Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Capcom Survey Asks Fans if They'd Like to See Mega Man 1, 2 and 3 Remakes

Capcom continues to celebrate their 40th anniversary through the special website Capcom Town. To kick-start the year, the company is asking fans ten questions, covering topics such as "which Capcom games do you like the best?" to inquiries about sequels and new entries in existing franchises.

The survey takes an intriguing twist when it delves into the topic of remakes for classic titles... 

To access the survey, first you have to create your own smartphone wallpaper that will be sent to your e-mail address. The process is straightforward—choose a background image, select a job, a special move, indicate your gaming platforms, and provide some personal data.

With that out of the way, you have access to the survey.

After answering a few typical questions, you'll be asked which Capcom series you'd like to see get a sequel or a new game... 

... And then comes the interesting part. The survey wants to know your thoughts on which games from Capcom's back catalog you'd like to see remade, and they've even included options for the first three Mega Man games. It's important to note that despite the use of Roman numerals, they refer to the first three games in the NES entries, not the Game Boy titles. In the Japanese survey, they are listed as "ロックマン123." 

As shown above, there's a "Not in here" option, but unfortunately, it doesn't allow you to submit your own choice beyond the ones provided by Capcom.

Once you answer that question, you have the chance to submit your own opinions or requests directly to Capcom. Keep it friendly and cordial, of course. Again, you can access the survey HERE.

Capcom's consideration of remaking the first three classic series games is intriguing, given their prior attempt with Powered Up. That said, it's important to clarify that there is no indication that the outcomes of the survey will directly lead to the development of tangible products.

Share your thoughts in the comments below.


  1. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Thank you for telling me of an opportunity to contact Capcom. It seems every time I'm about to give up on the Mega Man franchise, Capcom does something good. Once again, the future looks bright for Mega Man.

    1. I dunno if re-visiting Mega Man 1 and 2 yet again is the sign you think it is...

    2. I wouldn't hold my breath to be honest with you.

    3. This has to be a troll


      10 out of 10 masterful bait lmao

    4. Bruh, at this point I’m just happy I’ll be seeing HD Cut man and HD Guts man cheeks again XD. Also maybe they’ll fix MM3 so I don’t have to remember Gamma’s law

    5. To the anon that posted February 6 2024 at 12:30PM:
      WTF do you mean the fourth time? They’ve only rereleased the first game once in the legacy collection. That is of course that you’re actually using the correct definition of rehash. To rehash would basically mean capcom just rereleases MM1 stand-alone with no fixes for 60 bucks. Even then, if your referring to remaking MM1 they’ve only done that 2 and that’s stretching it. The only true remake we got was PoweredUp. Rock man complete works barely counts since it it just updated the Ui and added weapon hot-swapping. If your going to ridicule someone or something, please do your research.

    6. MM1 NES
      MM1 Wily Wars
      MM1 Powered UP
      MM1 Complete Works

      Not counting Anniversary Collection or LC, if so that's 6 times.

    7. MM fans being hyped for old games getting remade, truly the future is bright!

      Man... MM fans really are stuck in an eternal stockholm syndrome, I legit feel bad as a BN only fan. Well at least its not getting hyped for a re-release I suppose. So... progress?

    8. really depends on how you look at it.

      mega man 1 was remade a few times. you have the wily wars on genesis, MMPU on PSP, a mobile game where you get to play as roll.

      as for re-releases, we have the complete works on PS1 and PS3 classics, MM1 on mobile (different from the roll game mentioned earlier), anniversary collection, and legacy collection.

    9. Complete Works doesn't count

    10. I quite literally said that complete works shouldn’t count

    11. I can't stand this blog man... There's gotta be a better place for Mega Man fans to gather and share their thoughts outside of some random reddit or X that is arguably worse but at least in X's case mostly supports (I know mostly defeats the purpose) free speech and applies its rules/codes of conduct without (much) bias. God I miss Mega Man Network in its prime (I know it is back but it is a zombie town over there).

    12. Sure it does. Functions changed by nameless own admission. Thats no different from the Roll version. Therfore, its a remake. Not a rerelease.

      There is no real need to revisit the same game again, when its already been done a half dozen times.

      Watch it will be Rockman Ultra Championship edition DX

    13. 5:09 Anon - You're free to speak your mind. All comments are welcome, except for those deemed highly inflammatory or caught by the spam filter.

    14. To February 6 2024 at 2:33 PM Anon
      Then why don't you take the survey and ask for a new Battle network game in the final comments section of the survey? That's what I did. I'd be grateful if Mega Man got new games at all, but especially a new BN. Waiting two decades for Crashman EXE is long enough. Be the change you want to see.

    15. I did exactly that the other day, i wrote down wanting a new battle network game, an new star force game, and mega man legends 3.

    16. @Anonymous February 6, 2024 at 2:30 PM
      Does Rockman: The Puzzle Battle count, too? It's kind of a puzzle-based rehashing of the story of Mega Man complete with remixed music and, erm, "enhanced" sprites.

    17. It shouldn’t because that’s a story rehash, not a gameplay rehash. If we’re counting these things off a story rehash then wily wars shouldn’t count (I’m the anon that posted Feb 6 1:23 PM)

    18. I say yes.

      So that's 5 different remakes of the original Rockman


    19. It’s a pissing Candy Crush reskin! How the fuck does it count?! 😡

    20. It counts because it was done. Nitpick all day long if it makes you happy. The FACT is Rockman was remade/re-released nearly a dozen times. You can quibble over the minutia of remake vs rerelease, (it's a remake, the feature set is too different) but your still in double digits in terms of releases of that single game. It's even playable, right now, FOR FREE on the above website.
      The only thing in the argument no one brought up is 2 and 3 did not get a "full blown" remake (if you ignore the one that got away) but even they have been re-rerelased seven ways to Sunday including the remake of the Complete Works.

      Capcom can make it, YET AGAIN, if that's what they want and if that's what will make you happy, but in all honesty they have ALOT of other shit they need to do first.

      Read this for fun sometime...

    21. Oh, you know what? My bad. I just realized that was in reference to Puzzle Battle, not complete works. My argument was exclusively for Complete Works.
      But the argument stands, none the less. I'm not gonna delete it.

