Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Read Shigeto Ikehara's Mega Man X Manga in English for the First Time

Shigeto Ikehara's lesser-known, but cherished manga adaptation of Mega Man X1 is now available to read in English for the very first time!

The complete 200+ page volumes of 1994's "Irregular Hunter X" have been scanned, translated and typeset by Joshlyre and a small band of dedicated fans. You can read and download both volumes from the links below!



Joshlyre and his team are hoping to scan and translate decades of rare Rockman manga that have not been officially translated or distributed in English. From additional Irregular Hunter X stories to Ikehara's classic series manga, there's nearly 30-years-worth of content just waiting to be read by English audiences for the very first time.

Donations to help acquire, preserve and translate these stories can be made here or here. And if you own any previously untranslated works, book donations are always welcome. Just reach out to Joshlyre on Twitter.

Good luck to Josh and his team!


  1. UDON Entertainment seriously needs to obtain the rights to both Shigeto Ikehara and Kōji Izuki's Rockman mangas. If fans can easily scan and translate these stories with little trouble, UDON has no excuse!

    1. Yes and no. Fans does'nt have to pay for the rights or worry about being profitable.

  2. I hope someone scan rockman exe manga in a higher quality

  3. Could they scanulate ryusie no rockman manga 😀

  4. Really cool, not the first time though.

  5. That's the first time i hear about this Manga. So the effort to translate it and bring it to us appreciated

  6. Hope they eventually get to Iwamoto's Rockman X manga as well.

    Dr. Neko just up and disappeared from the face of the earth.

    1. Right? I have the physical Mega Man X4 manga and some amateurishly translated scans of the X2 and X3 manga, but I'd love it if it could all be translated. I'm sure there's a lot of context we're missing out on. Heck, I wouldn't even mind a translation of the bizarre as hell Chinese X5 manhua.

      I do wonder whatever happened to Dr. Neko anyway.

  7. Yes! Now this is a nice surprise to see after a long day.

  8. There are more humans in the world of MMX in the first two pages of that manga than every MMX game combined.

    1. That's not surprising since there has only been one living human depicted the the X games ever, EVER.

  9. And in this drive, you can check all the Mega Man manga translated BUT in spanish:

  10. Oh hey! I remember this manga being translated into Bahasa Melayu back in the 90s! It's a shame that I traded it for a Rockman EXE vol. 6...

  11. Thanks for the hard work, I never got to finish this manga when I was younger.


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