Friday, April 21, 2023

Kotobukiya Will Share New Mega Man Model Kit Info in May

Now that the Blade Armor X model kit is on sale, Kotobukiya have confirmed that they will share new information about their Rockman model kit line during a special edition of their Plastic Model Talk Live show on May 10th.

Additional details after the break!

The talk show is scheduled to air at 19:30 JST and it's expected to run for an hour. Kotobukiya's Rockman X model kit planner Bachi (Shohei Chiba) will host and he'll be joined by none other than Ryōtarō Okiayu, the Japanese voice actor of Zero and Proto Man in Mega Man 8, Super Rockman Adventure and Mega Man Battle & Chase.

The description of the show reads, "The talk live show will include all new plastic model information on the Rockman series." It's unclear if "new information" means updates on previously-announced Mega Man Mega Man 11Roll.EXE and Axl kits, not to mention the Double Charge Shot variant of Second Armor X.

Seeing that the rest of this year and early 2024 are already packed with model kits above, we'll have to wait and see if any new kits are announced as well.


  1. Look closly.... That Axl is static. Hope thats not the final draft...

    1. It's a prototype. Probably doesn't have the cuts yet.

    2. Possibly... but I wouldnt put it past them. Just hope its poseable in the end.

  2. Hoping to see an announcement for Falcon armor X. This would “complete” the set of main armors from X to X6

    1. I'd prefer the glide armor, since nothing of that one exists. we already got a badass falcon armor from sentinal.

    2. Wait, there's ones for Gaea and Shadow?

    3. Not yet, but they are “secondary” armors from their games. Hopefully they get made eventually as well.

    4. gaea armor exists in the old bandai armor model kits set. shadow armor doesn't exist though, no figure/model of that one exists yet.

    5. False. Shadow Armor was made by Bandai as a build a figure. I have one.
      If you mean Glide Armor, you are correct. I just made my own.

    6. oh, they made a shadow armor? I did not know!

  3. If Okiayu is there, this could mean a Zero or Proto Man announcement.
    But, I'll refrain from assuming too much.

  4. If Okiayu quotes “what am I fighting forrr” that’s good news for me.

    🤞 Iris figure.

  5. Replies
    1. vile would be better, and probably more likely as they can give us the recolored version from X3

    2. Vile from X3 isn’t a recolor,would probably have to be a new kit entirely,Dynamo would be cool but I don’t think he’s as popular as some characters

  6. Give us a sigma, ultimate armor, shadow armor and Falcon and i'll be happy

    1. We are getting a sigma. Been confirmed.

  7. I am gonna laugh my ass off if it turns out to be Black Zero. Since "Zero" is wearing black. Though X1 Zero is highly likely. If they do either, please, for the love of all things holy, fix the hair...

    1. it's a agency photo, not one specific to this anouncement (basically, it's the, or one of several, stock photo provided when a official picture of him is needed).
      Now i don't own a Black Zero, so personally i'd be fine if that's what they do.

    2. mean they DONT use obvious modeling photos for every anouncement?
      Mind blown...

    3. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha 🤣

  8. Gonna go left field and hope it's a kit of Duo. I know it won't happen, but wouldn't it be grand?

  9. Come ooooooooooon, Axl; baby needs to complete the trio.

    Wishlist: X1 Zero, Black Armor Zero, X4 and X6 Ultimate Armor X (X5's Ultimate Armor palette was just plain gross; worst possible shades of blue they could've used), and X1 Sigma (Not holding my breath, because apparently, "villains never sell").

    1. The X legacy collection white ultimate armor varient would be cool too

    2. Honestly I think of all of em the white and blue ver looks the best.

  10. X2 Double Charge Shot ver


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