Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Secrets of Zero's Mega Man X1 Design

Despite not being widely recognized or used today, Zero's original design from Mega Man X1 is worth revisiting, especially following recent comments from former Capcom planner Magigi Fukunishi. Fukunishi revealed that, during the initial story planning phase, Zero's X1 body was drafted as a replica made by Dr. Cain, who lacked the knowledge to properly repair Zero after his discovery. This isn't reflected in the final product, but it's an intriguing "what if".

In the video editorial above, Rockman Corner staffer ColeManX takes us through this original concept, the impact they would have had on the events of Mega Man X2, and an analysis of why the design is so great in the first place (also featuring lovely original art by Sprinqgueen). There's a lot more to it than the age-old "round shoulders vs. block shoulders", that's for sure. 

Nice work, Cole!


  1. Thanks for the feature! I liked this one a lot, the information we got was so out of nowhere that I just had to cover it. Thanks again!

  2. I always preferred this design to his regular x series design, I think the less armored look is a lot nicer and I wish this design was given the Z Saber cause I think it would've fit this design a little better.

  3. This is honestly my favorite Zero design.

  4. I prefer the armored look of X2 onward but both are fine. Design inconsistencies are bound to happen from time to time due to the fractured development.

  5. Ok, this is now my fav Zero design.

  6. In head canon Zero's hair acts like a heat sink. There is no real world reason for a fighter to have hair so long he could step on it. That at least makes some sense.

    A Kotobukiya X1 Zero would be nice.

    1. It’s a design choice, not supposed to be realistic. That’s like complaining about classic Mega Man and Protoman having hair, Stardroid Terra or Exe Mega Man and Protoman having hair.

    2. I like the mental image of one of the big-haired characters tripping over their hair, not going to lie.

    3. X1 Zero fig with a broken pipe would be pretty lit

    4. I'm sorry, I laughed. Your icon matches how you feel? Heehee~ ;p

    5. Oh I don't think you were responding to me.

      I'm feeling a bit silly right now.

    6. You're all right Proto Man. Even if you have hair.

    7. Protoman heatsinks.

  7. The secret is in the confused chest plate. 🤣

  8. I have honestly always preferred this Zero design because of the classic series aesthetics it has in the design, it's simple yet cool.


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