It was only a matter of time before someone did this. One crafty fan at FC has took the standard Bandai D-Arts Mega Man X, and modified it to resemble the character's Command Mission appearance. The end result is quite the spectacle.
The demand for a *decent* Command Mission X figure is unwavering. Jazwares tried to deliver a couple years back, but I don't think anyone was particularly happy to discover the toy had fingernails (seriously). Bandai/Tamashii would be wise to consider producing the real thing.
You can check out some additional pictures of the figure at FC. Chances of the creator selling this are slim to none, so you're either left with the option of making your own or wait it out until an official one comes out.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
'Great Adventure on the Five Islands' Translation Project Debuts
The folks at Get Me Off the Moon have been hard at work translating and dubbing "Rockman DASH: Great Adventure on the Five Islands!", a side story released exclusively for Japanese mobile phones in 2008. Tonight, we can finally bare witness to the fruit of their labor. The first episode in the video anthology is up and running, allowing fans worldwide a chance to experience this little gem. Have a watch:
The project is planned to span across five episodes, distributed on a weekly basis:
- Episode 2: 7PM EST November 5th, 2011
- Episode 3: 7PM EST November 12th, 2011
- Episode 4: 7PM EST November 19th, 2011
- Episode 5: 7PM EST November 26th, 2011
Future episodes will be uploaded directly to Get Me Off the Moon's official YouTube page. I do plan on embedding forthcoming episodes too, so do pop in and drop off your comments and feedback when those go live. That said, do enjoy episode one!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Capcom Planning "Things" For Mega Man's 25th Anniversary
In a recent post at the Ask Capcom forums, Vice-president of Strategic Planning & Business Development, Christian Svensson, fielded a question on whether one could expect to see any festivities for the Blue Bomber's impending 25th anniversary. Though he won't be turning 25 until December 17th, 2012, Svensson confirms plans are already underway for Mega Man's quarter-century milestone:
"25th for MM and 25th for Street Fighter next year. "Both will have "things" to commemorate the occasion. Exactly what is in planning stages but the are solid ideas already being batted around I hope you guys will like. But please bear in mind, they won't happen until some time in our next fiscal year begins mostly (so still a good ways away)."
If I'm not mistaken, next fiscal year begins around March 31st, 2012. A ways away indeed, but man is it ever reassuring to hear something is in the works. Likewise, it's best to keep speculations to a minimum until we hear something a bit more substantial.
Give me a new game and I'll be a happy camper.
Source: Capcom-Unity
"25th for MM and 25th for Street Fighter next year. "Both will have "things" to commemorate the occasion. Exactly what is in planning stages but the are solid ideas already being batted around I hope you guys will like. But please bear in mind, they won't happen until some time in our next fiscal year begins mostly (so still a good ways away)."
If I'm not mistaken, next fiscal year begins around March 31st, 2012. A ways away indeed, but man is it ever reassuring to hear something is in the works. Likewise, it's best to keep speculations to a minimum until we hear something a bit more substantial.
Give me a new game and I'll be a happy camper.
Source: Capcom-Unity
Surprise! D-Arts Vile Confirmed

Capcom are working closely with Bandai to perfect the figure's design. Ucchy-san notes the designers are currently toling away at developing a product that is both articulate and fluid while retaining Vile's classic visual features. Unfortunately no other details are given concerning accessories or the like, but with this coming out we should hear new details pretty soon. Personally, I'd love to see a mono-eye head variant. I always thought it made Vile look a lot more menacing! One can hope.
Hopefully, we'll be getting all those details in the near future. In the meantime, head on over to Rockman Unity and enjoy some lovely photos!
Thanks for the tip, everyone!
Old Internal Mega Man Documents Revealed
Now this is an incredible find. Famed Digitpress member Buyatari has shared a wealth of unseen Mega Man documents and assets from the early to mid nineties. The documents span across a number of content, including alternate box artwork, character concepts, model sheets, design notes, and even a peek at a canceled Mega Man 2 toyline.
The amount of recovered artifacts is truly incredible. There's all sorts of neat goodies to be had at the source link, but everyone's gonna be wondering about that "Mega Man X Soccer" sheet in particular. Are we looking at a cancelled game, or a mere misuse of X's likeness? Definitely something to ponder on.
A treasure trove of Mega Man history awaits you at the above link!
Credit: The Mega Man Network
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Next Round Of Mega Man Merch Revealed (Plush Proto Buster!)

Whereas December's loot was mostly X series paraphernalia, January is predominately classic series focused (namely, Powered Up). Item-by-item breakdown below:
- Mega Man 10 iPhone 4 Case
- Proto Buster Plushie
- Mega Man Powered Up Desk Clock
- Mega Man Towel
- Bass Keychain
- Proto Man Keychain
- Guts Man Keychain
- Mega Man Powered Up File Folder
- Powered Up Notebook
- Mega Man X4 Wallscroll
- Powered Up Magnet
Anyhow, it's worth mentioning where you will be able to find these products come January. GE Animation's Mega Man products have been known to pop-up at specialty pop-culture retailers, such as Hot-Topic and your run of the mill Mom & Pop novelty store (that's a lot of pops!). As per usual, you cannot order anything directly from GE or AAA. That option is only available to retailers. You can, however, request a local retailer to sell them. Those details can be found within the links above.
Well, that's that. If you've any ideas for future Mega Man paraphernalia, GE are always interested in feedback...
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Bandai Has No Plans To Localize "Comic Version" Rockman X

Bandai's Adam Newman sends word the company has no plans to distribute the figure abroad. In fact, its distribution will even be limited in Japan. "This is an event exclusive so no plans to sell anywhere outside the Tamashii Nations event," writes Adam. Now, this isn't necessarily bad news. Importing the figure from Japan is always an option. BUT, it's starting to sound like this will be one tough cookie to obtain after Tamashii's event.
The whole exclusivity status entitles Comic Version X to staggering secondhand market prices, poised to become a rarity. No doubt you'll have to fork over a pretty penny to nab this one!
Thanks for the heads up, Adam!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Tamashii Nations Teasing Vile D-Arts?
