Friday, October 28, 2011

Surprise! D-Arts Vile Confirmed

Who didn't see this coming? The next Mega Man character in line to receive the D-Arts treatment is none other than Vile. Rockman Unity confirmed the news earlier today, coupled with our first look at a prototype mold.

Capcom are working closely with Bandai to perfect the figure's design. Ucchy-san notes the designers are currently toling away at developing a product that is both articulate and fluid while retaining Vile's classic visual features.  Unfortunately no other details are given concerning accessories or the like, but with this coming out we should hear new details pretty soon. Personally, I'd love to see a mono-eye head variant. I always thought it made Vile look a lot more menacing! One can hope.

Hopefully, we'll be getting all those details in the near future. In the meantime, head on over to Rockman Unity and enjoy some lovely photos!

Thanks for the tip, everyone!


  1. Been waiting for this to be announced! Definite buy!

  2. Yeah Im wondering what kind of accesories he comes with. Im thinking some kind of "glowing eye" visor face WOULD be cool. Both the RS series and the Iwamoto mangas have done it,and it DOES give him a more menacing look.

    the shoulder cannoin seems to be attached to the shoulderpad, so its not removable. Looks like his box is going to be even bigger than Zero's XD

    Im totally calling X1 Sigma next too.

  3. inb4 people bitching about seam lines.

  4. Really nice!!! An other figure than (always) Rockman.

    Vile is coooool =)

  5. Wowow!! That is soooo beautiful! Must have it ;D

  6. Sweet! If he were crouching he would be very reminiscent of Iron Man in the Capcom fighting games with his shoulder canon!

    Now if Bandai fixes all the stupid flaw and errors that X and Zero have so Vile won't have any then i'll surely get a Vile.

  8. sigma: i need someone that can go maverick at will.

    here ya go baldy!

    it looks great. now if they'd just make a version 2 zero and any version of sigma, i'd be happy.

    on the subject of sigma though... does anyone else think junkman from MM7 resembles him to a degree?

  9. It is as if sex. I can't wait to see it colored! I also agree with the mono-eye variant. I mean, what else can you do with the way his face is? I really loved how Vile was done in the television show, so it would be a great toast to a great episode. =)

  10. That's pretty schway.

  11. Cool but Y U no sell ride armors.I like these as much as shoulder canons :)

  12. Ride armor. GIVE HIM IT

  13. It's awesome but they need to workon the shoulder cannon. It shouldn't be fixed nor should it actually BE his shoulder. I'm sure they're already on it, though! <3

  14. (elaborating on my previous post)
    Although granted, the ORIGINAL design *was* like that... but it still doesn't look right. His MHX design was sexier :p

  15. but his mhx design also has weapon ports in his knees and fingers as well as places for rocket fittings in his forearms.

    also, you're suggesting that his shoulder cannon be back mounted, as there's no other place for it. sure, it could be mounted to the body portion, but as i recall, it's always been mounted to his shoulder with connections only going to his back.

    besides, the canon CAN connect to the shoulder without being stationary. just add a joint or two. one for vertical control and if necessary, one for horizontal control. or just a ball joint which fixes both problems with one fix.

    also, inb4vileispurplebobafett.

  16. Sweet! ...I still gotta get myself the Full Armor X and Zero D-Arts figures!

  17. Accessories guess: Monoeye, alternate helmets (Sigma logo / V), and alternate shoulders (Cannon attached and MHX design)

    And after him and Sigma: Ride Armor that can be customized to look like Armor Soldier's and Vile's!

  18. Hey, maybe an accessory can be an open leg? for posing him as launching his leg bomb?

    Its obvious that he will have an energy projectile, (not having one would be blasphemy)

  19. Yay! Vile.

    Will we get Sigma next or will they move on to one of a dozen characters in the MegaMan X cannon that look like Iris, Colonel, Alia and Cinnamon?

    There's at least two of each so the repaint possibilities are tantalizing... err.. nauseating.

  20. wow... then the rest of MMX Maverick Hunter Cast will be next in the line then we're all poor by the time comes.... about money..

  21. Are the D arts series model kits or just figures?


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