Monday, September 7, 2015

Mighty No. 9 Mini-Game Hits the Web

It may not be the game you were supposed to get this month, but it's something. Now available on Yahoo! Japan, Mighty No. 9: Go For It! Beck! is a super-simple HTLM5 mini game anyone with a thumb or index finger can play.

Featuring a cute hand-drawn art style, you're tasked with defeating all the Mighty Numbers in a boss rush. The controls are simple: click your mouse to make Beck jump (or double jump) over projectiles. That's it. You can equate it with Rockman Xover with just bosses.

While it may not have much depth, it acts as a decent primer to the new trial version of the full game, which launches September 15th exclusively to backers. Give it a spin here.


  1. Mighty Number 9 X-OVER, well, that was fast.

  2. Really..a flash game?
    Let me know when there is android infinite runner game with ads and in-app purchases next so that I can enjoy the glorified series.

  3. Wow. It is a horrible so called X-OVER alike game to me. At least, they tried to develop this anyway, heh.

  4. "We're so sorry for all of our delays which should not have happened, so here's this crude flash game to tie you over while you wait until next year."

    Really though I don't care in the slightest. It's not really something to rage over either.
    - Dr. Jerk.

    1. It's a short fan game. And despite this it ended better than Xover (which isn't much).

    2. Is it really a fan game? It doesn't say that in the news post.
      - Dr. Jerk.

    3. Not a fan game. Inafune supervised, developed by Neos

  5. It's simple and cute. Nothing wrong with a little something like that as a time waster.

  6. Ya know, we could have had a full-length fan game by this point. Possibly several of them. And in fact, I think we have.

    Just sayin'.

  7. Wait did you just say.... The game is coming in September 15 for backers only ?!?!

    1. Trial version, four stages only

    2. Oh ok thank goodness I was thinking it was the full game. XD.

  8. I will definitely be playing MN9 when it is released,but will move on to other things until then and hope that I don't forget about it.

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