The prophecy laid out in Capcom's "Most Desired Figure" vote continues. With two of the top three characters already turned into figures (Zero and Full Armor X), the prospect of a Vile figure seems like a given. Nothing has come to fruition yet, but that may change soon enough.
Tamashii Nations tweeted the above message only minutes ago; the key portion being "BTW, who likes shoulder cannons?"
Well, none of Tamashii's current Mega Man D-Arts sport "shoulder cannons." Looking at the prophetic figure vote, it's not difficult to connect two-and-two together: we're looking at, quite possibly, a legitimate D-Arts Vile teaser. Mind you, Vile only has a single shoulder cannon, but I get what they're trying to infer.
I'll certainly be keeping tabs on this. The demand for a Vile figure is there; only a matter of time before it's realized. Thanks for the tip, Lana!
Tamashii Nations tweeted the above message only minutes ago; the key portion being "BTW, who likes shoulder cannons?"
Well, none of Tamashii's current Mega Man D-Arts sport "shoulder cannons." Looking at the prophetic figure vote, it's not difficult to connect two-and-two together: we're looking at, quite possibly, a legitimate D-Arts Vile teaser. Mind you, Vile only has a single shoulder cannon, but I get what they're trying to infer.
I'll certainly be keeping tabs on this. The demand for a Vile figure is there; only a matter of time before it's realized. Thanks for the tip, Lana!
Mega Man Fangames at the NCFC

Simply click on the above links and you'll be taken to each game's respective "booth", a hub showcasing information, media, and download links for demos. All games on display are eligible to win a exclusive prizes, determined by user votes (via "Likes"). Not sure what the first place prize is, but it's still nice to see some fan effort towards Mega Man.
Players and developers are also encouraged to offer game feedback in the forums, participate in workshops, or just sit back and watch others play. All in all, it's an event for gamers by gamers and everyone's invited.
Best of luck to the Mega Man lot! Give 'em a spin in your spare time.
Solicitation For Archie's Mega Man #10

“Dr. Wily Returns,” Part Two. Dr. Wily is back, and this time he has eight new Robot Masters of his own! Mega Man must track down and defeat each one before they complete their missions and conquer the world for their mustachioed master. It’s hard enough when each new Robot Master is deadlier than the last, but how can the Blue Bomber succeed with Quick Man tripping him up every step of the way?" --- 32 pages, $2.99.
That Quick Man... what a fiend. Hopefully, our blue bomber will remember to lay down the law with the Time Stopper. Well, maybe not initially; that'd make for a pretty boring fight.
Can you believe we're halfway through the first year of Archie's Mega Man? I know, right? That was, like, Quick Man fast! It's onwards and upwards from here. With satisfying sales, the future looks bright for Archie and Mega Man.
Credit: The Mega Man Network
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Detailed Look At D-Arts X “Comic Version”
A handful of new images has surfaced for Bandai's forthcoming Rockman X "Comic Version" D-Arts. Bloodied and battered, this is one figure you don't want to miss...
A fine representation of Yoshihiro Iwamoto’s Rockman X design if there ever was one, Bandai has done a remarkable job at capturing the brutality exhibited in the source material. And I want it!
For the time being, the figure is exclusive to Japan, due to be distributed at Bandai's Tamashii Nation 2011 event in Akihabara this November. From the looks of it, accessories include interchangeable face plates, battle damaged X-Buster with optional shot effects, and an assortment of different hands. The body, itself, boasts a fresh coat of paint meant to capture the essence of Iwamoto’s interpretation of the character.
The figure will fetch for 3500 yen or roughly $45.98. Importing shouldn't be a problem, but since it's being touted as an event-exclusive, supply on the secondhand market might be low. I haven't had the time to speak with our Bandai guy in terms of localization yet; will be getting on that ASAP. Fingers crossed!
Source: Rockman Unity
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Blast From the Past: Jazwares Spooky Mega Man Figures
We've seen plenty of cancelled and unproduced Jazwares figures here at Rockman Corner, but none so deeply rooted in the festival of spooks and scares as today's batch. With the holiday fast approaching, now is as an appropriate time as ever to look back at Jazwares' ill-fated Halloween themed Retro Rotos.
The Retro Roto line was in full swing by 2006, and Jazwares -- looking to capitalize on Wave 1's success -- sought the production of special Halloween themed variants. The line would have been exclusive to specialty retailers like Hot Topic, but those plans fell through. Citing a lack of interest, Hot Topic and the like simply didn't want to stock 'em.
But there's more to these toys than meets the eye: they glowed in the dark. However, the gimmick wasn't enough to make retailers budge; ultimately, they were cancelled. Rumor has it Jazwares tried again the following year, pushing for a nation-wide retail release. As you no doubt know, nothing came to fruition.
It's a shame these never launched. We could so totally use more spooky-themed Mega Man goodies. That and they would've for an excellent collector's items! Alas, Jazewares prototypes are extremely difficult to come by this day and age. Chances of coming across these guys are slim to none. But I'm not a fortune teller: perhaps one day, a former Jazwares employee will sell some unproduced stuff via auction. Until then, we can only marvel at what could have been.
The Retro Roto line was in full swing by 2006, and Jazwares -- looking to capitalize on Wave 1's success -- sought the production of special Halloween themed variants. The line would have been exclusive to specialty retailers like Hot Topic, but those plans fell through. Citing a lack of interest, Hot Topic and the like simply didn't want to stock 'em.
But there's more to these toys than meets the eye: they glowed in the dark. However, the gimmick wasn't enough to make retailers budge; ultimately, they were cancelled. Rumor has it Jazwares tried again the following year, pushing for a nation-wide retail release. As you no doubt know, nothing came to fruition.
It's a shame these never launched. We could so totally use more spooky-themed Mega Man goodies. That and they would've for an excellent collector's items! Alas, Jazewares prototypes are extremely difficult to come by this day and age. Chances of coming across these guys are slim to none. But I'm not a fortune teller: perhaps one day, a former Jazwares employee will sell some unproduced stuff via auction. Until then, we can only marvel at what could have been.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Hitoshi Ariga Teases New Mega Man Project

"I'm currently working on a new Mega Man project!"
