Sunday, June 30, 2024

Mega Man X DiVE Global Version End of Service Announced for July 30

The servers for the global version of Mega Man X DiVE will cease operations on July 30th, NebulaJoy has announced. All in-game purchasing options will be terminated soon, although a specific date has not been confirmed, according to an update on the game's official Twitter. Regrettably, there is no information yet on whether NebulaJoy will offer refunds for any paid Elemental Metals, a gesture that Capcom extended to players of the original version in 2023.

The global version, maintained by NebulaJoy, has remained online for the past three years, outlasting the original Taiwan and Japanese versions. In February 2024, a representative indicated they were in talks with Capcom to extend the license and keep the game online. However, with the existence of Mega Man X DiVE Offline, it appears these efforts only secured a few additional months.

We will provide updates on EoS as more information becomes available.

Source: Mega Man X DiVE-NA&EU


  1. Well nuts. At least I downloaded Mega Man X Dive Offline to my smartphone.

    1. Well, good luck in getting Prometheus into your copy of X DiVE Offline then.

    2. "copy" it's an app my guy

    3. I also have it on my Steam account.

    4. @12:31 PM
      If you want to be pedantic only the original gold master at Capcom HQ is the original, the rest are all copies.

  2. Hopefully this will bring over some modding talent to the Offline community. There's lots of cool stuff people have made for X DiVE Offline and I'm always happy to see more.

  3. Finally, that Global version was boring and poorly excecuted

  4. Looks like 2024 is blowing up in every hopeful Mega Man fan's face, at this race.

    1. Ehh, in this case, not many people cared that much about Global. We already have the offline version anyways.

    2. I agree with 3:10 AM. Offline is by far the superior way to play this game on account of all the greedy practices being completely removed. Nothing of value is lost by Global getting shut down, even the "new" content can just be modded into Offline.

  5. Good riddance, NebulaJoy handled the game extremely poorly. The only thing the game has going for it was raid and PvP and they screwed up both with stupid crap like secret DNA and paid only cards. They even managed to make a character more brain dead broken than Protoman.exe and Next Dive Armor X when Valentine's Day Rico got buffed. And worse if all the frames just went out of control with some characters having like 7+ seconds of it!


  7. So what would happened to the Megaman X dive official YouTube channel? I guess Capcom will delete it

  8. I'm surprised they kept the game up as long as they did since they stopped adding new characters besides S ranked versions of characters that are already in.

    With that said, Mega Man X Dive was one of the best Mega Man games I ever played. How many other official games (I specify official because fangames and mods don't count) lets you play as characters from every mainline Mega Man series as well as alts including super modes and fusions? It even has over 20 playable females not counting alts. So whether you're a female, have lots of females in your circle, or just like waifus, there are plenty to choose from.

    On the bright side, since Rockman Xover kept Japan occupied during the first Mega Man drought, maybe Capcom will finally make a new Mega Man game after X Dive shuts down.

    1. "Mega Man X Dive was one of the best Mega Man games I ever played"
      I seriously have to ask how many you have played...

    2. Dive is one of those games that I detested at first because of the mobile and gacha elements of it, but came around to actually somewhat enjoy.

      If you think about it on its surface, it's practically PSP-style graphics of dozens of MM characters that you can play as and level-up to your hearts content. Tons of stages, nice artwork, remixed tracks, Easter eggs for the diehards, and it's really not all that bad. With the offline version being on PC (with controller support) and no gacha elements, I'd argue it's a better experience than even some MM titles. A console port would be a day 1 buy for me.

      And let's not kid ourselves, this game had literally zero impact on Capcom releasing a proper MM game.

    3. Xover was popular in Japan? I don't keep up with stats, but I'm pretty sure it was widely panned over here.

    4. I agree with OP. The online versions were predatory garbage, but there's too many people childishly refusing to give Offline a fair shot out of their hatred of X DiVE in general, and they have no idea the hidden gem they're missing out on. As someone who loves MM4, MM8, MM10, MM11, X4, X8, Maverick Hunter X, Battle Network, and the Zero/ZX games to death, X DiVE Offline is some of the most fun I've had with the Mega Man series in a long time, an experience only further enhanced by the wonderful modding community. Anyone who decides to give it a shot, I recommend clicking the "pause" icon during gameplay to access an additional settings menu that provides a variety of options including some that make the game play more closely to traditional titles without auto-aim.

