Friday, July 12, 2024

Fan-Mod Adds Model A Grey and Ashe to Mega Man X DiVE Offline

To celebrate the 17th anniversary of Mega Man ZX Advent, the team at RDX Derivative Works has created an new mod featuring Mega Man Model A Grey and Ashe! The pair were noticeably absent from the Taiwan version of Mega Man X DiVE during the first ZX Advent event, but now you can play as both of them in the Offline Steam version. 

Once you've watched the mod in action in the trailer above, head over to NexusMods for the download. Make sure to carefully follow the instructions and install all the necessary plugins. Once that's done, you can unlock the dynamic duo from the "ZXA Special Supply Box" or Memory fragments under the Custom Tab Store.

Thanks to Jo Li KMC for the tip!


  1. I feel for the MegaMan fans.

  2. Who's next? Vent? OVER-1?

    1. Vent. It's teased at the end of the trailer.

    2. Okay, not gonna lie. OVER-1 would be an amazing choice. Even more so if they could implement Xover Kalinka into a special move, somehow. (There are characters with holographic or radio assists, right?)

      Vent would probably be a more logical one, though, since Aile's already in the game. I know some people would be very interested in having both Mega Man ZX characters playable.

      Now, watch. Someone'll add Vent, but it'll be his Advent incarnation, right?

    3. Aside from what they have or plan to add, Duo, Berkana, & the remaining guardians are the biggest gaps in the roster.

    4. I agree about Fefnir and Phantom. It's also kind of weird we never got Weil, Serpent, or Albert. On that note, Lumine is weirdly absent as well, and there's no playable Dr. Wily either despite Dr. Light having a playable Street Fighter reference.

    5. I think Prometheus should be included too, especially since his sister, Pandora, is already in the base game.

    6. Prometheus was already added in an earlier mod. Check it out here:

    7. Oh, cool! Thx!

  3. I've been playing around with this mod all day. It's honestly really fun and is surprisingly faithful to the original ZXA playstyle while fitting into the X DiVE playstyle.

  4. That's pretty nice. Too bad it's unofficial.

    1. What difference does that make? It's still very quality, fun to play, and because it's fan-made instead of official you can download it for free instead of it being paid DLC.

    2. I found this and got to work cuz of my excitement, I have a real problem trying to install it. Can someone help me out, please?

    3. @Anonymous 1:41 Please don't start with that attitude here. = /

    4. @Anonymous July 13, 2024 at 9:54 PM
      Post it here and there's a chance someone can help you or you can post it on Steam Discussions or whatever forum Nexus uses or try all of them.

    5. @ 11:47 What attitude? I asked a question and gave an opinion.

    6. This community perceives anything other than 100% acceptance and outrageous joy as unacceptable don't pay it any attention lol.

    7. Also, don't pay attention to people who act like blind consumers.

    8. @11:09 Different person here. I don't think that's what the other anon meant by their post.

  5. It's nice to see some ZX news even if it's just a mod!

  6. Explosions don't look good. Looks like a puff with little to no debris or almost no explosion even. Not sure why even modern mobile games often can't pull off explosions well at all, yet somehow they can make the landscape look decent? Explosions look far better on even the SNES X games (even X1 has better ones than this). Funny all those graphics and they can't even manage explosions. X7 has far better ones too. Not sure why often older MM games and many older games in general can do it better than many newer games. ZX has better ones too, and Zero, yet this can't pull it off in 2024? Some games just have such badly done explosions that it makes me not want to play it. I keep that in mind before purchasing a shmup on Steam too. They don't have to look perfect, but at least be mentally stimulating so it is fun to kill an enemy, at least some effort should be put in with that.

    1. I'm not sure what you were expecting, Gary Daniel. Pixelated sprites, maybe? Or robot gibs? Explosions in X DiVE have always been underwhelming because they were designed to be minimalistic, I assume. Maybe something to do with hardware impact, or maybe they just got lazy. I dunno.

