Friday, April 26, 2024

Jada Mega Man Wave 2 Figures Go Up For Pre-Order on April 29th

If you've been enjoying the first wave of Jada's Mega Man figures, you'll be pleased to know that Wave 2 is finally going up for pre-order in just a few short days. According to Preternia, Hyper Bomb Mega Man, Cut Man and Elec Man are scheduled to be available for pre-order starting Monday, April 29th, at noon EST, from both Big Bad Toystore and Entertainment Earth

Currently, there's no available information regarding the shipping dates or pricing for these figures. However, if they follow the trend of Wave 1, expect them to be priced between $19.99 and $21.99.

To tide you over until Monday, take a peek at some lovely new stock images above.

Source: Preternia


  1. Just gotta decide if I wanna preorder 2/3 or 3/3...

    1. For $20 a figure I don't really see a reason to pass on any of these.

    2. I can think of a thousand $20 things I don't need. See below.
      Granted I pre-ordered one, but I can always cancel it.

    3. When does anyone ever "need" an action figure?

    4. Then why buy it just because it's $20? that makes no sense.

  2. They will definitely learn from the sales on this one. Elec-Man and Cut-Man are going to sell like crazy, while Hyper-Bomb Mega-Man is going to be haunting shelves for the next year.

    1. I am inclined to agree. I collect characters. I dont really need 90+ version of one... Nor have the shelf space for it. 3 or 4 is one thing, like Zero, but palette swaps are too much.

    2. I feel like they should have just made Bomb Man instead of another Mega Man, not every wave needs a Mega Man varient.

    3. if 2 bosses per wave is the standard, Roll would have been a better call. Or Wily, Light or Sniper Joe.

    4. The peg-warmers become the rarest figures in the future.

      I'd also love a Sniper Joe ... and a Blues. Jada does cloth with some of their other figures, so Blues with a wired scarf would be sublime.

    5. Maybe... But post market rarity doesn't mean financial incentive for Jada to make a wave 3...

    6. Yeah, who has shelf space for that many Mega Man variants, even if they were interested? The draw of this line is that someone is FINALLY making figures of the Robot Masters. If they're not going to fill that 3rd slot with another Robot Master, at least make one of the heavy-hitters like Proto Man, Bass, or Rush.

      I skipped buying Mega Man cause I've already got 3 much better Mega Man figures, but if they make Rush I'll have no choice but to get a Mega Man to pose with him...

    7. I would have preferred another side character myself instead of another Mega Man if they are only doing two robot masters per wave. I’m just hoping they actually do some complete sets of robot masters and not just a few here and there, the line seems to be doing pretty well so there is hope.

  3. Awesome I'm going to buy all three.

  4. these posts need some better labels. would be nice if merch, especially figure, news would have the brand label. like "jada" here, to make it easier to search for stuff.

  5. I'd grab em. But I found something else to give my money to. Besides I hate useless classic MegaMan. Don't ask why or tell me I'm wrong it will do nothing to change my mind lol. Especially because it's my "personal opinion"

  6. As soon as I can, I'm defiantly preordering Elec Man.

  7. Yes! 2 days away. FINALLY!! Hopefully we don’t get a back order victim like what happened to Fire Man. Also, Jada made a smart business decision here. You can see that Hyper Bomb Mega Man still has a buster. You might say: “Mega Man throws it! Not shoots it!” But this is good, because what if we get a Gyro Man? And the Gyro Attack weapon has Mega Man shooting it. So Jada Toys doesn’t have to make a Leaf Shield, Gyro Attack, Centaur Flash, etc. variant of Mega Man. (More exited for Cut Man)

  8. I'm super excited to see if we get to MM3 and which robot masters we get. I'm personally pulling for snake and magnet man.

    1. Dang, those guys would be amazing figures!

      Like, if their Bubble Man figures looks sick as hell, I can only imagine how amazing Snake Man would be!

  9. Still wish the Mega Man figures had swappable faceplates and each figure came with a new expression. Then there would be a reason to multi dip.

  10. darn, i wish i had some money right now, but theses past month didn't leave me much in collecting budget.

    1. BBTS doesn't charge until they are in the warehouse, ready to ship. If the price isn't too high, they don't require a down payment. These have no such requirement. So you don't need the money today.

    2. If they are as well stocked as wave one seems to be, I wouldn’t worry too much about it because you’ll get your figures eventually.

  11. I understand the rationale of some and I agree to an extent, but Im looking forward to all 3 including Hyper Bomb. Its a cool looking figure, i will be much less hyped for wave 3s helmetless variant…

  12. Ugh. These guys come out in October.

    I would prefer that Jada makes any different colored Mega Man weapon variant store exclusives, just like how they do with the colored variants from Street Fighter.

    Make the three character waves different characters, if it's going to be so long between releases.

    1. I can see it working if they combine like colors, as someone else mentioned, into a single release. Throw in all the applicable weapons for a color palette in one figure with an appropriate price for said accessories. Reduce the number of total sku's and peg warmers. Collectors will buy one. Die hard shelf displays will require multiples. Casuals may or may not buy one.

  13. Replies
    1. MM2 Robot Master figures were shown for Wave 3; they were Wood Man and Bubble Man.

    2. I completely forgot about that.

    3. Hopefully they complete at least a couple robot master sets and not just a few per game and some of the other characters as well. We really need it at this point instead of just a ton of Mega Man variants that most companies seem to want to do.

    4. Jada is getting pretty far into Street Fighter as far as characters, so I think they can do it. It might seem weird to dip-into MM2 for Wave 3, and then ... go back to MM1 for Bomb Man and Guts Man. Maybe (especially for Guts Man because he's bigger) it will be a special release figure or something? Guts Man build-a-figure?

  14. How are you guys liking your wave 1 figures? I was thinking of getting them soon.

    1. Mine had some minor paint blemishes. Can't say more than that, as I left them MIB.


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