    22. Different anon here, I agree with the fact that the game was re-released multiple times and should stop being re-released for good. If we are being technical with Complete Works however it's not a remake, but a port. To quote DeGamer's Rockman 6 Complete Works Version FAQ:

      "1) First of all, this game is “emulated” (except for the music as it streams off the disc in a format similar to music on a Compact Disc). The emulation is near perfect. There's some issues with some of the sound effects, but nothing major to worry about since everything else is fine. The game is also small enough to fit almost entirely into the RAM of the

      Ahh, that takes me back when I watched his Rockman 8 betas videos.

    23. Another anon here. Reading this whole comment chain I wanna say

      Complete Works is absolutely a remake, no matter how much that one specific Anon cries about it not being one and "barely counting" (so... it does partially count? lmao)

      It adds in tons of new QoL features, removes bugs and slowdown, adds more content/dialogue

      Yes, its technically emulated in the same way the first LC is, but where Digital Eclipse set out to preserve the NES experience, jank included, Complete Works sought to "modernize" the game.

      It is absolutely a "new" version of Rockman, in the same way George Lucas' Special Editions are technically new versions of the original Star Wars films.

      Even if you want to be anal and don't include it though, Rockman 1 has been remade in Wily Wars, Rockman Rockman, Rockman Mobile. We don't need yet another port/remake/remaster/reimagining of a game that already has tons of ways to play.

    24. My bad, I forgot the jank fixes (I’m the complete works anon). At least we’re getting mm2 and mm3 remakes.

    25. I want a Mega Man 3 remake.

      Only Mega Man 3 though.

      MM1 has been remade (apparently more times than I realized reading these comments 0_o) and outside of boo-beam in mm2, MM2 is a great game that doesn't really need touching (even tho it is a tad bit overrated)

      But MM3 is full of strange things and quirks that keep it from reaching its full potential. Inafune has talked about how it was rushed to release back in the day, and how he doesn't care for the game because of the bitter memories making it. Imagine a remake that removes Doc Robot and gives us rematches against the mm2 bosses, or actually explaining what the heck is going on with Break Man (I always assumed that was his false identity he used to join up with Wily as a kid, and Protoman was his real form that he ditched at the end when he saved mega but we now know wily helped create proto so... what the heck is the deal with Break Man?)

      In other words, give me a MM3 remake! Wily Wars absolutely BUTCHERED MM3. The biggest crime that I can't get over though? Mega and Proto aren't even the same size, the game runs like poop but its Proto looks like a baby when Mega Man is nearly twice his size ;_;

    26. I know right? I personally just want HD 1-3, but I completely agree with you wanting a mm3 remake. I am so tired of criticizing 3 anywhere and getting bombarded with “Gamma’s Law”.

    27. February 9, 2024 at 12:37 AM Anon here, I'm going to take DeGamer's word(who disassembled and attempted to make a translated version of the game) over some random anon. Also, no it's not emulated the same way the LC is, not sure what gave you that idea(the RAM part alone disproves this). Also also, none of that makes it a remake because it isn't a retelling of the story(unlike Rockman Rockman) nor a "retelling" of the game itself(graphics stayed the same and the sounds are from the European ROM, but they are also the same because it is that ROM, and it plays the same just some added functions like rapid-fire and weapon switching in real time as well as an optional navigation mode that's there to help first time players although I don't think there is any bug fixing however they did screw up the hitboxes in 2. And, the removal of slowdown is not a fix, it is just running in more powerful hardware. QoL is marketing lingo that means nothing so I recommend for no-one to use it) ergo it's a port, an "emulated" port, but a port. Also also also, the Special Editions were a marketing gimmick from Lucas, as admitted by him. They were already being modified every time they were re-released, in other words, every cut is different even prior to Betamax in 1984 and keep in mind the newest cut is the canon one.

  2. I would accept it, being very honest.

    Seeing the remakes that CAPCOM has been making would be one of the ideal opportunities to reformulate and fix plot holes, just like they did with Resident Evil.

    It could open up a gap to continue with the Mega Man X remakes that were considered in the past by Keiji Inafune from X1 to X6

    1. Over the course of 10 years, we've had a new classic game, a mobile gatcha game, and now we're going to get... a remake of a game that has already been remade twice in the past.

      Let's move on from Classic and give another series a chance.

    2. Yeah, to be honest I just voted for a remake of X2 because I would just rather have X series remakes than more remakes of the classic series.

  3. Just remaster mega man powered up, put it on the switch and PC, and do 2 more games in that style.

    1. I would love this so much. Powered Up really had a good thing going with that art style and accessibility for new players. Just do that again!

    2. Not gonna lie, I'd probably buy it if they remastered it. Especially if they decided to either revive the old level servers, or host new ones entirely.

      … but knowing our luck, they'd completely remove Construction Mode and online features, leaving us with a still-very-cool remake of the first game, but less content and replayability. Oh, and Roll would be unlocked after beating the game, I guess? (Maybe her outfits would be unlocked by beating each level with her… Who knows.)

    3. roll and her costumes would probably be paid "on disc" dlc. remember, we're talking about capcom

  4. The PSP games would have been alot more successful if they weren't PSP exlclusive.
    Another one of those baffling decisions. Oh, what might have been.

    1. That’s a very reasonable ascertain. Too bad Capcom decided no one likes them at all. They just left them on psp. No port to another console or anything.

      Personally, it would have stung less if they had at least made it to X3. Leaving the series after releasing a Maverick Hunter X trilogy probably would have at least made me less bitter about the MM drought lol

    2. It was a sensible decision at the time: the PSP was known in Japan as the "Monster Hunter machine" with sales of the handheld games far surpassing those of the home console
      Capcom assumed they could get similar success with their other franchises but just didn't

    3. They probably would have done pretty well if they were on both the PS2 and PSP instead of just PSP exclusive, I really don't understand their logic behind that when PS2 was huge at the time.

    4. And that's my point. Their sensible position and assumptions put them in a corner when they had every opportunity since then to simply put them on PS3, PS4, PS5, Steam, etc... It was a self induced disappointment that could have been repurposed to make more money with the minimum of effort.
      I just wanna know how well IHX would have sold in hi def with trophies.

