Saturday, August 3, 2024

Archiving Game Informer's Mega Man Coverage

Game Informer, the venerable U.S.-based gaming publication, has come to an end. Following a sudden wave of layoffs on Friday, parent company GameStop announced the magazine would halt all activities, closing the curtain on its 33-year run in print. This shutdown also led to the closure of Game Informer's website, which housed an extensive collection of editorials and special content.

Thankfully, some of the pivotal Mega Man pieces have been preserved, including Game Informer's comprehensive behind-the-scenes featurette on Mega Man 11. Here’s what has been saved so far...


  1. Lost Media my utmost despised

    Preservation communities my utmost beloved

  2. What a shame. Weren't they like one of the few objective videogame based news sites?

  3. Thank goodness that those listed were preserved. I really enjoy the Mega Man fan community.

  4. Pretty unfortunate that an entire publication’s presence can be lost in an instant.

  5. Were there ever any Mega Man covers on any of the 90s and early 2000s Game Informer issues?

    1. I'm pretty sure the cover they did for MM11 was the only one.

    2. Wrong, there was a Mega Man 5 cover in the 90s.

  6. I was subscribed for so many years. They covered such a crazy number of games per issue that it was staggering. I'm very crushed to seem them go. : (

  7. Is the Mega Man 11 issue archived anyplace? Because the big article in the print issue does not seem to be represented in the online hub.


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