Sunday, October 16, 2011

First Look At Merti Garage Kit

A little ways back we learned that Rockman X manga author/artist Yoshihiro Iwamoto would be spearheading the creation of a Merti garage kit. And now Iwamoto's back with our first look at the work-in-progress uncolored prototype. Check it out..

Unfortunately, no other details are given concerning accessories or the like, but with these images out and about we should hear new details pretty soon.

According to a previous teaser, the garage kit is somehow tied to the upcoming Winter 2012 Wonder Festival in February. For the uninitiate, garage kits are predominately sold exclusively through events like Wonder Festival. Kits featured become pretty difficult to obtain outside of Japan, not to mention extremely pricey. Merti, no doubt, will continue that tradition.

Pics of the completed and painted kit are likely forthcoming, so Iwamoto fans should definitely be on the lookout!


  1. hah. I spy an X in the background.

    Now see, this Garage kit can go along with "Comic" version X now.

  2. is this Merti limited edition only? and will produce only limited stock?
    darn... i need this for the upcoming d-arts manga X

  3. Her proportions are ridiculous.

  4. Gotta love that hair.

  5. It's cool, but in all honesty, 90% of Megaman/Rockman fans won't know who this character is.
    So chances are, even if you showed it to others with whatever else is in your collection, it's going to be the odd one out of "Who is this character?", while the rest are "Whoa, cool, you got that!".

  6. Is she supposed to be armless?

  7. God, the Rockman X manga sucks, can the toy industry stop focusing on this shit and get back to making stuff from the games?

  8. Hmm, I don't care for the character or the manga, but the kit is looking very impressive, especially if it's a moving kit. I'll have to keep a lookout for it.

  9. @Anonymous 4: This is a garage kit, meaning this is entirely fan-made. The toy industry has nothing to do with it.

  10. now that sucks thats its a garage kit and never will be produced again.... >:( feel pity on my self

  11. Merti and that manga rock my face! If only I had money and a neckbeard, I would invest money and time and she would grace my desk, looking awesome and bad-***, and creeping out my family.

    Or I would make her boobs smaller and give her to my niece and say, "Look here! This is Merti and she's Queen of the Pirates! And she has armor that gives her butterfly wings. GO WILD."

    All you nay-sayers are party poopers. Whatever your tastes, the art and story expansion of those mangas is admirable. I love that artist.

  12. @Dr. Jerk:
    It's the Venus de Milo version of the figure! XD


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