Sunday, January 14, 2024

Capcom Wants Your Input on Mega Man X DiVE Offline Home Console Ports

Capcom has rolled out a post-release survey on Mega Man X DiVE Offline, seeking player input on various aspects of the game. For example, you're asked to evaluate the story and character roster, whether or not you liked the graphics, controls, and so on. 

But one of the more interesting questions gives you the chance to suggest which platforms you'd like to see the game on in the future. The available options include Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X, and "other". While there's no guarantee that the feedback will directly influence future ports, it's noteworthy that Capcom is seeking input on this specific aspect. 

The survey is set to conclude on February 29th. Those who take part will get a digital wallpaper for either desktop or mobile as a thank-you gesture. Hit up the link above to participate!

Source: Capcom


  1. To everyone: Fill this out. Tell them to port Mega Man X Dive Offline to Nintendo Switch.

    If they do release a physical version of this game, I'm getting it.

    1. This is why I quit being a fan of MegaMan lol.

    2. "This is why I quit being a fan of MegaMan lol."

      And yet here you are, trolling the comments section of a Mega Man fan website.

      The only thing worse than Capcom's handling of the franchise are the so-called "fans" who never shut up about it.

    3. Why would you wanna quit being a fan of MegaMan? Going back to worship SammyClassicSonicFan like a god or something?

    4. I wouldn't mind a physical version TBH, though this is far from the ideal MM experience. I am eyeing those Kotobukiya kits like a wild animal though.

  2. Another survey just like with the battle network legacy collection survey yet no response from capcom.

    1. Capcom: Did you get Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection?
      Me: I got it, but I doubt I played it yet. I only got Battle network legacy collection to prove to you that people still care about not just the Mega Man franchise, but battle network. I don't want to play outdated games that I already played, I want to play a NEW battle network game. It's been two decades, Capcom. Give us Crashman EXE already.
      Capcom: What's that? You didn't play the battle network legacy collection? Guess people don't want another battle network afterall. Now to make more resident evil remakes and monster hunter titles with no Nintendo collabs. At least those games sell.
      Me: Of course they sell. Because you keep making them!

    2. Just because they don't explicitly give a answer doesn't necessarily mean they have not seen the result or are not taking it into account.

  3. What is even the point of inclusion on consoles other than an obvious lazy attempt at a cash grab? And the survey is just getting info on the most profitable direction they don't honestly care or we would have a game by now. Why include X Dive on console anyways? I use to enjoy MegaMan as a series but X Dive is shallow in level concept and design the character roaster was the ONLY valuable part of that game "but balance was never intended" so whatever. Let's be honest if you like X Dive you can't be a fan of the originals you'd have to either be infinitely agreeable to an infinitesimal point or a new gen fan or one that got into the series half way down the road because if X Dive doesn't look like "less" to you than it's quite obvious why Capcom hasn't given you all anything yet and is content to feed you scraps. I know I'd be ok with feeding my dogs scraps if they still forfilled their purpose especially if I had 0 worry about them biting back. Self Respect aint a thing anymore for the majority its all about fitting into some false skin and when you do that people can just drop quality because yall fear having an opinion outside of what's main stream meaning things will just get worse. Im wrong? Why is it you have more hardware and software issues ripping you all off and replacing tech that forfilled the same roll 3 decades ago but still work flawlessly? 🤔 Simple video games profits are carried on the backs of the scared pathetic and ignorant while those of us that demand fairness and quality are drowned out by simple numbers all guided by the simple fear of exclusion. If that's not correct than why support drops in quality in every area of technology software handling and production? Same for content creators they can't say anything negative or they don't get paid same for websites. I tell you what... if I had this kind of mentality I wouldn't have trouble landing on the back of my neck from 800 stories LOL! Don't purge my post because it's accurate you can make any argument you want but at the end of the day if you fight for a name and NOT quality than who are you even amd why should I care? 🤣 I respect people who know their worth.

  4. This is basically just Capcom putting in the bare minimum of effort at this point resorting to a survey.

  5. With all Capcom's other PR disasters going on, and if history is any indication with all the god awful and cowardly decisions they make, whats the point? They dont listen anyway.
    And even if the pretend to listen they will screw it up like they always always do.

    1. They have been doing these surveys for over 15 years now and most of the time nothing happens.

  6. Protodude, I know you want to be fair and let everyone express their opinions and that's something I respect, but please when it's obvious someone is just trolling don't validate.

    1. So criticism is considered trolling now, huh? Lol

  7. I had enough, mega man fans are generic.

    1. So you are going to insult a entire fanbase? That is some immature bs, it isn’t the fans fault that Capcom does the bare minimum with Mega Man.

