Monday, June 10, 2024

"Make a Good Mega Man Level 3" Now Available to Download

The wave of fan-created Mega Man projects continues with the highly anticipated release of Make a Good Mega Man Level 3 Make a Good Mega Man Level 3 (MaGMML3).

Six years in the making and serving as the pinnacle of all previous entries, MaGMML3 features 200 unique stages, 300 mini-stages, a plethora of costumes and skins, secrets, upgrades—everything you could want! There's something here for every type of player, ensuring hours of gameplay meticulously crafted by the community.

In terms of story, MaGMML3 takes place after Make a Good 48 Hour Mega Man Level. While prior MaGMML knowledge isn't necessary to enjoy the game, familiarity with the series enhances the overall experience. But there's plenty to appreciate on its own, and you'll be doing yourself a favor by checking it out.

You can download the game from the official MaGMML website here!


  1. "Six years in the making"? More like "it took six years for the judges to get their collective act together". Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If I had been a judge, this thing would've been done a lot sooner, but alas… I was disqualified due to conflicts of interest due to prior projects. That's what I'm gathering anyway, since I was supposedly in the running "until I wasn't".

    Also, "story"? Are you kidding me? They gave this series continuity? Why?

    Hard pass on this one. I'll stick with Mega Man Maker levels.

    1. You know Protodude’s correct, right?

    2. >they gave this series continuity?

      there has always been continuity, bro.

    3. You dare disrespect the largest Mega Man fan-game to date?

  2. These are always meh. Only ever a handful of good levels in these compilations, otherwise just Mega Maker slop put into a more advanced engine.

    1. To be fair, levels in this one are generally much better than they were in the previous contest. Yes, bad ones are still bad, but good ones are a lot better than even MaGMML2's best. But yeah, there's a good reason the people behind MaGMML seem to entertain the idea of making games with actual quality control more and more now instead of just doing fancy Mega Man Maker with story.


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