    5. Let's remember that the PSP was tied to the PS3 in a lot of ways, and because of Sony's system architecture from that era: we're not seeing those (PSP exclusive) games ported. There is an out-sized amount of effort required to port games from the PS3 era; it has nothing to do with nobody liking the games. PS3 (and exclusive PSP games) basically have to be emulated or remade.

    6. I've always believed that this was the issue. MMPU would have done gangbusters on the wii, especially using the wiimote for stage creator. MMPU belonged on nintendo.

      MHX would have done great if it were on console instead. PS3, wii, or even the DS at the time. probably wouldn't have done well on Xbox, despite both being "X".

  5. Mega Man is obviously my most wanted sequel.
    A remake of Mega Man or Ace Attorney 1,2,3 would be kind of pointless on the other hand. I wouldn't be against a Rival school revival of some sort if done well.

  6. I've been saying for a while I'd love full remakes of MM 1-10 with the MM11 engine and art style. Add some cut scenes, extra playable modes and characters and charge full price. Go Wily Wars and offer a mode to use weapons from 3 games. Could do it in 4 volumes:

    Vol. 1 :MM 1, 2, 3
    Vol. 2: MM 4, 5, 6
    Vol. 3: MM 7, 8, MM&B
    Vol. 4: MM 9, 10, 11 (by this point, repack MM11 with it some extras like playable roll or something)

    1. I agree with this; I love the MM11 engine, and the art style they used to make it. If they put the same amount of attention-to-detail into remaking those games -- new animations, backgrounds, etc. -- as they did for MM11: it would be incredible.

    2. vol 3 mm7 mm8 incoret mm b not is the orden this game

  7. I will not hold my breath since They stopped on Megaman X remade which I really liked. Now this ? They are skip Megaman X sequel incomplete remade ? SMH.

  8. Do the survey, it asks for more than a remake of Mega Man 1, 2 and 3, it asks for sequels, favorite series, favorite games etc. For those of you that only read the headlines.

  9. I gave them the "too slow to release numbered sequels" critique in the hopes that we get more sequels to our favorite series

    1. I almost checked this, but I don't think telling a developer to basically "hurry up" results in better games.

    2. It is totally warranted though. They listed it as a reason themselves. Also the games we are all asking them to “hurry up” making new sequels with are decades old in some cases. Like, why is it not appropriate?

  10. I asked that they partner with JKB for an official release of Mega Man X Corrputed.

  11. MMBN 7. That is all.

  12. As long as it doesn't have the full-on cutesy chibi factor of MMPU, I'm game.

    1. Game-play > art style, and MMPU had excellent game-play.

  13. I hope we see that Rival Schools remake. Love Mega Man, but idk remaking 1, 2 & 3 again seems a little redundant considering the legacy collections.

    1. Not gonna lie, I'd be open to Breath of Fire III being remade, but nowadays, companies want to change everything for "reasons". And I'd rather they just leave it alone, never touching it again.

    2. And I would be open to the first two Breath of fire games being remade. Let's face it, if they made another Breath of fire sequel, they would make it worse including the lack of a fusion system. Bof 1 & 2 remakes on the other hand would be more rewarding. They could put in two new fusions for each game. The first one could give Karn a fusion with Ryu & Mogu and a fusion with Nia & Bleu. And the second one could give Ryu a fusion with fire and water and give Bleu a fusion with Earth and Wind. Plus, if these remakes had voice acting, this would be the perfect opportunity to have every Ryu in bof be voiced by the legendary Kappei Yamaguchi. Also, they could add bonus story content. They already confirmed that Patty is Yua, so they could add a new quest where you can find her and Ryu learns that she is his sister. Or they could even make her a new party member while there at it.

      TL;DR If Mega Mans future wasn't on the line, or if they could let us choose two IPs to remake, I would have gladly voted for BOF.

  14. I'd rather get a new game instead of remakes of the nes games that most fans have probably played to death by now.

  15. Honestly, I can't help but groan at the idea of this. Capcom is only continuing to show just how out of touch they are with their fans and this feels like a step backwards. The classic series has already had its time in the sunlight, it's now time for another spin off series to have its chance. Give us sequels or a new game entirely, but stop retreading the same ground over and over -especially with Classic.

    The only remakes that honestly are worth giving a shot are Legends 1 & 2; their "open world" design would be appealing to today's modern crowd, plus the possibility of the games getting more recognition than the originals did from the 90's would show people just how awesome these games really are (and possibly reinvest interest in Legends 3...).

    1. Legends didn't get recognition when they came out due to them being bad

    2. I have to be honest I would love a remake of the Legends games, they would really benefit from a updated modern controls scheme. Or honestly reviving Legends 3 for modern systems would be nice.

    3. Step backwards? Out of touch? That's why the Capcom Super Election had a huge list of games to vote for, both for remake and sequel.

    4. Yeah, I like if L1 and L2 get a modern graphical make over. It needs it. So does Misadventures of Tron Bonne.

    5. "Modern graphical makeover" isn't enough for Legends; they would need to be entirely remade.

    6. Legends is fine as is. Once you get used to it, your off to the races.

    7. The games still hold up but the controls really need to be updated.

    8. Legends' gameplay is kinda hot garbage... It's for sure jank but its biggest problem is balance, circle strafe absolutely broke that game. But at least it had charm and decent aesthetics. I can't say the same for Legends 2 though, terrible voice for Mega Man, terrible aesthetics, Mega Man redesign is horrid and lanky, animoo to the next level, Hideki Ishikawa's loli fetish on full display (yes I know he was a designer-artist for both, he was just a lot more reserved in the first game) far more complex scenery, textures and polygons than the PS1 could handle at the time making many things look muddy etc

      Legends 2 also had worse performance too (god the performance alone was enough to make it unbearable sometimes)... That game is just not that good in general. But it did let you travel to more diverse places at the cost of an interconnected hub of sorts.

      And the story.................... Oooooh boy that.... story.... You might as well make me watch one of those convoluted anime visual novels with random assortments of English words barely strung together. In other words it's pseudo-deep anime gibberish. Worst part is, to validate it, they made it the furthest in the main timeline... just to tenuously connect it to Mega Man mainline. If not for that, I think most people would entirely write it off, matter of fact many already write it off anyway.

      Never played Tron Bonne... Probably never will. It shouldn't even be considered a Mega Man game honestly.

