Tuesday, August 13, 2024

First Look at Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster MegaMan.EXE DLC Costume

Following last month's teaser, Capcom has unveiled the first look at Frank West's brand-new MegaMan.EXE costume for Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster... and it's every bit as, uh, interesting as you imagined.

The MegaMan.EXE costume will be featured in the "Mega Man Pack" DLC alongside outfits based on Lan Hikari and Tron Bonne. The pack will also include background music tracks that can be played in the shopping mall, such as "Running Through The Cyber World" for MegaMan.EXE, "Hometown" for Lan, and "Flutter vs. Gesellschaft." Notably, the trailer suggests that the version of "Running Through The Cyber World" in the game will be "slightly different". It's unclear whether this implies a previously released arranged version, or something created specifically for Dead Rising. We'll have to keep an eye on that.

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster releases to digital storefronts on September 19th.


  1. They really like the Bad Box Art Mega Man thing, huh?

    1. In this case I'd say it's less Bad Box Art styled and more just looks the way it does because it's a costume being worn by Frank.

    2. Oh, ok. I admittedly don't know anything about this franchise. Still uggo, though.

  2. I know they've always done this, so the costume is just kind of a "whatever" thing to me.

    Adding the background music for them though is a nice touch.

  3. Thanks, I hate it. This article ruined my morning.

  4. Definitely looks like he wants to Jack-In somewhere

  5. oh lord it's hideous... seriously of all things they could've done for MM... alright capcom we get it, you hate the franchise, it's fine..

    1. Wow. Capcom hates the Mega Man franchise?! No wonder why we get these weird collabs. Thanks a lot Capcom, now go step on a Lego.

    2. if there is one trick Capcom knows, it's cross promoting their own properties ad nauseam.

    3. If they hated the franchise we wouldn't even get collabs. But honestly, it's nothing new for some people around here to lean towards being overly dramatic.

    4. Apathy isn't the same thing as hatred.

    5. Mega Man is dead forever.

    6. Mega Man is dead forever.

    7. Stepping on a Lego? That reply was a little extreme.

    8. Dead? Why is it dead, when people are making Mega Man Fan games?!

  6. What a nice surprise!

  7. I'm starting to believe the megaman franchise will die having been just a toss-aside franchise to serve as "cool" dlc and merch for the more popular capcom franchises. Sigh, i'm tired. Just tired.

    No new game, no new teaser, no new anything. When these gaming companies grow big enough they stop doing anything bold and stick to the safe titles.

    I'm honestly beginning to feel guilty for hating on X Dive for being a shameless micro transaction cash grab filled with robo-waifus, but hey, at least it was a F***ING GAME!

    1. The writing has been on the wall for a long time, all capcom cares about is AAA games these days.

    2. Never feel guilty for not supporting Gacha games.

    3. Pokemon masters EX *exists*

    4. Simple; turn Mega Man AAA.

  8. I wonder if the Mega Man X costume that was in the original game is still in this remaster?

  9. Kinda surprised you aren’t covering the fact that Capcom is censoring this game, more censors keep getting revealed each week.

    1. Not relevant to the Mega Man content.

    2. Huh, didn't know about this. After checking it out, yeah, pre-order canceled.

    3. It sure is relevant because people deserve to know instead of paying more for a censored game.

  10. Mega Man is liked when things are made by anybody other than Capcom, it seems.

    1. ...Wonder why that is? 😒

    2. Because consistency is not a western community strongpoint.

    3. It's the same thing with Sonic. There's occasional exceptions, but generally almost anything fanmade even slightly competent gets "hire this man" levels of praise while anything official gets overly nitpicked down the the tiniest details to the point where if a game isn't mind blowingly amazing then it's terrible. At this point, just be your own person and like what you like for your own reasons.

    4. Funny. Capcom's not known for their consistency either.

    5. All I'll say is if all you do for a series is make consistently ugly cosmetics, you're probably gonna hear about it.

    6. That's because fans make better quality Mega Man games. Meanwhile Capcom has no idea what to do after 11, and that was 6 years ago at this point.

    7. Don't see any of this hate for the comics, or for the figures... Why are costumes any different from those?

      By your standards, they're Capcom not making games.

    8. Despite what some people here would try to have you believe, the complaints are coming up for a reason.

      If the comics and figures were as ugly as all the Mega Man cosmetics in Capcom's games have been recently you'd hear more criticisms about them.

    9. I thought that reason was "Capcom isn't making new games" not "Capcom is making Mega Man look bad"

    10. Those are two different common criticisms, yeah. The latter comes up a lot lately because of how ugly all of the cosmetic stuff Capcom has been making lately has been.

      If the former weren't such an issue you'd still hear about the latter, just not as frequently.

    11. So it really is just an aesthetics thing, and "we want new games" is just a loose justification for it.

    12. Justification? The "justification" is that people think the aesthetics are ugly. That's it.

      "We want new games" is just a prevalent mindset in general. Both are fair criticisms, but as stated they're different.

