Monday, July 22, 2024

Capcom: "Mega Man is Highly Valued, Ongoing Game Development Considered"

During Capcom's 45th General Shareholders meeting, one attendee asked about the company's plans for the Mega Man series. Capcom's response was to the point: "Mega Man is one of our highly-valued IPs and we are considering how to create games for it on an ongoing basis."

This response mirrors a similar one from roughly a year ago, where Capcom indicated that future titles depend on "the development of a solid concept, ideas, and gameplay." They also mentioned that future ports of back catalog titles would involve "addressing technical issues."

Now, on a somewhat related note, another investor inquired if the results of the Capcom Super Elections, where Mega Man was a very popular candidate, would influence the production of new titles in general. Capcom replied: "We value all our IPs and are considering ways to utilize them not only in games but in other media as well. For games, we believe the gameplay and specific appeal that an IP holds are important. We take a multifaceted approach to our games, including new titles, remakes, ports, and collections."

So the quick and dirty version: Capcom continues to evaluate the development of new games regularly, and we'll keep seeing Mega Man (and other legacy IPs) in different media. 

For the complete Q&A transcript, head over to Capcom's Investor Relations page


  1. "Say you're doing nothing without saying you're doing nothing"

    They said the exact same thing as last year lol

    Remember this from MML3 cancellation?

    "Q. This is the second Mega Man game cancelled this year, what does this mean for the future of the Mega Man Franchise?"

    "A. Mega Man is still an important franchise within Capcom’s portfolio and we will continue to pursue opportunities to create new titles in the series."

    "Continuing to pursue opportunities" vs "considering our approach" vs considering how to create"

    Mega Man 12 in 2038 boys!

    1. Uh, what? Legends 3 is already cancelled.

    2. He's quoting a interview from like 2012-2013.

    3. Second, you’re just speculating that they’re making Mega Man 12.

    4. At anon, what he's saying is it's the same lip service Capcom has been giving since the cancellation. They've been saying this customer service response for over 13 years now.

    5. Exactly, Capcom has been doing this for years.

    6. May MM12 might be canceled like L3.

  2. Insert "We're definitely working on a new MM game for real this time!" for #4681861937492 times

  3. I'll believe it when I see it

  4. Sounds like a response that all but confirms that there is currently nothing in the works.

    Notice how they talk of utilizing MM in "other media" and using a "multifaceted approach" to games. Now, this could just be their boilerplate response for all IP development, but if taken specifically to MM, essentially means they give just as much weight to licensing the name and releasing more collections (easy money) than they do about building a proper entry from the ground up. Not very reassuring.

    1. Hope Studio Trigger will rescue the Mega Man franchise like they did with Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt. Since Capcom only cares for Monster Hunter and repetitive IPs.

  5. I just want they finished their stories of X, Zx and Legends, everything than that could be extras, honestly or even remakes from games that really needed for new audiences, MegaMan have potential for sales but apparently they act like they are blind to not see that.

  6. So... It's over? Taisen definitively cancelled?

  7. I don't know. It's just the boy who cried wolf at this point. We had our chance to save the Mega Man franchise and, although I'm glad people apparently want remakes of the first two Breath of Fire games, we blew it. I'll believe Capcom still cares about Mega Man when they release a brand-new title that isn't a rehash. And by rehash, I mean port or collection. I'd even be glad to have an actual remake with 2.5D graphics (or 3D depending on the game). It wouldn't be enough, but it would be a step in the right direction.

    1. >"We had our chance to save the Mega Man franchise and, although I'm glad people apparently want remakes of the first two Breath of Fire games, we blew it."

      I don't think it's very smart to blame the fans (remember Legends 3?), especially not for not winning a totally non-committal poll, I'm highly doubtful Capcom is going to work on those remakes ASAP based on it regardless of the winner
      Despite of they saying Mega Man is "highly valued" what they mean is that of course they aren't 100% abandoning their mascot character just like Namco can't abandon Pac-Man, but that doesn't mean they have any priority for them because they have *many* more franchises now that resonate with a larger audience than something that used to be iconic *+30 years ago*
      You've seen it already, but the most interest they have in having the image of their mascot relevant in the present is to just shove it in their current titles as cameos that make you go "oh, I remember!"

    2. @justcallmeblah, it isn't the fans fault. Stop shilling for Capcom and defending every decision they make.

    3. Chill anon, he's not shilling.

    4. @deepsigh, being a troll and blaming fans is certainly something to get annoyed about. So how about you chill?

    5. @Anon July 23, 2024, 12:36 PM

      Capcom never blamed the fans per se, that was just a random tweet from Capcom of Europe *years* after the fact. We decided that it was symbolic of Capcom's attitudes because we were looking for an effigy and Inafune hadn't crossed us, yet.

    6. >We decided that it was symbolic of Capcom's attitudes because we were looking for an effigy and Inafune hadn't crossed us, yet.

      Funny you bring that up, reminds me of some of the reactions of the other day when Brian spotted an upcoming book dissecting Inafune's games, with folks going apeshit at his mere mention

      One that struck me as plain moronic was one saying that Inafune is the "Mega Man's ultimate archenemy", which couldn't be furthest from the truth: not only did Inafune make more games than both Akira Kitamura and Kazuhiro Tsuchiya COMBINED, but he was already cooking even more to come out by the time he had already quitted Capcom! And wanted to keep it rolling even after that with Mighty No. 9, but that one just didn't pan out as anyone wished for (I even think a sequel to that would be really handy to fill the void right now). And just shows how ungrateful Mega Man fans are and how undeserving they are of getting any more games

    7. July 23, 2024 at 12:36 PM
      >I don't think it's very smart to blame the fans (remember Legends 3?)
      What are you talking about? We got in the first Mega Man drought in the first place because fans whined that the winner of the contest for Aero's design was neither another blonde nor another brunette.

      July 23, 2024 at 2:12 PM
      You can't separate the art from the artist. When someone says "I hate Capcom", to me, they're saying "I hate Mega Man." Harassing people who make the franchises you love won't make them make new titles of said franchise faster. What have you done to support the Mega Man franchise? Make bootlegs thinly disguised as fan-games? Mane knockoffs thinly disguised as indie games? Buy copies of titles from their generic zombie games known as Resident evil?

    8. @AnonymousJuly 23, 2024 at 7:10 PM
      They did blame the fans. And it wasn't years after the fact, it was literally two days after the cancellation.

    9. Again, blaming the fans not only is bad PR but a flat-out lie: Legends 3 was cancelled because without Inafune Capcom had no other reason to continue the development of games they knew would be DoA (seriously, the Mega Man X first-person shooter was never going to work)

      @JustCallMeBlah You know it's funny how one second you are all like "I hate Capcom = I hate Mega Man" (even though it's the Mega Man fandom the one to have held a bitter grudge agaisnt Capcom for years, and they HATE Mega Man according to you??), but then you take it agaisnt Resident Evil fans as "part of the problem" for not supporting Mega Man enough! Dunno, maybe it's because of demand and supply: there have been more *new* (not just plain re-releases of old games, but brand-new original titles & modernized remakes) RE games in the last 5 years than new Mega Man games in nearly 15 years, let that sink it

    10. Just cuz Capcom says something doesn't make it true, and it absolutely doesn't excuse the subsequent decade that followed. Battle Network Legacy and Megaman 11 both outsold Dead Rising 4 yet it's getting a remaster/make while Megaman has 0 projects announced.