    9. Agreed on the gameplay of Legends being flawed, but I still find it fun. Disagree about the aesthetics of 2, I find the aesthetics of the residential areas of Elysium to be beautiful and the insides visually pleasing and Calinca to be memorable, it's all very subjective really. Don't really care about Volnutt's redesign either way. Except for the underwater levels, I recall the performance of the game being fine. The other possible time I can remember the frame dropping is sometimes when a Mittan causes a gigantic explosion. The psp port had issues with the performance as a whole though.

      About the story, there's a reason why it's at the tail end of the timeline. It isn't finished yet and you are free to dislike or even hate it, but it's meant to recontextualize the entire timeline. The pattern of the final bosses having angelic forms is not a coincidence nor a mere Bible reference, for example.

    10. "Except for the underwater levels, I recall the performance of the game being fine."

      Mega Man Legends 2 performance issues are clearly evident and documented. I played the game man... I played the game. I thought it was broken, the slowdown was so bad in Yosyonke Town... The game in general can't really manage what it throws at the PS1 often. I mean the very very few review outlets like hardcoregaming101 that actually critically assess the actual game and are not just gaslighting about weirdo nostalgia touchy feely stuff, clearly state this. It's not like I pulled this out of thin air. I am talking about the PS1 originals, haven't played the ports outside of the PSN version.

      I agree my opinion on the aesthetics can be tossed up as "subjective", but I just don't get how extremely pixelated (due to resolution limitations not allowing for complex fine detail) textures coupled with PSX's weirdo texture warping is "good looking". Legends 1 to me seemed to better manage it's visuals with the hardware or programming limitations in its case. Yeah, it was less complex but it wasn't like absurdly plain, I don't know, I like Legend's 1 better in that way, for me it stood the test of time more. Although neither is the worst looking thing of that era, all the problems I have with Legends 2 for example is amplified with Alundra 2 which just looks like a smeary polygonal mess but was kinda aiming for those same Legends 2 aesthetics just without the pseudo cel-shading.

    11. "Agreed on the gameplay of Legends being flawed, but I still find it fun."

      I feel the same, but now it is pretty dated in detail. L2 looks better, and I never had any performance issues (maybe one had a problem with their CD if they did). Even Tron Bonne was kind of fun on certain levels. A sense of accomplishment to explore and take stuff from ruins that never had important items taken from it before. Like 'mystery solved'.

      The story is kind of unique and give a sense of deep time, like it mentioned that Kattalox is erased and restarted every 100 years or so. Odd that each time the island is rediscovered (vs it being on a map beforehand), they were oblivious on how the prior city was wiped out as if the previous civilization did not communicate it to the outside world each time to put it on a map first. I wonder how many centuries passed between Trigger being transferred to a carbon baby vs awakened - could be many centuries. Also unique in that we have a human-like species (carbons) created by and replaced the normal humans. It certainly feels like deep time passing though, Juno sleeping for a long time, waking up, erase carbons, sleep again, who knows how many times, though we know the Master was on Elysium for at least 3000 years, there is no doubt many centuries before and after this 3000 years that took place. Could have been the year 4000 when remaining humans migrated to Elysium, then its orbital elevator severed from it, likely to escape some war on the surface before or after some gradual flooding (originally it a supposed to be flooded from Eurasia fragments crashing in the bad ending of X5, continents fragmenting on the X5 globe map, even craters on the L2 map, but that was retconned), and many centuries after the master died up to the events of L1 and L2 (maybe after the year 8000).

      At this point, a century here and there seems to lose all meaning and one century passing was a much bigger deal around the Classic, X, Zero, or ZX eras. I would welcome a L3, not on handheld, of course. Too bad they canned it right before 'almost' releasing the demo, but didn't even give the demo a chance. I even saw a video of the demo showing an Eden structure (same levitating device over Kattalox at the end to kill carbons) on an intercept course to the island Barret was running around on (intro stage) as if L3 was all hell breaking loose Elder system style. They even tried to be cheap by having fans do the work for them in designing characters and stuff. I remember keeping up on the forum of L3 when it was being designed in 2011 showing new enemy designs, the Japanese team having cartoon profile avatars on the forum, etc.

    12. "Mega Man Legends 2 performance issues are clearly evident and documented. I played the game man... I played the game."
      You're purposefully overexaggerating the framerate issues to spread the "2 is better than 1" agenda. You're biased man... You're biased.
      "I thought it was broken, the slowdown was so bad in Yosyonke Town..."
      Great example of Reductio ad absurdum there. While the framerate does dip, it doesn't dip anywhere close "broken" levels. At most it's a split second slowdown while running that sometimes doesn't even happen unless you purposely stay still looking at a big building. Outside of some towns with big models, it can happen in closed spaces with multiple enemies and again not always. The only way for you to think it was broken is if you were a child that run into slowdown in a videogame for the first time ever and even then you'd have to be very squeamish.
      "Alundra 2 which just looks like a smeary polygonal mess but was kinda aiming for those same Legends 2 aesthetics just without the pseudo cel-shading."
      A quick look at that game and there is nothing too bad in it. Also, Legends 2 doesn't look pseudo cel-shady, not even close. Network Transmission is a cel-shade game and looks nothing like Legends 2.

      "I mean the very very few review outlets like hardcoregaming101 that actually critically assess the actual game and are not just gaslighting about weirdo nostalgia touchy feely stuff, clearly state this."
      "hardcoregaming101" You mean THAT outlet? Please be joking. The review of this game in that site isn't well-made. The author has an obvious Zelda bias as well as other inaccuracies:
      "There isn’t a particular explanation as to why the ruins now mimic elemental overtones straight out of a Zelda title, however."
      Elements in a Mega Man game? Impossible, must have copied Zelda. Also, why would that need an explanation.
      "Keeping with the Zelda inspiration, each of the main ruins have little computers that download map and treasure chest data."
      Only Zelda can use maps and compasses in videogames apparently.
      Not even the Water Temple comparison is appropriate since the only thing they have in common is that they are both underwater levels.
      "The problem is that the water is needed to lift heavy blocks for platforms and to move onto switches to turn off currents."
      Mr. Author, that is not a problem. That's a challenge.
      "Add to some of the prior tricky foes from the first game and even the simplest of battles become chores."
      Not sure where he came with that, most of the battles are easy. He's not even putting the effort to be good at the game as his skills are clearly lacking.
      "However, with the darker themes, limit-pushing engine, and loss of the more idyllic nature, reception of the overall product is a lot more mixed."
      Why is he assuming these are what caused the reception of the game? What does he even mean by "idyllic nature"? Pretentious nonsense and I do know what idyllic means.
      "having the action at its most dire before the third act."
      Ok, why is the action dire? What makes it so? Because that isn't in the review.
      And, this isn't the only bad review on that outlet nor the only problems with that specific review. That site has always been a joke.

