Monday, July 1, 2024

Teppen Celebrates 5th Anniversary with Iris Skin & New Card Set

Following the "Zero Nightmare" skin, Teppen returns to celebrate its 5th anniversary with a new card set called "The Desperate Jailbreak". The set includes a variety of Mega Man X-themed cards and a throwback to the collab that brought the Mega Buster to Devil May Cry 5. Iris makes her debut as a playable character, appearing as an EX skin for the hero "Felyne."

You can check out all the new cards after the break!

Card Name:
Bee Blader
TDJ 005
Flavor Text:
The throb of spinning rotors bled into the prison—the sound of heavy combat helicopters armed with machine guns and guided missiles patrolling the skies above Prison Island, there to ensure that any would-be escapees would be instantly reduced to smoke and dust.
Lucas Svedberg
Card Name:
TDJ 010
Flavor Text:
Which one of you convicts wants to receive my punishment first? I warn you now, I will show no mercy. I'll give you plenty of trauma and sorrow to make sure you never misbehave again!
Card Name:
Stern Guard Captain Red
TDJ 011
Flavor Text:
I couldn't care less about some lawbreaker's feeble excuses...but very well, let me have your last words. And don't even think about trying to escape—because if you move a muscle, I will end you here and now.
tsuda jiro
Card Name:
Truth's Cost
TDJ 016
Flavor Text:
Those who see my true form must die. Yes... You are the only one who knows what I am. And now, you will pay the price! My secret will be guarded by your eternal silence!
Lucas Svedberg
Card Name:
Blizzard Buffalo
TDJ 021
Flavor Text:
A lonely statue stood deep within the cavernous freezer—the previous manager, a robot thought to be missing. In this prison, your fate is your responsibility. The freezer was in the hands of a new food supplies manager now.
Vanta Kent
Card Name:
Discarded Pride Hoganmer
TDJ 030
Flavor Text:
Once, he wielded a ball and chain—a mighty weapon that never risked running out of ammunition. And yet, its accuracy and reach had always let him down. But now a Buster blazed on his left arm, its flashes of energy rounds giving him the power and range he'd always envied.
Card Name:
Stolen Arm
TDJ 031
Flavor Text:
"The weapon has to suit the wielder. That cute ball and chain suits you just fine—and this arm? It looks better on me." Reclaiming his Buster, he casually reattached it, illuminated by its blue glow.
Fujinaka Ryu
Card Name:
Have You No Pride!?
TDJ 033
Flavor Text:
The Buster shined as he raised his arm proudly, as if to say that the ball and chain was beneath him now. His ilk looked on enviously except for one, who was unconvinced by the awkwardness of his comrade's new look.
tsuda jiro
Card Name:
Breakthrough to Escape
TDJ 035
Flavor Text:
The Large Barrel he carried over his head held a bomb he'd fashioned with his own two paws. Throw the bomb, and the way out would open. His partner would watch his back while he got this jailbreak on the road!
Polar Engine Studio
Card Name:
Perfect Partners
No. TDJ 036
Artist: Rayden Chen
Flavor Text:
They escaped through the hole in the wall left by the explosion. A flock of guard drones appeared, guns trained upon them. He performed a slide low on the ground to dodge their fire, while his furry friend clinging to his back told him where to go. The rapid fire of his Buster turned the drones into balls of fire whistling through the air, and that is how the two made their escape into the forest.