      My point being that the relation between the two different critcisms is - if there were new games, people would still call the aesthetics ugly if they're ugly. The complaints would still exist, you'd still hear about them, probably just with less back and forth after the initial criticisms as there would be other things to talk about.

    13. Wanting new games is fine, but at this point it is a lazy fallback used to avoid confronting an entitlement issue. Protodude's on record saying AND SHOWING that Capcom's strategy with MM has changed. There isn't much of an emphasis on strictly producing new titles. Yet rather than acknowledge this, much of the supposedly chill and reasonable MM community ignores this every time MM appears in any form, in any Capcom game, in any fashion.

    14. Dismissing complaints as nothing more than "entitlement" is the laziest fallback in all of video game discussion.

      There are plenty of products and things beyond games that have healthy discussion and are largely met with optimism around here. The Secret Levels announcement, the Udon comics announcement, and even merch lines like the Jada toys.

      I take issue with the supposed strategy Capcom is implementing for a few reasons, but all of this feels like deflection so I'll say it again. If you make ugly cosmetics - you will hear complaints about those cosmetics being ugly.

      That's it. That's all. It's that simple.

    15. How else could it be described as other than an entitlement issue? There's all this emphasis on how there's not been a new game, but as you said there's all this optimism for things that coincidentally aren't being produced by Capcom themselves.

      So maybe it could be described as an outright anti-Capcom bias. There's nothing wrong with the costume, it is just that Capcom produced it.

    16. A fanbase wanting a new game is, at least in my opinion, not an entitlement issue.

      A fanbase not being happy with one companie's output is, at least in my opinion, not an entitlement issue.

      If you see nothing wrong with the costume, that's totally fine. But a lot of people think it's ugly. Again. For the third time now. It's that simple.

      You can call it an anti-Capcom bias if you like. I would point out however, that people here were pretty happy with Capcom with the announcement of something like the MVC collection. It looks like it will be good and people have no problem acknowledging that. At the same time, people have been ribbing Funko Fusion since its announcement for looking like something shovelware adjacent.

      I would suggest that there is more to it than a simple bias against Capcom. They've just been doing a bad job with the series themselves and people have been critical of that. I won't say there's nobody here with a chip on their shoulder because of it mind you, just that I feel yours is a reductive view of things.

      People here are critical when Capcom gives them reason to be. If other companies are better able to make things that fans are looking forward to than the things Capcom is making, I don't think that's an issue with the fans. I think that's an issue Capcom has to solve.

      Conversely, I would say Capcom isn't entitled to blind praise and support just because they slap Mega Man's name or likeness onto something.

    17. Different anon here, but:
      "there's all this optimism for things that coincidentally aren't being produced by Capcom themselves."
      "anti-Capcom bias"
      Yeah, because other companies AREN'T THE GAME MAKERS NOR THE OWNERS! Of course Capcom are going to be treated with much stricter standards. Duh!

  11. Just another stupid thing they'll slap Mega Man on that isn't a new game.

    1. Dead Rising has always had Mega Man themed costumes, this isn't anything new.

  12. While the timing is unfortunate, these kinda goofy costumes are part and parcel for Dead Rising. Frankly (heh!), I find it hard to be too upset with this.

    At this point, I’m just glad Capcom hasn’t *obviously* been involved with a ROM site take down.

  13. The negativity in here reeks... Seriously tho, can anyone here ever try to look on the bright side of things? I feel like every comment section on this site now is just filled with people being overly pessimistic. Like I get it, y'all want new games, but just because there aren't new games doesn't mean the franchise is dead per say. I mean Capcom still makes promotional stuff like this for the series, we are going to be getting new Mega Man comics, we still get cool new merchandise and the community is still alive and well (with multiple new big fan games to boot!)... I don't think the franchise is dead just yet, and I'm sure we'll get a new game eventually (Capcom knows there's demand, especially after those popularity polls that they conducted). I'm sure most of y'all will think I'm delusional (and I might be lol 😆) but that's ok, I just wanted to make a comment that was a bit more positive than the usual ones, and if you disagree with me that's ok.

    The costume itself looks funny (in a good way) I think it's a fun little inclusion, it's like a "bad box art" Mega Man.EXE!

    1. "Like I get it, y'all want new games"
      Just speaking for myself, but not anymore. I'm fine with Kotobukiya's models or whatever. I enjoy a good model.
      I won't buy any brand new Capcom games. For any franchise. They done messed up one too many times to forgive them again.
      Used is the way to go going forward, if you must play a Capcom game. Used and physical.

    2. IMO, "bad box art Mega Man" stopped being funny a long time ago. That's why I'm being negative, at least.

    3. I mean, I *do* get the hate for the goofy costumes. They look bad, they’re irrelevant to the overall series, and they can feel like a kick in the teeth when it’s all Capcom really does now. If it wasn’t official, it might as well be a mod for Half Life or something.

