bar none.

    3. You do this with every single merch/crossover article, it's hilarious.

    4. Put the gun down. Since when did I say this with a merch article? Idc about new Mega Man toys. Anyone can 3D print a Mega Man X Dive model or a custom made armor X and call it a day. I want new Mega Man games. Official ones. Not all these endless fangames. I could probably mod Pokemon leaf green and give Raichu a mega, but at the end of the day, unless the original company buys the rights to it, it's unofficial. And why are you so triggered every time Mega Man appears in a new crossover? What are you, a "Mega Man has been in too many crossovers already" flat earther from 2006? I didn't ask for Marvel vs Capcom. I would love it if Mega Man appeared in all future Smash bros titles forever. And don't say Mega Man is never going to be playable in Smash ever again, you're not Sakurai and you're not Nintendo. And I also want more crossovers between Mario and Mega Man. You probably want more crossovers between Mario and Sonic even though we already have at least 8 counting brawl and Sonic tried to kill Nintendo. Or let me guess, you don't want any more crossovers or sequels and only """original""" things where they put a chick in it and make it lame? What's wrong with you people.

    5. That's a lot of heat out of pocket.

    6. ^I meant OP. "a suspicious amount of love". I love how marketing is being passed as "love", lol. Also, great wall of text with tons of assumptions, hahah.

    7. I don't mind the new merchandise announcements, I don't mind fan games, and I don't mind the crossovers. I just think it's cool. I'm not like other people here who wants something original.

  5. Haven’t played this yet, but it seems to be one of the more successful “Smash” type games.

  6. *FACEPALM* No new game or a sequel yet. *SIGHING*

    1. And knowing current Capcom we won’t be getting new games.

    2. Not for a good while at least would be my guess. Like someone else said, as far as anyone knows the Mega Man brand at Capcom is currently leaderless.
      Or it there has been an announcement, I honestly don't remember it.

    3. @shrap New anon to this discussion here, there was that one Exoprimal crossover trailer where the Battle Network guy (I always forget his name, never cared for the Battle Network games back in the day) mentioned the "Mega Man Team" and was generally talking as if he was in charge, so I wouldn't be surprised if he got silently promoted to the series director after the Battle Network Legacy Collection's huge success.

    4. Oh that would be depressing. I am not a fan of what EXE did to the brand. I would hate to see that dude in charge.

      That being said, they went out of their way to announce Kaz last time. The DMC lead just left the company. "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K". I have my suspicions about whats going on but no proof.

      I'm still putting pizza on project Taisen being cancelled. Taisen may be one reason Kaz left. There is some form of internal friction going on at Capcom, or at least it seems that way.

    5. Sounds like it’s high time for a “Mighty No. 10” of sorts. Which would probably be the best possible outcome.

      Well, besides Mega Man going into public domain, but I think there’s a better chance of us finding the Indus Valley Civilization still active in the Hollow Earth than a modern game company giving up on merchandising rights to a 40~ year old series.

    6. A quick google search on US Public Domain is 70 years. That's 2057.

    7. Disney found a loophole to avoid public domain by incorporating character design aspects into trademarked logos, so expect other corporations to follow if the law around all that doesn't change. (It's the reason Steamboat Willie was featured before a lot of new Disney movies.)

  7. I don't hate this but, I'm a tad miffed that megaman seems to be reduced to cameos and crossovers as opposed to having a new game. Still something is better then nothing.

    1. Lookout we have the grammar police here.

    2. @1:23pm and 7:49pm You're funny. Don't listen to the other guy, keep doing what it is you're doing.

    3. I personally LOVE the grammar police!

  8. Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. Brawlhalla’s the F2P one with a lotta items, right? I’d say I’m disappointed (would rather Rivals of Aether), but I’m not a big fighting game person anyway, haha.

    1. An official Rivals crossover would likely be in competition with the considerable number of Mega Man custom characters on the Workshop already

    2. That’s a good point, I forgot about the Rivals workshop. Not to mention the devs seem more focused on the sequel now.

      Though I’ve never liked the look of Brawlhalla, most non-sprite 2D games look cheap to me. It’s the main reason I prefer 30XX to 20XX.

    3. Luckily these are not fighting games.

    4. Then “platform fighters”, if you must. Though that’s like saying FPS’s, TPS’s, rail shooters, and even shmups and run’n’guns aren’t all a kind of “shooting game.”

    5. @5:46 am, keep that elitest crap out of here, these are fighting games.

  9. Wow nice style and animation

  10. I don't know what to say about this. I mean, I used to play this a while back. I also used to play Awesomenauts a while back, too. Brawlhalla, for some reason that escapes me, somehow managed to snag some pretty good crossovers in the past (Steven Universe, Adventure Time), so this one strikes me as kind of a mystery. Then again, they did do one with WWE and The Walking Dead, so…

    1. >Steven Universe.
      *throws up*

    2. @5:33pm yeah Steven Universe is some hot garbage. I tried to give it a chance a while back but I just couldn't bring myself to finish it. The terrible messages that glorify things like culture shaming and romantic abuse, the constantly off model and inconsistent character animation, the fetish insertions, everything about it just rubs me the wrong way.

    3. Fun fact: Through these crossovers, Brawlhalla is the only platform fighter to feature characters from fellow platform fighter series Smash Bros. (Ryu, Ken, Simon and now Mega Man; there also was a Tekken crossover but no Kazuya), Multiversus (Steven Universe, Adventure Time), Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl (SpongeBob, TMNT '87, Avatar The Last Airbender) and Rivals of Aether (Ranno) all at once. (OP's link is outdated)

    4. Which was the one with the Street Fighter characters?

    5. I agree with you two. Steven Universe needs to be completely erased along with its utterly toxic fandom.

  11. I have never played Brawlhala and I have no idea what it's about. I'm glad he showing up in stuff tho!

  12. I'm not funding Ubisoft even if it is the publisher and not the developer, it's another freemium piece of garbage. You fund it by just playing it even if it is free.

    1. If the "service" is "free" then generally you (your information, etc.) are what's being sold.
      I do the same thing with EA where it doesn't matter if they are the developer or publisher, and I just don't engage with their products.

  13. That Studio Trigger vibes for the animation trailer... Hope the animated adaptation by Trigger will be real...
    (Sorry I am a cuckoolander for Trigger so) ^^;

  14. We got Mega Man in brawlhalla before MegaMan legends 3💀

    1. Considering Capcom currently has no Mega Man director stuff like this is unfortunately probably going to be the norm from now on. Sure, crossovers are fun but so is having more Mega Man games.


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