Saturday, July 23, 2016

Several New Mega Man Figures Revealed at Wonder Fest (UPDATE: More Images)

Brace yourselves! We've got new 4Inch-Nels and Nendoroids!

4Inch Nel Mega Man X:

Super Mega Man and Cut Man 4Inch-Nel:

 4Inch-Nel Lan (no articulation):

Mega Man.EXE Nendoroid:

First Armor X Nendoroid:

Video of new 4Inch-Nels:

Dates and pricing information are TBA for all these guys. Stay tuned for more info!


  1. I'm loving everything I'm seeing here!

    I know I'm walking on thin ice saying this but, please, please please, let me see Sentinel make some Star Force figures, SF3 Mega Man with Omega-Xis, and a Non-articulated Geo Stelar would be excellent!

  2. I don't like Lan, the other stuff is fantastic!.

  3. Wow. X Nendoroid, X 4inch Nel, f'n Lan figure? I'm legitimately impressed and instantly sold. lol

  4. So that Lan figure will be unarticulated? I'll probably pass on it then as I don't like to mix my articulated & non-articulated figures. Still pretty neat.

    Is that an accessory pack for the MegaMan.EXE figure too? With jazz hands, a different head (and body for some reason), and two different chip weapons? Now I see why the base figure comes with so little.

    I'm both pumped and scared of that Cut Man figure. I'm planning on moving soon so my funds are gonna be tight for a while... I really don't want to find a way to justify buying a bunch of awesome figures like that Cut Man, haha.

    Something about that X figure reminds me of the SNES days. I think the proportions are a bit more squashed and it feels more reminiscent of the SNES artwork. Pretty cool, but I'll stick with my D-Arts ones.

  5. These figures are so nice I hope they become available to the US though ;w; Really looking forward for the MegaMan.EXE ones.

  6. 'twould be nice if that Lan figure were articulated...ah well. Still lots of good stuff here, and I wasn't expecting that Nendo-MM.EXE.

  7. I'd be interested in Lan if it were articulated.
    I need to figure out what the release schedule is... This is going to tax my wallet.

  8. Will the Netto figure come with the Megaman.EXE parts or are they completely separate?

    1. probably the former. it would justify you getting a statue in the first place.

    2. awesome! mgood to see the figures won't just end with this. kinda wish they got a couple of other characters from the classic and exe line out before they hit the x series but, if they can do it in tandem then kudos for them. (wallet we are going to be going through some rough times soon. brace yourself.)

    3. Yeah I just figured they will be together! I've really liked the Megaman.EXE line they've come out with and now I'm just waiting for the Dark Rockman figure to be available for ordering ^^

  9. wow that Rush Power Adapter Mega Man and Cut Man looks awesome!

    Cant wait to get that cutman, looks amazing, and after this i can only hope we will get every other cool robot master in the series (in the scale of a 4 inch megaman style, with the correct proportion of the enemies of course) that would be great. (imagine the likes of Pharaoh Man, thats so cool)

    And my ultimate desire, that wont ever disappear, is that someone, hopefully Sentinel Toys, will make every single Maverick starting with all of the original Megaman X mavericks (in a scale that can go along with my other Megaman X figures from D-Arts; of course some of them would be to big, but even so i would love that, ie: Flame Mammoth or Frost Walrus which are huge! but awesome anyway)
    One can only dream i guess...But am definitely gonna get all those Megaman classic sentinel's figurines.

    1. i can see them doing chill penguin, boomerang kuwanger, or sting chameleon. flame mammoth is someone i see in the 6inch scale and spark mandrill in that scale as well.

    2. That would so amazing! I want the same things

  10. Not to be a wet blanket but that's Super Mega Man and not Power Mega Man.

    These are really awesome though, love them

  11. Super Mega Man and Cut Man looks awesome.

  12. Netto looks accurate as heck, these people are really impressive, sadly my wallet's content is not.

  13. Nendoroid x is super kawaii! first jet and power megaman, now rush power adaptor? oh boy, empty wallet i will have this month.

  14. Hope Sentinel make a tonne more of these going forward! These look fantastic so far. Still hoping they get around to giving us a Treble Boost Bass figure some time.

    1. Considering they announced so many and not one has actually been physically released, I am hopeful they are really pushing this line.
      If they release MM Zero, I just hope they just make sure there are a bunch of concurrent figures released at the same time so the Zero Figure Curse doesn't kick in...

    2. There is no curse, Bandai still makes MM figures... The only thing that tanked was the Koto line which was eventual since they are known for female waifus, if Koto ever returns expect super sexy Alia, Layer, Aile, Leviathan etc.

    3. ^ Pfft! What actual Megaman figures has Bandai done as of recent?

    4. Bandai does still make MM figures yes but the D-Arts/S.H. Figuarts line ended with MMZ Zero, currently there's no plans to bring more Mega Man characters out for that line. Koto line ended with him & even the old Jazwares line did, he does have some history of ending specific toy lines.. Hopefully that doesn't happen with X-Plus or Sentinel or at least they release a tonne more before ending with him in Sentinels case ;)

    5. @Anon 8:35PM:

      @Viper: Figuarts is continuing the ZERO line, Why do you think they went back to Classic Mega Man if Zero tanked the line, why not say skrew MM lets sale more One Piece or something? Surely you do not believe Vent, Grey or heck even Volnutt and Iris are more popular saleable characters than MMZ-Zero even after extensive polling, prior sales data and any other actual factual data. Then let me ask why Classic Mega Man, why not any other character out of the hundreds Mega Man has? CMM already has a figure from Bandai made not too long ago.

      I'll tell you why I think that is, it's because companies like Bandai like to go into circulation with what works. MMZ is not what kills the line, the line simply runs out of (in the minds of the companies that make them)popular saleable characters, so instead of releasing two Rocks, or two X series Zeros in the same line like they have done in the past, they just stop the line and create a new or alternate lines to reintroduce the popular characters again.

      This also goes along with every character poll I've ever seen always at the top are Classic, X, Zero and Roll. BTW no one knows if the S.H line ended look how long it took to return to ZERO!

  15. I am really looking forward to the new Mega Man characters I hope that they will appear soon. I also find that the quality ones of the characters very well . Wanted to ask times actually is here because Rockman Corner from Germany because in my country there is not many are so crazy about because Blue Bombers .

  16. Cut Man seems neat. Nice to see a robot master for a change, even if it's just Mega Man's body with a different head lol.

  17. My wallet hates me enough.

    Can we get an articulated Lan though, please? I hate collections with inconsistencies. (Figuarts Zero Sigma, anyone?)

    I don't think I'm too enthralled with "replacing" my D-Arts figures if Sentinel is going to release their versions of those characters. Then again, I'm sure there will be pros and cons for both versions across the board.

  18. That X looks kind of cool, in a retro sort of way. Was on board till I saw the video, and he isn't in scale with the others in the line. The heck? I know these are four inch figures, but figured that was a relative term. Apparently not... X's head and proportions are way out of scale with the Megaman figures. Too bad. :( Dig the rest though, and looks like I'll be sticking with the D-Arts.

    1. Oh, that sucks.
      Scale is important. How do we push them to scale properly?

  19. Any idea on release date?


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