Friday, April 26, 2024

Teppen Adds "Zero Nightmare" Skin

Teppen introduced a fresh wave of supplemental cards today. Despite the absence of new Mega Man-themed cards, the game has a treat in store for Zero fans: a brand-new skin!

From today until May 16th, players have the opportunity to purchase either the Teppen Special Pack 30 or the Teppen Special Pack 31 from May 17th to June 2nd, these packs will be offering a chance to obtain the Zero Nightmare skin. Each pack is priced at 240 Jewels, which is a premium currency in Teppen obtainable exclusively through real-money transactions or by completing specific missions for Season Pass holders.

This skin is purely cosmetic, so there's nothing particular reflected in its abilities. 

The next Teppen card pack is slated to release in July. Look forward to it!


  1. That craptastic redesign sure is a nightmare.

    1. Wait, the Teppen artwork or the X6 recolor?

    2. And the medal for necessary comment goes to...

    3. It looks fine.

    4. It's not quite as garish as the original design was, but other than that, eh. Teppen artists have taken worse liberties.

    5. Classic crapcom always favoring the worst Reploid that best defines their company. "We failed to hit sales mark so we hid the MegaMan IP away and fixed it" - "Meanwhile the dumpster fire of content" 🤣

    6. While I will never forgive Capcom for approving nor Tim Löchner for designing X with a female body, comparing it with a back image from Command Mission, Zero doesn't look as bad.

      Whoever the cartoonist is, he added a fissure to the sides of the helmet, another one to the cheek under his eye, the arm(the part connecting the shoulder to the elbow) is slender, the white backpack like part on his back is missing two horizontal lines(some type of exhaust slots?) and the two circular holes on the bottom have been replaced by two rectangular holes aligned differently, the external colored part of his armor doesn't cover the entirety of his upper body on the lowest portion, the hip has a completely different shape, the bottom of it doesn't fully attach to the legs like it's floating and looks more like a short, and the legs have the fissures as well. His face looks like it would melt from barely touching. Could be worse, 4/10.

    7. I can't stop looking at how weird his butt area is, now that you mention it...

      X is the travesty I was thinking of, yeah.

    8. Staring at Zero's butt now, are we? Shame on you, Tiny Proto Man. <XD

    9. Yeah I can't stand that Zero design, but X has it far worse, my lord X has it bad...

    10. The ball joints on his stomach and arms and legs look pretty weird.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great to see more fresh X series content!

  4. Looking forward to the next cards in June then!

  5. Mega Man is dead forever.

  6. What gets me is we're supposed to keep it civil in these comment sections but all these provocative bait troll posts are allowed and because of the "keep it civil" policy you're not allowed to disagree with them much or else often your comment doesn't get approved or the whole comment section gets locked. These comment sections have been regressing into a jaded cesspool lorded over by these trolls for a long while now because of it, and you can clearly tell they are trolls because instead of actually addressing criticism properly they always just hand wave you off as a hypocrite in the event a reply does actually go through and then they spew the same exact nonsense again the earliest opportunity they get in a future comment section.

    What's even the point of having a comments section with rules like this if this process is just going to be allowed to repeat over and over? We're not allowed to freely speak our minds in response to trolls, presumably because that's not "keeping it civil", but the trolls themselves are more than free to cast their bait. They're allowed to just relentlessly crap all over the series that people coming here are very likely to be passionate about, but we're not able to call them out on it properly and nothing gets done about their behavior either. Seemingly because of the "keep it civil" policy we don't even get to defend ourselves from their bullying when they reply to us when we just want to talk about the thing we are passionate about, but they are apparently just fine engaging in their behavior.

    It feels like it's either "Be jaded doomers like us, or leave. You're not welcome here." at this point. The whole thing feels designed to empower them while scaring any contrary opinion holders off, or at least getting manipulated to that effect. Comments from those not contributing to the echo chamber end up not going anywhere good, and it makes it very difficult to even work up the courage to speak. It's like we're borderline not allowed to have anything good to say about Mega Man in these Mega Man comment sections, and especially can't hold a positive discussion due to it getting sabotaged by the trolls who are free to repeat the same thing ad nauseum to shut down contrary, less pessimistic views.