Short and to the point. With no other details provided, we're left with little to nothing to speculate over. Even so, Ariga's has typically brought us new comics and collected volumes in the past; more recently, the Rockman Maniax anthology. The prospect of something along those lines is high.
Still, there's one thing that I found particularly interesting about all of this. Ariga has made a tradition of teasing new projects at his personal blog... but not this time. Perhaps this new project is geared specifically to English-speaking audiences; hence dropping the tease exclusively via DeviantART? Eh, it's something to chew on.
When it comes to teasers of any sort, it's best to keep you expectations in-check. The last thing you need is to set yourself up for disappointment (I think we've had enough of those for one year).
I'll certainly be keeping an ear out. Hoping to hear more on this soon!
Thanks for the tip, Erica!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Got Rockman Online Questions? Ask The Developers

Since most of you probably don't speak a lick of Korean, a liaison has offered to translate and forward your questions directly to NeoWiz. Simply drop your questions in the comments below, and my pal Amunshen will send 'em off. We're anticipating quite a few questions, therefore I can only pick so many to be translated into Korean. Hey, be thankful: at least you're not being asked to dust off those English to Korean dictionaries!
I'll be accepting questions from now until November 3rd; a good three weeks from today. The faster we get them in, the better. Have at it!
Thanks for the tip, Amunshen!
In-Depth Look At Kotobukiya Zero
Kotobukiya's 1/10 scale Zero series Zero model kit blasted its way onto Japanese store shelves a couple days ago, and as per usual, fans were quick to snap some photos of the completed figure. GG Infinite has the lowdown...
From the looks of it, Kotobukiya has once again produced a fine kit, with some spiffy box art to boot! Evidently, the box art indicates this is the last Rockman kit from Kotobukiya for the time being. The space traditionally used to advertise upcoming kits is non-existent this time. But don't let that discourage you: Blues, the previous kit didn't promote the then-unannounced Zero. For all we know, a new kit is on the burner.
There's little doubt in my mind Kotobukiya won't pursue future projects. These plastic heroes are a global hit, after all. I, personally, am still holding out for a Forte model. He'd make an excellent bookend to the classic series line... although I wouldn't mind something a little obscure either. Auto, anyone?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Inafune Joins Mega Man Legends 3 Revival Effort
Mega Man Legends fans and rebels, you have Keiji Inafune's sword. The former Capcom Global Head of production has left words of encouragement for the Get Me off the Moon campaign, pledging support in reinstating Mega Man Legends 3. In other words, the man is officially on our side.
Originating from his personal blog, the statement has been translated into English courtesy of Team Legends. Select portions below (full piece available at Get Me Off the Moon's FaceBook page):
"A product which has ignored the fans' hearts as it has taken shape cannot be born a hit. We cannot give up on the idea of rebooting DASH as long as the fans' hearts continue to give the series life. I also think that I will continue cheering on these fans, and I will continue to feel as though I am a special member of this revival project myself. I would like to see the day that my juniors' dreams of reviving DASH 3 come true. There are various voices which recklessly fly around throughout this movement, however, I will continue cheering them on.
"If the fans' feelings are considered, those fans can sway the producers and strengthen their resolve. That feeling of wanting to give up can be eased by overcoming all the obstacles and challenges we may face, until DASH 3 is completed at last. It can happen! Together, let's never give up. Let's continue cheering, okay? Do your best, my juniors!"
It is the hope of many that Inafune's presence will help draw in more supporters, simultaneously eliciting a response from Capcom. A sort of "Oh, wow. He's in on this?", reaction. Of course, we can't guarantee this will help things on Capcom's side. Nonetheless, I'm confident Inafune's support will help bring more attention to the campaign, at the very least skyrocketing the number of "likes."
Now then, I've gotta emphasis something: Inafune is not the secret Capcom supporter we've been teasing. That news is still forthcoming. All I can say is he's been a large part of the Mega Man franchise for well over a decade, having a hand in the production of several titles. Keep your expectations in check, and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!
Source: Get Me Off the Moon
Originating from his personal blog, the statement has been translated into English courtesy of Team Legends. Select portions below (full piece available at Get Me Off the Moon's FaceBook page):
"A product which has ignored the fans' hearts as it has taken shape cannot be born a hit. We cannot give up on the idea of rebooting DASH as long as the fans' hearts continue to give the series life. I also think that I will continue cheering on these fans, and I will continue to feel as though I am a special member of this revival project myself. I would like to see the day that my juniors' dreams of reviving DASH 3 come true. There are various voices which recklessly fly around throughout this movement, however, I will continue cheering them on.
"If the fans' feelings are considered, those fans can sway the producers and strengthen their resolve. That feeling of wanting to give up can be eased by overcoming all the obstacles and challenges we may face, until DASH 3 is completed at last. It can happen! Together, let's never give up. Let's continue cheering, okay? Do your best, my juniors!"
It is the hope of many that Inafune's presence will help draw in more supporters, simultaneously eliciting a response from Capcom. A sort of "Oh, wow. He's in on this?", reaction. Of course, we can't guarantee this will help things on Capcom's side. Nonetheless, I'm confident Inafune's support will help bring more attention to the campaign, at the very least skyrocketing the number of "likes."
Now then, I've gotta emphasis something: Inafune is not the secret Capcom supporter we've been teasing. That news is still forthcoming. All I can say is he's been a large part of the Mega Man franchise for well over a decade, having a hand in the production of several titles. Keep your expectations in check, and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!
Source: Get Me Off the Moon
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
'Great Adventure on the Five Islands' Receiving Fan Translation
To help raise awareness for the Mega Man Legends series, the folks behind Get Me Off the Moon are on a mission to translate Rockman DASH: Great Adventure on the Five Islands in its entirety.
The project won't be a game translation in the traditional sense. Instead, Cap Kobun and members of Team Japan will be capturing footage of the game -- from start to finish, cutscenes and gameplay -- and subtitling it in English. All footage will be direct feed, meaning it is pulled straight from the game without the use of a camcorder. While audiences outside of Japan still won't get to play the game, the video anthology will ensure all fans an opportunity to enjoy it from a visual perspective. It'll be like watching a movie!