      Is it more fun to see the robot you just destroy literally fly into pieces? Sure. But sometimes, a Ninja Gaiden-esque "pop" effect is fine, too.

    2. I only said that because I checked the clip. Not that I intended to touch it though. I would hope, not necessarily expect, them to put effort into it (any game should have effort put in). I don't buy the hardware limits claim since much weaker hardware has done far better throughout video game history. If they can make the whole level look good, they could easily do what even X3 did with explosions and debris, or X4. I just find it odd that so many newer games just don't do explosions well (like at R-type Final 2) while many older games do. Check this out (this was in 93), and is Raiden 2 (they do it really well):

    3. Something I feel like is important to point out is that the minimalist explosions aren't lazy, they're a deliberate design choice to prevent distracting screen clutter that makes it both harder to focus on what's happening and harder to see. What the explosions look like is also a very minor nitpick in the grand scheme of things, and should not be your biggest motivating factor on whether you do or don't try out a game.

    4. Explosions is not why I wouldn't play it. I never cared about gacha or mobile games. I would still playing MM NES (I did on the recent collections I bought on Steam), and they had an excuse to have limited effects because it is from a low powered system I grew up playing, but I like visually stimulating effects. Luckily if I was playing a PC game, I could download mods to enhance stuff like that, like Brutal Doom (I play games only on the PC these days, can emulate it too).

      Of course yes, gameplay comes first. Just having good explosions but bad gameplay is a no go. But I did not say they have to be perfect or super high detailed explosions. I'm satisfied with even many of MM Zero's effects and explosions (just the animation of it is not bad and fits the sound effect, even is lower detailed), and X7 and even X3 has decent ones. But sometimes if the explosions are bad, it can kill the joy on things like R-type Final 3 Evolved. It just doesn't feel as satisfying. Not sure why clutter is a problem now but not in all the games that do use decent effects, but I play games on the big screen probably helps. I guess tiny screen have issues with clutter. Gameplay wise, I feel nothing beats a nice gamepad and bigger screen. I'm not sure clutter is an excuse since many games have debris even decades ago. Clutter makes it fun and I played many games with debris and never had an issue. They can clutter it differently to help. So by this logic, all games should now have no debris, and no good explosions because clutter? Yeah, I got standards in game play, as everyone who plays games should since gameplay is #1, but also some standards on having at least some stimulating effects (once again, graphics and explosions don't have to be perfect, but ideally better than these effects). Story is good too.

      I do think though it is silly when people get too picky about graphics though, like how people complain about films and bad CGI. It doesn't have to be perfect or 100% real. Those types are obsessed with 'just' graphics.

    5. On an off topic note, great theme from 2005 (nice chaos theme of Dr. Vile). Those were the days:

    6. This is bad ass, especially after a few drinks (I did not know there were lyrics added until now):

  7. At least, Even being an unofficial collaboration I can take them as another Axl Alt character's, Sad that the whole Dive run Axl was the least getting less representation just one seasonal and DiVE Armor, still disappointed that he didn't got DMC or MH treatment, I really would like to see an Axl Nero Trigger someday even in a mod it would be cool to see.

    1. You know that it's bad when even the trash OCs like RiCO and iCO got so many alts in the game

    2. I mean they aren’t really any worse than the side characters in x5-8.

    3. I actually quite like the new characters in X DiVE. Sure, they're different than other Mega Man characters but that's also the deliberate, stated point to them. The whole point to them as characters is that they are outsider characters who desperately desire their own place within MMX Lore. They end up forming something of a wholesome little family by the end, and it's really nice seeing them interact with each other and various different characters from the overall franchise. I might even go so far as to say that they have more genuine personality written into them than 90% of the rest of the franchise. The only other characters to feel as human as they do I can think of off the top of my head are some of the literal human characters, Grey, and X. Maybe Axl too, though you'd have to play kind of a crappy game to experience it with him.

  8. What's next? Restoring collaborative content like Street Fighter or Monster Hunter?


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