Saturday, July 20, 2024

SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos (Featuring Zero) Drops Onto Switch, PS4 and Steam

Surprise! The 2003 crossover fighter SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos is now available for download on Steam with a release planned on Monday, July 22nd, for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and GOG. This modern port features rollback netcode mutliplayer, online lobbies for up to nine players, and a variety of extras, including a gallery mode and a new hitbox viewer.

For Mega Man fans, SVC Chaos holds a special place as it features Zero from the Zero series as a secret playable character. His moveset draws inspiration from an array of weapons and actions from the games, including the inclusion of numerous Cyber Elfs. Ciel also makes an appearance, dropping in on Zero's interactions with other characters to provide some commentary and support. This is also the game that features the gender-swapped Zero sprite, which you might have seen out of context.

If you haven't played SVC Chaos before, check out Zero in action here and here

Source: SNK Global


  1. this makes me think what capcom has said about the megaman ip in relation of their investors meeting in relation of what megaman is going to get and with what they said that the franchise will appear in "Various Forms" I guess returning collabs from older games are part of this. I'm not saying is a bad thing but I really hope the Model kits and these returning games (MVC and SNK) are not the last thing we can see about megaman overall before the year ends.

  2. Hard pass. Online fighting games just launch cheese wars lol.

  3. Ugh, I hate Zero's sprites in this...

    1. I kind of feel the same way he has like a blob of hair with no real structure like pudding or something, it's not the worst thing in the world but he just looks weird man. But that's kind of true for almost all the Capcom characters.

    2. Why? He has one of the best sprites out of all of the Capcom characters alongside with Demitri lol

  4. Considering I actually played this game on the original Xbox bitd, I'm pretty excited about this re release. The guys hating on it don't get how long fighting game fans have been wanting this game to return. Now if only we would get Tatsunoko Vs Capcom next.

    1. I don't know which FGC "fans" you're referring here because most o
      If not all of the FGC I have encountered all hated this game for it's clunkiness and barebore contents compared to both CvS games

    2. Ah yes, you can just keeping pretending everyone hates this game when that is not the case.

    3. Just because you personally like it doesn't mean it's a objective truth that the game is well liked among the FGC. And I said this as a SNK fan.

  5. I won't disparage anyone not interested in a fighting game, but I will vouch for this being a missed gem of a title. You either had it on Xbox or it didn't exist, because they didn't bother giving the US a PS2 release. Either way, I never saw copies of it anywhere my entire life. This game basically existed only in arcades and through emulation for the past twenty years. A re-release like this is long overdue and it's pretty cheap compared to similar fighting game collections and re-releases... with the added bonus of the boss characters being unlocked and rollback netcode for people that are actually interested in playing PVP online. And as NOT one of the people interested in online modes, we're still getting the full arcade/story mode... it's not much, but it's the only crossover game like this that actually bothered to have full intro discussions for every character. A lot of love went into this, I hope people will finally be able to give it a shot.

    Zero was a draw for me when I first heard about the game and him being a secret character, but-- everything I've seen of him looks suuuuper jank. His playstyle just appears very awkward and I feel like I would never be able to play as him very well. Still, I can appreciate what they were trying to do with him-- and that they cared enough to include him at all, because I don't believe for a second that including him was a Capcom mandate. And yeah, I also agree he looks really weird in the artstyle, but-- wouldn't be the last time we'd see that in a crossover game. XD

    1. I never really understood why Snk didn't release this in the US on PS2, seems like a huge missed opportunity bitd since I remember the original Xbox was nowhere near as popular.

    2. I mean, that was just kind of during an *Era* of games not getting released outside of Japan for seemingly no reason, because CEOs were convinced that American markets wouldn't care about a given property... often in spite of it being at the height of that property's popularity-- :p BandaiNamco and SquareEnix being the companies I'd usually turn to about that habit, but... yeah. This was out at around the same time as Capcom's two Capcom VS SNK games and those did super well-- there was no excuse not to have a major release, but it just didn't happen.

    3. That kind of thing also happened in the 90s on the Sega Saturn and to a lesser extent the PS1.

  6. I can tell just from the comments that alot of people in here have never played any fighting games other than what Capcom made.

    1. It’s definitely obvious.

    2. Well, what can you expect from the Capcom fans who refused to play any games other than from Capcom themselves? Lol

    3. I never understood that either, Capcom are not the greatest developers of all time.

  7. That's cool ! Hope for a physical release !

    1. I'm hoping for a physical release as well, at least a retail import release and none of this locked behind Limited Run Games bs.

  8. What am I fighting foooorrr?!?!

  9. With the recent ports lately, I hope these games where Rockman is playable will also be released on my Switch :

    Gunspike (playable original Rockman)
    Onimusha Blade Warriors (playable Rockman Zero and EXE)
    Namco X Capcom series (PS2 and 3DS)
    Tatsunoko vs Capcom (playable Zero, Roll and Trigger)

    1. I’d love to play all of those on modern consoles, I didn’t know there were Mega Man characters in any of the Onimusha games until now.

