Saturday, May 18, 2024

Review: Kotobukiya Roll.EXE

Kotobukiya is back with the next entry in their ever-growing Mega Man Battle Network model kit line. Roll.EXE, perhaps one of the more unexpected releases, is a very welcome addition that helps round out the line. Is this Navi worth the Zenny, or does she belong in the recycle bin? Join me after the break to find out!

Review sample provided by HobbyLink Japan. Go check 'em out!

From your PET to your shelf, Roll.EXE is here!

The newest addition to Kotobukiya's Mega Man Battle Network line, Roll.EXE is finally here! Much like MegaMan.EXE and Dark MegaMan.EXE, Roll.EXE iRoll.EXE is one of the easier builds that Kotobukiya has offered, making her a perfect entry point to the line or to model kits in general. As with her fellow NetNavis, the quality of the final product is superb.

Kotobukiya's Battle Network line, in particular, is incredibly sturdy and easy to handle, with little to no risk of pieces randomly popping off. This could owe to the more simple designs of the Battle Network cast (especially when compared to some of X's various armors) or it could be that Kotobukiya really fine-tuned the inner structure of these kits. Either way, Roll.EXE is another fantastic showing.

Roll.EXE is ready to go!

Kotobukiya is sticking with the softer plastic they have used for the past few kits, and it really makes this kit easy to work with. Some smaller parts, like the yellow trim on her gloves, might be a bit challenging for those with bigger hands, but with a good tool for cutting pieces and the right amount of patience, it's manageable.

"Roll Arrow!"

The hair piece on the front of her helmet is done in a clear plastic, and it looks really nice. The clear yellow is vibrant enough to not get lost while still looking like a natural part of the design. It is hair, right? Or is it supposed to be a set of bunny ears? She has what looks like a bunny tail...Anyway, all the pieces are color separated as usual and look amazing right out of the box. For all the major details, no paint is needed at all!


Like the other Kotobukiya kits, Roll.EXE comes with a nice assortment of accessories. Four sets of hands, four different face plates, the Roll Arrow, and a stand is what's included. This may be one of the best stands I've seen come with a model kit. The moving parts of the stand are on ball joints, so it can move all around to help you hit even the trickiest of poses! Roll.EXE is also compatible with MegaMan.EXE's accessories, so get that sense & skill primed and ready!

Sense & Skill Battle Chip, set!

The only con I can think of with this kit is that the hands are a bit tough to put on. They're a tight fit, but getting them lined up just right is a little bit of trouble, nothing really bad, though. Compared to the SMP Roll.EXE that was prone to falling apart, this is just a small nit-pick.

"Always stretch before you go Virus busting!"

That does it for Roll.EXE; she is a wonderful addition to the line! Be sure to pick her up and add her to your collection before you miss out! Also remember that X's Falcon Armor is due out at the end of May, and the Triad Thunder MAX Armor is due out in October!

"Together at last."


  1. Needs a collaboration with Cinnamoroll (you just know Cinnamon is a dog, and Roll.EXE might look like a bunny but she isn't).

    1. Objection! Roll.EXE is totally a bunny. She even has a little plug thingy on her tailbone that you can only see in reference art.

  2. Oh. Oh… Oh, my god. What is wrong with her knees?! That just looks painful…

    1. Like most of all figures of all brands. Her elbows too.

  3. I want to get both model kits so I can have them standing next each other on my shelf.

  4. Can't wait for evil Roll

  5. This is a long shot, but I hope they make a model kit for Colonel.exe. I love his design, and I'd be over the moon if Kotobukiya actually make his model kit a reality.

  6. To the comment "And Iris.exe?" [I think you meant Iris]

    Iris.exe? Hmmm, I don’t know. I mean Colonel and Iris are kind of like a duo, and I think Iris in the Battle Network series is cool, but personally I would want Kotobukiya to stick with the more traditional looking net navis opposed to Iris. Because while Iris is a navi, she can also pass as a net operator / human, and the one thing I wouldn’t want, at least not for the foreseeable future is Kotobukiya making model kits of the human cast (this includes Lan) when they have so many “battling” navis to choose from (Shadowman.Exe, Protoman.exe, Darkman.exe, Tomahawk.exe, Serenade, etc).

    If they did decide to branch out into making the “human” characters, I’d be okay with it, I could even see myself buy a model of Lan and Iris, but I would prefer if they stick with the “traditional” navis at least until all the big fan favorite Navis are made (like Glide.exe).


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