      The game ultimately boils down to a Mega Man game with RPG elements in which you gradually unlock and upgrade more playable characters and upgrade your weapons and gear over time. With the Gacha entirely removed and Microtransactions being non-existent, everything is done within the gameplay itself and the grinding was severely reduced to the point that finishing the story mode, hard mode, the Event stages, and Jakobs is almost entirely void of annoying grinding. The only time I even started to feel the grind was when I decided to shoot for max level after doing everything else I cared about. Even just getting enough Element Metals to unlock the better characters and weapons late into the story is pretty easy. I had a blast with the game overall, it's a lot of fun when you put your pre-existing prejudices aside and give it a fair shot.

    5. “I seriously have to ask how many you have played...”
      I had a feeling someone would ask that. I would probably be a liar if I said I played half the franchise. So let’s see…
      I played all the numbered classic titles as well as & Bass, all the numbered X series titles as well as command mission, the first legends game, half the numbered battle network games (counting the alternate versions of the later games but not counting the ds version of 5), both ZX games, and Mega Man Starforce Pegasus.

      I don’t think I have ever played a Zero series title, and I don’t want to. It’s a series staring X’s girly sidekick in a diaper, the closest Zero (Z) ever got to a super form was a palette swap, they copy pasted Zero (Z) instead of having Omega look like Zeros original body, the only time you play as a Mega Man was in MMZ3 AFTER you beat the game, its darker and edgier and darker and edgier installments are usually lmne (except majoras mask), and they’re known for being hard. Nothing about the Zero series screams “Play me!” I would rather play Mega Man Xover.

      “And let's not kid ourselves, this game had literally zero impact on Capcom releasing a proper MM game.”
      What I meant was after Xover shut down, we got Mega Man 11. So I was hopeful that we could get a proper new Mega Man after X Dive shuts down. I would even settle on another mobile like (I say mobile like because I still would rather prefer a game on the switch's succesor) game as long as it’s good. Who knows? Maybe it will be a battle network title. And once enough net navis are playable, they could make net navi counterparts for the rest if the robot masters, or at least give us a character creation system so we can do it ourselves.

    6. I mean, not that I'm from Japan. Maybe they have a different mindset over there?

      @July 1, 2024 at 1:35 PM Excuse you, it's a THONG! Or maybe a jock strap.

      I don't know, but I get a serious kick out of people ripping into his design. My god, I can't -stand- his design in MMZ.

    7. Others can have their opinions but personally I think his Z series design is really cool. He's like a cool cyberpunk twist on a cross between a ninja and samurai. I appreciate the legs not being encased in comically huge boots, and I also really dig the sleeveless jacket. Also, since when does long hair make a guy girly? Guys can have long hair too you know.

    8. @Anonymous July 1, 2024 at 1:06 PM

      I tried the demo of Offline and found it to be really bland and watered down. I get that it's only a demo, but given how my initial attempts at playing the Online version bored me as well, that was enough to make me decide it wasn't for me. I'll probably try again if the game ever ends up going down to, like, 5 bucks or less on Steam, but I have no active interest in picking it up anytime soon.

    9. "Also, since when does long hair make a guy girly? Guys can have long hair too you know."
      I know. I was one of the people who mistook Zero's gender. I'm just glad Aile Model ZX exists.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. I'm just gonna say this again:
      If you played X DiVE from the start and followed along with every update as they happened, then it was a fine and balanced game.
      If you tried to get into X DiVE after the first major update or if you somehow missed an update or two, you were stuck either waiting ages to level up, or had to buy your way to being on-par with the current update.

      You can, and I did, very happily play the game without spending a dime. I just got tired of it once it was painfully obvious that I would never be able to "catch up".

      Also, those freaking gachapon pulls are absolutely ridiculous… A "1% chance" shouldn't stay at 1% for ever pull if you're doing bulk pulls. Your odds should increase per pull! That's how actual capsule machines work! More or less, anyway.
      Then again, real capsule machines can run out of capsules whereas digital ones generally don't, so…

      (5:32 post deleted and re-posted with edits for clarity and unclosed HTML.)

