We continue our coverage of Teppen's Mega Man X specific cards with the cards that are only available from the Core Card Pack. This is the first supplemental card pack made available for the game and, as such, we should talk about currency and how much it costs to get one of these packs
First let's review the different types of currency available in Teppen:
A single card pack comes with six random cards. You have the option to grab one with either real money or in-game currency. Each pack costs the equivalent of 240 Zenny or one "CORE Pack Ticket". In the case of the later, these are things that you can get by playing the game without spending a dime, if you prefer. Teppen is quite generous giving the player a few "CORE" Pack Tickets when you start playing for the first time, so no worries. Ultimately, you don't have to use your credit card to get all the cards but one (more about that particular card in a future post). Alternatively, you can also buy Jewels with real money. If you go with that option, card packs cost 240 Jewels a piece.
Let's take a look at the cost of purchasing Jewels for both Europe and North America.
There is another alternative way to get individual cards, too. Each card from the Core Card Pack can be crafted with Souls you acquire doing different tasks or reaping cards from your own library (card you don't use, duplicates, etc.). The cost to craft a card depends on the rarity of the card. Common cards require 50 Souls and legendary cards require upwards of +3000 Souls.
Okay and with all that out of the way, let's look at the Mega Man X cards from the Core Card Pack. This is part 1 of the MMX cards; come back in a few days for the rest of the lot.
Card Name:
COR 003
Flavor Text
Branded a traitor, he continues to fight the Reploids in order to stop Red Alert with his own hands.
Antonio Staepperts
Card Name:
Overdrive Ostrich
COR 009
Flavor Text
Even without wings, this speedy Maverick's legs can take it anywhere the can travel.
Card Name:
Flame Stag
COR 010
Flavor Text
Wreathing his body in red-hot heat, this bearer of fiery antlers follows the flames wherever they may lead.
Ibrahem Swaid
Card Name:
Gun Volt
COR 011
Flavor Text
Its steel body, designed to pierce mobile armor, has missiles and gun ports for taking its targets out.
Card Name:
Storm Eagle
COR 017
Flavor Text
With steel wings glinting in the sky, he narrows his sharp eyes as he focuses on his hapless prey.
Alwyn Talbot
Card Name:
Neon Tiger
COR 018
Flavor Text
Under the sun's light, the guardian of nature's fiery claws illuminate his jungle surroundings.
Card Name:
COR 022
Flavor Text
Go forth, and defeat those who would deny us! No matter how the times may change, our wish remains the same!
Robert Kim
Card Name:
Sense of Duty
COR 033
Flavor Text
Inspired by their commanding officer, the soldiers take to the battlefield. This is what they were made for.
Card Name:
Storm Tornado
COR 037
Flavor Text
Wings racing through the sky summon fearsome winds, sweeping away all who dare oppose their summoner.
Card Name:
Attack From Above
COR 042
Flavor Text
While sneaking onto the airship, a long Ride Armor comes to bar the way.
Alwyn Talbot
Card Name:
Metall C-15
COR 046
Flavor Text
Safety first, quality second. It's body was designed explicitly to replace human workers for dangerous jobs.
Tsuda iro
Card Name:
COR 045
Flavor Text
Try to jump over the shield-wielding Hoganmer and you might find yourself with a chain mace in your face.
Valentine Khruslov
Bellow you can see the full size of the artwork used in every card.

We will continue to provide coverage for all things Mega Man in Teppen. Meanwhile, you can check our previous articles in case you missed something:
I love the cards' artworks. They look amazing. I just wished this game was getting a physical release.
ReplyDeleteThe way this game works wouldn't make sense with a physical release. They'd have to make up new game mode entirely.
DeleteThanks. The love for Colonel is strong in this game, I love that.
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one that doesn't give a **** about these "card games"? Seriously, I'm even more interested in a MM StarForce or MM Battle Network game rather than this :/
ReplyDeleteYou're obviousely not the only person, other just do what most generally do when they're not interested in something: ignoring it.
DeleteHow ironic that you don't give a shit about card games when Battle Network and Star Force are technically card games.
DeleteI could care less about Star Force and Battle Network, yet i'm not sitting there complaining about every post about them or letting it ruin my day like you seem to be.
DeleteHell yes to Flame Stag, Overdrive Osterich, and Neon Tiger. Trio of my favorite Mavericks right there.
ReplyDeleteThe artwork for the Maverick bosses is quite impressive, but Overdrive Ostrich is not an "it" and there's a grammatical hiccup in the sentence. Localization team needs to pay more attention.