    2. Let's get some of those Capcom vs SNK card battle games too!

    3. SNK vs Capcom Card Fighters Clash is already available on the Switch :

      There's also a physical release (it's on NEOGEO POCKET COLOR, Selection Vol. 2 )

    4. Yo, I'd be down for some Cannon Spike online co-op. That "Gauntlet-alike" was pretty awesome.

  10. It's wild that we're seeing this in 2024. Exciting stuff!

    1. Now we just need the Capcom VS Snk games.

  11. Oh, nice! I hope it'll get a physical release.

    1. Especially since it’s $20 for the digital.

  12. Ahhh yes SvC Chaos. I remember this game pretty well actually. I remember making an Omega Zero color variant on the X-Box port version at some point (The video is on youtube, somewhere). I haven't checked, but I wonder if they kept that make a new color feature in these latest ports. If it's not there, then that's fine. Just a missed opportunity for others.

    BTW, that one video with all of his pre-battle quotes (the arcade version specifically, if I'm not mistaken) is one of my videos, apparently. Thanks for the share. :)

  13. It's honestly surprising that SNK even bother to port this into modern consoles considering the amount of hates the game has received throughout the years lol

  14. I feel like this shouldn’t have been a standalone release for $20, a collection bundled with the Capcom vs Snk games would have added more value if both companies could have come to a agreement. Even though I was looking forward to playing this they are price gouging, probably going to wait for a sale.

  15. So Capcom censored the artwork (I am sure it's of "no consequence" says the pro-censorship crowd) and are putting in more trigger warnings. By all means, keep buying Capcom games. If they are ashamed of their work, they should not be rewarded for it, right?

    1. Or SNK, as seems to be the case this time.

    2. SNK also did that on the ps4 version of the SNK 40th anniversary collection where they censored the art when the Switch versions cover art was uncensored. It was pretty bizarre.

    3. Which one? Never played this so I don't know.

    4. @Anonymous that was Sony's medaling, as the Playstation branch is a garbage anti-Japan company based in California since around 2018.

    5. After looking it up, they censored Mai and Athena in the new artwork and added a coward pos warning. In the SNK 40th Anniversary Collection's PS4 cover they had Athena in armor instead of her defining underwear.

    6. Wait, what did they censor exactly?

    7. @Megatron X, the promo artwork that was posted in Japan got censored in the US. Also the physical releases of the game are going to be using the censored artwork. Apparently nothing in the game itself has been altered though.

    8. So I looked it up and... That's it? That's what y'all are crying about, seriously? I get it, censorship sucks but there's barely a difference...

    9. The amount doesn't matter, it's the principle that counts.

  16. LET'S GOOOOO!!!!!! ahhh man, I remember playing this game in arcades back in the day. Good to see it back.

  17. This game is pretty fire honestly. Playing it for the first time now

  18. I just found out they ported the AES version with only 4 continues in single player instead of the MVS or PS2/ XB versions with unlimited continues, that is kind of a deal breaker for me to be honest.

    1. Maybe you can unlock more continues as you play(some do this every time total playtime reaches an hour) or there is a secret code?

    2. I'm not sure about a code to be honest, I've never played the AES version. I just found out about the limited continues when I was watching a video preview of the game. I had the Xbox version bitd and it wasn't limited continues.

  19. I'm not sure if any of you guys or if Protodude saw this but it was confirmed today that SVC Chaos is getting a physical release from different publishers in the US and Europe for PS4 and Switch.

    1. Mission Complete!

      Weapon Obtained:
      Physical Release!

    2. @Megatron X, funny thing is the physical release is probably only going to cost $15 more than the digital which is already $20. I'm holding out myself for the physical.

    3. @Megatron X
      Cleavage, modern companies' main weakness and mine as well, lol.

    4. Sir, I think you replied to the wrong post.

    5. @ Megatron X, he is talking about the promo art being censored outside of Japan, it’s also censored on the European physical release. It’s unknown if the lrg cover is going to be censored but I’d count on it considering they are censoring the cover of Lollypop chainsaw.

      I’m kind of hoping SVC gets a Japanese or Asian physical release as well with uncensored art. Most of us playing these games are all adults by now so there is zero reason to censor the art.

  20. From what I can understand, this is a port of the PlayStation 2 version of the game rather than the MVS direct, or a truly "enhanced" version. You can tell because it doesn't have a third character column, unlike the "Plus" bootleg, and "boss" characters are accessible via the shoulder buttons on the second columns. So, they probably didn't fix the most grievous oversight of the game…

    Balrog's unfinished frame of animation.

    1. That is false, it's been proven that it's a port of the arcade version and not the console versions. It lacks the extra content from the PS2 and Xbox versions as well as only having a limited amount of continues.

    2. Can somebody that knows the game in and out actually check what is the truth here?
      The arcade MVS doesn't have a third character column and neither does the AES version.
      The "Plus" and "Super Plus" bootlegs do have a third column.
      The PS2 version doesn't have it either and secret characters can be selected by holding R1 including Athena and Red Arremer, but for those last two, only after completing Survival Mode and fighting one of them.
      The Steam, NS, PS4 and Xbox One versions also don't have the column and this time all the secret characters can be selected by holding each version's "Hidden Player button", that is the left shoulder button.
      @Jo Li KMC wrote that the newest versions are based on the PS2/Xbox versions rather than the MVS version which is possible, but I'm no expert when it comes to this.
      I get that the PS2/Xbox versions have the gallery and unlimited continues, but that doesn't mean the newest versions aren't based on that build. Something more definitive would be a bug that was in the MVS version that the newest versions share, but was fixed in the PS2/Xbox version which in that case would point to those versions being based on the MVS version.

      "Super Plus":


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