    12. July 1, 1:06 PM anon here, personally I've always felt like microtransaction gacha in video games was a predatory mechanic at best in general. I don't mind gacha mechanics as long as they are 100% free, and I'm especially okay with them if there's alternative means in game to unlock the same rewards such as story progression as then it just amounts to spending in-game currency for a chance to get certain rewards early. Spending actual money on such stuff always just felt like burning money to me though. The good rewards are so unlikely to drop in general that it's not worth the amount you end up spending for them by the time they do drop, and you get a bunch of garbage you don't care about along the way.

      This is one of the reasons why I very much prefer X DiVE Offline over the Online versions. The currency drop rates are very fair and the gacha and microtransactions in general were entirely removed in favor of a new system in which you just use the free in-game currency to buy rewards such as weapons and characters directly as you see fit, with progression being the only thing locking you off from some of the more OP ones. I also really appreciate how much the grind was reduced. I played the online Taiwan version on and off for probably a combined total of about two months, and then caught up to the same amount of progress in Offline and then some in under a day. I'm thoroughly convinced that the game is much more fun under the single time purchase business model than it ever was under the free to play microtransaction riddled gacha mess of an Online version ever was, and from what I've heard the global version was apparently even more ridiculous about breathing down your throat for more money.

      Also as an aside, I see people complain about the swimsuit characters a lot and I honestly find it rather silly. If they bother you that much, then just... Don't use them? Nothing's forcing you to unlock them in the Offline version, just pretend they don't exist and only actually engage with the content you do care about. It's totally harmless optional content that is only there to serve as fanservice. I don't remember the Mega Man fanbase being so overly dramatic and easily offended, so it has to just be a vocal minority right?

  9. It was only a matter of time. Offline exists, so there's no point in keeping global running, especially since it's just been kind of there with little to no updates. I jumped ship from the game long ago, but I will miss the good times with Halloween Vile. He's an investment I won't get back.

  10. Ha! I freaking called it last year, and people said I was crazy for believing Zero and Axl when they said Global would last indefinitely...

  11. Ha! I freaking called it last year, and people said I was crazy for saying that Zero and Axl were lying, when they said that the game could last indefinitely, because they were independent from asia, and didn't need them for new content...

  12. I seem to recall a fan base drooling over X Dive and me calling out how bad it was and more 5 months after release. Now it seems like most of the positive energy is gone and those who praised it are hiding because they lack the power of the pack backing them. That's why I prefer reason over numbers a back bone is always stronger the more you use it and it doesn't need or become hyper dependent on more supports later on that eventually don't work leaving it a husk.

    1. I don't know about that since I still see a few people defending X Dive like as if their life depended on it on this comment section alone, but yeah it's good to see the "X Dive is the greatest MM game ever" bandwagon has reduced sufficiently after the shut down.

  13. Well, looks like crime does not pay.

  14. And so, the legend fades into the sunset. I'll miss those mind-blowing original characters exclusive to the Global Version like S-Rank Normal Massimo and S-Rank Normal Pallete. And who could forget S-Rank Normal Zero (Z) and S-Rank Normal Layer? Oh! Almost forgot S-Rank Normal Vile!

    Good times, man… Good times…

    1. Megaman x dive is not getting shut down I'm sure the service will change their minds and I'm possitive some of the games I'm the app will get relaunch very soon let's look at the lost of relaunched games: digimon rearise, skylanders, ect ect ect. Megaman x dive bd x dive offline is still payable besides I'm enjoying already.

    2. Mega Man X DiVE Offline serves as the surrogate to the online versions. There are no plans for service to resume for any of the online iterations. It is very unlikely the decision will be reversed.

  15. I'm glad I didn't put money in this game, the waifu stuff was unnecessary basically why I quit.

  16. You couldn't pay me to play this. None of them, neither original Taiwanese nor International nor Offline.

  17. How the fuck the global version managed to last much longer than the Taiwan version?

    1. By releasing later. Global basically lasted as long as Asia in terms of years of operation, but it started later so it finished later.