    2. "it isn’t the fans fault that Capcom does the bare minimum with Mega Man"

      It literally is. "Fans" can barely stop crapping on Battle Network and X7 long enough to help proliferate said fandom, based on the franchise's merits other than Mega Man 2 having Wily Stage 1 moosic and X1 having an intro stage worth a dang.

      Most of you all literally crap on everything. People literally crapped on the Zero series (literally to death) only relenting in modern years (when there was no Zero series to crap on anyway, and they still crap on it haha). If it were up to the "fans" we'd STILL be getting 8-bit Mega Man 2 clones with the same exact art style, stale gameplay of 8 robots 3-4 Wily levels etc. Just basic, barebones, vanilla, nonsense, maybe we'd get to play Roll or some "fan" trash as paid DLC.

      Even tho Sonic fans accept too much and they've been the butt of all jokes cause of the quality of their games. I would trad them a million times over the Mega Man fanbase. The literal only fanbase I wouldn't take over Mega Man is .... A fanbase that cannot be name for very bad reasons. Final Fantasy fans bickering... Yeah I would die for the Final Fantasy fanbase, I am jealous of them soooo much. It sucks being a Mega Man fan and mixed with the general fandom.

    3. I somewhat agree with the Jan 17 anon. The Mega Man fanbase has been making themselves into a laughingstock recently to outside communities with how much they demand things, then complain when it actually happens and make up and ignore facts to justify their hate cope. Capcom is far from perfect and the recent Enigma situation is proof enough of that, but the bad rep Mega Man fans have recently is almost entirely self inflicted.

      They complain about Capcom not listening to fans, then complain when Capcom puts a stronger emphasis on their surveys to give more fans a chance to speak and deliver criticism directly. They complain about X DiVE Offline not getting a console port, then complain when Capcom reaches out to see how financially viable a console port would be. More than anything, Mega Man fans have been wearing the term "cash grab" so thin that they've likely singlehandedly killed off any meaning to it. It's a no brainer why Mega Man fans aren't particularly well respected right now and mostly just get laughed at and the Sonic fanbase is actually doing pretty alright at the moment. Sonic fans are notorious for complaining when they don't get what they want too, but most of them don't take it to the point of clear and obvious delusion.

    4. How much does Capcom pay you guys to defend them? Because at this point both of you are just shilling, Capcom has been doing the bare minimum with Mega Man compared to their other franchises for years. How blind are you guys to not even see that?

    5. Shilling for what? Capcom has been doing the bare minimum with Mega Man for years compared to other franchises because Capcom made over 120 some odd games before and got the bare minimum for it in return. And the best thing fans can say is that Mega Man X7 was bad and Zero has no merits because he's not blue and wears white undies... Oh and let's not forget Mega Man Battle Network is Pokémon in disguise. Capcom doesn't owe this fandom anything. They do owe Street Fighter something after neglecting it for a decade, then once they released a sequel it literally revitalizing an entire genre, they owe Street Fighter fans that much. They owe Street Fighter fans for dedicating years upon years of their time to filling up online lobbies and traveling to organized events. They owe Monster Hunter for persevering through a bunch of years where it was seen as a mediocre IP to then being heavily supported on the PSP outright being its number one selling franchise, to then being rewarded on Nintendo consoles with enormous exposure, to then blowing the heck up on the PS4. They owe Monster Hunter for literally saving the company's life. They owe Resident Evil for consistently being a bestseller and keeping them relevant. Literally Resident Evil being their best selling franchise by far, easy. What are you even talking about? Stop comparing this fandom to these other giants, that actually show their support and deserve better. Cry me a river, you think you've got it bad? Look at the Breath of Fire community or Onimusha, Power Stone, Dino Crisis, Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Vampire/Darkstalkers etc etc ask them how bad they have it if there are any of them left.

    6. @6:45 AM
      "People literally crapped on the Zero series"
      Not true. If anything, people are indifferent to it.

      Legends, Battle Network, Zero all have concepts and ideas that make them very different from classic and X. Legends is disliked for being a 3d action rpg as well as it being the end of the main timeline(at least, for now) and other quirks here and there. Battle Network is disliked for playing nothing like the rest of the franchise, the overworld, having random encounters, the setting and again other things. Zero is disliked for being an abstraction of the series as a whole(but mostly the X series), some thinking Zero didn't deserve his own game considering how there was a greater emphasis towards him in X4 and X almost being ignored in his own game, also for being harder and probably too fast paced and demanding too much quick reaction.

      The point is that people are gonna have different tastes and reasons for loving, liking, disliking or hating a game. So no, if it were up to fans not all games would be 8-bit.
      If you can't handle these varied opinions, then stay with the fans of Sonic or whatever, but I'm warning you Sonic fans are way more rabid than this.

