Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Rare Rockman Amusement Ride Gets a New Lease on Life at Arcade Museum

A rare Rockman amusement ride, which is often found in poor condition (sometimes even beheaded), has found a new home at the Sargasso Arcade Museum in Kita Karuizawa. The owners of this museum, which they affectionately refer to as a "retirement home" for classic arcade machines and amusement hardware, have done an incredible job restoring this obscure piece of history to pristine condition.

Produced by Hope Co. in 2000, the ride can carry two people and includes buttons that make Rockman speak and play two, let’s say, charming renditions of classic BGM that aren’t exactly easy on the ears. Although you can’t visit in person regularly, you can catch glimpses of their collection and updates on their official YouTube channel. The museum does open its doors for special events, so if you’re in Japan during one of those times, you might get a chance to give it a spin!

Curious to see the ride in action? Check out popostore’s footage from a few years back here and here. That particular unit has seen better days, but it gives you an idea.



  1. This thing was cute! I got to see it in-person about 20 years ago at the Aeon mall in Morioka. Had a buddy take a picture of me with it, no idea it was actually a ride though!

  2. So awesome of them to preserve a cute and rare ride like this.

  3. Haha, that's cute and silly.

    Always cool when odd things like this are found or restored.

  4. Interesting! While these types of arcade machines might not get as much attention as traditional video games, it’s still great that they’re getting preserved.

  5. OMG... I'd just witnessed the. most. cutest. Mega Man thing. I'VE EVER SEEN!!

  6. Announce a game you LAMES! This boring a** franchise. How hard can it be to make a Mega Man 12 with no political weirdness and make 50 some odd million dollars off it...

    1. This isn’t an official Mega Man or Capcom website. Rockman Corner has nothing to do with green lighting or producing the games. They just report on whatever news they find.

    2. I gotta agree with the other anon lol the MegaMan franchise is a bigger cat fish than any dating website ever created rofl! 😅

    3. When has mega man ever had any "political weirdness"...?

    4. AnonymousJune 14, 2024 at 11:23 AM
      When they censored the legacy collections because they were afraid of offending tiny brain, empty pocket internet weirdos who do nothing but tweet all day and wouldn't play the game anyway.

      Capcom is a lost cause. They are going down the propaganda route. They have always been horrible localizers. Now they are just getting worse.

    5. When has history ever stopped people from ruining things...?

    6. @June 14, 2024 at 1:12 PM

      There is no significant censorship in any Legacy Collection.

    7. Significant or not does not mean none. If your saying none, you are wrong.

    8. I didn't say none. I recognize the removal of General's salute in X4. Beyond that, there's nothing.

    9. Which was a political decision.
      Which answers AnonymousJune 13, 2024 at 4:13 PM question.
      And in a way, you proved my point. So thanks.

    10. I see. Any other sweeping examples of censorship in the LCs you can think of?

    11. Anon @ June 14 5:12 Pm
      You really think that Capcom wants to remind people of a real life genocide event? You know where millions of real people died? Maybe use your brain my dude

    12. Anon @ June 16 1:53 Pm
      Because of a Roman salute? Don't be ridiculous, some military and even schools in other countries use that salute during the raising of the flag like Portugal. Stop being ignorant, use your brain and do some research before commenting.

    13. Anon @ June 16 6:24 PM

      It’s the FUCKING Nazi Salute! It doesn’t matter that schools and military allow it. Bottom line, it’s still a FACIST salute. I did my fucking research, and I did think it through. People still associate the salute with the real life nationalist group and the events that coincided it! I don’t know where your from but if the salute is considered fine by your country’s standard then fucking good for you. But, most of the world see the salute as very offensive. It’s removal has nothing to do with politics! Capcom just doesn’t want to reference Nazis and get canceled!

    14. Anon @ June 16 1:53 Pm
      You didn't play the game and it shows. The Repliforce wants to establish a nation for Repliroids only and it's subtly implied they weren't evil for wanting to do so(it kind of happens in Dash's timeline anyway) and it was rather their mishandling of the situation due to their pride(apart from getting baited by Dragoon who in turn got baited by Sigma just because he wanted to fight X) that led to the conflict but, whoops, can't have that storyline because it's too close to real events. By that metric, you might as well ban everything.