  18. How about porting the offline version to Nintendo Switch?

    1. They really should. I heard Dragalia Lost was supposed to be ported to Switch at one point before the inevitable shutdown, but the plans fell through.

    2. I just think it would be a really good fit for the game since the Switch can be played portable or docked. It would even be cool to have it on the other platforms like PlayStation and Xbox for those of us who don't have a gaming PC.

    3. The game is rather low spec so really any PC in general so long as it's not a literal dinosaur should be able to run it provided you are at least on Windows 10. But yeah, it would be nice for it to come to every major platform and not just Switch. It always comes off as a bit inconsiderate to see Switch users only ask for games to come to Switch as if nobody else matters.

  19. Ahh, sad to see it go, but was only a matter of time tbh after the end of the game was announced. Well at least there's the offline version. XDive isn't exactly the best MMO-esque mobile game for the Mega Man Series in general, but I do think it was a far shot into that world. I think it sorta was the culmination of what Universe and Rockman Online was trying to be and what XOver failed at. So all in all, it, imo, shot by those attempts by light-years. (At least it made it to play and still has a playable version of it offline). I can only hope that maybe Capcom can look at what it did right and what it did wrong and improve on it to make a better Megaman MMO one day.
    Tbh I didn't care much for the non-canon parts of it and to be frank, the extra characters like RiCO, ViA, etc. seemed closer to a fans OC setup then something directly lined up with the Mega Man Series. The gatcha system, while popular in some areas, was probably overall less of a + for the game and more of a -. All that being said though, getting to play around with all of the characters from the Mega Man Universe, have some new faces and new armors/ideas and listen to that good Mega Man music was fun. And it did a good job of keeping me more or less busy while waiting for the next Mega Man game(Whenever that will be~ see you in 2050 for that one? lol).
    I kinda hope that maybe if they do make another attempt at a Mega Man game with MMO aspects, that it may be its own story in some canon part of the timeline or maybe try to build off of existing stuff to make me want to play it more. Maybe, more dare I say a 3D world? (Buuutttt, that also means I'll have to try and figure out how whatever dev Capcom puts behind it understands MM lore and then there's putting up with the fanbase in general~ lol) Either way, it was a fun ride for what it was worth. I guess once it does finally officially shut down, we really do get to go back to the drought of Mega Man games~

    1. Please, I just want more real games.

  20. Well, glad i chose to buy Offline before playing Online with Microtransactions

  21. I know the offline version exists, but I'll miss my Dante X and Vergil Zero, they look really cool and they are pretty powerful too.

    1. You can download the DMC collab content for the Offline version as a mod from the Nexus site. There's also another mod that gives Dante X and Vergil Zero Dante and Virgil's English voices, and also one that adds in Rebellion, Ebony and Ivory, and Yamato as usable weapons.

  22. lol...bruh that's hilarious. That NebulaJoy rep in the February article was on serious copium.

  23. "panel composition and captions"
    Yeah, it has an anime character design(nobody wrote it wasn't) with a panel composition that comics can have. And which comic doesn't have captions? You're paying too much attention to the word "style" and not enough to the word "comic". You don't have to be an artsy-fartsy type to know this. When others are quoting the title, that's what they are trying to tell you. Nobody is "getting mad" although you are weirdly bothered by mere disagreements to the point of calling others loony to which I have to call you out as someone projecting. Also, nobody is mad at anime looking like anime, not even sure where you pulled that one from. OP only wrote that he likes the Japanese version better which I'm guessing he means manga or doesn't want anything Japanese having anything to do with America or he was trolling. Also also, I don't think this was you, but to whoever it was: There is nothing wrong with being a Japanophile so that lame attempt at an insult falls short and tells everyone you're very ignorant. What you're looking for is: obsessed. Finally, you wrote it was your last reply but kept replying anyway...

    1. You seem to have gotten confused and posted this in the completely wrong place.

    2. Comments are closed in the other one.

    3. That's probably a sign the conversation needs to stop, not that it should be taken elsewhere ^^;

  24. YES, Its finally dead.
    Legends 3 when Crapcom?
