Monday, August 19, 2024

Mega Man Makes RE Engine Debut for Capcom College Course (Updated)

Capcom Japan announced a new game development course at Kindai University, where students will learn to use the RE Engine. The announcement included an image showing Mega Man in a test stage running on Capcom's modern proprietary engine. This is the first time Mega Man has been featured in the RE Engine, as recently-released titles like Mega Man 11 were developed on the ageing MT Framework. (UPDATE: Nikkei confirms that the students will develop a "new" Mega Man game in RE ENGINE. The finished product is highly unlikely to be available for commercial distribution.)

At first glance, it might seem like the RE Engine assets are reused from Mega Man 11. The K-Drone definitely is. However, there are a few subtle details that might be worth a closer look.

RE Engine Mega Man left; Mega Man 11 right.

RE Engine Charge Shot top, MM11 bottom.

Mega Man's RE Engine model closely resembles his Mega Man 11 model but with slightly thinner proportions and a wider helmet crest. A notable feature is the blue outline that appears on his body during the Charge Buster effect. The Charge Shot itself is different too; it lacks the exaggerated effects seen in Mega Man 11 and seems to be a 2D asset rather than a 3D object. The minimalist qualities puts it closer to the effect's traditional 8-bit appearance.

Additionally, the Charge Shot, referred to as 'BusterBullet(Charge)' in the RE Engine interface, suggests three levels of charge—if taken at face value. These three charge levels are listed as .pfb objects in the interface's far right column. Traditionally, starting with Mega Man 4, the series has offered two Buster charge levels—one for a short button press and another for a long press. 

Mega Man 11 Level 2 Charge Shot

While these assets may look familiar, the Charge Shot effect is new. It's unclear whether they were created specifically for the game design course or if they come from an in-development project. Of note, Capcom will be partnering with Amazon Web Services to create a secure environment to ensure materials related to in development RE Engine-based titles does not leak. This is the first time the RE Engine tools will be usable by the public, no less.

It's difficult to say at this time if more materials from the course will be shown publicly. We have plenty of time to find out, though. The course starts August 24th and runs until September 6th.


  1. Why are people insisting that the model is new ? This is just MM11's model without the game's shaders and the highlights inverted , which make it look like it's thiner , when in atuality it's the same as before .

    1. Explain larger head crest.

    2. You know, I wasn't sure at first, but I think I get what you're saying.

      This could just be the 11 model before that one got "stylized" for what the 11 model eventually became. A different model doesn't necessarily mean it's new. Unless there's something I'm missing.

    3. "Explain larger head crest. " His head is tilted back compared to the pic on the right, so you're seeing more of the block's underside which makes it look larger in low res without the appropriate shading.

    4. "Explain larger head crest."
      It's the same animation but not at the exact same animation frame, for once
      There are also other factors as play, such as camera and the perspective; the field-of-view will warp the model in relation to its position on the screen (just look at the floor at the center of the screen vs. the same floor on the sides)
      It's literally the same model, they haven't modified it, the eyes should be enough of a giveaway that's the case

  2. Between this and the Funko thing, I’ve realized something: Mega Man is to Capcom what Banjo/Conker is to Rare/Microsoft. A past feat; a mascot; a trademark to renew. Some might say it’s better than nothing, but not for me. IDK, I’d just rather them not parade around this mangled corpse and end the charade. It’s clear that no one at Capcom cared about Mega Man once Inafune left, even with 11.

    1. Well, you did say you wanted ANYTHING new Mega Man.
      Surely you noticed the curl of the monkey's paw on that one.

    2. Actually, at least when 11 came out we got collections & MvCI. Then the head of 11 left…

    3. Mega Man is dead forever.
      (And rareware, too)

    4. @5:30

      I did *not* say that I wanted anything new. What I actually want is a game that I can play and feel that the devs were excited and passionate for it, not just trolling MN9. Whether that’s MM12, Battle and Chase 2, or something completely unpredictable, is irrelevant.


      I hadn’t heard that 11’s head left. I guess that partially explains the radio silence.

    5. Or what Donkey Kong Country is to Rare might be more fitting (Seems like its flagship and came first and had more sequels). Rare seems to be relatively rare, AFAIK, on the games it made compared to Capcom and sadly is long gone. Speaking of, they also did make Golden 007 on the N64 IIRC (maybe only one or two 007 games though and that is based off movies, not a game series though).

    6. @6:58

      That’s the reason why you and the fans are going so insane over this “Mega Man is Dead” term.

    7. @9:10 am, that makes zero sense. The series literally is dead, all anyone can expect from now on is cameos.

    8. They're simply teaching students how to do this. People have to learn some how.

    9. @11:00

      Sure, calling the series is dead was calling it a Ghost.

  3. MegaMan 11 has the definitive look for the character, in my opinion. Cool aspect for the class, but this won’t lead to anything new for The Blue Bomber. Capcom only views the character as a figurehead, but nothing to put forth further effort into, per their actions post 11, as well as their comments after the poll. MegaMan is in the hands of fans creating games for him going forward. Hopefully fans will eventually break into the assets that created 11 so we can have that awesome look for numerous new projects.

  4. He seems more skinny...

  5. What's funny to me about these "news" is how the only thing this suggests is that a new Mega Man game made in RE Engine would still be recycling assets from a game from 6 years ago, without any tangible upgrade of any kind

  6. how does no one there know how to make a 3D megaman game since Legends?DASH?

  7. How can I obtain the module so I can learn from it and embed my Mega Man fan game which is almost complete?

    1. You would have to live in Japan and enroll in the University they are having the classes at.

  8. I mean...... We already got Artec to produce the Making Mega Man Code Legend kit that uses Scratch by MIT that teaches us to make our own Mega Man games. So I'd imagine it would be expected that Capcom of Japan would want to make a course in a university over there on teaching Mega Man/Rock Man physics in the Mega Man 11 art style. Seems that Capcom is having trouble developing a Mega Man game these days, so they have to teach the concept to others so they can make their own Mega Man games.

  9. I thought the point of classes like this was to teach students how to develop games that have a chance of getting made, and anyone who hasn't OD'd on copium knows these kids will never get to work on an actual Mega Man game in the foreseeable future. It'd be like Activision training people by teaching them how to make a Crash Bandicoot game, when we all know they're just gonna end up in the Call of Duty mines.


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