    13. "I just don't get how extremely pixelated"
      It's as pixelated as 1. Have you even seen the character models and textures of part 1? Roll's face looks deformed and you complain about Volnutt's redesign, lol.
      "circle strafe absolutely broke that game"
      Not every enemy can be circle strafed and most of the times in the dungeons, you don't even have the room to do so. More ridiculous over exaggeration for the agenda.
      "Hideki Ishikawa's loli fetish on full display (yes I know he was a designer-artist for both, he was just a lot more reserved in the first game)"
      Because of Sera and Yuna? They look like teenagers for a child to teen audience which is the target audience. "loli" Big deal, not my taste, but it's always been a red flag regarding those who complain about it.
      "And the story.................... Oooooh boy that.... story...."
      It's a basic story about recovering three keys, the backstory of Roll and her family and the implication there is more to that world than what it seems like the old System. It isn't convoluted at all, if anything that outlet you mentioned disagrees with you on that point.

      I've played both of them back-to-back and Mega Man Legends 2 is better in every way. Much better controls with customization(thank you developers specially the compatibility with joysticks), better aesthetics objectively(as a single example: the undergrounds look distinct instead of the usual brown, dark colors ), better character models and textures, it is clearer where to go, better level design and better bosses. 1 doesn't even compare, even back in the day when I first played it, it looked obsolete.

    14. Well, it wasn't Reductio ad absurdum, but it was over exaggeration to the point of absurdity. Also, I mean to write the "1 is better than 2" agenda.

  16. Capcom will literally do ANYTHING with Mega Man other than make a new game. More trash.

  17. this may be the opportunity we've been waiting for! fill out those surveys yall [ ]7

  18. Just finished my survey towards the end i put down to make mega man legends 3 or mega man star force 4.

  19. Considering how both critically and financially successful the Resident Evil remakes have been , I actually feel that these hypothetical remakes could perhaps both breathe life into the franchise and introduce them to a wider audience. Plus, Capcom isn't necessarily a stranger when it comes to constant revisits of the same game (SSF2THDR anyone?).

    That being said, it would be how they goes on remaking that I'm curious about. Personally, I'd stick more with a modern Wily Wars approach over MMPU.

  20. If this'll lead to them making a new game, then sure. Plus, Powered Up was awesome. I wouldn't mind in the least if they were to make another game like it.

  21. If it's possible I want them to port non mainline battle network games and monster hunter stories 1

  22. I'd say I would support the remakes when they released, but it seems like actually being a Mega Man nowadays gets you called a Capcom shill...

  23. i would love to see them bring back the maverick hunter x series to at least cover the other 2 x games from the snes. Would love if they brought back the voice x from the english dub but iirc that guy now is surgeon so unlikely hed comeback to voice x again close to two decades later.

    1. My preference is for one, final game to end the series. But, if they did do X2, I would not complain.
      That's the one good thing X DiVE provided. So many of the 3D assets are done. The engine is there. Should be straightforward.

  24. As long as it isn't bobbleheads and too cartoony like Powered up. MM11 style is better, I think. In fact, give them all a MM11 style facelift, though we can say that won't happen.

  25. It's really nice of them to hold a poll like this. The thoughtfulness of each question & all the options to choose from shows great awareness of the Capcom brand and its history, as well as of its fans.

    1. Alright, an entirely positive comment! Thank you!

      I agree; while I don't think community involvement always results in good outcomes: I do appreciate that CAPCOM is making a specific effort to stay in-touch with fans.

      I'm pretty happy for Dragon's Dogma 2; I'm sure it'll keep me busy for a while, and I don't think it would have happened without continued support for (and interest in) the original game.

    2. You're welcome, and thank you for the comment! I'm a fan of the older stuff from the 90s and 2000s, and I'm out of touch with the games that came after (Devil May Cry, Dragon's Dogma, MonHun), so I appreciate the opportunity to see and talk about stuff like Marvel VS Capcom and Breath of Fire as well as Mega Man--specifically X.

      I'd rather they remake X1-X3 than Classic 1-3. We already got Mega Man 11, and fans have been anticipating X9 next, but I appreciated what Keiji Inafune was trying to do with MHX. It seemed like he was trying to make X more the focus of his series and its plot than Zero, and I always felt that X's gameplay evolution stagnated beginning with X4 in order to focus more on Zero. I loved Zero, but in hindsight, multiple armors + the secret Ultimate Armor felt like it was diluting X's game play potential instead of building on it; it would've been cool if he kept the ability to hold multiple charges and air-dash after X3 as part of his base armor, instead of having to wait until X8 or ZX to see them make a return.

      Maybe there's another way they could make X more distinct from Mega Man in his weapon copy ability too, even if it is a logical upgrade of what Mega Man can do. Maybe non-offensive abilities that open up ways to navigate the stage differently, or find another outcome besides killing every Maverick.

    3. I feel like X was at his best during the PS1 games in terms of movement and arsenal. The level design might not have supported it at times (I have issues with X4's in particular), but there are a lot of interesting usages, compared to something like X3 where most upgrades didn't serve much purpose beyond opening up more upgrades. I do prefer how the base form stays limited while armors have their own quirks, though.

      As for non-offensive abilities and different outcomes, funnily enough, that is what X5 and more-so X6 did. I've personally liked that a lot, and find replaying those very fun.

    4. I agree, X and Zero played fast in X4.

    5. The Playstation Era games felt a little more sluggish when moving around as X than the SNES games (Zero was definitely slower in X3). Maybe not by much, but you can feel it most when dashing. The contrast I think is most evident when comparing the PS era X games to the Zero games.