      @9:28 AM
      "The Mega Man fanbase has been making themselves into a laughingstock recently"
      Where? As far as I know that's not true either. I'm friends with a Sonic fan and he has seen nothing of the sort.
      "but most of them don't take it to the point of clear and obvious delusion."
      Lmao, you know nothing about Sonic fans.

    7. "I'm warning you Sonic fans are way more rabid than this."

      Yeah but they are rabid both ways. They are the variation you claim to exist amongst Mega Man fans, not only this but their rabidity skews towards defending the franchise at all costs rather than tearing it down (which is a bad thing I know but preferable) . Most importantly, they get results, no matter how hot garbage their games are, they go out in droves to support it. Then the fandom forms the loving, the hating and every other opinion in-between. Only difference between them and us is A. the aforementioned financial support, because they have their furry hyper cartoon characters being taken seriously, through sheer will and dedication. B. when a game like Sonic 06 or Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood is confronted, they can actually assess it like, 'ok, that was in the past, its not that bad (it's that bad BTW), let's move on, or retrospectively look at it in a different light', past a certain point. Mega Man fans can't even do that for Battle Network and Mega Man Zero... 2 highly acclaimed series otherwise (outside of the fandom), let alone Mega Man X7 which actually wasn't even that egregiously bad.

      I don't want to stick to or with Sonic fans, because I don't necessarily like Sonic like that (I mean, I do like Sonic to an extent don't get me wrong). You are missing the fundamental premise of my wish or fantasy, I am saying I would take the Sonic, Final Fantasy or what have you fanbase, as they function, and place them as Mega Man fans instead. I am essentially saying I wish I had the qualities of those fandoms instead of the current Mega Man fandom (despite them being heavily flawed and toxic in many ways, in fact I used them to specifically illustrate that I would rather have those undesirable fandoms over this one, it wasn't to glorify them).

    8. "I would take the Sonic, Final Fantasy or what have you fanbase, as they function, and place them as Mega Man fans instead."
      That's a bit psychopathic.

    9. "That's a bit psychopathic."

      I know the Mega Man fandom is a bit psychopathic, that's why I would prefer the traits of the other fandoms.

  8. I’m just tired of hearing any thing about x dive and then it turning to a “capcom is bad” or a “xdive is a piece if sh!t cash grab” party

    1. Same, bro. It gets tiring.

    2. Blindly defending Capcom isn’t going to get you a new Mega Man game.

    3. As if blindly defend literally everything Crapcom does are any better than the so-called "blinded hate" lol

  9. Eh... I don't think this will make much of a difference anyway. I'll sit this one out and I feel like this is something that Capcom themselves should know more about. Cool for those that want it on switch, I guess.

    1. If they want to continue loosing money then they can port it. After all, it's just gonna be bad for everyone. Capcom loses by loosing money and the fans lose by the budget of the next release(if it even happens) being shrunk. What could possibly go wrong?

  10. Let's be real for a sec. Capcom won't show any interest in ANY IP unless is called Street Fighter, RE or MH, it's just the way it is. This survey its not about getting a new MM game, all they want to do is probally collect data for yet other "offline" port.

    1. I mean, yeah. That's exactly what it is about, it's in the title.

    2. I am really looking forward to Capcom's Dragon's Dogma 2. I loved Capcom's first Dragon's Dogma 2 and I am really happy Capcom dedicated their time into the upcoming sequel. I like the series of animations based on Capcom's Onimusha IP recently released too. I am also looking forward to Capcom's Kunitsugami it looks like a great new action adventure IP.

    3. ^"Capcom's first Dragon's Dogma 2"
      They are releasing Dragon's Dogma 2 again?
      Joke aside, yeah it just took them 11 years to release it. No biggie, lol.
      "the series of animations based on Capcom's Onimusha IP"
      Yeah, they chose a virtually unknown studio that only made 4 other works prior and which proceeded to 'animate' it with cgi. Great effort /s.
      The only new IPs are Kunitsu-Gami and Pragmata and that's assuming they will even come out. Not much effort is being put into their other IPs. At best, OP is partially wrong.
      And by the way, your comment looks like textbook parody if it isn't.

  11. I would really love to see a home port for all systems,including the Nintendo Switch system.
    But I hope they will still add and put new characters for the home port's of the game,like Double and High Max.

    1. A home port for home consoles would actually be pretty nice, yeah it isn’t the greatest game but I had a good time with it.

    2. I'm sure if they add anything it will be more alts of some girl already in the game, because gacha players are thirsty, or yet another dive armor

  12. You guys realize that if this becomes a physical console port, this is essentially Powered Up or Maverick Hunter X like 1000x? People love those games but while this is roughly the same graphics with a ton more characters/features, it's raked over the coals because it was mobile/gacha. People need to chill.

