Friday, April 8, 2016

Is This The Logo For The New Mega Man Cartoon?

Dentsu Entertainment has whet our appetites for next year's new Mega Man cartoon with what might be the show's logo. The above image appeared on Dentsu USA's expertise landing page, where they describe everything we know so far about the project. It's certainly attuned to the familiar, right down to the classic color composition.

With little other information available about the 2017 series, it's hard to say if this is the logo or something temporarily put together. Either way, it's something to chew on. Fingers crossed for more news soon!

Source: DEUSA


  1. That is one plain looking logo.

  2. I'd much rather see the logo for the new Mega Man *GAME* that's not another remake...

    1. You already have seen it: Its called "Mighty No. 9".

      Anyway, I'd say the logo feels reminiscent of 8's color scheme, with the red being the outline instead of the triangle, and borrows a bit of Tron-esque aesthetic that Battle Network drew inspiration from. Even if it were temporary, I think its a good design to see.

  3. I'm pretty sure this is a placeholder logo.
    ... I sincerely hope this is a placeholder logo.
    ... ... ...
    This jolly-well better be a placeholder logo.

  4. If they took this logo, and stacked the words on top of each other, and then gave them shadow, it would look better. Like the title screen logo's look, but updated.

  5. Replies
    1. ... did you actually bother to read the post?

    2. Maybe do some research before saying something stupid Anonymous...

  6. Interesting. The lines in the logo make me wonder if they're going to repurposing that one Mega Man design from MM Universe.

  7. Ruby Spears's rebirth project lol

  8. Replies
    1. Agree with me in saying it looks weird in context of what we know of canonical Mega Man.

      Do it, DO IT NOW!

    2. I'm down with that idea, Anonymous! Maybe it's not "the" "Megaman" we all know and love, but a different spin on things, like what ended up happening to the Ruby-Spears cartoon.

      ... or maybe it's a spin-off of the Megaman from Captain N: The Game Master. シ

      (... I'd actually be down with that idea, too...)

    3. I'm okay with a different spin that isn't Captain N terrible.

  9. Bracing myself for cheesy joke-cracking Mega and friends.

  10. I think it looks nice. The current one is not exactly great.

    1. Which "current" one are you referring to?

  11. I really like it to be quite honest. I always liked this glowing tech line design.

  12. Are people really getting up in arms about a logo? I'm not sure what kind of high expectations everyone has for a logo, but... well, it's just a logo. It doesn't look terrible, imo, but even if it did... would that REALLY be the end of the world? There's plenty of good shows with terrible logos out there.

  13. The paneling in the font makes me think of the panels that Ariga added to MM in his manga. I'm sure it's too much to hope for, but it'd be great if the cartoon we get used that sort of style.

    At the present, I too am imagining the Ruby Spears rebirth : D


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