      I enjoyed how much bigger each stage felt in X3 compared to the games before and after it, and how much cool stuff they gave you to find: not just the armor parts and health upgrades, but also the different Ride Armors. X4 streamlined most ofnthat stuff out for better or worse. X5 and X6 didn't really change that much outside of what ending you could get, much of it depending on RNG; you still were expected to kill every Maverick. For a character like X who hates violence, it's sad and kind of boring just to see him have to kill everyone anyways until he ends up the unfeeling dead husk (literally) we see in the Zero games.

      Also, if Zero could eventually have abilities like airdashing or double-jump by default, I don't see why X's base form couldn't evolve naturally too. It would just be cool to see and fun to use instead of a nerfed Fourth or Falcon armor, or a big slow saber swing.

    6. Eh, I disagree. I can see how Playstation games feel slower, but definitely not sluggish: there are nice things like Rapid Fire/Auto Charge, or being able to hold the dash button to do constant dashjumps if you can time it right, rather than every dash on the ground pushing you at least slightly forward like in the SNES games.

      For X3, from my experience it felt like all of the upgrades were just added on top of an already existing game, as none of them really meshed with the stages in interesting ways and aside from some secrets, the stages themselves were pretty basic. In case of X5/X6, there was a change: you can access final stages in a different way than beating the 8 bosses, and while in X5 it does depend on RNG (for some bizarre reason), in X6 it's consistent and I liked it.

      That is fair, but I do prefer the approach with Fourth/Falcon and the saber, where they're more limited in capabilities rather than being particularly powerful, and have some secondary uses (like saber having it's own cancels and being able to get rid of walljump knockback). Powerful base characters like in ZX are fun, but I think those games themselves get a bit too intense to compensate for that. I can see your point with Zero, though.

    7. Going back to MMZ and ZX, I think it's the most refined, fast and fluid form of dashing we've gotten in 2D. I wouldn't mind building off of that for possible future X games, though maybe there's something to be said about giving the characters more weight and momentum, just for the sake of creating a new experience. I'd still want to be able to cancel momentum like usual of course, but it might be interesting to have X's charge shot actually push him back in midair, especially for fun platforming level design & secret hunting.

      Regarding how X5 and X6 changed how you progressed, my problem with both is there's no consequence or acknowledgment from the game that you went in that non-traditional route. It was essentially a no-frills exploit or shortcut, like for speed runners. There was no impact on the story other than skipping chunks of it, but at least these games with X4 introduced pre-fight dialogues. That at least gave the Mavericks characters, and seemed to get better with each installment all the way to MHX.

      What I'm roughly asking for is for base X to be more on-par with base Zero, something that only really happened after Axl showed up. I also want more of the story and the game design to focus on him. I don't want less of Zero, but if time and resources are limited, then on a hypothetical series remake, I'd want either a more even balance or more emphasis on X. Just having some of his abilities carry over naturally, like air-dashing and double-shots, are what I'd like to see, similar to how Mega Man's base abilities continued to evolve in his games.

  26. Capcom should do more classic Mega Man Legacy Collections with Mega Man 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for Gameboy, Mega Man and Bass, Mega Man Soccer, Mega Man Battle & Chase, Mega Man The Wily Wars, Mega Man Powered Up, Mega Man for Game Gear, Mega Man The Power Battle, Mega Man 2 The Power Fighters, The Rockman Completes Work 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, and Mega Man 8 for Sega Saturn. They should also do another Mega Man X Legacy Collection with Mega Man Xtreme 1 and 2, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, Mega Man X Command Mission, and Mega Man X3 for PlayStation 1.

  27. Devil May Cry es una saga espectacular, que ha podido trascender las décadas, pero que necesita de una secuela, para definir cosas como su historia, jugabilidad y el destino como tal, sagas como Monster Hunter o Resident Evil que también me encantan, tienen su destino más asegurado que Devil May Cry, Devil requiere de un posible "refinamiento" de mecánicas o de clasificación, con esto no digo que vuelvan a la saga un RPG, PARA NADA, no quiero un cambio tan radical, pero sí que demuestren que la saga puede dar para mucho más, así mismo como lo hacen con Resident Evil, Ojala y pudiesen sacar una 6 entrega de la saga que defina su futuro, antes de siquiera pensar en sacar un Remake de Devil May Cry 2, cosa que ese juego SI lo necesita, pero no sería justo para los fanáticos que no hemos visto una nueva entrega desde hace casi 6 años, que nos dejó un OST espectacular, un buen desarrollo de los personajes establecidos, pero con ganas de saber que seguirá, quizás algún personaje nuevo, la despedida de algún personaje ya existente o el regreso de otro que no ha vuelto en años. Puede haber miles de excusas para sacar una nueva entrega, pero no cometan el error de hacer un Devil May Cry 4 con una buena historia, buen gameplay, pero con diseño de niveles pobremente diseñados. Las mismas exigencias le daría a Devil May Cry: DMC, con el tiempo se ha podido aceptar ese juego y no estaría mal ver una secuela, quizás solo como una trilogía, aunque Devil May Cry 2, pide a gritos un remake, para poder solucionar sus problemas de continuidad, de lore y más importante creo yo, actualizando las mecánicas inexistentes del juego como también otorgando más sentido y exploración al universo de Devil May Cry.

    1. Buen comentario. Sin embargo, ¿por qué no escribir este post en un blog, foro o sitio de Devil May Cry o Capcom en general? Quiero decir, es posible que un empleado lea esto pero no tiene nada que ver con Rockman. Antes que lo menciones, el dlc crossover no cuenta.

  28. Everybody seems to not notice or forget that Rockman Rockman in "New Style" had entire screens that were completely empty or barely had any enemies or gimmicks. Due to wanting to have the levels be beatable by all the characters, they had to make some changes to the old layouts. As well as having to make it possible to clear them without taking damage. This in turn caused horrendous new layouts. They unfortunately failed at even achieving this because Wily 1 has a screen early on where a shield attacker is impossible to defeat with Gutsman due to his block summoning being too slow and in hard mode it'll stay under you while you're on a ladder with no possibility to move due to the ladder being closed off by walls. On one hand they had to compromise due to the idea they were going with and on the other hand, they didn't do their best job at it either. They need to heavily consider how they would want the level layouts to be if they decide to make a Rockman Rockman 2 and beyond.