      I think it's just a simple matter of no one currently in the company has any ideas right now and it's just not occurring to Capcom to work with an indie dev to crank something out.

      I wish they'd just consult with someone to get said ideas or just observe the success of things like Sonic and Mario, but because Megaman has like 7 subseries they have no fan ideas to try.

      It's not like MvC where it's simple to see what fans like. #freemvc2 is much easier to follow than the at minimum 3 different games with the Megaman name ppl ask for.

      That plus no passion internally is probably why we're here now

    11. @Anon July 23, 2024 at 9:16 PM

      Mighty No. 9 didn't pan out on our side for stupid petty reasons. Remember GamerGate? The "anti-SJW" slant of that was why Dina being brought to the forums ended up being such a big deal. Mega Man fans were whiny about some random fan art from a community manager, as if they were going to torpedo the entire project. Then the Deep Silver trailer dropped and the same community decided that the "anime fan on prom night" obviously was referencing them.

      This is while there were *actual* things wrong with the project that had nothing to do with the bickering. Inafune made Inti Creates choose Unreal Engine 3 which not only had no real Japanese documentation, but also had support cut off mid-dev so Inti had to literally build so much of Mighty No. 9 from scratch, and it ended with Inafune literally being called "Con Man", which still persists to this day! The final nail in the coffin was the game itself not being the concept art being literally animated.

      @Anon July 24, 2024 6:21 AM

      Keep telling yourself that, if it brings you so much peace.

    12. July 23, 2024 at 2:12 PM
      You can't separate the art from the artist. When someone says "I hate Capcom", to me, they're saying "I hate Mega Man."

      What an absolutely ridiculous take.

    13. @Anon July 24, 2024 at 3:00 PM
      Dina was an unprofessional community manager.

    14. @Anon July 24, 2024 at 3:00 PM
      Dude, the Deep Silver trailer insults everyone. Inafune delivered an unfinished game and the 3ds port never happened, he and his team have it more than deserved.

    15. @Anon July 25, 2024 at 2:16 AM
      You should know that Dina only got in the project because Ben Judd was dating her at the time and was the only way she could extend her stay in Japan, but in exchange she had to submit to all kind of embarrassing sexual favors from Ben! You know how GamerGate started because of a miscontrued accusation about women trading sex to get ahead in the gaming industry (as if it's women who are the problem and not the industry itself)? I was a pretty sensitive topic for Dina because *for her it was a reality*, poor girl.

      Honestly the Deep Silver trailer was pretty based for insulting anime fans (otaku, weebs, etc.) in hindsight considering how increasingly deranged those guys are these days, and if they got offended by an obvious joke at their expense is because they really are a bunch of crybabies who need a reality check

    16. @Anon July 25, 2024 at 8:48 AM
      That makes her look worse. Both(only the women that do these things, not in general) are to blame. "Poor girl" please be joking, she's an adult that knew exactly what she was doing, she's no victim. Also, that has nothing to do with her being unprofessional so that's a crappy excuse.

      Even if someone doesn't like anime, but plays games with an anime art style, that someone got insulted too. "Reality check" YOU are deranged, cool self report though.


    18. @July 25, 2024 2:21 AM
      Certain versions not releasing was always a possibility noted on the Kickstarter page. The only thing Inafune did wrong was buy in too heavily to Inti Creates' ability with 3D games, and see what I said about Unreal Engine 3 losing support mid-dev and also having no Japanese documentation whatsoever.

      Also, yes, Deep Silver's trailer dared cross the line of... Being aimed at general video gaming audiences who wouldn't necessarily be pre-existing Mega Man fans. Which is apparently an unforgivable sin because of a grievously misread line. What? Is the community full of bad guys who cry like anime fans on prom night? FFS.

      @2:16 AM, 8:48 AM, 10:45 AM
      So, what damage did Dina even *do*, huh? Because from what I can see Mighty No. 9 made out it unscathed from what would be called nowadays the "woke agenda" unless you want to argue that Ray having feminine traits is somehow a bad thing. FFS I was not expecting people to defend misogyny...

    19. "Misogyny" you're a lunatic. She's a chronic liar as proved in the video. Instead of promoting the game, she drew people away from it.

    20. @July 25, 2024 at 1:50 PM
      Source? The F.A.Q. says this:
      "One of our most important considerations before we launched our Kickstarter, and before we could confirm that our idea here would resonate with the fans, was budgeting and cost: We had to be as certain as we possibly could that we could deliver on -everything- we were promising for the initial and stretch goals we were setting. Since, like many (most?) developers, we don't have any next-gen titles under our belt yet, we thought it best to stick with what we do know, so we could make promises to our fans with confidence -- especially for what we were promising coming out of the gate." (NEW: Will you / can you / please make a PS4 / Xbox One version of Mighty No. 9! Since you aren't coming out until 2015, why not aim for those systems first, instead of PS3 / Xbox 360 / Wii U?)

      "If we continue to see more and more fans asking for portable versions of Mighty No. 9, and if we're able to set and achieve stretch goals that would justify the cost, we would be thrilled to make this happen."(NEW: Will you / can you / please make a PS Vita / 3DS version of Mighty No. 9?!)

      So, when they announced:
      "MIGHTY NO. 9 IS NOW CONFIRMED COMING TO VITA AND 3DS, and PS4 & XBOX ONE!" on the front page, they lied. Not to mention the broken online or other issues.

      There's a time and context for such a joke. Maybe if the game would've been a success and they would've made the joke during developing of the sequel, they could've gotten away with it then(sure, not everyone would've liked it either, but still). No one at Concept nor anyone for that matter could have told Deep Silver to make a more friendly joke, really? That definition of bad guy is twisted and bizarre, there's no relation between that and an anime fan.

      For other issues and Dina:

    21. @July 25, 2024 at 1:50 PM
      "You should know that Dina only got in the project because Ben Judd was dating her at the time and was the only way she could extend her stay in Japan, but in exchange she had to submit to all kind of embarrassing sexual favors from Ben!"
      You're going to have to source that too. Also, she has made comments like "bf" meaning best friend instead of boyfriend before and read from someone else she meant her friend's boyfriend(?). Talk about an unreliable narrator.

    22. @Anon July 26, 2024 at 4:34 AM

      And if you doubt its authenticity, you should know that Ben Judd already admitted to it as he was quitting his publishing company DANGEN (not because of what he did to Dina in particular, but because his misbehavoir was a constant towards his clients):

    23. I can further verify the last anonymous comment. I've seen multiple memos regarding Judd's behavior during his time at Capcom. His conduct towards female staff, both at Capcom and their partners, was cause for concern. It's not my place to divulge specifics, but it was addressed (at Capcom) accordingly. Still, it appears that was not enough to dissuade the pattern of behavior.

