Saturday, May 25, 2024

Mega Man: Phantom of the Network and Legend of the Network English Fan-Localization Patches Now Available

For the first time ever, you can now play Rockman EXE: Phantom of Network and Rockman EXE: Legend of Network in English. The Rockman EXE Zone has released the highly anticipated English localization patches for both games, enabling you to experience these two full-length stories from start to finish. Phantom of Network takes place after the events of Battle Network 3, while Legend of Network is set before Battle Network 6. Each game features unique events and characters that could not be fully appreciated outside of Japan before today.

As detailed earlier, the patches also include a handful of quality-of-life changes and updates, ranging from Buster MAX Mode and improved background animations to the restoration of Phantom of Network's online ranked Virus Battle Mode.

Head over to this post at The Rockman EXE Zone for the download links! It's imperative that you lookover the README.html before playing as you'll need to follow the install instructions carefully. What's more, you'll need the original i-αppli game files for Phantom of Network and Legend of Network in order to apply the patches. You can find those from this post here.

And yes; you CAN play them on Steam Deck. Check out this tutorial to learn how.

To the localization team and SciLab Secrets, know that you have our sincere thanks and gratitude. A job well done, folks!


  1. Awesome! I've always loved Cache.EXE 's design (though admittedly first form more), it's very Frieza like but with an unique spin on it. Glad we finally get to have these games to play through! Thank you everyone for your hard work!

    1. Um... If you're going to make a Dragon Ball villain comparison how do you not jump to Kid Buu first? I mean I get it kinda, He's nakedish looking, but that's like nearly the only thing he shares with Frieza...

    2. Nah I definitely see the Freeza comparison, though more recently we've gotten Jiren and he's probably the closest match out of anyone else in the canon series. It kind of looks like a cross between Freeza and Jiren.

    3. Definitely more Kid Buu than Frieza to me. Frieza has no protrusions outside of a tail, Cache has no tail and has protruding spikes on his ears and shoulders as well as bulgy forearms and forelegs (more like like Kid Buu). Frieza has a full nose, lips regularly colored eyes (red iris, white sclera, eyeliner) although I guess they both have marks running down both the bottom of their eyes to the bottom of their cheeks, Cache barely has a nose and basically no lips (closer to Kid Buu). Frieza has exposed feet with three toes, Cache has solid shoes like feet (closer to Kid Buu).

      TBH Cache barely looks like Kid Buu or Frieza upon closer inspection. He just looks like an Alien Rockman EXE character design.

      Also he can't technically look like Jiren, Jiren would have to look like him in that order. You don't take after something the proceeds you. Although to be more technical "looks like" is a neutral term in that sense.

      (Damn.. Mega Man sucks right now... Dragon Ball design comparisons really? We are bored as heck)

    4. Unless you guys are talking about Frieza's first form. But even though he has spiked ears a bunch of other things are too different in that case. More than his 4th form.

  2. Why does the guy on the left look like Frieza?

    1. You mean Jiren. At least in this picture. Frieza has a full nose, full lips (with lipstick like coloration (?) and eyeballs with white sclera, pupils iris and stuff (it looks like a solid black iris tbf tho).

    2. Did you just try to correct me on what I saw. It's my interpretation and I see more of a Frieza.

    3. I also see more of a Frieza resemblance and inspiration from the design, these games are from way before DB Super ever existed.

    4. I mean we do live in the "your truth age" so I guess people can see a duck and say it looks like a normal Jeep and still be considered valid and logical...

    5. We are not talking about what it is inspired by, I don't think he was directly inspired by any DB character. We are talking about what he looks like most.

    6. Personally I see a mixture of Frieza 1st and final forms because of the overall shape looking like the final form and the horns looking like the 1st form. Now I'm done and I will not debate anyone over what I PERSONALLY saw. Thank you.

  3. Ugh this is so frustrating. I see a Battle network illustration I don't think I've ever seen before, and I knew it wasn't a new battle network.
    Oh shut up. You Battle network naysayers are all the same. I can't keep torturing myself like this. Maybe I'll wait until the Summer game fest 2024 is over before coming back here. Maybe.

    1. Dude, this is key art made by MidniteW to celebrate the release of English patches for *two entire Battle Network games you haven't played before*. You could stand to not just immediately jump to anger and frustration - whether they're 'new' or not shouldn't matter in this case, since they're certainly new to you.

    2. No need to be so hostile. If you're not able to handle people simply disagreeing with you, don't post your opinions online in public chat spaces.

  4. I think you should give this article to find the download link instead.
    The link in this article is a folder and it has updated.

  5. I don't really have much experience with emulators, so I was wondering if someone could explain to me how to get these games to work. Also, can you play them on mobile?

    1. Check the readme file for the instructions. Can't play them on mobile at this time; PC and Steam Deck currently

    2. Ok, thank you!

  6. See new article not a port article even with simple photo and text still more work than what crapcom is doing lol. 🤣

    1. Another Crapcom insult reference, again?

    2. No he's right, the fans are doing more work on Mega Man games than Capcom is.

    3. People can say “Crapcom” or air grievances with Capcom not releasing games they want without being chided for it. Some of us what a new Mega Man game, they haven’t delivered, we can call em out. They’re a company. It literally doesn’t matter if anyone “insults” them or expresses dissatisfaction of a major company. They’re either making a ton of money or they aren’t. In Capcom’s case they are at the highest point they’ve ever been.

      Capcom literally does not care. People should just stop jumping at mentions of insignificant things like someone uttering “Crapcom.” They can take it. You don’t need to defend them. They have ALL of the money. They give no f***s whatsoever lol.

    4. @ Anonymous May 29th. Well said, never understood the people who blindly defend everything Capcom does like they are some kind of religion when any of us say we’d like to have a new game. It seems to instantly offend them.

  7. Like I said before, and I’ll say it again. People are still going so crazy over this “Crapcom religion” BS.

    What if… The Megaman Fangames saved the Franchise, and it’s true?

    1. It’s not true because they haven’t.

  8. I've been trying to download the folder but it's giving me an error and won't download


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