    15. (I'm not the above Anon 5:05 AM but)

      Damn Anon (June 16, 2024 at 11:20 PM) STFU! Repliforce ARE NOT NAZIS, so how is it LITERALLY a Nazi salute??? Nazi's may not have even existed in that universe. And even if it were a freaken Nazi salute, some people are capable of not being perpetual infants and understanding that just because Nazis did horrible things not every thing they did was horrible (least of all their salute). It's fiction, you're allowed to draw inspiration from things you think are cool or fascinating that work with your fantasy storyline without endorsing it! TF are you even screeching about? Are you going to take out murder in highly fictional stories too because it reflects reality and "offends" you??? Slavery, demeaning or stereotypical words/language, nuclear destruction, crime in general? I hope your kind and opinions get taken less and less seriously each passing moment.

      Sorry to get riled up Protodude, this guy's aggressiveness sanctimoniousness just got to me. I won't continue arguing or being aggressive in kind, but I had to let this one comment off. I won't engage again.

    16. Anon @ 5:05 I did play the game and I know what happened. The point isn't whether Repliforce isn't facist or not. The point is that most people associate the salute with Nazis. I'm sorry if this has offended you on a personal level, but make no mistake. There is nothing about politics going in here. This decision was only made In hopes of not offended in the barbies that many people are. I apologize for my swearing and

    17. Anon @ 9:53 Am
      I apologize if I was perceived to be malicious.What you speak is what I wish the world is. Sadly, many people would go apeshit over that. I wish that people could be more mature, I wish that we could take inspiration, but people banned Pokemon because a kid jumped off his balcony screaming Charizard. I don't know what else to say, the salute is too close for comfort in this day and age.

    18. I hear someone having WWII flashbacks throughout their eyes.

    19. Oh my god Anon @ 12:26 Pm. You had a nightmare of a kid jumping off the balcony screaming Charizard?! That’s horrible!

    20. Anon @ 12:26 Pm
      Fair, but X4 originally released in Europe untouched and has never been banned. The Pokemon affair happened in Turkey in 12/11/2000 and X4 was released in 1997.

    21. Wait, that actually happened? It sounds like one of those urban legends like the kid drowning in the ocean trying to find Spongebob.

    22. Pokémon is currently not banned in Turkey, neither the anime nor the games for that matter and I haven't read anything that either boy or girl shouted "Charizard" as he/she jumped from his/her balcony in separate incidents. Would like to read the source for that. Here are the sources for everything I know:

    23. Different Anon her btw. The Charizard incident actually happened. However it seems that it has gone mostly under the radar these days. I was actually there when it had happened. No clue why, and I can't seem to find any remaining proof these days.

    24. Wait. You didn’t know? This happened a long time ago. *sigh* Yeah, it’s true.

    25. Girl Gamer Who Loves Mega ManJuly 4, 2024 at 10:59 AM

      @5:05 AM

      Why are you using the Japanese term for Reploids? O_o

    26. @Girl Gamer Who Loves Mega Man
      Hope you take this the right way, I'm not angry at you or anything. Because that's the name the creators intended, that's their vision. What the localizers make up whether that be the American branch or European branch or even by the Japanese themselves intended to be used for a foreign market it's the same as fan fiction. Changing the terms can ruin hints about plot, characters, lore and rules for the setting. For example, Repliroid means Replicant Android, a portmanteau or abbreviation which the Japanese love to use for basically anything(see: Monhun for Monster Hunter, etc.). Meanwhile, "Reploid" means nothing, the word play is ruined as well as the confirmation that these are androids and not robots, but the Japanese tend to mix the robot-android-cyborg terms without knowing the differences so in this particular case is not that big of a deal. This is why it is the Repliforce and not the "Reploforce". Now, if something small like this was ruined, imagine them applying it to a term of a bigger scale. Anyways, have a good day! :)

  7. Different anon here, I'm not really aware of much of anything either. The only thing that comes to mind is the Battle Network collections warning in the bootup sequence that content in the games might be offensive to people today and don't necessarily reflect their current values, but I'm not aware of any actual censorship to the games themselves. There were some accusations of dialogue censorship in the Zero/ZX collection, but they're just straight ports of the DS versions so any censorship was actually done all the way back in the original Zero collection on DS, or was already present in localized versions of the GBA versions in the case of the blood splatters. The LC versions are just faithful ports of the most recent versions. The only actual outright change made specifically for any LC I'm aware of was the X4 Salute.

    1. But what if… The Neo Repliforce from MMZR did the same X4 salute… and they were reborn as mavericks?


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