Card Name:
Slide Cannon
TDJ 037
Flavor Text:
A cannon was mounted to the platform that slid out from the wall of the guard tower—equipped with enough firepower to grant an instant death sentence to any who dared try to escape.
Card Name:
Split Mushroom
TDJ 041
Flavor Text:
Isn't it amazing how quickly mushrooms reproduce? And they're so colorful and beautiful too! Huh, you want to know where the Nitroshrooms are...? Well, I wouldn't tell you even if I did know!
Francis Tneh
Card Name:
Optic Sunflower
TDJ 044
Flavor Text:
No one can control me. Even if they did encourage me, I'm the one who chooses. If it's TV waves you want, then I will give them to you. I will make you understand just how capable I am.
Card Name:
The Freezer Frost Walrus
TDJ 048
Flavor Text:
I don't care if you're a prisoner or a guard— anyone who defies me gets a one-way trip to the freezer! You'll be forgotten forever while you sleep in the ice!
Yu Cheng Hong
Card Name:
Creeping Malice
TDJ 052
Flavor Text:
"A freezer doesn't need two managers. The only way to make everything run smoothly is if I take complete control..." A cold glare pierced the back of the unsuspecting nuisance, but the chilly mist lingering in the air hid the plotter's venom.
Vanta Ket
Card Name:
The Great Escape
TDJ 054
Flavor Text:
The light shining in from the gaping hole in the wall was all the invitation they needed. Now go! Escape into the dark forest beyond the walls, before the guards come! If you see the blue sea, embrace the salty breeze and run for the coast!
Lee Woo-chul
Card Name:
Burn Dinorex
TDJ 059
Flavor Text:
What about this one? If you want to rise above the pack, there's no better weapon. Try it on, and if you like how it feels, I'll even let you pay in installments. Or you could just walk off with it...if you think you can beat me!
Stefan Atanatov
Card Name:
TDJ 064
Flavor Text:
One prisoner deceives the others by appearing to be the most timid of all. Would you ever suspect that he's secretly one of the most ruthless of the guards? Even if you did, you could never tell a soul. You'd be dead the moment you realized who you were dealing with.
Lee Woo-chul
Card Name:
Escort to Freedom
No. TDJ 072    
Flavor Text:
Prison Island became hazy as it faded into the distance. But the skies ahead were clear, and the foamy wake left by the ship glinted in the light, the sea a horizon of perfect blue that beckoned the escaped prisoners to their freedom. And so, the two partners' journey continued. Don't look back. Dwelling on the past is itself a form of imprisonment. Live for the now—life gleams brightest when illuminated by the dawn.
Lucas Svedberg

Supplemental Cards (August) 

Card Name:
Cellmate Mad Joey
TDJ 075
Flavor Text:
In prison, every inmate is a Maverick. How could you trust anyone? But right and wrong is a shaky notion in this place. What was the malfunctioning robot's crime? Is it wrong to look out for others in the prisoners' world?
tsuda jiro
Card Name:
Devoted Cellmate
TDJ 076
Flavor Text:
A robot was treating his wounds. This was how it should be... This was the ideal, and the robots who took up arms instead were irregular. Unlike humans, robots never tire, never lose interest, never have a change of heart about their devoted actions. They can only provide untiring support, forever, without deviation.
Card Name: 
Cruel Release
TDJ 082
Flavor Text:
The surge of uncontrollable viciousness would not stop until it was over. The robot's arm was torn off at the shoulder, red and blue wires exposed. An iron pipe was jammed into its head sensor unit, now ruined beyond repair. Though no more than the loss of a robot, this horrific violence lay bare the foolishness of the human heart and revealed the rot that had corrupted the world.
Artist: Vanta Ket


  1. Nero using a mega buster is still so fucking dope

  2. some of these look... well... off.

    double's head and hands look ginormous! and red's double scyth looks more like a double sickle. looks tiny. I get they wanted the whole thing in the picture, but they should have shrunk red down a bit.

    1. It's Teppen. It's always off.

    2. Red's weapon actually becomes smaller/larger in size during attack animations in X7's Red fight

  3. I'm shocked iris is the one they used as a ex skin. I wonder why her specifically? I'm not complaining just curious.

    1. Where even is iris?

    2. Different anon, didn't notice until you mentioned it. You're right, indeed where is Iris? Because she isn't in the cards.

    3. They've been pushing Iris as the main female character of the X series for a while now, pretty much she's to the X series, as Roll is to the Classic series.

      I understand the logic, she's without a doubt the most well known and iconic female character in Mega Man X ...but doesn't make it any less funny, since she's only been in a single main numbered title, all of her other appearances have just been in side content.

    4. Yeah, Capcom needs to drop that, she was never that special.

  4. I laughed so hard at Nero's buster lol

  5. Boy, they really want to reference that DMC5 DLC. XD

    Buffalo vs. Walrus is an X4 manga reference, which is neat, but I doubt most people know it unless they've seen it. Glad to see more of Lilith and Dinorex.

  6. I hope they give Dante the Z Saber one day.

  7. At least Felicia is here.


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