      Though I agree about comments on merchandise and community posts. Especially merchandise, since I get the impression a lot of those comments are from people that wouldn’t be interested in a Snake Man figure even *if* there was a new game. Which is understandable, it’s a totally different medium, you can’t expect all figure fans to be game fans and vice versa.

      But ultimately, you can’t control what people say or do, so, eh.

    4. @Shrap: makes sense

      @RS Proto Man: fair enough, especially since we don't get much from Capcom nowadays (games wise anyway). So I understand why someone wouldn't like "bad box art" type stuff

      @Jark Spore: I agree 👍

    5. Listen. It’s tough being a Mega Man fan.

      On one hand, Capcom will eventually make a new game (probably… maybe…) I can wait. I’m a patient guy.

      On the other hand, I might live out the remaining years of my totally average human lifespan and die.

      Who knows what will happen first, ya know?

    6. Dead Rising has always had goofy looking Mega Man costumes, although the X costumes from 1,3,4 and the Protoman costume from off the record looked pretty decent.

      As for the hate MegatronX, people are just sick of how Capcom neglects the Mega Man franchise as a whole. Merchandise is great and all but games would be nice as well.

      My issues with this Dead Rising remaster are not the costumes, those are just a fun little extra. My problem is Capcom are intentionally censoring the game just because a small group of people don't like the content from the original. And for that reason, I am sticking with the HD port from 2016 instead.

    7. Shows how much I pay attention to Dead Rising, then. :B

    8. @anon 4:58 pm

      I think I know what happened first… Fan games!

  14. Replies
    1. Seriously? There’s no such thing as X9.

    2. Will never happen, Capcom has spent the last 6 years having no clue what to do with Mega Man.

    3. Not in this lifetime, Mega Man as a game series is basically dead at this point.

  15. I understand the apathy, but I feel like theres too many comments nowadays on how everything sucks and it's becoming very exhausting. I know I shouldn't address it because then I'm adding onto the negativity, but this is just one of the many many silly costumes for Dead Rising, it doesn't seem fitting to express that the Mega man franchise is dead, RIP mega man, Capcom sucks, Capcom Hates Mega Man, etc etc..

    Makes me feel like I'll be shamed if I express excitement to any announcement that isn't deemed worthy by the community, it's annoying to say the least.

    1. Sometimes I wonder if some of the haters complaining about the costumes have ever played a Dead Rising game before, every game in the series has had some kind of Mega Man costume as a unlockable. I’m not defending Capcom at all, I’m just saying it’s been a Dead Rising tradition at this point to have the costumes.

    2. That made us feel like we’ll all be shamed too.

    3. Not to mention the fans are going really crazy over this Capcom hates the Mega Man franchise thing.

    4. It's mostly just a problem around here. Most of the Mega Man fanbase are still able to talk about the series without getting caught up in the melodrama, but here and a few particular youtube channels are where the "crapcom" complainers like to gather and moan about how there hasn't been a new game in a while and occasionally spread delusional conspiracy theories. Just ignore it. Those of us who aren't a bunch of doomers are still around here and there, though you'll find more of us elsewhere.

    5. I mean to be fair it's basically a dead franchise at this point game wise, no amount of complaining is going to get Capcom to make another game. It had a good run at least, just hard to stay interested in a series that isn't exactly active anymore.

    6. idk what other places talk about. I would assume it covers things like canon and headcanons. Fanart or something. I stopped going on Tunglr a while ago and Facebook is a pain in the keester with the stuff they keep recommending me.

    7. I’m not sure either RS Proto Man, a lot of the older Mega Man fansites have been gone for a long time.

    8. Aw yeah, my favorite website: "Tunglr"!

    9. Don’t you mean, Tumblr?

    10. It's a self-deprecating way to refer to Tumblr, yes.

    11. Sometimes I call FB 'facebutt' because I personally think it's funny. Tunglr was, at least for a while, used by other tumblr users.

    12. I'll agree 100% that the backlash to the Dead Rising costumes is tone-deaf given that this has been a staple of the Dead Rising series ever since the first game. However, at the same time, you can't blame the more vocal side of a GAME fandom complaining about the lack of new GAMES for the better part of a decade now. Re-releases, crossover cosmetics, and merchandise can only satisfy people for so long before they start to question if Capcom has any plans beyond this, not helped by the radio silence on their part aside from the annual non-committal "Mega Man is a highly values IP blah blah blah" that the execs say whenever someone asks them what's going on with the future of their mascot franchise.

      The toxic positivity of people like Protodude who insist that everything is going smoothly and as planned without anything to back up their claims beyond "trust me" doesn't help either, as Mega Man fansites like this are how we've gotten a majority of new discoveries since 2010 since Capcom doesn't deem it necessary to reassure us that they're not just spinning their wheels not working on anything new for, once again, their company mascot.

    13. @ September 1 6:40 pm. I completely agree with you, someone had to say what you said. People have every right to be annoyed at this point if a series they are passionate about keeps getting sidelined, kinda makes it hard to stay a fan at that point when there isn’t anything to look forward to.


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