    1. I disagree. Powered Up and Maverick Hunter X are polished single player action platformers with well made level design and responsive controls. Not to mention excellent localized narratives complete with a well performed English voice track.

      X Dive even with the gacha striped out still retains the the gacha incentivized mechanics and design (resource grinding, pull system/slot machine, all the big 6 digit hp damage numbers).

      Level design is more or less non existent since there is auto aiming enemy placement doesn’t really matter. It’s just the volume of enemy mobs. Cause again, if you can’t do damage with the characters you have go back and pull for the good ones. I realize you don’t pay money anymore but the design is still there.

      On top of that the game is janky and the localization is X6 level terrible. The script was badly translated in English and when they rolled out the “Mega Man” version in English territories it STILL had the “Rockman” branding all over it.

      It’s fine to like X Dive Offline but to claim it is equivalent to the PSP games or “1000x” their value as a video game is pretty ridiculous.

  13. I’m tired of any news regarding X dive turns into a “capcom is bad” or a “Xdive is a bad cash grab” party

    1. More like any news regarding treating X dive like a cult.

    2. If Capcom would release another Mega Man game that wasn’t a repurposed gacha waifu sim the party would be over and we could all move on. But here we are. If you don’t like this party feel free to find another one.

    3. I know, but I actually like X dive. I’m fine with people having their own opinions. I’m not fine with people raining on my parade and saying that my opinion is wrong any time I see news regarding X Dive. It’s like going to work to see the love of your life, but everyone else there is a jerk.

    4. They are right, megaman should never have had a gacha game, xover was awful too, but at least it was ignored, people were't so desperate for megaman content back then

  14. It'd be cool to see how they handle the menus and UI in a console port. If they defaulted to precise jump and cleaned up the onscreen buttons it'd be pretty legit.

  15. Enigma DRM when? lmao

    1. Never its not an online game. It doesnt have online features

  16. Honestly, and I'm being serious here, if they could rebalance the gameplay to be a bit fairer with both stage/boss difficulty as well as raising the rates for pulling S-rank characters, I wouldn't mind a console port. I did drop off from the game after I got sick of the online version's tedious grind, new character/weapon drip coming in a bit too fast to keep up, and the extremely poor quality of the English translation (it started off fine in the first couple of chapters, but gradually fell apart into pure nonsensical online translator speak, to the point the characters were talking like they suffered from severe brain damage).

  17. I wanna it be brought to the ps4/ps5. Maybe even better for all lovers. All consoles. I would really like to see a console port

  18. I might be in the minority here but I would want a physical release of X dive for home consoles.

    1. Agree, always happy to add a new physical game to the collection.

  19. Thanks for the heads up, had no idea.
    I really think with competitive modes it could do well on consoles. Add in some new skins to manage over power skins and add in whatever characters can possibly be added for brand recognition.
    The Story of Drive I did not love, but still really believe it should have given a consequence like it being a simulation that made Rock the hero he was in Rockman 1 (I know doesn't make sense time wise, but is the deep log bound by time?), or the final scene being in say 30KXX and All X Rock booting up that is all the Rocks over time combined, might sound dumb but the idea of merging with his peers for power is common, what if he merged with the different entities that identified as Rock/X.

  20. Now, purely in theory. There's nothing wrong with a waifu game(except the gacha part), but it should've been made more separated from the franchise, like maybe don't use the exact name and advertise it explicitly as a waifu game. Like Bomberman did with Bombergirl, I feel like that's what they should've done.

    1. Bombergirl? Man as bad as Mega Man can get, I can always say at least it's not Bomberman... That series is just fullfledged aimless.

  21. Forgot to mention that Konami did it to Gradius as well with Otomedius. Both of those games were advertised as waifu games and most importantly, they actually play like the games they're derived from, unlike X Dive with the reloading, less than a minute stages that resemble more of a 'destroy all enemies' mission than actual stages and other things that won't get mentioned to not make this comment too long. Hudson and Konami got it right with the concept, the gameplay and the advertisement whereas Capcom couldn't even get a single one right. X Dive should've been something completely different from the get-go. Like, call it RockGirl, make it play exactly like an X game over classic(to make it more accessible as well as slightly easier), make it mobile only, no Steam nor console port(unless it sells really well). Paid, not freemium gacha, have all the girls(make OCs, whatever, it's slightly more tasteful with the game designed this way) be unlockable through play only and fair(like having all of them either right at the end of the game or getting them by achieving 100%). However, making some of them dlc could be a choice even though I don't approve of it. Advertise it as such and don't pretend is the same as the rest of the franchise. Voila, there's your waifu game!