    24. Reminder that Aizu Takuya(CEO of Inti Creates for those that don't know) publicly repudiate Deep Silver's commercial. That wasn't the only dumb line in the commercial either: "Do you like awesome things that are awesome?" "There's probably a dash that makes you breakfast."

    25. @Anon July 25, 2024 at 10:55 PM
      Sorry, Metokur videos aren't exactly known for being objective analyses based on fact, and that video's part and parcel with the irrational hate. One of the arguments that video makes is that Dina was unfit to be community manager because... She hadn't played a Mega Man game. As if that were required for participation.

      @Anon July 26, 2024 at 2:28 AM
      "They lied" doesn't matter when you understand why the PS Vita and 3DS ports were likely never released. As I said, development was a nightmare. Inti Creates bit off more than they could chew trying to get the game to work on so many different platforms and got caught between releasing the game and delaying it even more to make sure all versions were ready to go.

      However, despite the relationship, don't forget that GamerGate is also known for being about the harassment of women in video gaming spaces. The criticism laid towards Dina in specific absolutely does fall into that era, and this defense of that era feels more like a No true Scotsman fallacy than it does anything genuine. Again, what damage did Dina do to the game that wasn't just forum drama in the end?

    26. @Anon July 26, 2024 at 12:50 PM
      "As if that were required for participation."
      As a community manager, she shouldn't have lied. The reason behind the lie in itself is not important. She screwed up.

      "doesn't matter"
      Nah, it does matter. You just are choosing to ignore it. The excuses don't make up for the lie.

      "GamerGate is also known for being about the harassment of women in video gaming spaces."
      Bs and your revisionism has already failed.

      "Again, what damage did Dina do to the game that wasn't just forum drama in the end?"
      Yeah, that drama you mentioned led to distrust which included refunds. Now, I don't know about you, but to me that sounds like damage.

    27. Yeah that's the whole thing, people latching onto something that *only* backers experienced first-hand, and *only* backers who partook in the official forums at that, and these people act as if those incidents were a "red flag" for that project (to this very day, +10 years later) and not...everything else lol (sure, it was actually Dina's injecting politics into the game what caused the all of the delays and the downgrades!)

      Also, GG discussion being disallowed in the forums of a Japanese indie game was a sensible move (regardless of the personal politics of Dina or any other moderator in her place). Even 4chan banned GG discussions, think about it.


  8. "Highly valued", huh?

  9. So that means there going to make a new mega man game after all or not?

    1. Probably not, I wouldn't get your hopes up.

  10. Sorry, i meant "they". somehow i missed when they released a new mega man game every year.

    1. I miss that as well, we really had it good when they were constantly pumping out Mega Man games.

    2. Ahh... the good old days, especially when they would have the commercials.

  11. "addressing technical issues." I wonder if that means legends & Star force collections/ports have been considered (at least since their the only major mm series that haven’t received one yet) but will be on the back burner until they can work out some fixes to whatever wall they’ve hit

    1. And there are also rights issues, like music, voice actors, Oronamin C, YAG, ...

    2. I’d image the branded items wouldn’t be too much trouble to change but licensed music has cause trouble for many games

    3. For Legends, Capcom will probably use the PSP versions as base, which changed the brands in both games. I wonder if the PocketStation features will be included in Tron Bonne...

      For Star Force, I wonder if Boktai content will be added back like it was in MMBN6, and if Ace's favorite food will remain. If it were to change, what would it be? And will the mascot be redesigned, or it will be lazily left blank like the Rush Charger item in Mega Man 8?

      I hope there are no issues with the music, but if there are, they would probably do the same that was done with Mega Man 8.

  12. Not to be a negative but it sounds like corporate PR fluff to me. Not saying Capcom doesn't care for the series but the series as a whole has been mostly dormant with only 11 being the most recent title. I don't see that changing anytime soon unfortunately.

    1. It 100% is corporate fluff, they do this every year.

    2. That's not being negative, it's being realistic.

  13. Isn't there a statement or interview from one of the Megaman 11 producers, who said that the Team-MM11 & Co. is about to produce Megaman 12, because MM11 was a success?

    1. Hope it will come true, but the bad thing if the team will cancel the development, will be the endo of the franchise... :'(

    2. It's not happening, it's been 6 years.

  14. Replies
    1. Legends three is already cancelled!

    2. Well then... "Mega Man Legends: Rocket 30" WHEN?!?!?

    3. Capcom could have a temporary contract with Inafune to finish the game, a pipedream I know. After all, action RPGs are popular these days.

    4. @5:18 pm. Way to state the obvious. I guess you don't understand the post above, he's wanting them to finally make Legends 3. Sure it's been cancelled years ago but it doesn't mean they can't finally make it.

    5. Mega Man Legends: Rocket 30?! That’s not even a real game!

  15. I think its just a matter of time at this point 🤞🏻

    1. A matter of time for what? They literally have nothing in the works.

  16. Pretty nothing / fluff response, but I appreciate that someone there at least asked.

  17. Looking forward for possible future projects!

    1. Only to have your hopes crushed in a few years from now when absolutely nothing surfaces.

  18. Sounds like yet another bs corporate reply.

  19. Yawn. I am tired of Capcom. Stop saying it and release them!

  20. So that means new mega man games are going to be made, right?

  21. I wonder what's so hard to evaluate when they have plenty of content for a new game. Can't wait to see Mega Man Legends Legacy Collection, Mega Man Legends 3, Mega Man Star Force Legacy Collection, Mega Man Star Force 4, Mega Man Legacy Collection 3-4 (with RockBoard, Soccer, TPB, TPF, B&C, SAR, ...), Mega Man X Legacy Collection 3 (Xtreme 1-2, Command Mission, MHX), Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection 3, Capcom Party Classics DX (or Mega Man Keitai Collection, or just release them separatedly in GOG, etc), Mega Man 12, Mega Man X9, Mega Man X Command Mission 2, Mega Man Battle & Chase 2, Mega Man: The Elf Wars, Mega Man ZX 3, Mega Man Legends Origins (MegaMan Trigger), Mega Man Star Force 4, Mega Man Star Force 5 (Duo Strikes Back), Maverick Hunter X2, Mega Man Powered Up 2, Mega Man Universe, Mega Man Online, Mega Man Xover DX, Mega Man Party, Mega Man Strikers, Mega Man Sports, Capcom Smash Bros, Mega Man Gamemix, Mega Man Fully Charged: The Game, Captain N: The Video Game, Mega Man: Into the Megaverse, Proto Man (Mega Man 0), The Misadventures of Bass, Duo the Guardian of the Galaxy, Super Adventure Mega Man X, ...
    Then again, they probably are having a hard time deciding what they should do next, and must be worried about the timing...

    1. There is so much they haven't ported over in the form of Legacy collections like you had listed, it's honestly just a bit ridiculous at this point that they "don't know what to do" with the franchise.

      Make new games, continue making more Legacy collections to have all of the older games available on modern platforms. Capcom is apparently run by a bunch of out of touch morons.