You can see some test direct-feed footage here. The dialog has not been transcribed just yet, but it's on the burner. Again, this is all happening thanks to the likes of Team Japan. As stated in a previous Roll's wrap-up, the project is a gift of sorts to the English-speaking fanbase. "For working hard to bring Mega Man Legends 3 back to the forefront of the fan community, I'd like to show you my appreciation from the bottom of my heart,"writes Team Japan. Well, isn't that a lovely gesture!
Future updates on the project will become available at Team Legends' official FaceBook page. I, for one, am looking forward to it!
The project won't be a game translation in the traditional sense. Instead, Cap Kobun and members of Team Japan will be capturing footage of the game -- from start to finish, cutscenes and gameplay -- and subtitling it in English. All footage will be direct feed, meaning it is pulled straight from the game without the use of a camcorder. While audiences outside of Japan still won't get to play the game, the video anthology will ensure all fans an opportunity to enjoy it from a visual perspective. It'll be like watching a movie!
You can see some test direct-feed footage here. The dialog has not been transcribed just yet, but it's on the burner. Again, this is all happening thanks to the likes of Team Japan. As stated in a previous Roll's wrap-up, the project is a gift of sorts to the English-speaking fanbase. "For working hard to bring Mega Man Legends 3 back to the forefront of the fan community, I'd like to show you my appreciation from the bottom of my heart,"writes Team Japan. Well, isn't that a lovely gesture!
Future updates on the project will become available at Team Legends' official FaceBook page. I, for one, am looking forward to it!
Monday, October 17, 2011
A Little Something Came In The Mail...
When you teach for a living, all you want to do is get home and crash on a Monday afternoon. But I couldn't crash; a knock on my door disturbed my brief slumber. To my surprise, a UPS man handed me a flat, albeit slightly large package... from Capcom USA. I wasn't expected anything -- or was I? A quick tear there and a little rip here, I made my way inside the package. One gentle tug and bam:
Why, it was my commemorative gift from the Mega Man Legends 3 team! Pleasantly surprised? YES.
So, yeah; this is the present coming to Wester Devroom members whose work was selected to appear in Legends 3. I also received one Servbot mobile cleaner -- a good originally planned for distribution at Capcom's summer 3DS event in Akihabara, which was cancelled in the wake of the Touhoku disaster.
And for those asking, yes: Elysium is on the backside. Check it out. Some say it's just a speech bubble, but I believe otherwise. You see, the entire surface of the backside is adorned with shimmering sparkles and glitter, likely representing stars/space. It's a real nice touch.
Love the gift, but I'm a little peeved about the condition it arrived in. You can't quite see it, but the item has numerous bends and creases along the surface and a nasty gash along the upper-right side. If you're expecting this item too, be aware it may not arrive in perfect condition.
That aside, I am really grateful for the gift. Not sure if it's a photocopy or real ink, but it looks fantastic in person!
Why, it was my commemorative gift from the Mega Man Legends 3 team! Pleasantly surprised? YES.
So, yeah; this is the present coming to Wester Devroom members whose work was selected to appear in Legends 3. I also received one Servbot mobile cleaner -- a good originally planned for distribution at Capcom's summer 3DS event in Akihabara, which was cancelled in the wake of the Touhoku disaster.
And for those asking, yes: Elysium is on the backside. Check it out. Some say it's just a speech bubble, but I believe otherwise. You see, the entire surface of the backside is adorned with shimmering sparkles and glitter, likely representing stars/space. It's a real nice touch.
Love the gift, but I'm a little peeved about the condition it arrived in. You can't quite see it, but the item has numerous bends and creases along the surface and a nasty gash along the upper-right side. If you're expecting this item too, be aware it may not arrive in perfect condition.
That aside, I am really grateful for the gift. Not sure if it's a photocopy or real ink, but it looks fantastic in person!
Seth Killian Meets the Legends 3 Protesters at NYCC
Over the weekend, Team Legends held a peaceful demonstration in support of Mega Man Legends 3 at the New York Comic-Con. Three day's worth of campaigning is all fine and good, but the real fun began on Sunday afternoon where roughly 100 fans proudly marched through the convention center. Their destination? Nowhere else than Capcom's booth.
Upon arrival, Team Legends was greeted by none other than Seth Killian -- Capcom community manager and in-house Mega Man guru. What ensued was truly a sight to behold:
Whether or not the movement has helped to woo Capcom in favor of rebooting MML3, you've got to hand it to Team Legends for organizing all of this. Truly, an unprecedented movement within our community.
Coming up later tonight, Team Legends will unveil their exclusive interview with Seth Killian. Indeed, there was a minor misunderstanding earlier in the weekend, but it has been confirmed both parties did manage to converge and chat. We'll find out what went down tonight!
Upon arrival, Team Legends was greeted by none other than Seth Killian -- Capcom community manager and in-house Mega Man guru. What ensued was truly a sight to behold:
Though Seth may look a little overwhelmed, he was reportedly "very cool and impressed" with the entire movement. The Team Legends crew showered him with gifts: t-shirts, banners and most impressive of all, a portfolio housing essays and fan-art from fans all over the world.
Whether or not the movement has helped to woo Capcom in favor of rebooting MML3, you've got to hand it to Team Legends for organizing all of this. Truly, an unprecedented movement within our community.
Coming up later tonight, Team Legends will unveil their exclusive interview with Seth Killian. Indeed, there was a minor misunderstanding earlier in the weekend, but it has been confirmed both parties did manage to converge and chat. We'll find out what went down tonight!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
First Look At Merti Garage Kit
A little ways back we learned that Rockman X manga author/artist Yoshihiro Iwamoto would be spearheading the creation of a Merti garage kit. And now Iwamoto's back with our first look at the work-in-progress uncolored prototype. Check it out..
Unfortunately, no other details are given concerning accessories or the like, but with these images out and about we should hear new details pretty soon.
