Monday, August 19, 2024

Mega Man is Coming to Funko Fusion as a Playable Character

Mega Man has been confirmed as a playable character in Funko Fusion, a third-person action game that unites several Funko Pop figures from all corners of popular culture. Mega Man comes equipped with his Mega Buster alongside Rush. You can see him in action in the trailer above.

Funko Fusion is set to launch on September 13th for  PS5, Xbox Series X/S. Nintendo Switch and PS4 owners can grab it on November 15th.


  1. Funko Fusion doing more for Mega Man than Capcom. /s

  2. Godammit now I kinda want this

  3. You know, for what it is, I appreciate the references in the trailer.

    The part that I hate is that this is the closest thing we've gotten to a 3D Mega Man game since X7.

    1. If you haven't tried the Megaman X mod of Mario 64 it's delightful!

    2. @AnonymousAugust 19, 2024 at 2:46 PM
      Ah, I had seen that but haven't tried it myself. Always impressed with fan things, both Mega Man and Mario. Thanks for the suggestion.

  4. Just another thing Capcom will put Mega Man in that isn't a new game. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  5. Just a small correction: Funko Fusion launches on PS4 and Nintendo Switch on November 15, not September 13.

  6. A shareholder asked Capcom what its plans were for the Mega Man series, and Capcom replied by saying, "Mega Man is one of our highly-valued IPs and we are considering how to create games for it on an ongoing basis."

    What a Fucking slap in the face.

    1. Well, that escalated quickly.
      Specially I repeated 10 million times:


    2. God, I hate the megaman community

    3. firstly chill seacondly if he is dead why is capcom still puting him in games and making merch this blog shows damn well that megaman is alive and relivent

    4. @AnonymousAugust 19, 2024 at 10:12 PM
      then leave?

    5. @10:12 pm, if you hate the community then leave.

    6. @10:12 then join the Sammy fan club and get laughed at by Chadtronic, then?

  7. A shareholder asked Capcom what its plans were for the Mega Man series, and Capcom replied by saying, "Mega Man is one of our highly-valued IPs and we are considering how to create games for it on an ongoing basis."

    What a Slap in the face.

    1. Shareholders should probably keep bugging Capcom about the series. If they have no idea what to do after 6 years of no new game then that is just sad.

    2. Shareholders need to bug Capcom about a lot bigger problems than this... Until those are fixed, leave this series alone.

  8. When I was wondering about a Western-developed Mega Man game, this isn't what I meant.

  9. If only Funko Pops was digital only, instead of littering every clearance section of every collectors store. How these things took off is beyond me.

    1. I've never understood their popularity either when there are much better figures available from other companies. Sure they are affordable but pops look terrible.

    2. Funko actually tried NFTs at one point, you can imagine how that went.

    3. I’m with shrap on this one. Obviously, no one at Capcom has an interest in actually continuing the series, and if they only make more games under duress, the quality will absolutely show, and make MM11 look like a masterpiece. The problem isn’t that they *aren’t* making games, it’s that they *don’t want* to make games.

    4. I gotta agree. They're ugly and creepy.

    5. They already do have digital nft pops.

    6. Already digital nfts.... you both entirely missed the point. And I never advocated for NFT.

  10. Mega Man is appearing in everything but his own game, it's over guys.

    1. It’s FAR from over.

    2. Yeah, okay then. You’ll be saying it’s far from over in 10-15 years when there’s no new game as well.

  11. Is Mega Man going to be in a new game this year?
    What did it cost?

  12. Here it is boys, Megaman X9! Just like we asked for these 2 decades! #ThankYouCapcom

    1. Remember it is a “highly valued” franchise.

    2. Uh, I don’t think Protodude’s talking about Megaman X9.

  13. Mega Man is in a crossover for the umpteenth time and the degenerate Mega Man fanbase act like it's the death of the franchise. And I'm sure they'll do it again the next time Mega Man is announced in a crossover. Folks in this fanbase have a bad habit of acting like they know more about the future of Mega Man and are bigger authorities on the subject than Capcom themselves do/are.