  22. 'involve "addressing technical issues."'
    Part of that is trying to decide what content to remove. For "reasons".
    I would suggest removing Capcom USA and doing it all in Japan. That would be a good start.

    1. I usually disagree with your takes here but you're definitely on point here. Capcom USA has started to become a toxic influence that's going way too far to assert their terrible standards onto everyone else. Their job should be to be a faithful localization team, not to outright alter content to fit their worldview and most certainly not to enforce censorship directly into the creation process in Japan to align with their worldview by enforcing what Japanese developers can and can't put in their own artwork. Recent years have increasingly made me want to see everyone responsible for this behavior at Capcom USA laid off and replaced with new blood who aren't going to partake in that toxic, censorship nonsense. I find it ridiculous that a localization branch of the company for an entirely different nation is being allowed to get away with telling Japanese artists what kinds of content they're allowed to put in their art for Japanese players to experience.

    2. All localizations are handled in-house at Capcom's Osaka HQ. Localizations are made under the guidance of the dev team and project managers.

    3. CapcomUSA needs new people that cares about all IPs and not be bias about them. Side note, Capcom needs to be more transparent with their consumers I.E. fans like Sega and Nintendo.

  23. I'm not sure this if they will consider it, but why not have Dr. Wily retire. He had to have gone totally insane to have not defeated Mega Man after 11 installations of the Classic version (Games on GB not included).

    I'm saying it is time for a new evil doctor. Although, that would admittedly be a twist in the plot.

    1. New villain: Yliw Rotcod, mad scientist (no, it's not Wily in disguise, I swear)

    2. Mr X: Wily, I'm you father!July 23, 2024 at 1:08 PM

      Only if the doc is a real menace on his own, similar to X8's Lumine, because we already had Dr. Cossack, Mr. X, King, and the Constellation Droids, with Wily being behind them like Sigma was behind the actions from Dr. Doppler, Repliforce, and Red Alert. Wily could or not be part of the plot, being used or betrayed like Ra Moon and Sunstar did.
      Could also be like MMX Command Mission, with Mega Man facing a group instead of a doctor, like the Dimensions and the Emerald Spears. Could also be something ancient, like the creators of Shadow Man's tech, a classic series counterpart of the Mu continent, ... but not the Lion Men or Lotos the genie! (But now that I think about it, Ra Moon was almost like a genie for Wily due to including a 3D printer able to do any of his designs)

    3. It's not within Wily's nature to retire. One of his core character traits is how stubborn and determined he is, which is why he keeps returning over and over and why Dr. Light's attempts to reason with him continually fall on deaf ears. He went mad long before MM1, the whole storyline of the franchise exists largely because of his stubborn madness.

      The only way Wily's leaving is if he dies, which wouldn't really thematically fit with the more light hearted tone of the Classic series. More edgy plotlines like that are more at home with MMX, Z, and ZX. Furthermore, the rivalry between Dr. Light and Dr. Wily is what the whole classic series is about and is the formula that has made it so popular. It would be unwise to deviate away from that too strongly.

      That being said, it could be a good change of pace to dedicate a game to a new villain for real for a change of pace. Wily actually being innocent for real for once would be a breath of fresh air the series badly needs, and could even be a good lore excuse for Bass being playable again, and maybe even a mainline playable debut for some of Wily's other creations as he retaliates against this new threat for stealing his thunder. After all, Mega Man is for him and his creations to destroy, and nobody else. What's the point of destroying Light's legacy if it's not him doing it? It would deprive him of the revenge he craves so desperately.

    4. Uh, we know Mr. X IS wily in disguise. Literally.

    5. Constellation Droids? You mean the Stardroids?

    6. Wily: This cannot be! Oh wait, it isn't!July 23, 2024 at 7:56 PM

      Just a joke. While Mr. X is Dr. Wily in the games, in the Archie Comics Mr. X is a separated character unrelated to him that hates robots. As Wily pretended that Mr. X was the one behind Wily's actions, and they have a similar appearance, but they were the same all along...

      Constellation Droids is a fan nickname for the group of robots that appeared in Rockman Strategy, aliens that were tricked by Wily to work with him.

  24. Yeah right Capcom. I'll believe it when I see it!

  25. Fans are really taking Mega Man into their own hands, MAGMML3 just came out, and Mega Man Unlimited 2 has been announced. If anyone here has a craving for more Mega Man the fan games are a great place to turn!

    1. So... If I ask for a Mega Man game similar to Pokemon Puzzle League and Puyo Puyo Tetris, with the Tetris-esque minigame from the ZX series being included as a bonus, what are the chances of it happening? XD

      But seriously, I'd love to see the multiplayer mode from Mega Man Zero 2 (GBA only, absent in collections) made into a standalone game with a level customization similar to Mega Man Maker, having the official ones and a few extras as default levels.

    2. See, I told you Mega Man Fan games can keep the franchise up and running.

    3. The fans that make games are honestly the only thing keeping the franchise somewhat alive at this point.

  26. You want to make a good mega Man game Make it a first person shooter kind of like they did with Metroid I am telling you you will not be able to keep that on the shelf you will sell out of that so fast

  27. Well, they did spam merch, marathoned the EXE anime on twitch and youtube, re-released the manga and got Rio Takamisaki to make 2 new bonus chapters for it alongside the Battle Network LC, so I guess that's what their "multi-faceted approach" is. Waiting for them to do the same for the Star Force LC ...any time now...

  28. It's still a valued UP, they say? Actions speak louder than words. The mere fact that they haven't at least, at a bare minimum, given us a DLC expansion for Mega Man 11, to even this day, is inexcusable.

    1. ...I meant "valued IP" in that first sentence. By the time I noticed that typo, I had already clicked the "PUBLISH" button, so it was too late. Damn it.

    2. I still want a Bass campaign. I don't care how long it has been, I'd buy a Bass expansion in a heartbeat.

    3. So would I. Honestly, there's really no good excuse as to why he and Proto Man weren't in the game in the first place. Not only were we given an explanation that made no sense, but it could not have been more insulting to everyone's intelligence if they tried.

    4. That was my issue with MM11 as well, there was literally zero support for it after it launched. No additional dlc for Bass and Protoman, no extra content nothing.

    5. @Anonymous July 23, 2024 at 7:03 PM:

      To be fair, the one piece of DLC that was released for the game was when they made the "Wily Numbers Instrumental" tracks, which was originally a pre-order exclusive, readily available for everyone. Other than that, yeah. They gave it no additional updates or support.

    6. And Proto Man expansion? 🥺

  29. They say this every year, it's just typical corporate speak. All they need to do is make new games, how is that a hard concept for Capcom to grasp? And if they don't want to do that at least finish the Legacy collections with the rest of the games not on modern consoles.

  30. Legends legacy collection when Capcom?

    1. Legends legacy collection, Really?

    2. Yeah, Legends Legacy collection. Can you not read?

    3. @ July 23, 5:22 Pm. You do realize all of the current Mega Man collections are called Legacy collections right? Or did you not know this?

    4. @July 23 5:22 Pm. Yeah Legacy, how hard is that to understand?

