Sunday, June 23, 2024

Behold the Fan-Made Eddie Popcorn Bucket

Responding to the undeniable need for more Eddie-centric merchandise, my buddy Asterisk created this gem: a genuine Eddie popcorn bucket. This masterpiece is 3D-printed, modeled after his Mega Man 11 appearance, and works just as you'd imagine...

I might be a tad partial here, but this is definitely a contender for the best character-shaped bucket of the year. 

Asterisk is a wizard when it comes to custom Mega Man creations. He’s previously designed figures of niche characters like RT-55J, Green Biker Dude and iX, and even a life-size, retractable Z-Saber. Currently, he’s working on an Adion Ride Chaser that's to scale with Kotobukiya kits, and he’s got his sights set on even more innovative designs.

You can check out all of Asterisk's creations on Twitter. If you have an idea for something you'd like to see, feel free to run it by him!


  1. That design is great and the expression is hilarious.

    Great make all around.

  2. This turned out so well! Gotta get my hands on one. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Now we need an Anti-Eddie one to pit him against.

  4. That's awesome, I kind of want one.

  5. I'd wished that this was mass produced so I can get my hands on one!

  6. That looks great. Even the fans are outdoing Capcom on the action figures & collectibles game.

  7. Shame Twitter requires an account to browse. You can't see his work otherwise.

    1. Either I am miss-seeing something or the rear vents still have support material in them.

    2. There's an alternative front-end, google it, click one of the working instances and either paste everything past the URL at the end of the instance's name or replace the part of the clicked post URL with the instance's name.

    3. @Anonymous (June 24, 2024 at 6:34 PM)
      That "alternative front-end" is extremely unreliable and has been effectively abandoned due to constant backend meddling on the part of the new (platform formerly known as) Twitter team. In my experience, any given instance works for about two or three clicks before it gives out.

    4. @Jo Li KMC
      Understandable, that used to be true for me too, but I found one instance that very rarely crashes that I've been using for months if not almost a year by now.

  8. Hang on. Something's wrong here. Why does Eddie look like a Neo Metall? He's not supposed to have "lips" / a protruding mouth. He's supposed to have a more normal jawline.

    1. What are you talking about? Eddie looks the same.

    2. ^It's true, except for 8 and strategy, Eddie doesn't have a protruding mouth.

    3. Eddie also wasn't a popcorn bucket... So what?

  9. Does manga take resources from game development? Does not investing in (game development) mean they are not investing in (game development)? Of course! It's the company's money after all even if it is a small amount compared to game development. They give the order to issue it(Kadokawa Shōten pays for the license), make a contract with the cartoonists(author Kawata Yuji writes it and co-author Yukito is mainly responsible for illustrating it) and promote it along with supervising and assisting, and later selling it in a compiled volume. Why else would they promote it if they are not responsible for it? That's the thing, they don't have to produce it in-house. Those in denial deep down know this is true hence the damage control.

    1. True, but what OP meant is that he was tired of seeing articles for side projects which ARE distractions. I mean, a gag manga, seriously? That's what should be paid attention to?

  10. So, are we allowed to make "small" profits through commissions as long as they're our own custom fan-made designs?

    What about a patreon-based monetization for artwork or 3D model creations (no nude stuff) as part of early access (not locked behind a paywall), is it okay too?