    1. It's exactly LESS tasteful this why... Don't associate that with Mega Man at all at that point. At least X-Dive gave some of the sickest forms and artwork to fan favorite Mega Man characters. What you described is a complete divorcing of the franchise's appeal, and for the promotion of what many would consider an unethical premise. On top of that you are treating Mega Man like a simple "function" to be swapped by any random thing, you are acting like the actual characters and aesthetics are not THE APPEAL of the franchise. If that were the case than why not just ask a some random outside developer to make a clone of Mega Man with "waifus" why even bother Capcom with the actual Mega Man IP?

      This was the fundamental misunderstanding Keiji Inafune had when trying to replace Mega Man especially Legends with Red Ashe.

      I harshly disagree with your suggestion, I think Capcom took the better route.

    2. "sickest forms and artwork to fan favorite Mega Man characters"
      That's subjective and heavily disagree. Some looks ok, others look mediocre. In any case, it doesn't hold a candle to the traditionally animated artwork.
      "What you described is a complete divorcing of the franchise's appeal,"
      Nope, it would still retain the action platformer gameplay. It would still be futuristic. It would also have references and elements of the entire franchise. Pay attention.
      "you are acting like the actual characters and aesthetics are not THE APPEAL of the franchise"
      You're not using your imagination, the aesthetics would be similar. Also, that's not true, the character designs are part of the appeal, but not their personalities or arcs(since barely anyone has one in the first place.). The gameplay is a BIG part of the appeal, NOT the characters and aesthetics ALONE.
      "why not just ask a some random outside developer to make a clone of Mega Man with "waifus" why even bother Capcom with the actual Mega Man IP?"
      Not that different from what they did. Yes, Capcom Taiwan shares employees and worked with Capcom Japan, but not the exact staff. Besides, they already did this with mainline titles with Minakuchi Engineering and Japan System House.
      Also, see that's the beauty of it. It doesn't have "Mega Man" in the title and therefore it's easier to separate from the rest.

      "This was the fundamental misunderstanding Keiji Inafune had when trying to replace Mega Man especially Legends with Red Ashe."
      Except this is NOT a replacement, especially not for a mainline title. Read the comment again and slowly this time.

      "I think Capcom took the better route."
      The demo for Offline coming out 3 months after the actual release and being followed by asking players if they want the game ported suggests they didn't do a good job. Rightfully and harshly disagree.

    3. What aesthetics? A bunch of "waifus"? Guy, I am not a fan of Mega Man for that. No one is. Mega Man barely even has any girls in it, let alone women to oggle at historically.

      Kisuke Mizuno is probably if not the best Rockman/Mega Man official artist PERIOD not only does his work hold a candle to "traditional animated artwork" (whatever that means) the candle it's holding is the size of a Torchlight! If he gets to close it might burn the others away.

      I can't take you serious when you say Capcom themeselves, officially working on and producing a game, with officially licensed material, characters, music, content in general of Mega Man officially being a Mega Man game being essentially the same as a game made by some random developer that has nothing to do with the series.

      The gameplay being a big part of the series doesn't mean anything in this case, it is only a component of its quality to many. There is no copyright on gameplay, anyone can make a game play exactly like Mega Man. No one can make a Mega Man game with Mega Man characters, design and world elements without Capcom's permission or allowing. Why do you think Temtem playing exactly like Pokemon produces no one giving a hoot, while Palworld is being accused as plagiarism and unethical use of likeness due to THEIR CHARACTER DESIGN despite playing jackshoot like any Pokemon game?...

      "The demo for Offline coming out 3 months after the actual release and being followed by asking players if they want the game ported suggests they didn't do a good job. Rightfully and harshly disagree."

      The fact that they actually made a Mega Man game with Mega Man content I can appreciate, proves they did a good job in that regard over some random "waifu" non entry to me. Infallibly, extraordinarily, viciously disagree.

      Also the fact that Mega Man in general is far bigger than Gradius or whatever the heck is the other one, is another point. Bomberman is so unhinged and disjointed aswell , it's crazy...

    4. "What aesthetics?"
      You have no idea what aesthetics mean. What's "futurism art", which was mentioned? And before you try to pull a fast one, what did you think I meant when I wrote "It would still be futuristic"?