    5. Sorry to say this, but. Legends legacy collection… is not happening.

  31. So we can put MegaMan on the shelf with power stone, dino crisis, and darkstalkers right? Cause, it feels more that they're standards are what is stopping megaman or any other games like this from being made rather than demand for them.

    1. Add Viewtiful Joe and Final Fight to that list as well.

    2. Darkstalkers, pal... 🥺

    3. Now it's all just Resident Evil, Street Fighter and Monster Hunter.

    4. Exoprimal too.

  32. Guys, I can confirm that Mega Man X9 has in fact been confirmed for 2053! Holy snap!! OH MAH GAWD HYPE!! Mighty No.9 2!!!!

    1. Drake: Josh! What is going on?! Have you been gone insane again? I gave you a chill pill!

  33. HAH! Called it yet again nothing changes till the milking stops producing results lol. Back bone is ultimate rarity tier item these days though.

    1. Without a game they are not getting my money. Let the side projects fail.

  34. It's funny to see how negative the comment section is here compared to the previous threads about potential new games, I guess the fanboys has finally got tired of Capcom's BS after they said the same thing over and over for several years lol .

    1. You're not special, the majority of fans understand the state the franchise is in and how little Capcom cares about it. Some of us just rather spend our time being positive about something sentimental to us than rage against a corporation non-stop.

      The reality is Capcom wants to make the most amount of money with the least investment possible. That's what all publicly-traded companies do to provide the most value to their shareholders. They've made the conscious decision to focus on other IPs because they clearly bring more money in than MM, which has always been relatively niche. It's disappointing but life goes on.

  35. Highly Valued but not highly enough to make a game :)

  36. As fans, we must face the fact the MegaMan will never be on their radar. They only care about Resident Evil, Street Fighter and Monster Hunter. All their other IP’s are not a priority. If we receive anything, it will only be because they are between games with the franchises they truly care about. The response feels like a slap in the face. We all see where they stand, so I will support and fund fan projects as much as possible going forward. It’s honestly our best shot at receiving new games.

    1. I mean I hate to say it but they have been like this since around 2012-2013 when Legends and Universe were cancelled. If they don't want to make more games then at least port the rest of the missing games over to modern consoles in collections and be done with it.

  37. You're move, Capcom...

  38. This franchise is going away the same way Rayman does.

    1. After the two excellent Rayman platformers Origins and Legends, it was a shame to see him basically get put back in the vault by UBI. Pretty sure they both sold pretty well.

    2. According to Wikipedia:
      For Origins:
      "Despite the game's positive reviews, it did not live up to its sales expectations. It sold 50,000 copies in its first month in the US. However, Ubisoft revealed that the game has been profitable."
      For Legends:
      "Although Legends outsold Origins in its first week from international sales with the Wii U version selling the most copies, the game failed to meet sales expectations. As of November 2013, the game's sales were approaching one million units, according to Ubisoft. In early November 2014, Ubisoft reported that Rayman Legends was still selling well and contributing to the company's earnings. As of February 4, 2019, Rayman Legends has sold 4.48 million copies across all platforms, including the PS Vita and Nintendo Switch."
      Seems companies don't care if a game sells well after missing the initial sales target.

    3. Most of these companies also have unrealistic sales expectations. They probably more than made their budget back with Legends sales.

  39. Valued franchise to Capcom just means more merch, cameo appearances but no new games. It's corporate speak for they have nothing planned or in development for Mega Man.

    1. And don't forget to useless downloadableless apps.

  40. I want new Mega Man games, Capcom

    1. We all do, that's why so many people are just irritated about their vague statements of nothing. They should have already been working on another game after how well 11 did or found another dev to make it for them.

  41. How did we get back on blaming fans?

    Mega Man games were selling better than they had any reason to considering the way Capcom has managed the franchise the past decade and a half. Both 11 and the Battle Network Legacy Collection will likely get to 2 million or more in sales with modest budgets and no post launch support or anything. Fans are making and releasing games to this day. Mega Man had a big pressence on the popularity poll Capcom JUST did. What more can they do?

    Acknowledging Capcom doesn't really care about the franchise much is fine. Actions speak louder than words after all. But acting like the fans are at fault somehow was always ridiculous, but especially now.

    1. In my book, it's because the fans are responsible for the franchise's current state since the ball came back into their court. The last time Capcom did something new and fully original with Mega Man was with the TV show Fully Charged.
      It never got to stand on it's own two feet because the fanbase decided to relentlessly compare it to other Mega Man entries, and it seemed like we never got the hint that this series was not going to be a literal interpretation of those other series but something that drew inspiration from them. The show TANKED because of the resulting barrage of hopelessly pedantic criticism.

      When things like that show, and even minor things like a costume in Street Fighter draw the same degree of criticism, how is the brand supposed to even function? How is Capcom supposed to make a Mega Man game that the fans actually like, when it seems readily apparent that any such attempt at a new game will be relentlessly attacked? It seems that, at least, the veteran fanbase are so hopelessly toxic that they'll sooner kill the brand than support it as they once did.

    2. I think your analysis is ridiculous. First off, "new and fully original" is being extremely selective. Mega Man 11 was new and it went over very well and sold very well on top of it. Just because it wasn't yet another spinoff doesn't change that. I mean, you have people here saying part of the problem is there are too many different Mega Man subseries, a sentiment that if I remember right, Sven who formerly worked at Capcom of America echoed.

      Not only that, but to say that show not finding an audience was because of fan critcism is an excuse that falls flat as far as I'm concerned. People were saying as soon as it was announced it was airing on Cartoon Network that the show wasn't going to get ratings because of how the Network operated. The time slot it was given didn't help. Which is all to say nothing about the subjective quality of the show itself. Not only do you have to handwave the decisions Capcom made in regards to things like that, but you also have to consider that something like that was meant to attract new fans as well. If it was such a big failure as you claim, then it must have completely failed in that regard as well, yeah?

      As for things like the Street Fighter costume, if you make something that looks awkward and ugly, you're going to hear as such. Regardless of what it is. To your question "How is Capcom supposed to make a Mega Man game that the fans actually like?" They already figured that out. Again, Mega Man 11. They can do that with any of the sub series that already exist. They CAN make a new subseries too if they must. As long as the game is decent people will be fine with it.

      Your take feels more like you want to project a level of toxicity onto fans that just isn't there. You say the ball came back into their court, but how so? As I already pointed out, fans have done everything that can reasonably be expected of them and more. The fans not being 100% on board with every little thing Capcom does with the franchise doesn't change that. No fanbase is 100% on board with the way companies handle their properties.

      Can we not just hold Capcom responsible for how they manage their franchise for once instead of once again trying to deflect all responsibility onto the fans who are already doing more than should be expected of them?

    3. Nah m8, Fully Charged was a cringe show aimed at kids who don't know or care about Mega Man but was watched almost exclusively by grown-ups thinking they should "support" it because of their attachment to the brand

    4. @Anon 5:48 PM.
      Buddy, I don't know if you even read your own argument. Fully Charged still stands as the only really new thing in a sea of collections, and you seriously made an argument for LESS Mega Man. It was certainly more original than a dime-a-dozen gacha spinoff, more original than a literal set of anthology releases, and absolutely more original than a literal numbered sequel. What were you thinking referencing Mega Man 11 as somehow being more original than Fully Charged?

