Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Original Mega Man Creator Akira Kitamura Returns for New Projects at Brave Wave

Fortunate to get an early glimpse at future plans, I can confirm exclusively that Akira Kitamura, the original creator of Mega Man, is gearing up for a comeback after a hiatus of more than 30 years. 

Kitamura's return will be marked by a collaboration with Brave Wave, a record label known for its high-quality re-releases of classic game soundtracks. He will play a direct role in various projects currently in production, including a non-music related project. This particular endeavor, closely tied to a certain blue robot, is slated to be announced later this year and has been enthusiastically described by Kitamura as "a dream project."

To kick things off in this new phase of his life, Kitamura wrote a piece reflecting on the creation, planning, and development of the Dr. Wily stages while listening to the all-new 'Wily & Boss' arrangement by Brave Wave's in-house rock band Super Strikers. This marks Kitamura's first public comment in thirteen years, and notably, the first to be showcased in an English-based media outlet. You can read his full comment here, but here's a portion that made me smile:

"The raw power of an intense guitar riff captures the challenge and thrill of a particular stage, while the soothing melodies of a
piano piece suggest a deep affection for the level, hinting at countless replays. These arrangements not only showcase the talent of the musicians but also their emotional connection to the game. I remain deeply thankful to those who, as children, formed such fond memories with the game."

Now, if the name Akira Kitamura doesn't ring a bell, no one would blame you. It's worth noting that his role in the creation of Mega Man has, at times, been overshadowed. Despite Keiji Inafune often being credited as the "father" of the Blue Bomber, it's essential to recognize that Kitamura served as the planner for both Mega Man 1 and Mega Man 2, laying the very foundation for the franchise. Additionally, he played a crucial role in designing the character of Mega Man himself. 

While I have no further details to share today on what Kitamura is cooking, I'm confident that you'll be pleasantly surprised by what's in store. And on a personal note, getting to witness Kitamura reconnect with his baby after 36 years—and reintegrate into an industry he greatly influenced—has brought me a lot of joy. Rest assured, he feels the same way.

More updates to come soon. Stay tuned!


  1. Amazing news, looking forward to seeing what he's working on!

  2. This remix is amazing as well, nice!

  3. Honestly, this is just as exciting as a new game announcement. Can’t wait!

  4. Here's hoping that he can start getting some proper recognition on a greater scale! I am curious about what exactly that "non-music related project" could possibly be.

    1. Recognition for what? He literally only made the first two games in a series that became an icon many years after he left + one Japan-only game that isn't even on par with Mega Man in terms of fun

    2. One game? He worked on both 三つ目がとおる and Cocoron, both of which are fantastic games (and play very similarly to Mega Man).

    3. I would ask for a source on him working on Mitsume ga Tōru, because his name just isn't the credits (good choice of putting a Japanese name instead of its romanized spelling, really helps your case)

      Also, Cocoron is mid as hell: the movement just isn't tight and the level design/enemy placement is very basic (for as much Kitamura takes pride about it in the shumplations interview) only thing it has going for it is its "build-your-own-hero" gimmick
      It's fitting that is a game set in a dream world because it puts me to sleep lol

    4. Even if he only made the first two games, does'nt change that he created the serie and thus should be recognized as the one who made the first two games. ie, receive proper recognition. no more, no less.

    5. I agree Cocoron isn't a superb game at face value, but the level and enemy design had to account for a wide variety of player character movement and attack options which is no easy feat.

      For its time it was ambitious, and I respect the effort even if the design didn't fully work out.

    6. Compare Cocoron or Little Samson to 90% of the NES/Famicom library. Game blows them out of the fucking water. People forget how trash NES games are, aside from a small percentage.

      Also, he made Mega Man 2, which is still wildly considered the best classic MM game. While it's not my favorite, he deserves recognition. So what, he's only got four games under his belt, he's still a legend. This website wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for him.

  5. Call me a goober if you wish, but I thought Mr. Kitamura just wanted to move on with his life?

    1. He may have had a change of heart once he connected to the good people of Brave Wave Productions. I'm glad though since this could mean a lot of promising things down the road.

  6. Now i didn't expect a return from Mr. Kitamura.

  7. Gee, can't wait for everyone to put him and his new game on a pedestal until it comes out and it so happens to be a bit mid (keep in mind he's been out of the industry for 30 years) and everyone starts to call him a fraud and stuff

    1. he didn't say he was making a game.

  8. Such a wonderful interview!! Informative and interesting on what was and could have been. I would love to see fan mods of both MegaMan 1 & 2 that incorporate what they couldn’t back then, like using Atomic Fire burns the trees in Wood Man’s stage, etc. Including other changes that could truly show his original vision. I’d say that MegaMan 11 did a great job improving on his concept of changing MegaMan’s appearance while using a weapon from a Robot Master. Having A.K. involved in a potential remakes of the games would be amazing!!