      "The gameplay being a big part of the series doesn't mean anything in this case"
      See ^ this? Now this is a perfect example of pure ignorance and contrarianism. Why have a GAME at all in that case? It's exactly because of the kind of action platformer the series is that is liked, especially the game design of classic over the rest. Which is why so many different factions prefer one style of gameplay over the other(some prefer classic, others X, others Zero, etc). Why do you think if you ask "Which one you prefer, classic or X?" most people assume you mean gameplay? You could almost say that the game design is iconic or something, hah. The other components matter and help advertise it. However, they haven't, they don't nor will they EVER matter as much as the gameplay, that's the whole point of being a game in the first place. The first Rockman would've still been as well received if it would've acquired the Tetsuwan Atom license and became that instead like the team was thinking at some point but they refused. The character was always meant to be Rockman from the get-go and that was just an idea after the Rockman character was decided. And before you write it would've been completely different, first of all, it still would've been a carefully designed action platformer and second, before you argue that people would've noticed that it had barely to do with that IP, NES games are as loose as you get. You also have to keep in mind that either with all the changes, even if Capcom Japan would've paid for the license and released it there but Capcom USA wouldn't want to pay, but would still want to bring it over, they would've been able to resort calling it anything, like, I don't know, "Mega Man", haha. With either major or minor changes to the graphics.
      20XX for example plays similar, BUT not exact. Which is one of the main reasons people don't prefer it over Mega Man.

      "Kisuke Mizuno"
      Who? Oh, you mean Keisuke Mizuno, FTFY. Meh, his art ain't that good, especially his X Dive art. 9 and 10 looks fine, the rest ranges from decent to bad.

      ""traditional animated artwork" (whatever that means)"
      LMAO, you legit don't know what that means? How do you even breathe?

      "I can't take you serious when you say Capcom themeselves, officially working on and producing a game, with officially licensed material, characters, music, content in general of Mega Man officially being a Mega Man game being essentially the same as a game made by some random developer that has nothing to do with the series."

      Way to ignore the developers of Mega World, World 1,3,4,5 as well as the partial development of X3 and the developers of World 2. I mean, hell, World 5 is more developed and arguably better designed than NES 5.
      You legit don't understand the concept that Capcom can contract an outside company and work directly together with it or even if they are not directly working with it, just merely contracted, they can share their assets? I mean, of course it would be officially licensed. What the hell did you think it would be? A bootleg? lol.
      By the way, I NEVER stated that the game would be made by an outside developer company and either Capcom or whatever company they contract, it's fine, it WASN'T the point. That was YOUR point.

    5. Part.2
      "Why do you think Temtem playing exactly like Pokemon produces no one giving a hoot"

      Ahh, to lack reading comprehension, to not think outside the box, to be a mindless npc. What a pitiful existence! Except that "Rockgirl" or whatever the title would be, would still use the IP. It would still be an officially licensed product. You aren't paying attention at all. How can you not get that?

      "The fact that they actually made a Mega Man game with Mega Man content I can appreciate, proves they did a good job in that regard over some random "waifu" non entry to me."

      The fact that they couldn't commit to neither a serious non-waifu Mega Man game nor a waifu Mega Man game and instead went for this mixed train wreck where some things have to be taken seriously(and can't) and others not is exactly why they DID NOT do a good job. Nevermind its other problems, like the nonsensical story that comes off as bad as fan fiction and other things. Also, non entry depends on your definition. Is X Dive canon? No. Is it a spin-off? Yes. Do you think it's on the same level as the other console games or for that matter, the handhelds? Personally, no. This is still partially a waifu game as well. Not only in the marketing, but most OCs are girls.

      "Also the fact that Mega Man in general is far bigger than Gradius or whatever the heck is the other one, is another point. Bomberman is so unhinged and disjointed aswell , it's crazy..."

      What are you talking about? Super Bomberman R sold 2 million copies with mixed reception and there's a sequel. Gradius has always been more niche than Mega Man and it hasn't had a main entry since 2004, like most shooters.
      Perfectly, accurately, spectacularly, remarkably, bloodily disagree.

    6. Part.3
      Forgot to mention it doesn't matter if it's an entry or not. It would still be an entry to the franchise but not to any subseries. If they are going to go with a ridiculous concept, might as well go the full way and make it a parody or a comedy. Not this illegible mess that pisses off both those that wanted a real Mega Man game and those that wanted a waifu game. This only satisfies those that just support the IP no matter what. Those that the consoomer meme fit to a T. Content for the sake of content is a monumentally idiotic and destructive idea. And I'm not spoon-feeding you examples, look at those for yourself.

    7. Oh I see now, you're a complete moron (I don't mean to be disparaging) or troll. Nevermind, I thought you were a semi serious person.

      LOL pretending to not know Keisuke Mizuno because of a one letter typo! lol what a clown, haha!

      Rockgirl would still be the IP lmao. Game play is more integral to Rockman/Mega Man than branding, lore, world setting, character design, and literal IP. Haha, Metagal and Legend of the Dark Witch are Mega Man games guys haha! You are saying Nintendo/HAL could make a Kirby game play like Mega Man classic and people will say that is a classic Mega Man game and ask which do people prefer Kirby or Mega Man X as an official Mega Man game? Man you people crack me up. Officially licensed Mega Man anime, manga, figures, crossover material etc are not Mega Man cause they lack the most important part of recognizing and distinguishing the IP haha... sad...

