Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Dr. Mark Gatha Talks G Gundam and Mega Man X

Mark Gatha is a legend in these parts. While many know him best as the English voice of G Gundam's Domon Kasshu, we remember him for his portrayal as X. From 2004 to 2006, Gatha brought X to life for English-speaking audiences like never before, delivering a performance that balanced compassion with commanding presence—one that remains beloved even after all these years.

In celebration of G Gundam's 30th anniversary, Mark Gatha sat down for a video interview with Jessica Kalei-Sheffield to discuss his role as Domon and his transition from stage and voice acting to becoming an orthopedic surgeon (Gatha's segment begins at 51:22). Toward the end of the conversation, Gatha briefly reflected on his time as X and shared a story about signing a PSP for one of his patients. It's a short but sweet exchange that’s sure to leave a smile on your face.

Although it's unlikely that Dr. Mark Gatha will return to voice X, it's good to hear from him and know he's doing well. 


  1. Just the fact that he's out there doing good is enough for me. Happy to hear from him at all.

    1. For sure! That’s awesome. With that, it also makes me appreciate the efforts and extra work and energy that Lucas Gilbertson put into the fandom. From fan projects to parodies, to interacting with the fandom itself, it makes me appreciate the extra mile he went for everyone. Gatha is amazing, no bones about it. But man, he voiced X9, and we didn’t get to play it! (😂 all in good fun, no malice there.)

  2. Loved him as X and Domon, and loved the parallels between them. (who else said "BURNING FINGER!" when using X Fire's command trigger??)

    1. Saaaaaaame, nice to hear he's still happy with the work he did even though he's usually too busy to talk about it.

  3. he said he voised x in x9 mabey one day...

    1. Dude stop, there is no X9.

    2. @8:45 PM No need to be an ass. There's such a thing as sharing opinions politely. Is it really that hard to act civilized?

    3. @8:45 thats why he said mabey one day

    4. He thought the games he voiced for were on the Nintendo 64. He said he literally never played the games before or owns any of them. He thinks those same Nintendo 64 games were ported to the PSP....

    5. To be fair, he got paid to do a job. He wasn’t paid to or told he had to love it, be a fan, be super dedicated, or interact graciously with us. Give this character a voice, put some personality in it, and go. Which is what he did, of course! It’s funny? The whole X9/64/sure. I got a kick out of it myself. And who knows? He (May) have just been trolling. Doing it, but never know!

      All in all, he’s doing good. Which is good. lol we can make all the memes and references to those mistakes all in good fun. That’s part of life.

    6. It's been 20 years since the last X game, it's over. If you want to keep hoping for X9 for another 20 years that is your choice.

    7. @2:35 PM X DiVE Offline came out last year. If you want to be picky, X DiVE originally came out around 2019/2020 IIRC, which is only about 5 years tops. On top of that, reviving old franchises is a huge trend going on in the industry right now. We got Crash 4 and Streets of Rage 4 out of it.

    8. Reviving old stories and ruining them is also a trend. Not exactly something I am rooting for...

  4. I didn't know he was a doctor.

  5. was just wondering about the GOAT a couple days ago, cool :)

  6. Absolute class act. Glad to see he seems to be doing alright.

  7. So great to hear the GOAT Dr. Mark Gatha is doing great! 😊

  8. So who here is going to make a appointment to go see Dr Mega man X?

  9. I've not seen G Gundam yet (its on my list) but he was a good X.


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