  9. I wonder if this is connected to that survey regarding if fans are interested in remakes of the first few games.

    1. very unlikely. remember the survey wasn't specifically about Megaman. And a thing being in there doesn't mean it's currently in the work.

  10. The last guy that everyone thought was MegaMans creator scammed yall and took your money with false promises in a Kickstart project. Cant say I trust any face linked to MegaMan these days. I've never met people that take so much pride in being blind on purpose. 😅 I guess I've seen more ridiculous things though the MM fan base is definitely on my top shelf still lol. I honestly can't think of another fan base more loyal yet more starved. It's like watching israelites thanking the Pharoah for being enslaved lol.

    1. I thought you were done with the franschise? LOL HAHAHA

    2. Loyal? Half the people even here are begging for the series to get killed off because they're terrified of games they won't enjoy coming out. This fanbase is largely complete and utter toxic garbage populated by elitists and delusional conspiracy theorists.

    3. You aren’t really helping matters insulting a entire fanbase.

    4. And the other half afraid to stand out.

    5. Your a hypocrite AnonymousMarch 7, 2024 at 11:49 AM. Your too stupid to notice. Good job.

    6. "The last guy that everyone thought was MegaMans creator scammed yall and took your money with false promises in a Kickstart project." And that has nothing to do with that new that is 1) Not about that guy and doesn't involves him.
      2)Not announcing a Kickstarter or a game project. 3)isn't asking for donations.
      " I've never met people that take so much pride in being blind on purpose." The fandom have been pretty aware of the issues and critical of how Capcom handle the franchise for years to the point that it now has a reputation of doing nothing but that (reputation that is as exagerated as your hyperboles, and just as ridiculous). No one is blindly following Capcom.
      "I honestly can't think of another fan base more loyal yet more starved" Just for Capcom: Darkstalkers, Rival School, and any of their lesser known fighting games, really. if you go to other publishers, you'll find plenty more. If you want a truly starved fandom, take a look to the side of Konami, who really let the fans down.

      There is a new about Kitamura working on some soundtrack remixe and giving a interview, people react to it for what it is. That's it.

      If you wanna troll be EFFICIENT about it. otherwise you just sound like a idiot. I also would like to point that your can't keep trolling like that for long when you strategy is based on saying you're no longer interested in Megaman. you're literally on a Megaman news blog. If you complain that the serie is dead and don't interest you anymore and people who follow it are idiot, but then *still* stick around and comment on every newspost, you're again just making yourself sound like a idiot.

    7. "If you wanna troll be EFFICIENT about it"

      What are you talking about? It worked perfectly: you fell for it! LOL

    8. I don't care about new sound tracks, but a new game, but in my case, I won't hype until I see that, and even then, let's hope it isn't canned. I don't see much special about the news topic posted. Kind of lame as long as no new game is announced. Every news post I see on this site is anything but a new game main timeline sequel style. So what if an original creator returns and talks about sound tracks? Anything to avoid making a new game, huh?

    9. Gary, as detailed in the post, he isn't involved in a soundtrack; this isn't a music project. There's a much larger context here that should not be understated.

      This man has been "gone" for more than thirty years. During that time, he hasn't -- couldn't-- lay a finger on anything associated with Mega Man. This is his return to the character since 1989-90. Put yourself in his shoes-- imagine designing characters and a game that left a significant impact, only to find it out of reach one day. Then, after around 30 years, you have the opportunity not only to reconnect with the creation you brought to life but also to connect with your fans for the very first time.

      I understand your sentiments about a new game, but this endeavor is not the platform to voice those concerns. Respectfully, this is Kitamura's moment—he's realizing a long-standing dream. I kindly request your, and everyone else's, understanding and respect as more information unfolds. It's the very least you can do for Kitamura.

  11. The Naoto Ohshina from Mega Man is back.

    1. Yeah, Ohshima sure is the better guy:
      - CEO of two companies who only made mid games (including both Balan Wonderworld and Sonic Superstars)
      - Likes Tails x Sonic artwork

    2. So he made games you don't like and likes art you don't like? Who gives a fuck?

    3. Should have rephrased that last one: what I mean is that he "likes" shotacon art of Tails and Sonic on social media, is that clear to you now?

  12. We need a Little Samson reboot with Kitamura at the helm!


  14. Wow, we lost Akira Toriyama and regained Akira Kitamura in the same week. RIP to one Akira, welcome back to the other.

    1. Yes, it is unfortunate, Geekdom101 was talking about it. I also hope it does not cause DBS manga to be cancelled, or interfere with an eventual animation of DBS.

    2. This is your saddest comment yet. Even I know your making a reference to Call of Duty where you press F or X to pay respects.

  15. It's nice to see him back.

  16. 4 months later and nothing is happening.


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