Monday, February 10, 2020

Rockman X Dive Weapon Design Competition Winners Announced

The winners of the Rockman X DiVE Weapon Design Competition have finally been announced via a Facebook post by the development team. Find all the details after the break!

First let's see the first three winners that will end up with their weapon design in the game:

And now the merit prizes that will receive a Mega Man sticker and 1000 Elemental Metals to use in-game:

So what do you think about the top 3 winners? Was your favorite among them? Let us know in the comments!


  1. I'm convinced that was rigged
    some entries had like 40,000 votes
    others only had like 10
    and considering it didn't need anything other than an unverified email

    1. Could have been that some of em had a large friend circle or other opportunity to get large amounts of people to vote for them.

    2. Some where designed by people who already have their reputation in the MM fandom (like they've been active on twitter for a while, etc). And like in every election there's the "useful vote" phenomenon, if people see that some option have already a large number of vote, they figure one of thoses is going to win and just chose whichever they like the one among theses rather than "waste" their vote on a option that's not going to win anyway. Of course, this led to theses choices getting a even larger lead, which cause more people to figure the winner is going to be one of theses... etc...

    3. There's also the fact that you could vote every day, but i doubt everyone did. i know i only voted twice. if some enough dedicated fans voted for their favorites everyday, this could lead to it getting ahead of the other options rather quickly.

  2. I think mumber 13 is way better, and has an old-school feel to it. I find the winners rather uninspired and generic tbh.

  3. Hmm... I kinda liked the fish buster...

  4. I think I won something for voting but I have no idea about what it is, it's just a redeem code that ended up in my email's spam folder...

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