    As for EXE, every character arc and plot thread was resolved on a surface view. There's one character however whose arc was suspended: Forte. The end of his participation in 3 comes off as incomplete and unnecessarily cruel when you consider his backstory. If they do a 7, they could rectify this by having him reconsider his hate for humans and ultimately connecting with an operator.

    1. I would call you a broken record for calling battle network “resolved”, but at least you were humble enough to admit that’s not the case for Bass EXE.

      Remember, Capcom said they don’t want to deny any series a sequel, and that was when asked about the future of battle network.

      And I’m gonna hammer this in until you people get it through your skulls, or until Capcom delivers, Crash. Man. Needs. A. Net. Navi. Counterpart.

    2. "Character doesn't exist so make game!" 😑 That's pretty... yea...

    3. @anon February 8, 2024 6:19PM
      First time I wrote anything regarding the ending which is the exact opposite of a "broken record" and you have me confused with someone else. Also:
      "broken record"
      "I'm gonna hammer this in"
      The jokes write themselves, haha.

    4. Boy would I love to see the look on your face when "Crash Man Battle Network" comes out and sells hundreds of millions of copies.

    5. I'll save you the trouble.
      There you go.

  29. I’m hoping this survey does something to at least convince Capcom to start making new Mega Man games again and finish porting over the rest of the games that haven’t been in a Legacy Collection yet. There’s no reason we can’t have both.

    1. Considering how the previous surveys ended up getting ignored, I don't have much high hope for this one either.

  30. in terms of engine, I'd much prefer a more refined powered up's physics over MM11. the way you get knocked back in MM11 feels awful to me. just the massive thrust back and quick drop if airborn feels bad imo.

    MMPU has a more fluid feeling damage animation. what I don't like about PU though is how slippery you are. I'm alright with the slight slipperyness when you switch directions when running, but if you land from a jump while touching a direction, you'll slide across the ground upon landing. you gotta let go of the direction right before you land for a clean stable landing. and then if you spam alternating between left and right, you do a crazy slide across the floor. try it if you have PU handy, it's really goofy.

    now the slide is a hot topic. in PU, you have a delay at the start of your slide, in MM11, it's at the end. personally, I'd prefer the combo of no delay, but if I had to pick one, I'd prefer at the end, as it's cancellable with a jump. also works as an effective crouch.

  31. Personally no they have had what 2 decades to make something new and Im not going from multiple generations of ports to a game thats been made already and been ported dozens of times waring a modern skin. Sorry but my money is staying in my pocket there is no way I would support this idea I don't care what an all yes fan boys reasons are i just got done saying "ported dozens of times" and "2 decades" etc if you don't want something else chances are you just don't have the other stuff and in that case good for you but only you and those that share the circumstance but I'd hope the other half is smart enough by now to put down the INFINITE positivity flag for once in their life lol. Let's just mention the fact that all those games have also been in multiple collection old and modern ports and not just solo ports as those exist as well so you have every form of it out there. I dont want a new skin on a 36 year old idea I want an actual game but I expect nothing from Scamcom and I especially can't have faith in a fan base that can only say "yay" and "yes" with 0 concept of how far this has all been taken rofl!

  32. Awesome, but Powered Up then?

  33. I hope capcom listens this time.

  34. If it's something like powered up and Maverick Hunter and not just wily wars hd without wily tower then sure I would like to see a remake of 1-3

  35. @anon Feb. 8 11:43

    Never noticed any serious jank for that game that was any different from a typical PS1 game. The strafe wasn’t that almighty, especially when you upped the challenge with your diggers license. I remember have some difficulty with Tron’s crab boss after upgrading my license and the strafe wasn’t as reliable - same could be said for other bosses.

    Presentation/voice acting/design? I dunno if it was as good as Legends 1, but the voice is certainly not “terrible” by any means, neither are the graphics. Possibly a but rushed but still a great presentation of what anime style graphics can look when the PS1 is pushed to its limit. As for the loli-fetish, yeah it’s there, but it’s certainly no where NEAR as weird as what I see with today’s modern anime, especially some of the creepy and over the top designs from X-Dive (yeesh…).

    The story? Really not much more complicated than your average Final Fantasy game, heck, I’d argue it’s way more tame story wise compared to those games. ”Kids explore ominous island, wake up ancient threat to wipe out humanity using ancient computer with keys - race to get keys to stop ancient computer” - this was easy for me understand when I played it as a kid. Sure the terminology was strange when it came to the ancients, but I just saw that as an aspect of its world building.

    We all have our own opinions, but I think the criticism’s here are a bit over the top here if I’m being honest. Obviously I’m in favour of remakes with a new control scheme and better graphics, but that has more to do with the IP catering to a modern demographic than anything else to hopefully give it a wider fanbase - there’s a lot of ideas and charm to
    those games that could really work well, especially the “open world exploration” appeal.

    Legends being unnoticed has more to do with the sheer lack of advertising and the fact it was so different at the time than it being a “bad game” (it isn’t). Most people who’ve played it agree that once you get passed the learning curve of the controls - it’s a pretty good game.

  36. Legends would be the Mega man series that would benefit from remakes the most, legends with more modern controls could capture a wider audience definitely. Trilogy remakes seem to do well in this era of gaming, so a tron bon remake could be included as well

    1. Yep, Tron Bonne was a lot of fun too! Even if they were only to do a simple Legends collection of the three original games, including Tron Bonne is a good counter argument to all those who argue a Legends collection would never work because there are only two Legends games. Does it play differently? Sure. Is it still fun? Hell yes!

  37. I did the survey and let them know we want X9. Sorry not sorry but I was brutally honesty and pretty much told them stop playing games and give us X9. I'm sick of hearing anythint Mega Man related that's 1. Not NEW NEW. 2. Another game I've already played a million times being a "false" litmus test to gauge interest.

    We were and are still interested but you aren't even releasing anything to support. It's so damn stupid. I'm not holding my breath. I'll play a new game if one comes. If not, whatever at this point. We have more than enough but don't string us along.

    1. Nothing to be sorry about. Minus X Dive, it has been almost been two decades since Maverick Hunter X. X fans are get pretty old. At some point it will be too late to get much of a return on it. Also the games industry is changing in some pretty drastic ways (constant revenue/huge profit driven approaches aka GaaS, generative AI corporate push/etc) that the prospect of a traditional single player MMX game is becoming less and less likely. They have to do it sooner than later if they’re going to do it at all IMO.

