Monday, September 10, 2012

Sample Rockman Online's Music (Updated)

As soon as word hit that Rockman Online might be cancelled, I immediately began hoarding whatever assets I could find. In my scramble, I stumbled upon the above footage of Studio Doma recording a track from the game. This piece sort of sounds like it went along with Online's planned pyramid stage. It's quite tranquil, don't you think? Hard to believe this one slipped right underneath our radar!

And then there's this piece by Seunghyuk Yang dubbed "Interface." I imagine this went along with the game's menu screens or something of that sort. It's very Matrix-y.

Also gone unnoticed, Studio Doma's Rockman Online portfolio. The page looks like it once hosted six soundtrack samples. UPDATE: Courtesy of Gauntlet101010 of The Mechanical Maniacs, here's a playlist of all six tracks. They're VERY short, but better than nothing:


  1. That's some mighty generic music.

  2. @ First Anon

    I'd actually disgree.

    The stage music for Pharaoh Man's area seems rather good and I like the interface/menu music. Just because it might seem 'generic' to you, doesn't mean it isn't interesting or good.

    Protodude, I hope you'll be able to find some other assets as well (feel free to let us know if you need space for hosting, etc)

  3. *Sigh* Network Transmission at least remixed the intro of the original NES song into its version. This has absolutely nothing connecting it to Pharaohman beside the generic "Egyptian" music.

    Capcom, do you hate your heritage? Do you think nobody cares about music written in the 80s and 90s? Do you think that songs like this would get stuck in people's heads and become instantly recognizable like the originals? I tell you what, if I wasn't told this was for Pharaohman, I'd assume it was from the Prince of Egypt, or Indiana Jones or something, it's that generic.

  4. *Sigh* Network Transmission at least remixed the intro of the original NES song into its version. This has absolutely nothing connecting it to Pharaohman beside the generic "Egyptian" music.

    Capcom, do you hate your heritage? Do you think nobody cares about music written in the 80s and 90s? Do you think that songs like this would get stuck in people's heads and become instantly recognizable like the originals? I tell you what, if I wasn't told this was for Pharaohman, I'd assume it was from the Prince of Egypt, or Indiana Jones or something, it's that generic.

  5. @Cyberguy:

    Don't blame Capcom. This was all NeoWiz.

  6. Songs are down for a few games ... might just be bad site maintenence. It may come back online.

  7. Pretty! Maybe they'll reuse it.

  8. I'm sick of people saying "Don't blame Capcom. At least it wasn't their fault THIS time."

    They are the head honchos, if they want Megaman to be treated well, then he'll be treated well. But all the disrespect to the games we've been getting lately shows they don't give two cents for the games.

    TLDR, It might not technically be Capcom's fault, but they sure as heck aren't doing anything to stop it.

  9. Ahh, they ARE still there! But they have Korean letters in them, which is giving my browser a headache. I already d/led Gaia Boss. I'll upload it somewhere once I get 'em all.

  10. Good to hear, Gauntlet101010!

    If you can get them to YouTube or some DL link, that'd be great. Comment or e-mail me when you get things up.


    And I made a post at the Maniacs about it. Because I also have a website.

    The clips are, really, REALLY short, but it's better than nothing.

  12. Thanks Protodude and Gauntlet! :) Such great music.

    The only music not listed is the forest stage:

    And the super Drill Man remix from the 1st trailer.

  13. Hopefully someone can find/upload Sting Chameleon's stage, I actually quite liked that theme.

  14. This sounds great! Well done!!

  15. Yeah, riiiight! don't blame Cashgrabbincon for putting the game on the hands of a shitty developer to begin with, it's totally not their fault...... well, since this game is cancelled, maybe we can all dream about another hackgame excuse for nostalgia again like 10 and 9? Megaman Eleven? There we go, ta-daaaa!! 25th anniversary celebration punks, deal with it!!! But even that would be good at this point... heh.... just give Rockman to another softhouse already, like Nintendo, SEGA, because Platinum Games would do an awesome game, at this point even Jaleco or freaking LJN would do a better Rockman game than this lame XOver! And screw Street Fapper Ultimate Disgustingexcusefora slowasfckgame thatevenmy grandfather beyondthegravecanplay whenhepicksupSagat therewego TURBO and Retarded Evil Operation Monster that popsup and Screams Peackaboo for little billy!

  16. Wow chill last anon. don't start dissing on Neowiz. Neowiz developed a lot of successful mmos such as Dizzel , S4 League, A.V.A etc. While i am sort of sad about this rumor. I won't go as far as to insult a great developer. People like you, make games get canceled.

  17. Wow chill last anon. don't start dissing on Neowiz. Neowiz developed a lot of successful mmos such as Dizzel , S4 League, A.V.A etc. While i am sort of sad about this rumor. I won't go as far as to insult a great developer. People like you, make games get canceled.

    On topic: The music is really good, Love Pharoman's stage music, for them to release such things means that they are starting to finally progressing with the game's development =D


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