According to a previous teaser, the garage kit is somehow tied to the upcoming Winter 2012 Wonder Festival in February. For the uninitiate, garage kits are predominately sold exclusively through events like Wonder Festival. Kits featured become pretty difficult to obtain outside of Japan, not to mention extremely pricey. Merti, no doubt, will continue that tradition.
Pics of the completed and painted kit are likely forthcoming, so Iwamoto fans should definitely be on the lookout!
Unfortunately, no other details are given concerning accessories or the like, but with these images out and about we should hear new details pretty soon.
According to a previous teaser, the garage kit is somehow tied to the upcoming Winter 2012 Wonder Festival in February. For the uninitiate, garage kits are predominately sold exclusively through events like Wonder Festival. Kits featured become pretty difficult to obtain outside of Japan, not to mention extremely pricey. Merti, no doubt, will continue that tradition.
Pics of the completed and painted kit are likely forthcoming, so Iwamoto fans should definitely be on the lookout!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Proto Man Costume In Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
The original Dead Rising featured a full-fledged Mega Man X costume (complete with Mega Buster) that pretty much sold the game to Mega Man fans. Today, Capcom gives us another reason to pick up the recently released Dead Rising 2: Off the Record... Proto Man.
That's right, there's a Proto Man costume in the game. After collecting a specific set of items, the suit becomes fully available, allowing players not only the ability to look absolutely awesome but also take advantage of the red rocker's Proto Buster!
So how does one go about disguising a mild-mannered photographer into the heroic DLN-000? Look no further than GameFaqs:
Credit: Siliconera
That's right, there's a Proto Man costume in the game. After collecting a specific set of items, the suit becomes fully available, allowing players not only the ability to look absolutely awesome but also take advantage of the red rocker's Proto Buster!
So how does one go about disguising a mild-mannered photographer into the heroic DLN-000? Look no further than GameFaqs:
- Protoman Blaster and Shield: Finish the game with an S Ending (Beat Overtime).
- Protoman Boots: Find them in the store "The Man's Sport" in Uranus Zone.
- Protoman Helmet: Save Jack in the "Welcome to the Family" case, then beat him in strip poker in the "Ante Up" case.
- ProtoMan Suit: Get Bronze or better on all challenges in Sandbox Mode.
Credit: Siliconera
D-Arts X "Comic Version" Announced

Dubbed "Comic Version", this new figure is meant to resemble Yoshihiro Iwamoto’s Rockman X, a more stylized version of the character based off Iwamoto's famed manga. "Comic Version" boast an entirely new face plate, featuring big 'ol anime eyes. Body parts have been repainted as well, such as the addition of platinum lining along the helmet. Those features aside, there are no other significant alterations to the design.
The figure is currently priced at ¥3,500 (roughly $45.00). Details concerning potential alternate accessories are forth coming. No word regarding localization, although I will be contacting my go-to Bandai guy for comment. Stay tuned!
Credit: The Mega Man Network
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Jollibee Kids' Meal Gets Mega Man Toys
Some new, quirky Mega Man paraphernalia is hitting the Philippines. Apparently, Jollibee Restaurants are offering Mega Man toys with the purchase of a kids' meal. Rockman Corner readers Ivan and Yelena sent in the following images of the plastic heroes; three-inch Mega Man and Proto Man figures.
The Light brothers are the featured boy's toys of the month, available at participating restaurants while supplies last. Each figure has their own special feature: Mega Man shoots a spring-loaded Buster shot with an optional interchangeable arm part, and Proto Man... well, Proto Man has a removable shield.
Word has it the toys received a televised commercial as well. No footage of that at the moment, but hopefully someone will spot it and put it online. Jollibee switches out kids meal goods once a month, so you have until roughly mid-November to snag 'em.
Thanks, Ivan and Yelena!
The Light brothers are the featured boy's toys of the month, available at participating restaurants while supplies last. Each figure has their own special feature: Mega Man shoots a spring-loaded Buster shot with an optional interchangeable arm part, and Proto Man... well, Proto Man has a removable shield.
Word has it the toys received a televised commercial as well. No footage of that at the moment, but hopefully someone will spot it and put it online. Jollibee switches out kids meal goods once a month, so you have until roughly mid-November to snag 'em.
Thanks, Ivan and Yelena!
Capcom Hints At Mega Man In UMvC3? (Updated)
Earlier this morning, Capcom revealed a set of gampley videos touting two new characters for Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, Phoenix Wright and Nova. In one video, the characters are seen fighting in the new "Days of Future Past" stage, themed after the "imperfect" future seen throughout the X-Men lore. What's interesting here lies midst the background, as Capcom may have inadvertently snuck in a little Mega Man tease.
Take a good look at that poster. It's an obvious homage to a particular Uncanny X-Men comic, yes, but that's not the point. If you look on the poster closely, you'll see multiple Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 characters listed as either "Apprehended" or "Slain"... except Mega Man.
The general consensus that's currently setting the net ablaze is this is an implication that Mega Man will be headed to UMvC3, likely as future DLC. Of the MvC2 characters displayed, he is implied to be the only one "alive."
Alas, we can only speculate for now. No doubt his presence in the game would be welcomed by MANY; fans have been rallying for his inclusion ever since the vanilla Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, after all. Hopefully, there's some grounds to this tease. I'd really hate for this to turn out to be a cruel bluff. Only time will tell! UPDATE: Roughly five minutes into this video interview, Seth Killian admits the poster was thrown in just for fun, in spite of the fact Capcom knew people would jump all over it. Hm, anybody else smell that? I kid, I kid.
You can check out the gameplay footage in question for yourself here! Thanks to everyone who sent this in!
Take a good look at that poster. It's an obvious homage to a particular Uncanny X-Men comic, yes, but that's not the point. If you look on the poster closely, you'll see multiple Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 characters listed as either "Apprehended" or "Slain"... except Mega Man.
The general consensus that's currently setting the net ablaze is this is an implication that Mega Man will be headed to UMvC3, likely as future DLC. Of the MvC2 characters displayed, he is implied to be the only one "alive."
