Friday, December 12, 2014

Archie's Mega Man X is Crossing Over With Sonic Boom

Well here we are: another Worlds Unite teaser. It's not just classic Mega Man this time -- look, there's X! And, and... oh dear. Sonic Boom's Sticks the Badger. 

So yeah, further confirmation Worlds Unite is a four-way-crossover with classic, X, Archie's traditional Sonic series and Sonic Boom. It'll be interesting to see how this pans out, for better or worse.

See the full teaser image at IGN UK. Sonic and Mega Man: Worlds Unite story arc kicks off Spring 2015.

Source: IGN UK


  1. Eh, Sticks doesn't bother me, like, at all. The thing I don't understand though, is why is the Sonic boom universe, crossing over with the main Sonic universe? Are we just gonna add every iteration of the Mega Man and Sonic characters to the mix?

    1. Sonic Boom has it's own new comic line under Archie.

      And unlike the Mega Man comic it actually sells...

    2. I'm not so sure about that; the Mega Man comic has to be doing decently, or else it wouldn't still be going on, correct?

    3. Well to be fair only one of these comics are supported by its parent company through games and tv shows.

    4. @Jeff1.3

      The reason they're doing another crossover (and billed Dawn of X as one last year) is because the sales increase from the first Sonic crossover haven't been sustainable.

      So no. Not really.

    5. Citation needed there, Anon

  2. The only way this can get "awesomer" is if we get a crossover between Mega Man X7 and Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric out of this; the horribleness of the two combined will bring upon the apocalypse onto all.

  3. This sounds like a terrible idea. Sonic Boom is a horrible, shitty, glitch-ridden game.

    1. Yes, but they're basing this on the show, which is actually pretty decent.

    2. The comic has been a pretty fun ride too. Ironic that the game is literally the worst part of the Boom series.

  4. Sonic Boom??? As if X wasn't in enough of a tough spot. Archie, why you do this?

  5. Ugly drawing.. NAH!

  6. Sonic Boom: The Games does suck. But the comic and cartoon are pretty good, so I'm all up for this crossover.

  7. The Mega Man 1 arch dealt with Rock overcoming his childishness. The 2 arch dealt with Rock trying to shoulder the weight of the world on himself and what it cost him. Ra Moon dealt with Wiley's self struggle and Rock realizing his death to save the world but did it anyway. The 3rd arch is hitting on the tragedy of robots who don't want to fight but have to. And the fillers dealt with the questioning of the Laws of Robotics, as well as questioning how human they really should be. The 4th arc will undoubtedly focus on Wiley kidnapping and threatening the life of Kalinka to control Crossack, a well established character in the comics world.

    The long running Sonic comics in it's long running time dealt multiple issues of judgement, environmental conservation, the mental breakdown and rebuilding of Robotnik. And last I checked, Sally was freshly roboticized creating a REALLY good sense of drama and character development for Sonic personally.

    The crossovers attempt to pander to multiple audiences with stories that carry absolutely no weight and adds absolutely nothing to the comics respective main series due to everything taking place in an alternate universe. When the crossover is done, absolutely nothing has changed and we go right back where we left off in the original stories.

    Why in the world do these two well thought out, REALLY good comics need a crossover that will bring precisely nothing to their respected universes?

    1. We didn't go right back to where we left off with Sonic after the last crossover, instead they used the world crossing shenanigans as an excuse to reboot the entire universe. Like Sally? Hasn't been roboticized since the last crossover ended and not because anything was actually done back to turn her to normal, but because she was never roboticized in the new universe to begin with. The crossover can have consequences on the main comic stories.

    2. The repercussions of the last crossover are still being felt in BOTH worlds. You obviously haven't been reading the comics.

    3. Xander has gone (more) crazy.

      And that pic looks like they are going to kiss... Argh, can't unsee!

    4. No it doesn't look like they're about to kiss. It looks like the Sonic series girl (whatever her name is) is leaning in to inspect X suspiciously, while X is like 'what the, take two steps back my furry headed friend, a little too close' enforcing that friendship distance between them, with his giant right hand of justice and dignity.

    5. I like that comment xD

  8. On one hand you've got Sonic Boom, which takes nothing seriously, Megaman X which takes everything too seriously, and Archie's Sonic and Megaman comics that fail miserably when they're trying to be either serious or funny... take all these literary nightmares, roll them into one, and you've got yourself a crossover so impossibly awful only Ian Flynn could make it happen.

    Now, I know all comics rely on cheap stunts to boost low sales (print is an expensive, obsolete format), but if these comics are going to be nothing but cheap stunts, they may as well merge all Sonic and Megaman related titles into one monthly book entitled "The Idiot's Guide To Video Game Characters".

    1. I really enjoy the comics myself. I have always wanted to see a regular series, and a few years ago, my wish came true after so many years! I think the characterise Rock very well in the comics, and do a wonderful job with their shoutouts to longtime fans. The X comics are alright, portraying X as the worrywart he is, and Zero as the slightly arrogant, cold guy he is! I don't suppose I know what people want in the comic. The art is cartoonish, in which it should be! The story teeters between dark and lighthearted, which the games have usually always done!

  9. I prefer Patrick Spaz Spaziante versions but inside the pages are the ugly drawing. A different artist. NAH! I like Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante version the best..Now, new artist after Patrick stopped drawing it.. I stopped reading it. A new artist's drawing is so ugly. I prefer Patrick's drawing version! He is almost like Japan animated drawing. Sorry about my English.

  10. Didn't we just do this? Why is this happening again so soon? The first time was fun, but by the end I was ready for the main story to come back again. I just want to read Mega Man and Mega Man X. This is too much.

    1. As much as I love the crossovers, I do gotta admit, I feel it's a bit soon. And it's hard to imagine Sonic Boom and X crossing over. Neither series would do well complimenting the other from what I've seen of Boom, and my experience of X. It just seems to me like it would either make one side too dark, or the other too silly! Though I will be reading it regardless! Lol I'm pretty sure if it's a story with my heroes in it, I'm gonna get it! I am no fortune teller, nor will I speculate that it's going to for sure be the worst thing ever printed. It just might surprise us, and seeing a lighthearted, more peaceful time for X might bring us to love the "World's Hope" even more!

  11. Wow, this is going to be interesting. Now I'm really curious how this is going to turn out.

  12. If they are gonna cross over Sonic Boom and Mega Man X. Then it's only fair that Archie do Cross overs for Ruby-Spears Mega Man and Sonic SatAM,Captain N Mega Man and The Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog, Mega Man: Wish Upon a Star and Sonic X,and Dreamwave Mega Man (or novas adventuras de megaman aka the brazilian comic)and Sonic Underground.

    Like I said,It's only fair.

    1. That would be amazing. But probably too much to hope for. :(

  13. As someone who likes both Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 2006, even I didn't like Rise of Lyric (Shattered Crystal was okay, though). However, I did like the game's plot and cutscenes, and a crossover between Sonic Boom and Mega Man X would be pretty interesting, since it would most likely mean that Sigma and Lyric would join forces.

  14. I would throw so much money at Archie if they did even a one shot comic for the Ruby-Spears Mega Man. Say what you will about the show, it's a crime that it didn't have any comic tie-in. Same with SatAM, really. I know, the Archie Sonic, but really, it's a hodge-podge of material, not just the cartoon's continuity.

  15. I... I don't know how to feel about this. I really, really don't.

    These are four (arguably) great tastes, sure... but will they taste great together?

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