      The man (or very little boy) is talking about Astro Boy Haha... Do me a favor, type into google search engine "Did Mega Man start off as an Astro Boy game" copy and paste the first headlined answer synopsis and paste it here, then tell me how you feel about spreading misinformation labeled an urban freaken legend haha! Also give me a source anywhere that Capcom at any point considered making an Astro Boy game in place of a Mega Man one or Astroboy game related content at all (cause I know you'll pivot). I'll wait for that one.

      What are you talking about? Mega Man as a franchise ranks in the top 50 best selling in the entire industry, Bomberman doesn't even rank in the top 100. What a dumb dumb...

      I'm glad you're not spoon feeding me anything... Let me count my blessings on that one. As for "consoomers" consuming totally unrelated coomer media for the sake of "supporting" Mega Man. Outside of literally being incoherent, how bout Capcom try to sell Mega Man based on the merits that built the series' rep, instead of pivoting to justify it with said left field unrelated coomer media? That question is rhetorical, because of course Capcom will rightfully try to intersperse the characters, names and other such integral to Mega Man content in order to build the brand recognition. I will say I would rather not have coomer material at all though, Capcom can make a different IP altogether for that, but I will take this over Rockgirl waifu edition or whatever the heck, any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

      I don't even have to disagree with you anymore, I'm just glad Capcom didn't do your lame brain suggestion/idea and probably never will. Thank heavens.

    8. Part.4
      Another thing they could've done is have a smartphone waifu Mega Man gacha and at the same time a serious smartphone Mega Man game(gacha or not), completely separate. This way you satisfy both parties. Like, serious talk, there were better alternatives.

      "Capcom themeselves, officially working on and producing a game, with officially licensed material, characters, music, content in general of Mega Man officially being a Mega Man game being essentially the same as a game made by some random developer that has nothing to do with the series."

      I see now what you actually meant. You kept going on and on about licensed this and officially that, but what you actually meant is that you want the assets made by Capcom. That's just a preference. Even if they are made by another company, they are still legally obliged to be licensed by Capcom. Otherwise, they would get themselves sued. Granted, that is if they use any Mega Man® term.

      Sure they can get a few suckers that play them purely for the character design, but eventually even that will start to wear off on some of them. Either because they will realize they don't actually like the gameplay or don't care for it.

      "Bomberman is so unhinged and disjointed aswell , it's crazy..."
      If you mean the story, tone, message or characters being disjointed then that's fair. However, the game direction is clear, they know what they want and that's how they made a sequel. That's the exact opposite of disjointed.
      And by the way, remember those 2 examples I mentioned earlier? THEY ARE DEVELOPED BY THE MAIN BRANCH. The latter had a sequel as well as a set of figures.

    9. "You are saying Nintendo/HAL could make a Kirby game play like Mega Man classic and people will say that is a classic Mega Man game and ask which do people prefer Kirby or Mega Man X as an official Mega Man game?"
      If that's what you got from that comment then wow. I have no words. There's no coming back from that one.

      "Do me a favor, type into google search engine "Did Mega Man start off as an Astro Boy game" copy and paste the first headlined answer synopsis and paste it here, then tell me how you feel about spreading misinformation labeled an urban freaken legend haha! Also give me a source anywhere that Capcom at any point considered making an Astro Boy game in place of a Mega Man one or Astroboy game related content at all (cause I know you'll pivot). I'll wait for that one."

      WAHAHAHA. You just screwed up royally! Gotcha!
      Source: Rockman 10 Years History Book, Page 75 - Checkmate
      Not only you read that wrong, you straight up don't know. Instead of arguing for the sake of arguing, how about you start reading and learning? Then, I won't have to tell you these things.

      "I will say I would rather not have coomer material at all though, Capcom can make a different IP altogether for that, but I will take this over Rockgirl waifu edition or whatever the heck, any day of the week and twice on Sunday."
      Just look up Otomedius gameplay and compare it to Gradius. I mean, heck, this is not even the only parody subseries of that franchise. It's hard to explain it in text, the footage will speak for itself.

    10. Oh yeah the translation with "I'm wanna talk about that now" grammer.

      But fair enough, you gave me a source but also you debunked yourself.

      That was an opinion on Mega Man being branded into Astro Boy for business related reasons SPECIFICALLY because of character design as Mega Man producers lacked confidence in its ability to sell. The entire contact of the conversation was the unity in creating a brand and ORIGINAL IP.

      Listen I don't have to argue with you , all I have to do is thank my blessings Capcom doesn't listen to you and most likely never will. Bye bye

    11. "Oh yeah the translation with "I'm wanna talk about that now" grammer."
      That's because the original translation is in Spanish. Also, "grammer" is not a word, lmao.