Alas, we can only speculate for now. No doubt his presence in the game would be welcomed by MANY; fans have been rallying for his inclusion ever since the vanilla Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, after all. Hopefully, there's some grounds to this tease. I'd really hate for this to turn out to be a cruel bluff. Only time will tell! UPDATE: Roughly five minutes into this video interview, Seth Killian admits the poster was thrown in just for fun, in spite of the fact Capcom knew people would jump all over it. Hm, anybody else smell that? I kid, I kid.
You can check out the gameplay footage in question for yourself here! Thanks to everyone who sent this in!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Once Again, Inafune Expresses Desire To Continue Mega Man Legends
Having left Capcom, Keiji Inafune is large and in-charge at his new company, Comcept. With a handful of new projects in the works, Inafune still has his eyes set on recruiting an old favorite: Mega Man Legends 3. In an interview with Famitsu today, the former Capcom Global Head of production reaffirmed his desires to continue Legends 3 at Comcept.
In response to the question, "Out of every series you've worked on, which would you like to continue the most?", Inafune explained there are games creators wouldn't want to produce a sequel to. Citing Mega Man Battle Network, these are the games in which the story is completely concluded in a creator's mind. Ultimately, there is nothing left to tell. On the contrary, Mega Man Legends is a series and story he wants to continue for years to come.
"Honestly, I still wanna make it," says Inafune. Unfortunately, moving forward is easier said than done. Inafune cannot continue production unless Capcom officially commissions him. Nonetheless, the desire to make the game as his own is strong to this day.
"For a creator, the creation is like his child. With "King of Pirates" (Inafune's latest 3DS game), I wanted to state that fact on paper and make it official." After Legends 3's cancellation, Inafune saw fit to ensure all future projects were branded under his signature -- proof of ownership. In the case of King of Pirates, he's posted a copyright mark "KI (Keiji Inafune)" alongside the Marvelous AQL logo. For all intents and purposes the game is his.
With Legends 3 at Comcept, Inafune would no doubt see the game to completion, topped off with the blessing of his signature and ownership. Alas, nothing can be achieved unless Capcom gives him the greenlight. C'mon, guys, let's strike a deal here!
Source: Roll's Wrap-up (100,000 Strong For Legends 3)
In response to the question, "Out of every series you've worked on, which would you like to continue the most?", Inafune explained there are games creators wouldn't want to produce a sequel to. Citing Mega Man Battle Network, these are the games in which the story is completely concluded in a creator's mind. Ultimately, there is nothing left to tell. On the contrary, Mega Man Legends is a series and story he wants to continue for years to come.
"Honestly, I still wanna make it," says Inafune. Unfortunately, moving forward is easier said than done. Inafune cannot continue production unless Capcom officially commissions him. Nonetheless, the desire to make the game as his own is strong to this day.
"For a creator, the creation is like his child. With "King of Pirates" (Inafune's latest 3DS game), I wanted to state that fact on paper and make it official." After Legends 3's cancellation, Inafune saw fit to ensure all future projects were branded under his signature -- proof of ownership. In the case of King of Pirates, he's posted a copyright mark "KI (Keiji Inafune)" alongside the Marvelous AQL logo. For all intents and purposes the game is his.
With Legends 3 at Comcept, Inafune would no doubt see the game to completion, topped off with the blessing of his signature and ownership. Alas, nothing can be achieved unless Capcom gives him the greenlight. C'mon, guys, let's strike a deal here!
Source: Roll's Wrap-up (100,000 Strong For Legends 3)
Your 100,000 Strong NYCC Schedule

The finalized NYCC schedule has been posted over at the group's FaceBook page, primed and ready to keep you on top of the impending events. Three day's worth of activities are in the works, each designed specifically to best represent the 100,000 Strong movement. It's a grand opportunity and an excellent chance to meet Mega Man fans from across the country!
Even if you cannot attend in person, there are ways to show your support from afar:
"In addition to submitting fanart, you can help in our NYCC grand finale on Sunday by writing your own personal story on how you came to learn of the Mega Man Legends 3 project announcement and how it made you feel. Check out these stories already received for a reference. If you choose to participate, please e-mail your story to Our collective stories will be bound into a book and delivered to Capcom's booth during a peaceful march by Legends supporters on the last day of the Comic Con."
Those attending the march will receive a 100,000 Strong t-shirt. If you'd like to participate, be sure to sign up at booth 2917 anytime before Sunday 1PM.
As a friendly reminder, the events are free of charge. The only thing Team Legends asks of you is to commit to attending each event in their entirety. No one's forcing you, but it's a nice gesture. If you would like to take part, you can contact the organizers at
I regretfully cannot make the trip to NYCC, but I send you all my best regards. I'm exceptionally proud of everyone. Wishing you all the best! You guys rock.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Mega Man Dual Pack Cancelled In Canada? (Updated)

Those who've pre-ordered the game via GameStop/EB Games are reportedly receiving e-mail notifications saying the "product has been canceled by the publisher." Solidifying these reports, the apparent removal of Dual Pack from's listing, and confirmation from a Canada-based EB Games employee (source). Uh, yikes.
Unfortunately, specifics were not divulged regarding why it was cancelled, nor is it apparent if the product will be offered again at a later date. I've reached out to a Capcom and GameStop representative for comment, so hopefully we'll have an update on this shortly. In the meantime, do bear in mind Dual Pack is readily available for purchase in America. You can find it at retail or online.
UPDATE: Sven has stepped in to comment. "It's a Gamestop exclusive. You'd have to ask Gamestop if they'd sent any North of the border." Not exactly the answer we were hoping for, so we're gonna have Still no word on that front, however. I've no news on that front at the moment. Stay tuned!
Thanks for the tip, folks.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Legends 3 Fan Movement Headed To Comic-Con
The global push to reinstate Mega Man Legends 3 rages on as the fight makes its way to the New York Comic-Con. Key members of the 100,000 Strong For Mega Man Legends 3 movement plan on setting up a booth at NYCC, and your invited to participate.
"What we need to do is prove to Capcom's decision makers that there is a big enough fanbase to support this game. We are so inspired by the series, that we are willing to market the game at NYCC 2011 for Capcom! We were literally one step away from being able to support Legends 3 with our wallets."-- Jake Hans, Get Me Off the Moon International Strategies
If you'd like to attend, please e-mail Admission is entirely free, but you must be committed to participating in full from October 13 to October 17. Full details can be found here.