      The community basically spit in Sven's face every chance they got to, regardless of whatever your personal memories are of Capcom-Unity. As far as this community cared, the best thing he did was announce publicly that Rockman Xover wasn't going to be translated for the western markets. Literally everything else was some form of betrayal of the fans' interest. Mega Man: Rush Marine might not have been much, but it was something to try and keep the IP afloat, made for the US in desperation and I'd bet production was organized by Sven. Street Fighter x Mega Man was a literal fangame that got turned official also thanks to Sven, and what did we do? Told Capcom to "stop being lazy" and make games themselves. Yeah, *we* are the ones that burned that bridge, and blamed *Capcom* for not putting it out.

      Fully Charged was hated from the moment all we had on it's existence was a logo on a website, and that long predates Cartoon Network's involvement. The show was originally to air on Disney XD, and it started as a confirmed thing before it became tentative, then unlikely, and then the show was dropped. When interviews with two of the producers came out, words were minced and people whined about "Fan Man" and "Shock Man" in reference to Air Man and Elec Man, how Mega Man would be going to school instead of fighting all the time, how his friend Bert wasn't literally just Dr. Wily from the original NES games. Even when the show itself was actually airing, there was nothing but contempt justified by comparison. The show did not get a chance to stand on it's own and be judged on it's own merits. Period. Because otherwise people would be able to see the subtext of mental health and dealing with traumatic past.

      As for the Street Fighter costume, one thing that everybody seemed to miss out of wilful spite was that it was a costume for the avatar, so it could be easily customized. It was an outfit for a character. The face ultimately didn't matter, because because Capcom dared to demo it in a fashion that wasn't literally analogous to the original games. It had to be condemned because we somehow respect the brand more than they do! Same goes for the Exoprimal collab. No care for the content, no concern for the spirit, in fact in this instance the community seemed to only have an issue with the idea of an Exoprimal collab when the execution didn't match the idea.

      So when it comes to Mega Man, I think I'm quite fair in having a distrust in the community's wishes. Mega Man needs to evolve with the times, and it can't just be in the form of a numbered sequel. A new spinoff would be the best thing as a means of reintroducing the spirit of the brand and probably providing a framework by which to properly modernize the core concepts. But as far as types like you care, it's 2.5D, 8 stages and threadbare storytelling outside of flavor text or the Capcom effigy burns again.

    5. Fully Charged was a cringe show? The miniseries took place after the events of that show.

    6. Yeah, you heard what I said. Sgt. Night was arrested in the finale of the show. Dr. Wily appeared to be Bert’s grandfather and an expert on the Hard Age in the comics, People thought Bert was a young good version of him only to be revealed as Wily’s grandson.

    7. It isn't that common to read the 2.5D claim, in fact it's much more common to read the 2D one. Many disagreed with the idea of going back to 8 stages from 9 onwards. And, the claim for more storytelling has been there since the franchise's inception. All you do is read one or two claims and make up this imaginary scenario where everyone agrees to the same opinions.

    8. Studio Trigger will work better an anime adaptation in the vein of Kill la Kill.

    9. @Anonymous July 24, 2024 at 3:09 PM
      Ignoring the quality of the show itself, which is subjective, it is very much worth pointing out that Fully Charged's success was sabotaged badly by Cartoon Network consistently airing the show at really, really bad time slots. Even if there were complaints about the show from within the Mega Man community, the real thing that sank the show was CN airing the show during times where the general audience would not be aware of its existence.

    10. Okay, I got a bunch of things to say about this whole reply.

      1. Fully Charged was an average show. Seriously.

      2. Aki only goes to school in his normal kid form. So technically, Aki and Mega Man are the same person.

      3. Dr. Wily is revealed as Bert’s Grandfather in the comics.

      4. Is there any other reasons about this?

      5. Why are there fan arts of Fully Charged spreader out all over the internet?

      6. This ranting discussion was used a couple times in MMFC Comic reviews.

    11. There's fan art of the Ruby-Spears series too, but a lot of people don't particularly like it. Different strokes for different folks.

    12. @Anon July 25, 2024 8:21 AM
      1.) Your point?

      2.) My point was that many were outraged that Aki existed at all, and that's part of the argument of how the show wasn't allowed to stand on it's own in any capacity.

      3.) So? The comics came out well after the damage was done, in my opinion. The show had managed to finish it's single season run, and it's been speculated that some of what the comics did was based on material that had been planned for a Season 2, if one were made. My point was in the moment, people saw the character of Bert Wily and screamed "why did they turn Wily into this nerd character????" alongside crying that Sgt. Night, much like Aki, existed at all.

      4.) The problem with the en masse negativity towards even the small things is that the community comes off as having massive issues with entitlement for the effort. There's no excitement for the presence, when it came to the Street Fighter costume, most of the complaints were about the face of the avatar they used to demo the costume, some were about the moves that the Mega Man-clad avatar pulled off, and only a scant few were about how the outfit was locked to a Fighting Pass. You put this negativity with the negativity to Fully Charged and also around X Dive, and then add the negative reactions to the collections, go back in time to Xover, include the western side of the negativity towards Mighty No. 9, Mega Man fans come off as so hopelessly entitled that the only reason they're ever chill is because nobody's challenging them.

      5.) If you're assuming I meant that literally nobody ever liked Fully Charged, you're the one being unrealistic. Of course the show got a small audience who ignored the naysayers and watched it anyway, but the persistent negativity greatly hindered it's reach and I'd wager the reason why Disney XD ended up dropping the show was influenced by the community doing a mass mailing campaign to pressure them into backing out. I'll agree that Cartoon Network didn't want the show, but it was more for reasons pertaining to Cartoon Network's activity at the time than anything to do with Fully Charged. Cartoon Network is not when people began to hate the show, as I have said the hate existed well into the show's initial teasers.

    13. @AnonymousJuly 24, 2024 at 7:17 PM

      Alright, so you're just fully ignoring the reality of the situation. Mega Man 11 was a new game. That was what I meant when I was talking about something "original." As in not a collection or re-release. I thought you would get that because of how much you are harping on them, but apparently not. To say I "made an argument for LESS Mega Man" I can only see as willfully misinterpreting what I said.

      You can make an argument for more Mega Man without making an argument that it needs to splinter off into yet more sub-series.

      Your memories of Capcom-Unity are your own, and juding by your posts here, I can't say I'm surprised that you decided to focus solely on your own negative perception of things. Nuance doesn't really seem to be your thing, but I'll just say, fans being critical of Capcom's anniversary celebration, or lack thereof, is not some unreasonable "bridge burning" event. Nevermind the fact that all of that took place after Capcom had thoroughly burned the bridge between fans themselves by that point.

      It's ironic in a way because we actually agree to an extent on what the future COULD be for Mega Man, as do plenty of people in the community, which you might see if you weren't so deadset on demonizing it to the extent that you are.