      "But fair enough, you gave me a source but also you debunked yourself.
      That was an opinion on Mega Man being branded into Astro Boy for business related reasons SPECIFICALLY because of character design as Mega Man producers lacked confidence in its ability to sell. The entire contact of the conversation was the unity in creating a brand and ORIGINAL IP."

      ON THE CONTRARY, it didn't debunk anything. Instead, it proved my point exactly. Re-read this part slowly and use your phone fried brain: "The first Rockman would've still been as well received if it would've acquired the Tetsuwan Atom license and became that instead like the team was thinking at some point but they refused. The character was always meant to be Rockman from the get-go and that was just an idea after the Rockman character was decided. And before you write it would've been completely different, first of all, it still would've been a carefully designed action platformer"
      What part of "carefully designed action platformer" you don't get?
      And read this:
      Inafune: So, they give this idea -how about changing the character for Atom... In short, you can put out this action game with this robot, but I think it'll sell much better if you get the copyright and sell it as "Tetsuwan Atom" game.
      Gee, I wonder what Inafune meant with "action game"? It couldn't possibly be the gameplay? It couldn't possibly be that's the kind of game they wanted from the get-go, right? Nah.
      The FACT that they considered at all changing the design, means exactly that that WASN'T THE MAIN FOCUS BEHIND THE CREATION OF THE GAME. Double checkmate!

      "Listen I don't have to argue with you , all I have to do is thank my blessings Capcom doesn't listen to you and most likely never will. Bye bye"
      Yeah, which is why they provided a survey, lol. You're a joke! Another idiotic 14 year old that knows nothing of the franchise, has a "holier than thou" attitude and rather than admit to being wrong and grow up would rather stay ignorant and pretend to be correct.

    12. Look how it turned out for Capcom. They lost money and are asking fans if they should port it. Meanwhile, Konami had a sequel and a set of figures.

    13. "Yeah, which is why they provided a survey, lol. "

      Yeah a survey to make Mega Man into Astro Boy because IP doesn't matter "only gameplay". *Derp* says the boy quote mining bad translations of whack artist Ariga bringing up Astro Boy and Keiji telling him some exec some time ago didn't have faith in Mega Man's selling power as proof that Capcom wanted to make an Astro Boy game. Goofy logic. And consistanly riffing of my insults unoriginally.

      Yeah the survey had nothing to do with porting the game to consoles or anything.

      I thought I'd leave, but it is better to troll disingenuous trolls back.

      But I stand by my statement, I take comfort that you will be ignored by Capcom. They will most likely never make a "parody" wankfest waifu game called Rockgirl or whatever the heck for your enjoyment.

    14. "Yeah a survey to make Mega Man into Astro Boy because IP doesn't matter "only gameplay""
      ????. Boy, you're the joke that keeps on giving. Take your meds.

      "bad translations"
      That's because you can't read the other language. The translation in the other language doesn't have those typos. Kind of ungrateful and disrespectful to the translator tbh.

      "some exec some time ago didn't have faith in Mega Man's selling power as proof that Capcom wanted to make an Astro Boy game."

      Why are you assuming it's an exec? It could be marketing personnel, it could be a supervisor that's not an exec, it could be anyone at the company really. By the way, that IS proof. Coming straight from Inafune himself, he was the one that brought it up not Ariga. Inafune heard Ikehara mention that he wanted to make a manga like Tetsuwan Atom for Rockman and Inafune was surprised because that was what he was going to talk about. At one point, Capcom DID consider turning Rock into Atom.
      Inafune: Well, in the end, instead of Atom, we decided to go with our original character, Rockman, as originally we planned it.
      Or do you think the staff(that includes Inafune) aren't employees of Capcom?

      "Yeah the survey had nothing to do with porting the game to consoles or anything."
      Yeah, it's not like you can tell them anything else on top of that. Nope, not at all.

      "I thought I'd leave, but it is better to troll disingenuous trolls back."
      When losing an argument just call your opponent a troll. Because that works so well /s. Also, "disingenuous" take a look at yourself in the mirror.

      That previous mentioned game was originally an arcade game and was successful enough to be ported to Xbox 360 with extra content. The original was Japan only, but the sequel was released in America. Yep, Konami had a really bad idea unlike Capcom /s.

  22. Just did the servey; hope they might port more Rockman games to the Switch someday.

    1. I'd love it if they would port over the gameboy games, the 2 psp games, Battle & Chase and the 3 legends games. We still have enough games left for a few more Legacy collections that they haven't brought over.

  23. i hope this gets ported because my computer can't run it and my phone crashes it

    1. Honestly I wouldn't mind playing it on one of the home consoles.

  24. Glad it didn't happen.


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