    2. Or they could just be original and leave Rockman alone, if that's how they feel.
      If they can't do it right, I'm pretty ok with no new Rockman games ever being made again, at least that way they don't do any more damage.

    3. Capcom would need to build a structure that is satisfying as an ending if they were to do that imo. Speaking stricting of the games, with the exception of MMZ (maybe BN, I haven’t played them personally) none of the mainline series have a real ending. As a fan I feel this is where most of the hard feelings come from when we consider the lack of new releases. We don’t have endings. There is no closure. Being a big X fan myself it would be great if they made an X9 and brought closure to that series and transitioned smoothly to MMZ. We could move on clean.

      Second if they want to “end rockman” they need to stop licensing it for merch. Like I get it. Gotta make money and all that. It’s their IP. Once and awhile to commemorate the series I understand but it seems there’s always a constant flow of new figures, app collabs, etc. Rockman and fan interest in general is derived from the video games. It’s the core of the franchise. It’s why we even like the series to begin with. It seems disrespectful to tug at our precious nostalgia all the time to make a buck by releasing toys and other trinkets 24/7 if you don’t intend to make a game. Cause constantly handing out the license is pretty much giving all the merch sellers a huge sign that says “REMEMBER ROCKMAN???” Why remind us and ask for money constantly if Capcom doesn’t want to make the games anymore

      If you want to “end Rockman,” fine… end Rockman. But put a bow on it and end it properly. I’m sure we would all like to move on.

    4. Why stop doing something that's still making them money?

      Alternatively--and hypothetically speaking--why kill the buildup and momentum to a big blowout?

    5. They haven’t stopped.

      Don’t quite understand the hypothetical question either. There is no series momentum. So yeah it’d be nice if they just ended it if they plan on not making any more games anyway.

    6. Hypothetically, all the merch and crossovers is a sign they're trying to keep the audience they have engaged without the promise of a new game, while trying to cross-pollinate to other audiences. Maybe it's building up to something, whether it's an organized effort by the company as a whole or not, even if all that "something" is is a case to the brass to greenlight the next game or appoint the next producer/director. I don't see any of this happening with something like Breath of Fire

  38. I just want X9 and Legends 3.

    1. If only Capcom could understand that most of us fans just want sequels to main timeline series games.

    2. They have actually done surveys like this in the past, around 2005-2006 and plenty of people requested a x9 even back then but nothing ever happened. Regarding Legends, considering how strong the PC’s and game systems are now there’s no reason for them not to go all in on a open world Legends 3.

    3. @Anonymous
      To be fair, an X9 was in the works at one point before being scrapped, similarly to many other projects from late 2000s to early 2010s. Who knows what'll be done, even if it's unlikely CAPCOM will do much.

    4. Random Mega Man Fan #1349February 18, 2024 at 11:36 AM

      @Sprite Recreator
      This is the first I've heard of a potential X9 at all, much less one being scrapped. Where and when exactly did this come up?

    5. I recall an X9 being mentioned under development in 2005. Someone brought it up on an old Megaman forum I was once part of in the mid 2000s. Maybe called The Megaman Bulletin Board (Megaman BB) or something, that may not exist anymore.

    6. Capcom never worked on a X9, there were plans for more psp X remakes at one point that never surfaced but they never were working on a x9.

    7. I’m not the same anon but I believe it’s been documented somewhere they were going to go ahead with X9 till they got the idea to do Maverick Hunter X instead.

    8. If they were smart, they would have stuck to making X9 and forget the PSP tiny screen nonsense. MHX didn't even do well, so mistake confirmed, nevermind not fair to fans to leave us hanging like that after a cliffhanger.

    9. I understand the sentiment that we got left on a cliffhanger but MHX is a quality game and fantastic remake. I wouldn’t trade it for X9. But Capcom should stop messing around and give us X9 now!

    10. I used to own MHX, and it was not bad. Though the boss explosions are pretty cheap (even the SNES had a better boss explosions, and not sure why mobile and PSP tended to have bad effects). Better if made for the big screen too (sure happy they did not release an L3 on a 3DS). Better if they could make MHX without canning X9. Then win win for all.

    11. I really enjoyed MHX, the unlockable Vile mode was a nice change from the standard gameplay. I just think it’s a shame it was PSP only.

    12. I think this is a good time to remember that

      A) Capcom's not a monolith, and
      B) at that time, Keiji Inafune was in charge of Mega Man. For the most part, whatever he said got made, got made.

      Whatever happened with X9, I understood that going with MHX instead of X9 was his idea at the time, for better or worse. I would agree with Gary Daniel here that it was a mistake, with the benefit of hindsight, even though I would want the X series rebooted. It wasn't a bad idea on Keiji's part, but I do think it came at the wrong time and, consequently, on the wrong platform.

      Either way, he was Mega Man's champion. Without him or someone like him at Capcom, Mega Man simply doesn't get made, just like Tsuchiya said. And now he's gone, so who knows what's happening.

    13. Despite the bleak outlook though, the fact that they're putting out a survey like this to get some raw data and/or get a pulse on their fandoms, should be a good sign. I don't agree that it's just yet more bad news to add to the pile.

  39. I don't want old mega i want new

  40. Mega Man X deserve an conclusion.

  41. I put Give us Megaman Legends 3, Give us MM Legends Collection, Give us Starforce Collection Sorry but Legends or Starforce's time to shine not remake of games that were have been released way to many times. How many more times does the Megaman Collection got to get released Heck you can play Megaman 1 2 3 on PS2 PS3 PS4/PS5 That is 3 Generations in a row they re-released Megaman 1 2 and 3 We do not need to make is a 4th Generation in a row.

  42. Capcom will never understand and never do the right thing. They are incapable of it.

    1. Especially when they have to resort to a survey since they don’t know what to make.

    2. You got that right. It's sad really. It isn't rocket science for them to figure out what we all want.

  43. I'd be down for a Mega Man 3 remake. I love the game, but it's in need of a makeover.

    *cough* *cough* that glitched row of pixels on the stage select *cough*

  44. Remake ? 123 ? what about 456 as well ? It would be great but so long and I dont see any news about that. Hopeless. Sighing.


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