If you are attending, I ask you to please represent our community respectfully; do so appropriately and with class. Violence and outright inappropriate behavior directed towards Capcom staff will get us nowhere. Be safe and be smart. Heed that, and we'll have ourselves a great time.
As much as I'd love to attend, I highly doubt I can get away from my present duties. I'll be there in spirit!
If you'd like to attend, please e-mail Admission is entirely free, but you must be committed to participating in full from October 13 to October 17. Full details can be found here.
If you are attending, I ask you to please represent our community respectfully; do so appropriately and with class. Violence and outright inappropriate behavior directed towards Capcom staff will get us nowhere. Be safe and be smart. Heed that, and we'll have ourselves a great time.
As much as I'd love to attend, I highly doubt I can get away from my present duties. I'll be there in spirit!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Rockman Gold Empire Up For Download
It's been a rough year when it comes to new Mega Man games. So to tide you over until Capcom does something, my pal Allahweh and I are are distributing a little something you might appreciate: Rockman Gold Empire.
Released for the PC in 1999, Gold Empire was one of many exceedingly rare Taiwan exclusive Rockman titles. It may not look like it, but the game is actually *official* -- produced by Strawberry Software Incorporated, under license by Capcom.
For those not in the know, Gold Empire is basically a spiritual successor to RockBoard... basically, Monopoly with a Rockman twist. Yes, it isn't the greatest thing under the sun but it's a quirky little game you might want to play for just for kicks. More detailed information can be found at the Mechanical Maniacs' documentation here.
Now then, the file you're downloading is an ISO, therefore you should mount it with something like Daemon tools. Here are some additional instructions provided by Allahweh:
"When the disc runs and pops up with a menu, select the option furthest on the left which should install the game's files into your Program Files (or Program Files x86 on 64-bit machines) directory as "RGE." From there, you shouldn't need the disc anymore to play the game, though alternatively the second option from the left on the disc menu will run the game. After it is installed, double-clicking "Rockman" should start the game. If you get an error message, try running the game as an Admin and that should bypass it."
Once you get all that out of the way, you should be good to go. The game is, for the most part, not in English. It's playable to a degree, but I highly recommend you refer to the Mechanical Maniacs' article to grasp an understanding of the gist of what's going on.
Thanks to Allahweh for the dump! If you have any trouble in getting the game up and running, let us know in the comments. I'm sure Allahweh would be more than happy to help you out. Enjoy!
Released for the PC in 1999, Gold Empire was one of many exceedingly rare Taiwan exclusive Rockman titles. It may not look like it, but the game is actually *official* -- produced by Strawberry Software Incorporated, under license by Capcom.
For those not in the know, Gold Empire is basically a spiritual successor to RockBoard... basically, Monopoly with a Rockman twist. Yes, it isn't the greatest thing under the sun but it's a quirky little game you might want to play for just for kicks. More detailed information can be found at the Mechanical Maniacs' documentation here.
Now then, the file you're downloading is an ISO, therefore you should mount it with something like Daemon tools. Here are some additional instructions provided by Allahweh:
"When the disc runs and pops up with a menu, select the option furthest on the left which should install the game's files into your Program Files (or Program Files x86 on 64-bit machines) directory as "RGE." From there, you shouldn't need the disc anymore to play the game, though alternatively the second option from the left on the disc menu will run the game. After it is installed, double-clicking "Rockman" should start the game. If you get an error message, try running the game as an Admin and that should bypass it."
Once you get all that out of the way, you should be good to go. The game is, for the most part, not in English. It's playable to a degree, but I highly recommend you refer to the Mechanical Maniacs' article to grasp an understanding of the gist of what's going on.
Thanks to Allahweh for the dump! If you have any trouble in getting the game up and running, let us know in the comments. I'm sure Allahweh would be more than happy to help you out. Enjoy!
Friday, October 7, 2011
A Very Small Piece of Lost Mega Man Mania Artwork

Whilst peeking through the innards of Nintendo of America's old webpage, I stumbled across a little nugget of interest (link tends to go down from time to time) related to the ill-fated Game Boy Advance collection. It's not exactly earth-shattering, but it's something Mega Man historians and completionists will no doubt dig.
Take a gander at the image on the right. What is that and why should you care? You're looking at a lost piece of Mega Man Mania artwork. This random decoration of TeruTeru-like foes may look insignificant, but its one of the only known pieces of artwork produced specifically for Mania, next to the contents of the game's packaging. Why are TeruTeru's associated with the Game Boy Mega Man games? This is Atomic Planet we're talking about, after all -- they fed on inconsistency.
Oh, and speaking of the game's packaging, I also dug this up from an ancient hard drive: high-res box art! I do believe that hasn't been seen in all its glory in quite some time, either. I'm not a fan of Atomic Planet's Mega Man art, but you have to give them credit for trying to recapture the essence of Inafune's nostalgic style.
So do enjoy the art. Document it, archive it. Whatever. It's all we have left of this cancelled gem.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Request Your Mega Man Merchandise Here
So Great Eastern Entertainment are pumping out a boatload of official Mega Man goods within the coming months. Key chains, patches, wall scrolls, plush Mega Busters.... all kinds of spiffy trinkets. GE's licensing rights have enabled them free reign to market Mega Man however they please, leaving the opportunity for more merchandise practically limitless.
Here's the scoop: I've come in contact with an individual who's closely associated with GE, and he's willing to pass along ideas for Mega Man-flavored items you'd like to see down the line. There's no guarantee your ideas will come to fruition, but it couldn't hurt to toss 'em there way!
With the exception of figures, books, and audio/video media, you're free to request anything... so long as it's themed after the classic or X series. Currently, the license only applies to those two. Simply post your requests in the comments below, and I'll forward them on over.
Try to think small. GE are not looking to make something that will sell for over $30. We're talking about t-shirts, wall scrolls, and plushies. Keep that in mind, and you're good to go!
Here's the scoop: I've come in contact with an individual who's closely associated with GE, and he's willing to pass along ideas for Mega Man-flavored items you'd like to see down the line. There's no guarantee your ideas will come to fruition, but it couldn't hurt to toss 'em there way!
