Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Rockman-chan Manga Says Goodbye

A few weeks after the conclusion of Rockman-san, Rockman-chan has also reached its finale. This gag manga delighted fans with 36 chapters since its debut in April 2021, featuring a cast of whimsical characters including Super Rush ManBad Box Art Mega Man and even Mega Man from Mega Man 2's European box art.

Although only the first three chapters of Rockman-chan have been fan-translated into English, Spanish-speaking fans are in luck, as nearly all chapters are available on TuMangaOnline. For those eager to see how the story wraps up, the final volume, which collects the concluding chapters, is set to be released on August 2nd. If you're curious about the manga's ending, you can check it out here!


  1. The downfall can't stop growing... ๐Ÿ˜ข

    1. All good things must eventually come to an end my friend

    2. Yeah, but in my opinion, rockman-san is better.

    3. Both are better.

    4. It's basically the Mega Man cycle at this point.

  2. Finally, no more side projects, no more distractions.

    1. A gag manga couldn't have been pulling resources away from game development to begin with.

    2. Hurray, no more reading articles about this!

    3. What kind of messed up comment is this? Manga has nothing to do with game development.

    4. It's not a game, but it's still a side project to the franchise as a whole. Besides, Capcom supervises and cooperates this so it's still its creation.

    5. The manga doesn’t take away from games, Capcom doesn’t make the manga so i’m not sure if you realize how foolish that sounds.

    6. I would have thought stuff like this follows under doujin rules, which have some odd laws as to how they're seen by the copyright holders iirc. They're not really official.

    7. @Anon 6:29 AM
      Where was it claimed it was taking away from the games? It's licensed by Capcom making it part of a bigger project aka the franchise, it IS a side project. Actually READ the comment before replying like an illiterate buffoon.

      @Tiny Proto Man
      If this was doujin I'd say you're correct, but these chapters are later sold in volume format with Capcom's logo.

    8. @ 1:13 AM
      Different anon here, just wanted to point out that "finally, no more side projects, no more distractions" implies a sense of relief that nothing is left to get in the way of game development, especially given the popular sentiment of frustration going around of Capcom not making enough Mega Man games. If something else was intended by the statement, the problem is a poor choice of words on OP's part, not illiteracy from anyone replying to them.

    9. @june 22, like several of us said the manga has nothing to do with games being funded. We aren't being illiterate.

    10. @ 11:51 AM
      Nah, the problem is making wrong assumptions. Why specifically game development? It's about not cluttering the news with minor products.

    11. @June 22, 2024 at 1:13 AM

      Ah, fair enough. I don't really read comics or anything like that.

    12. @2:52 PM
      Neither did the OP.

    13. @9:03 pm, learn to read. The manga has nothing to do with games being funded.

    14. @1:05 PM
      "No U" Pathetic. I accept your concession. Even if it was about game development, going from that to "OP meant the manga is pulling game resources" is a complete leap in logic, reflects poor thinking skills and lack of reading comprehension so thanks for proving my point, illiterate brat.

    15. @6:24 pm, aren’t you just a keyboard warrior sack of crap throwing out the insults.

    16. @6:24, the best you can do is throw out insults? YOU are the one acting like a spoiled entitled little brat. Maybe grow up and stop insulting people because they don’t have the same opinion as you. In fact maybe you should learn some reading comprehension yourself.

  3. Manga nor Capcom have anything to do with game development lol. A stagnent pong with nothing but cat fish is full of disease and always invisble to the naked eye stop drinking.

    1. I hate when my pong is stagnent.

    2. You drunk? Capcom still makes plenty of games. People are just fed up because none of them are Mega Man.

    3. (If you say its to long just know wisdom isnt a page thin not that i should have to say that right?) honestly had to get drunk to enable myself to play let alone convince myself to go as far as I did with crapcom lol. I've dropped gaming almost complety and just sold off over 2200$ worth of 1 peice of my MegaMan collection I definitely don't regret removing as much of the venom that is modern bordem and tedium from my life and my new interests like WarHammer 40k / Backpacking/Biking with my wife and kids is refreshing especially compared to gamings stagnation and always dropping hardware and software quality due to all the (100% acceptance no matter what) factor but I'm also not hyper dependent on socialization to the point where I need to shatter my own expectations just to fit in somewhere. I see modern gaming going down hill because no expectation means no quality expectations because false acceptance is worth more to those who honestly have nothing outside of a headset and microphone (shrug) I use to be 450lb lost it all and had a family I've simply out grown being dependent on such people and products and people hate me for my stance on wanting more for myself and others even though I owe them nothing. I don't expect people to care let alone adopt my views or values because 95% of the planet can't acomplish what I have fior myself alone and not everyone needs to either I can appreciate versatility that's why I liked MegaMan but because everyone's so busy being someone they aren't out of desperation things can only go down hill. Doesn't matter if what I want makes things richer for everyone because having expectations means having to take a stand and deal with shallow retorts 24/7 that are like a fly on the skin (shoo) and sadly the majority act as if that fly is a group of 500,000 sharks under half the oceans weight with chum tied around them so the easy and best thing to do is for them is to fold like all the other pages with no resistance and let others write anything they want upon them and a page has no value without a writer or the other pages so they stick to the collective like a book on a subject and the only one making decisions isn't the majority just the author aka companies. The evidence is beyond evident but it's easier to set your own skin aside than it is to put it on and walk in it with some pride everyone acts like they band together for each other but if that were true your favorite things would be getting richer not slimmer and stagnant. Sadly the new generations will fall prey to it all because most of their parents and their peers already lost what was special about being what we are and you can't be there for each other or what you enjoy in ernest if you are OK with watching something (you love Die) just saying. (Shrug) ๐Ÿ˜‰ I hope this makes it clear why I've never cared about being the 1% I do care that people throw their individuality and more precious things away casually out of desperation for something that's not even real but I'm not a God either and some just want to hold their heads under water no matter how hard you pull on their shoulders or legs. My perspective should bother a reader on a few points but I'm absolutely sure like a child with its soda they prefer the artificial flavors over water what tastes better often kills you faster and what's good for you is usually bland and tastes like nothing but helps you live longer and enriches it I guess that's why when you look for the improvement yourself you can do the right thing for the right reasons probably because maturity helps you look beyond simple flavor dependence vs needing the false good/poison up front. I'd pity the majority but that would be artificial that's why I'd rather push them to improve and see the truth. Even birds are afraid to fly the first time but they get over it the first time they do it meaning the majority... don't even. try. Wisdom is never short those are picture books.

    4. One of those games is! I think two now, but definitely 1 is! Just hoping it'll be worth the wait

    5. They're better games than Mega Man.

    6. It's great to hear you lost a lot of weight, longpost anon. :3

    7. Definitely a long stagnent pong.

  4. Rockman-chan I never really read, but did catch the ending from a friend. I'm happy to see it conclude! It's at least better than Rockman-san's ham-fisted and poorly written messaging at the end, at the very least. I was quite disappointed in it, seeing as it was someone who worked on a Hokuto no Ken project. If anyone enjoyed Chan, do tell me what you liked about it!

  5. Personally, I enjoyed both of the new Rockman manga series so it really sucks to me that both are ending so soon.
