Monday, November 21, 2011

Fight, Lockman! For Everlasting Peace!

Bicycles are widely used in Japan as a mainstream form of transportation. People of all ages and social standings rely on cycling to get around, so you can imagine how important it is to keep your bike locked up when not in use. Choosing a bike lock that's fit for your needs is no easy task, what with so many to choose from. Fortunately, one mom-and-pop business has summoned the likeness of Rockman to help them come out on top.

Meet Lockman. He's here to sell you bicycle locks at affordable prices!  The mascot of a local hardware store in Japan, Lockman makes for an appropriate poster child because of a convenient pun on Rockman's name.  In the Japanese language, it's difficult to recognize the difference between L and R, because the sounds fall into the ra/ri/ru/re/ro liquid category.  Therefore both L and R are pronounced as a single phoneme. So 'Rockman' often sounds like 'Lockman'. It's quite punny.

Lockman here has become something of a miniature imageboard meme over the last couple days -- well on his way to cult status. It's only a matter of time before the fan art starts pouring in! A "Mr. Lockman" crossover is inevitable.

Source: Omaketeki


  1. Further proof that Capcom never cease-and-desists fan works. That's one thing I like about the company, and I hope to take advantage of that with a fan game.

  2. "It's quite punny."

    Clever, aren't you?

    Either way, the mascot's pretty cute. A very convenient pun indeed.

    Too bad I don't have a bike to even lock up. Ehe...

  3. Next week: Lockman teams up with McGruff.

  4. Oh God. Rokkuman = Lockman. As someone with a bit of japanese knowledge, that was a hillarious realization. Crazy that no one has thought of this until now.

  5. I'll never be able to look at a locksmith the same way again. lol.


    I had to. :)

  7. If there are signs or flashing lights stating to walk your bike please obey, it will help ensure your safety and the safety of others around baskets

  8. @Dhylec: It's hardly the first time someone has thought of this. Not even close. :P

  9. Knowing some Japanese, I got the pun. What I don't get: how are they getting away with this? Yes, I know Capcom's pretty lenient with fans. But a fan game is harmless. A store mascot? Not so much.

  10. Oh man, these people know some Japanese.

    The extent of your knowledge of Asian language could be having seen the Fa ra ra ra ra scene from A Christmas Story, and you would get this.


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