      " But as far as types like you care, it's 2.5D, 8 stages and threadbare storytelling outside of flavor text or the Capcom effigy burns again."

      This kind of nonsense is what I'm talking about. No need to put words in my mouth. You can actually discuss what I've said rather than fabricate something to respond to. I'd be more than happy to see Mega Man evolve. I and plenty of people here have and will continue to ask for that. Where we disagree is that it NEEDS to be another spinoff. It COULD be that, but I don't think that's really necessary. It also wouldn't have to be a numbered sequel, though again it COULD be if they so chose.

      I don't know if you're just a jilted Fully Charged fan or what, but again, I think you'd find that at least to an extent, at least SOME of the ideas you're saying line up pretty well with a decent amount of "the community's wishes" you claim to have so much distrust in.

    14. Yeah, really. People were freaking out about Bert Wily being a young version of Dr. Wily, which is very misleading. As the comics revealing that Dr. Wily being Bert’s Grandfather and the real villain behind the scenes. At the time, people are shuttering that Wily is gonna replace Sgt. Night as the true leader of the Robot Masters after he got his hands on both of Aki and Daini’s schematics. I was surprised to think he would strike back with strong robots based on the schematics.

    15. @Anon July 26, 2024 at 2:05 PM
      Alright, I'll calm down a little. Hopefully.

      We have competing definitions of the word "new". My understanding was that by "new", I meant something that didn't completely rely on old presentation to succeed. 90% of the requests that have to do with "new Mega Man" games tend to be requests for numbered sequels, and sometimes even with specific story beats, or even just telling specific stories. For example, "Mega Man 12 has to lead into the X series" would be cool, but also if executed the way many seem to think it should be, it would mean Capcom couldn't make any further games in the classic series without causing continuity issues of various kinds. Just look at how long it was thought that X6 ruined the intended transition to the Zero series in X5, even though the ending everybody thinks was the canon one actually wasn't. That is, early Zero 1 concept art references elements from X5's bad ending, but I digress.

      From what I gleam of Capcom HQ's perspective, the reason why Mega Man isn't getting any new games is because of two major points: 1.) No one within the company wants to be the one to helm a Mega Man project, and 2.) Mega Man projects generally aren't sales darlings anymore. The two points could be connected, I'll admit, but I'm unwilling to connect them that way because of the preponderance of non-game Mega Man content. The endless stream of merchandise and rehashes suggests if nothing else that there's a lot of love for the IP, yet no one wants to make new games for it.

      It's why I feel that the way forward would be with a new subseries, because a silent rule of Mega Man subseries is that they are opportunities to establish new gameplay concepts, or adapt\update existing formulas. In this case, I consider the door open to reintroduce how Mega Man is more than just a symbol of retro gaming. You could say that Mega Man 11 was that same opportunity, but I'd disagree as I feel it was too antiquated to serve that purpose regardless of it's quality.

      Which is why I think that there's something of a problem community-side. The amount of people who step up to bat for Mega Man 11 seem to think that it has been the only worthwhile Mega Man anything released in the past 6 years, and seem to think at least that they are owed a Mega Man 12 at the very least, and considering that that sentiment gets shared alongside negative responses towards everything else that was released, am I really that wrong in seeing a large-scale entitlement complex? Am I really that wrong in saying that we're working against our own interest by basically finding reasons to burn Capcom effigies every chance we get?

  42. With the success of Mega Man Legacy Collection 1+2, Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1+2, Mega Man Zero/ZX Collection and Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection. It's just only a matter of time now until Capcom officially announces a Mega Man Legends Legacy Collection.

    1. I'm not giving my hopes up for more collections but if they do a Legends collection i'd buy it. We also need a Mega Man Legacy collection volume 3 with the 5 Gameboy games, MM & B, Battle and chase, Soccer, the 2 arcade games. And a StarForce collection for fans of that series.

      Then there is the issue of other games like Network Transmission on GameCube, MMX Command Mission, the 2 X Gameboy color games. Capcom kinda dug themselves in a hole there not including the spinoffs in the existing collections.

  43. If Capcom themselves doesn't want to make a new game they should just contract another dev to make one that would do it justice, like inticreates or another similar dev that specializes in 2d.

    1. Or the worst another app game

    2. I hope not, we don't need another mobile game. Mega Man deserves another full console game, the issue is Capcom has extremely unrealistic sales expectations for their games. They could easily still make Mega Man games while their bigger franchises pump out more money for them.

    3. Like most (souless) Japanese companies.

    4. I mean, when Sega tried that, it resulted in the most well-received Sonic game in years (Sonic Mania), so I'd be for it.

    5. Add Streets of Rage 4 to that list, it turned out pretty well received.

  44. This is how video game companies acted like this but only cares money.

  45. They sure put the CAP in CAPCOM

  46. Not surprised this topic exploded, but the fact remains that Capcom really does need to come up with a procedure and actually follow through on it. As Mark Twain once said, "The secret of making progress is to get started."

  47. Until we have a new game they're just lying as far as I'm concerned.

  48. At this point I really have to question what the point of that survey they had recently was, because as it is they are still absolutely clueless even after fans gave them input on the survey. More than likely it was just corporate fluff to appease their investors and share holders to make it look like they were doing something.

    1. It hasn't even been a year since the survey. Games can't be made that quickly.
      Even Mega Man 11 took years.

    2. Nobody is saying they have to have a game now, if they announce any new console game regardless of what stage the game is, people will calm down.

    3. @July 24 11:01 pm, that's what you got from the post? He said nothing about expecting a game made in a year. It's just typical Capcom doing surveys and still having no clue what to do with their franchises, they have been doing this for years. Infact it's been 6 years since 11, something should have been announced years ago. They arent working on anything Mega Man related.

  49. In my opinion, the best thing to come out of Mega Man 11 were the casual outfits for Rock and Roll (especially Roll!), and while the game itself was fun, it just didn't have enough replay value or depth to really matter. Even something as simple as an "Endless Attack" mode would have been welcome, but all we got was the Light Challenge and Enemy Attack modes. I've had no desire to play it again since beating it on the hardest difficulty. I'm very happy to own a copy, but it just… doesn't have much substance. At its very core, it is a "classic" game, in that sense.

    That said… No more, Capcom. Let the fans have this one.

    I grouse a lot, but they know what they're doing. Mostly.