    Everywhere else I've ever visited these people are a minority, aside from certain youtube channels. Most of the Mega Man fanbase is wonderful and still finds ways to have fun with the series and look forward to releases such as the Legacy Collections. It's a lot of fun talking about the series with other fans in most places. The Mega Man fanbase is a great community to be a part of for the most part, but it's different here.

    1. I don't see anything inherently problematic with the comments in this post. Fans can be pessimistic, nothing new there. While the term "Crapcom" might be overused, there's a lack of derogatory remarks towards each other, which aligns with our community guidelines. Feel free to express your thoughts on the franchise, as long as it's done respectfully without resorting to personal attacks.

    2. I haven't seen a comments section actually get locked recently, but honestly I'm not so sure that the minority you speak of is really that much of a minority. It's been over a decade since Legends 3 got canned, yet it feels like the most vocal elements of the deeper fanbase have moved nowhere, continually agitating everyone around them through constant reminders of how much Capcom "hates" Megaman, and the reasons only ever seem to amount to personal gripes rather than anything concrete.

    3. That feeling of pessimism you have regarding commenting here is the pessimism I feel regarding the state of Mega Man these days. Just saying.

    4. I mean you don’t have to pay attention to the comments if they bother you that much. Fans are just sick of getting the bare minimum when it comes to Mega Man these days so they have a right to be annoyed when it’s a series they are passionate about.

    5. @Anon May 2, 2024 at 8:10 PM
      I've been hearing the whole "passionate fans" thing for over a decade at this point, and to be honest it ends up more often used as cover for nothing but self-sabotage at this point. Something new Megaman gets announced, and so many are quick to look for reasons to write off the effort sooner than they are to actually embrace said effort to any degree. Random hiphop artists and pop singers somehow "do more for Megaman" than Capcom, and that's even when Capcom is actually active with Megaman again.

      Telling me to not care what others think is asking me to abandon my own passion. I want to see the brand thrive, but I don't see how it can when even typical things like collabs and skins draw this much flak. Are you Megaman fans, or is that passion just a grift?

    6. FusionArmorX, way to take what I said out of context. Capcom does the bare minimum for the series these days and you would have to be a major fool to not realize that. Or maybe you just weren't around when we were regularly getting Mega Man games in the 90s up until the mid 2000s. People are just irritated at how much Capcom has neglected the series Compared to when it was at the height of its populariy.

      Maybe stop being a Capcom defender and just accepting scraps because you are part of the problem. There's a reason there are so many irritated fans and it's people like you that will just take any low budget effort and praise it.

    7. I know that Capcom does the bare minimum, but I don't blame them for it. Mega Man hardly holds the prominence that it did in the past, and the reality of game development and publishing has changed so much that I'm not sure Capcom could get away with a yearly, or even bi-yearly release schedule without falling into the same traps that got Mega Man in this state to begin with. If Mega Man is to come back, it has to start somewhere small, not with a big gambit that has the chance of completely bankrupting the company. That's something you "passionate" fans seem completely incapable of understanding every time you make yet another request for yet another numbered sequel.

      Also, "you are part of the problem"? Your side's bigotry hasn't served anything but your own egoes for over a decade. You had a point when Capcom cancelled a bunch of games and didn't seem to leave anything on the radar, but you lost that point the moment you started attacking the things Capcom WAS doing with the brand afterwards, and when you started filling in your own blanks for why those games were cancelled. You told Christian Svennson of Capcom-Unity to eat dirt for Street Fighter x Mega Man and Mega Man Rush Marine, you told people to buy used copies of the sloppy Mega Man Anniversary Collection instead of the Mega Man Legacy Collection, you said that the reason why Maverick Hunter, Rockman Online, and some unnamed game whose only noteworthy attribute is that it had concept art were all cancelled because Capcom somehow hates Mega Man. The moment a new Mega Man TV show gets announced you end up coming off as hypocritical towards your own respect for Ruby-Spears series because all Fully Charged has to do was show off a temporary logo and the hate flows in.

      The brand's situation is your fault, if anything. Not mine. You're the ones who are so exclusionary that you demand Capcom only appease you, and no one else. Here's a reality check for you: Some people will want to buy the merchandise, some people will want to buy in to the collabs, and some people will watch the shows, and play the collections. Your attitude doesn't change their interest, and they have every right to call themselves Mega Man fans for it.

    8. You really need to tone it down, talk about overreacting.