    1. "Degenerate fanbase" why don't you get off your high horse? Who exactly are you to insult a fanbase that just wants new games? You are a prime example of a troll.

    2. That's the thing. You don't just want new games. You all actively hate on everything new that comes out and shame everyone who's even remotely excited about new content that isn't games. There's no high horse. Not everyone in the fanbase is a degenerate, but the fanbase is still flooded with degenerate doomers who are unwilling to let other people have fun.

    3. I was under the impression 'degenerate' nowadays meant something more inappropriate.

    4. Projection and speaking in broad strokes.

      If you see someone shaming someone else for being excited about something, feel free to call them out directly. Most people here would support that.

      But speaking in vague nothings because some fans here are tired of the way the franchise has been handled doesn't add much of anything, save for more negativity with a potential layer of obnoxious self-righteousness on top.

    5. That's only if it's the fun debauchery type of degenerate. :D

    6. You think I and others haven't tried calling it out directly? Nobody ever listens. They just handwave it off and accuse whoever's calling them out of hypocrisy, as if the very act of pointing out someone else is being toxic is toxic in and of itself. The only hope of making it stop is to call attention to it in general whenever it's starts happening so that more people are both aware of the problem and willing to speak out without fear of being ganged up on and shamed like so many others before them.

      To be clear though, I'm not speaking out against the people who are simply tired of not getting new games. I'm speaking out against the people who always go out of their way to moan about every single new bit of content that isn't exactly what they want as everything new is the final death nail in the coffin for the series, and who deliberately go out of their way to try to snuff out any and all optimism coming from people who aren't doomers like them. If that doesn't describe you, I'm not directing this at you. I want new games to come out too, and I'm also tired of not getting any in this series. But moaning about it every single possible opportunity, complaining about anything new that isn't a new mainline game, and berating others for still having even so much as an ounce of optimism is going too far and I'm even more tired of seeing that kind of behavior coming from this fanbase.

    7. You're still speaking too vaguely for my tastes in regards to certain aspects of your complaints. Or maybe it's more that I disagree with certain aspects of them.

      I've seen the kind of posting people do around here, and the "moaning" i.e. complaints people have, is just how some people vent. You might not care for that, and that's fine, but there's still fine lines as far as I'm concerned between that and the "berating others" scenario you're presenting. In my opinion, the former is perfectly acceptable, the latter is absolutely not, which is why I think that distinction matters.

      Sort of similar to opening with a statement about the "degenerate Mega Man fanbase," which came across as a broad stroke, but you later clarified who you were talking about. It might not seem like it, but that clarification, or rather, making that distinction, matters so I want you to know it's appreciated.

      That said, all of this has me thinking. This is somewhat hypocritical considering I'm using the feature myself, but I can't help but wonder if the dialogue around here would improve somewhat if anonymous comments weren't allowed. At least that way we could have an easier time pointing out posters with problematic behavior. Though I'd hate for discussion to dry up as a result and have seen plenty of nice comments and discussions left on articles for things like the Udon comics or certain toy/model lines using the anonymous tags.

    8. I've specified exactly what I am and am not speaking out against. If that's too vague to you, I really don't know what to say to help you understand. I will say this though; hypocrisy in and of itself shouldn't be used as a reason to handwave someone off trying to point out problematic behavior. Even if it's true and the person is being hypocritical in simply pointing out the toxic behavior, that doesn't make them wrong. If a chain smoker just finished their fifth pack of the day before telling you not to smoke they may be a hypocrite but they're still completely right, and while you could say it's a case of bad messenger when literally everyone who points out that behavior such as shaming those who aren't all doom and gloom out of the community is treated as hypocritical, you're not going to get any other messenger.