  50. The Human Council is first mentioned in "Rockman & Rockman X Daizukan"(1994). They are the main promoters of the "Irregular Hunters" initiative. Originally, after it was discovered that certain Repliroids were becoming erratic and attacking humans, Dr. Cain suggests stopping Repliroid production and removing them all from the streets until they find a solution to the problem, proposing to subject all Repliroids to Dr. Light's 30-year morality test, however, since the cases with Repliroids were quite isolated and these new robots were more productive than the previous generation of robots and even superior to Mechaniloids, it was decided to instead form a Repliroid Patrol Squad that would be deployed in the event of any incident(malfunctioning Repliroids are now called Irregulars), said group would be the Irregular Hunters. After the events of X1 they are on X's side until the Eurasia crash happens where they blamed X and Zero for it, taking advantage of the disappearance of both after the battle against Sigma, they both lost their captain positions and their units were disbanded.
    In X4, the council's relation with Repliforce was already tense due to to the latter not obeying any human government entity. When Sigma does his stunt, the council takes advantage of this to demand them to give in to the government. General knows this and this is why he declares the coup d'état starting the Repliforce War.
    In X5, several senior Irregular Hunters commanders (including Dr. Cain) decide to retire, feeling that they were responsible for the previous war, and Signas is installed. By this point, the Repliforce remnants were converted into a Irregular Hunters 2 under The Human Council. After Eurasia, Gate and Isoc would take advantage of such chaos and convince the council to approve their Nightmare research project. X6 being the first occasion where the Irregular Hunters would operate without the consent of the council, doubting the operations of the Nightmare Investigators.

    @Megatron X
    It's impossible to clog up a comment section that allows unlimited amounts of comments. If you're so bothered by it then don't read it, much less reply. There is always someone that might find it interesting.

    Now, apart from my own research, a lot of this information wouldn't be possible without Rockyou78's work as well as Hi-GO's. Even though I might disagree in some subjects and might be too opinionated, I want to thank you all for the wonderful job both of you have done. I'd also like to thank Capcom, Kodansha and all publishers for this franchise and providing all those books.

    1. Why do you keep posting this if people are expressing annoyance?

    2. @Tiny Proto Man
      Big deal, two users did. They don't talk for everyone.

    3. Because precursor lacks reading comprehension and can't actually contribute to the subject at hand.

    4. You're not really helping your case, dude. Is this your special interest?

    5. It's technically three if you include me. Your attitude towards people's criticism is off-putting.

    6. @5:15 I suspect they are very passionate about Meggims. That by itself isn't a crime, but I feel like it'd be better off posted on a blog dedicated to that sort of thing. I get being excited about stuff - I used to have that sort of problem when I was still a teenager. It takes time to learn, and unfortunately my patience isn't great - possibly because of second-hand embarrassment from some of my own behavior back then.

      The timing in which my posts were put up might make things confusing, so I apologise for not specifying who I was responding to.

    7. @Tiny Proto Man
      Their attitudes started first. Can't take the heat then don't disrespect. So for you it's okay to keep spamming "mUh fIgUrE" over and over. That's respectful for you? "but I feel like it'd be better off posted on a blog dedicated to that sort of thing." That's your opinion, I'm free to express myself. If a bunch are not interested then they can keep scrolling.
      @Anonymous July 25, 2024 at 5:15 PM
      Nothing to do with reading comprehension. There's no rule about sticking to the article at hand, in fact I already mentioned this. Get it anon? No, I suppose not.

    8. That last post was me.

    9. Of course it was you, Precursor you throw a temper tantrum at anyone that gets irritated at you going off topic with your fan fiction theories then accuse them of being a bot.

    10. @Anonymous July 26, 2024 at 6:21 AM
      "at anyone"
      You mean the one anon that kept spamming the article was about a figure. The other anon July 15, 2024 at 12:05 PM that wrote: "Sigh... We are approaching Sonic and Metal Gear fandoms level of fiction and theory crafting.... It's inevitable seeing as there's not much else for us to do, we will keep degenerating into this stuff. It's bound to happen" All I wrote is that there was no fan fiction involved, but there was theory crafting and that the information is based on official sources while maintaining respect even though said anon wasn't very respectful.
      "off topic with your fan fiction theories then accuse them of being a bot."
      First, regarding discussion, again there's no such rule and this has been done in the past recently. Second, there was canon information, trivia and when it comes to theories, the majority weren't mine(I made this perfectly clear) and much less fan fiction(look up what that term means next time) regarding the posts. Third, I accused no one. therealrockman87 wrote: "BOT get lost" and it's ambiguous who he was referring to. The legit bot I was referring to was echemi and if you ask why, I'll instruct all you have to do is click on that account. Your attempt at revisionism and trolling has failed anon and there's nothing more childish than trolling.

    11. Aight, you're on your own now.

    12. @Tiny Proto Man
      You aren't at all being fair. Have you even read what I wrote?

    13. Granted, if you meant that in a negative way. Otherwise, ok then.

    14. I sure did. I'm trying to explain, from one autie to potentially another, why what you're doing is upsetting people, and how your response is making things worse. There are rules, and then there are unspoken rules. Generally, people don't like it when someone strays from the initial topic.

    15. If you have a hard time understanding this, I cannot help you. I have been called every name in the book because of acting like a dinglehopper, and I don't think you want to be in the same position I was.

      That's why I said "you're on your own". I cannot make you change your behavior - I am giving you advice as an autistic woman who has been chased off of forums because I cheesed off too many people.

    16. "from one autie to potentially another"
      That's some dangerous projection. Regarding "unspoken rules", you think I don't know? You think I'm naïve as you? That rule goes out the window when it keeps being broken.
      "how your response is making things worse."
      Yeah, no, you're being one sided. I only clapped back when I was getting trolled by that anon and when MegatronX made a bad argument. Open your eyes!
      "If you have a hard time understanding this, I cannot help you."
      If anything, you're the one having a hard time understanding me.

  51. Good lord! 144 comments... Yeah I'm good.

    1. People have had enough of Capcoms BS at this point.

    2. It's either that or people are too stupid to let go.

    3. @July 25 10:27 pm, ah look another so called "fan" that insults people for wanting new Mega Man games.

  52. I don't comment a lot, but i wanna share some optimism, because this article does fill me with some hope. Games take awhile, and I'm confident they have project(s) in the works. I believe this interview implies that they do have multiple project concepts in discussion, so when the next title releases, the one after doesn't take another 6 years to release. We can call my belief as blind optimism, but I follow the game industry closely and what I'm saying isn't too far-fetched. Whatever they've got in mind, i do have faith in Capcom's teams to output something i'll be excited for. ^^

    1. Well, I hope you enjoy waiting another 6 years with no games then.

    2. I appreciate that positivity. Don't necessarily relate to it, but I think it's good to have some optimism, blind or otherwise, now and then as a small counterbalance to the frustration a lot of people including myself feel.

    3. @Deepsigh, I honestly don't know how some fans remain positive about the whole Mega Man situation. I've tried to but seeing the franchise in its current state basically a shell of what it used to be kind of sucks.

  53. Just a reminder that they were supposedly getting started on a new game in 2019 and we still have never heard a thing about it. Capcom is full of it.

    1. If there even was a new game in development, knowing Capcom they probably cancelled it.

    2. 2019, 2019... Isn't that when Covid-19 hit?
      Didn't that mess ALL of Capcom's dev schedule up?

    3. You can still use COVID as a excuse to defend them if you want but they have released a ton of other games since then. And no new Mega Man at all.

    4. Covid didn't affect just their release schedule, but also development as well.
      But go ahead, keep being jealous of other Capcom IPs.

  54. Basically, "what if" news

    1. Pretty much, just Capcom doing corporate speak skating around the fact they have no plans.


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