Thursday, January 30, 2014

Archie Comics Teases Mega Man & Mega Man X Crossover Event

What do we have here...?

Archie has long toyed with the idea of a true-blue Mega Man and Mega Man X crossover. This image, currently being teased on both IGN and Archie's tumblr, speaks volumes.

Expect more news in the very near future. Stay tuned!


  1. If they go with "Zero Killed MegaMan" theory, then that could be canon, since we've already had 'Zero attempted to kill MegaMan' in a fan game.. But I'm thinking they're probably go with something like he just died of old hardware over time, Or maybe something like Dr. Wily finally got to him by his own hands. I don't know. But I'd be interested to see where they go with this.

    1. Not sure about that, maybe megaman dont have his helmet because he stopped to fight....If it's a REAL it could be a little like the Rockman EXE Online who was canceled (not sure for the story...)
      Anyways, i hope just Zero didnt kill Megaman, it's just some bad rumors.....Megaman X is killed in MMZ2, no way for megaman classic <____< Our robots heroes.... :"/

    2. I disagree wholeheartedly.

      Inafune himself said that Zero didn't kill Mega Man. I personally wouldn't want to see anything fly in the face of that. If not because Inafune was the "God-father" of Mega Man, then because he is the father of Zero.

    3. I extremely doubt they'll go with "Zero Killed MegaMan/everyone" thing. For one, it's a lame fan theory that's been confirmed not to of happen (both by Keiji himself and by Dr. Light in the X5 and X6).
      They would also be written themselves into a corner if they did. They made plans to have Quint and Rockman-Shadow in the appear down the line. They can't really do both.

    4. They would ruin Zero's character if they did that, Keiji specifically said just recently when interviewed on Kutaku that he didn't want that story for Zero because that's just not the character he wanted out of him.

    5. Has anyone ever considered the possibility of a paradox? Think about it:
      Dr. Wily created this, by going to the future to steal Mega Man. This takes Mega Man out of that time zone, and puts him back in the past, as Quint. Since Mega Man defeated Quint, he lives on into the future, where Dr. Wily could possibly steal him. There has to be a Mega Man in the past, for there to be a future Mega Man to steal.

      This also brings up one reality:

      Zero couldn't get the chance to destroy Mega Man, because Mega Man destroyed Mega Man(A.K.A. Quint, or his future self).

    6. How can Zero kill Mega Man if he keeps dying? ;P
      Poor X, taking care of Zero must be more difficult than beating Sigma.

  2. We're never actually getting to Mega Man 3 are we? It's been two years now.

  3. I noticed this immediately in the previews from a little while ago. They're going to take forever to get to 3. Never mind the rest of the games.

    1. To me at least... these are good news... I mean... even with good stories, the comics will probably not be the same when they ran out of games... :/

    2. It is good news. I just ... kinda wish they'd get on with 3 and 4 already. Just because of their plots we can extrapolate a LOT about what's going to happen in the series. And it's really holding up on introducing interesting characters.

    3. Meanwhile, Bass must be blasting cities with anger.

  4. More like it implies volumes. Those guys really know how to make their puppets dance.

    This image alone doesn't confirm an actual Megaman/X crossover. It does suggest that there will be back-up X comics in the Megaman comics (which they've already said they're doing).

    Seems like they want fans to expect a Megaman/X crossover. It also implies that they want Megaman dead and X to replace him...

    Only one thing is certain. As long as Flynn's penning the scripts, disappointment will follow.

    1. This is obviously a crossover event. "X"s between words? X stumbling across MM's helmet? This is it.

    2. Man, you're really reaching for things to complain about the Archie Mega Man comics, aren't you? You're slipping.

    3. I'm sorry, What?

      Archie has already flat out said that there's going to be a crossover at some point in the future. You even commented on Protodude's post regarding it.

      Are you even trying to make sense anymore?

  5. Okay, I don't like this.

    Part of the whole point of not telling what happened between classic and X was to avoid saying "Megaman lost", to keep things open for more adventures to happen in the classic series without feeling it's all pointless, something the Zero series failed at miserably with the X series.

    Plus Dreamwave tried that, it didn't work then and I have my doubts about now. And if anything here could be "canon" then we'd have to accept some of Archie's other crap as "canon" too.

    1. Dreamwave's Megaman comic wasn't very good to begin with and was canceled just before the crossover.

      If this promo is to be take literately, than it's probably be one of those story were present day X is researching about the past and we see flashbacks of unforeseen events in the classic series. We shouldn't look at this as them fulling in gapes.

  6. That's a very compelling image! I am really excited for this!

  7. I was expecting this. But I was thinking they'd at least the X comics into circulation before planing it.

  8. I hope they never get back to the games or atleast tackle it differently i found it incredibly boring when it started, the last arc was the first of the series to actually be decent i thought, so i have high hopes for it to continue the way it is really hope this X stuff is awesome

  9. Ugh. I love the comic, and I'm happy they're doing this, but it's way too soon. Worldbuild the X comic first. Not to mention it hasn't been very long since the Sonic crossover in the classic comic.

  10. I don't know what's more hilarious, the ones whining that the comic hasn't hit MM3 yet (oh no, Archie maybe doesn't want to just rush through every game verbatim, whatever will we do) or the ones bleating about "canon" (as if the comic isn't obviously its own continuity to begin with).

    Any excuse to whine, right guys? *eyeroll*

  11. This excites me like no other. I CANNOT WAIT!!

  12. I expect a story that conects both comics through time, some kind of 100 year old mistery, but I'm sure there won't be any time travel and MM will never meet X.

  13. I think the Archie comic is great, and the writers are doing a fairly good job. But nothing is going to become canon just because it happens there. I don't get how people are getting confused about this.

  14. Red flaaags!!! Red flags all arooound!!!

  15. Given Archie's track record... one more thing NOT to read.

  16. Hmm a crossover eh...I wonder this is how the story going to be.The story is: X discovered that he is not actually Megaman in the past but instead Blues who has been reborned to amend for his sin.The reason is this because,sometime in the past Wily was killed by Blues who believe by killing him that all problem in the world is solved but during accident,Megaman tried to reason with Blues but during that time Blues lose control and shot Megaman but out of nowhere Wily cover Megaman from the shot which resolve of his death along Blue going berserk due to his breaking one of the important Robot Laws of not harming any human.In the aftermath,destruction occured and Blues was able to recovered with Megaman was destroyed with no chances of recovery...

    Eh..this story could happen right? ; p

  17. If it involves Megaman going forward into X's time, I'm ok with that. Hell the easy way out is to simply wipe his memory of the event as it's too dangerous to let him go back with it.

    1. So basically, "Rock of Ages" (aka "Fanservice: The Comic", aka "We really had no reason to write this, but we did anyway because lol") all over again.

    2. To be fair, Rock of Ages did have a purpose. It let them bring in characters like Bass and the like early to keep their fans pacified. At any rate, I'm cautiously optimistic about this.

    3. Well, to be far as well, I liked the story, so it served it purpose in that regard. But in the grand scheme of things, it really didn't serve any sort of purpose other than to tease the readers by saying "Here's what sort of stuff we might be planning for the future, if the comic lasts that long!" After all, Rockman & Forte: Challenger from the Future is a long... long... way away from Super Adventure Rockman/Mega Man 3.

    4. And it was a commemorative issue for the Mega Man series 25th anniversary

  18. Funny that this is the fourth time Mega Man and X meet, the others being Ruby-Spears episode Mega X, Dreamwave Comics end, and Rockman Tennis. Xover doesn't count as only their artwork appears.

  19. Capcom should just pull the plug on this crap already.


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