      Also, again, I'm not speaking out against those who are simply venting about being tired for new games. I'm speaking out against those who use it as a reason to bash every single little new bit of content that comes out that isn't exactly what they want and shame everyone who doesn't do the same out of the community. The types who bash new collections because they're old games, crossovers because they're not new games, etc. Those who simply need to vent might voice their dissatisfaction but they're not generally becoming doom and gloom bullies because of it. The anon posting feature isn't the reason for this behavior either, as a lot of it I've seen around here is coming from named posters. Shrap for example tends to get involved in the bullying whenever anything X DiVE related gets a news article here, though he's probably one of the lesser examples considering he seems to not be anywhere near as bad when it comes to things that don't have to do with X DiVE and I'd assume his behavior is moreso just a result of his strong feelings against the original microtransaction riddled gacha version of the game. There's others around here who are much worse, but I don't want to turn this into a "name everyone who's behavior I don't like" thread because the whole point was to call out the behavior in a more general sense and inspire others who might have otherwise felt intimidated to call out this behavior in the future to feel emboldened by the knowledge that they're not alone in how they feel about it.

    9. Person A complaining about Capcom = Toxic.
      Person B complaining about Person A = Not toxic.
      Makes perfect sense to me. 👋🏼 You can always try just ignoring the comments.

      Fans are obsessive. That's why we are called fans. It's short for fanatic. Your always going to have people who argue or complain about it. That's never EVER going away. Strangely enough, "toxic fan's" are very often right at the end of the day. A lot of their complaints go unheeded, and as such, properties fail and millions of $$$ are lost.

      This post will be called "toxic". And I don't care.

    10. Since you felt the need to call me out by name in a thread not intended to call out people by name, let's do this right here and now and get it over with. I'd use your name, but I have no clue who you.

      For the record: I feel pretty vindicated on X DiVE. The game shut down, just as I said it would. People who paid money lost their shit, just like I said it would.
      I don't care if any of you liked it or thought it was great. That's your prerogative and not my business. What I care about is, as you said, the scummy nature of the game and how it preys on weak willed people with OCD and/or very thick wallets while simultaneously infecting the industry with that practice ad nauseam. It did gaming and humanity in general no favors. What I care about is anyone who supports Gacha gets what they deserve in gaming in that regard.
      I'm getting really sick of being nickle and dime'd every time a game comes out. And that's even before you add crap like Gacha to it. But, people keep buying into it. And here we are. So that makes me a bully. Fine. Whatever. Moving on.

      Did X DiVE make Capcom money? Well, not enough to keep it online. Is the brand in a healthier spot now than it would be without X DiVE? I would argue it's no different. Was X DiVE a success? I dunno. It's not like they flaunt it.

      I have been very consistent in my inconstancy as some put it. I have only ever advocated for the BRAND TO COURSE CORRECT. Everything we ever see from Capcom is more brand damage in the guise of healing. Not in merchandising per se. Merchandising is fine, so long as it does not create brand confusion for new customers. Rather in what happens internally at Capcom. In cameos and crossovers where the character is redesigned (Teppen, Amazon TV, etc), perpetual canon breaking spin offs, TV series that have no connection to anything, a rumored live action movie when everyone knows Capcom's LA movies always suck, etc... It's not rocket science to figure out what would work and what won't. Same way 19 out of 20 times you can predict which movie will bomb and which won't.

      Rockman (I prefer this term, it just sounds better) was stagnant for nearly 10 years because Capcom couldn't figure out what to do with it. They knew they messed up. And it seems after another 6 they still don't know what to do with it. Add the fact that Capcom itself has other internal issues they need to address I don't want to get into here, and I see no reason why anyone should support Capcom the Game Studio at this time. Not if the end goal is to make things better over the long term for Capcom and gaming in general. That's why I won't be buying any new Capcom games. Let's say X9 is announced tomorrow. Still wont buy a new copy. Used if I could get it, but not new. Not until Capcom learns their lesson. Model kits are fun. Manga/comics, maybe. But Capcom the game studio needs to do some work to get me back as a customer.

      And that is all I am going to say on this here. I'm out of this thread. Have fun.

  14. I’m not into pops but the game looks alright, probably more fun for little kids though.