With the exception of figures, books, and audio/video media, you're free to request anything... so long as it's themed after the classic or X series. Currently, the license only applies to those two. Simply post your requests in the comments below, and I'll forward them on over.
Try to think small. GE are not looking to make something that will sell for over $30. We're talking about t-shirts, wall scrolls, and plushies. Keep that in mind, and you're good to go!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Check Out Zero's New UMvC3 Alt. Colors (Updated)
Those of you who have been following the news on Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 should already be aware that the cast is receiving a slew of new costumes and alternate colors. Among the ranks of Capcom’s heroes to get a new splash of paint is none other than Zero, whose latest duds are oozing with fanservice.
For those not in the know, the presence of alternate colors help distinguish between players who've chosen the same character -- a staple of the fighting game genre since, well, forever. Mind you, these palette swaps do not alter the character's abilities. It's all for show.
You can read some additional commentary on each new outfit over at GameSpot.
Update: Oh, this made me chuckle. A new video has surfaced highlighting Zero's UMvC3 tweaks. At approximately 2:24 in you'll find a little jab at X's MvC3 exclusion. "If X were here, he would have tried to talk things out first," boasts a victorious Zero. "Unfortunately for you, X isn't here." Ohoho... ouch.
Thanks to Tyler for pointing that one out!
Source: GameSpot
For those not in the know, the presence of alternate colors help distinguish between players who've chosen the same character -- a staple of the fighting game genre since, well, forever. Mind you, these palette swaps do not alter the character's abilities. It's all for show.
You can read some additional commentary on each new outfit over at GameSpot.
Update: Oh, this made me chuckle. A new video has surfaced highlighting Zero's UMvC3 tweaks. At approximately 2:24 in you'll find a little jab at X's MvC3 exclusion. "If X were here, he would have tried to talk things out first," boasts a victorious Zero. "Unfortunately for you, X isn't here." Ohoho... ouch.
Thanks to Tyler for pointing that one out!
Source: GameSpot
Some Updates From Udon Entertainment

Mega Man: Robot Master Field Guide
"This project has been through a lot! It turned out to be a lot more work than expected, has got through a couple total overhauls, and also had a lengthy approval process. But the book is now completed. We have rescheduled the book for January 2012. It could be ready a bit earlier, but because the book is so late we want to give comic shops the chance to adjust their orders on the book. Thanks all for being patient on this fun little book!"
Mega Man Gigamix Volume 3
"The final book in Hitoshi Ariga’s ultimate Mega-manga series is now at the printer. It’s expected to hit stores early November. A more precise date and previews will be coming closer to the release."
"Just a note, if you haven’t picked up this book and want a copy before X-mas (for yourself or for a gift) I’d suggest you order early. Due to some miscommunication, our printer shorted us on this title about 20% less than we wanted for the first printing. We do still have a decent amount in stock, but that could sell out quick closer to the holiday season. Whenever MM Tribute sells out we will do a new printing, but it’s not likely to make it in time for X-mas, so just a heads up!"
Mega Man: Official Complete Works/Zero: Official Complete Works
"We are reprinting both of these titles, and they’ll be back in stock before the end of the year. So don’t pay any crazy reseller prices! ;) "
The Future!
"Also, we have a few new Mega Man projects in the works! Hopefully we can announce some of them soon."----------
New projects, eh? That's always exciting! I'm personally holding out for Maniax -- a very fun read that's practically begging for localization. Stay tuned for future updates!
Thanks again to Matt Moylan for keeping us in the know.
Thanks again to Matt Moylan for keeping us in the know.
Monday, October 3, 2011
New Mega Man TV Series In Our Future?
While not a confirmation in the slightest, I thought this was a notable tidbit of interest. Recently, there's been some discussion on the Ask Capcom forums about the likelihood of a theatrical Mega Man film. With some of Capcom's biggest IPs already making the jump to the silver screen, it's only natural to wonder what might become of the Blue Bomber.
Capcom Vice President of Strategic Planning and Business Development, Christian Svensson, stepped in to field the inquiry:
Mega Man has long existed on the periphery of broadcast television in numerous iterations, relegated to weekday afternoons and Saturday morning airtime. From co-starring as a member of the N-Team in Captain N: The Game Master, to topping the ratings with the Mega Man NT Warrior, Mega Man has proven himself to be a viable TV character. His return to airwaves would certainly be welcomed.
The characters and mythology, I feel, are better suited for a full length TV series as opposed to, say, a made-for-TV movie. Question is, if a new Mega Man show were produced, which iteration of the character(s) would you like to see make the jump? You can't go wrong with the classic series, but I wouldn't mind a Mega Man Legends serial, either. I could totally envision a 25 episode epic -- something along the lines of Nadia in terms of presentation and scale. Niiice.
A penny for your thoughts? Sound off in the comments below, or join the discussion directly at the Ask Capcom forums.
Capcom Vice President of Strategic Planning and Business Development, Christian Svensson, stepped in to field the inquiry:
"I'd think a TV format would work better myself. In any event, our licensing teams are in constant discussions with movie studios and tv production houses all over the world about such topics but nothing for me to report on that front."
Mega Man has long existed on the periphery of broadcast television in numerous iterations, relegated to weekday afternoons and Saturday morning airtime. From co-starring as a member of the N-Team in Captain N: The Game Master, to topping the ratings with the Mega Man NT Warrior, Mega Man has proven himself to be a viable TV character. His return to airwaves would certainly be welcomed.
The characters and mythology, I feel, are better suited for a full length TV series as opposed to, say, a made-for-TV movie. Question is, if a new Mega Man show were produced, which iteration of the character(s) would you like to see make the jump? You can't go wrong with the classic series, but I wouldn't mind a Mega Man Legends serial, either. I could totally envision a 25 episode epic -- something along the lines of Nadia in terms of presentation and scale. Niiice.
A penny for your thoughts? Sound off in the comments below, or join the discussion directly at the Ask Capcom forums.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
How About Those Cut Man, Elec Man JUVIs?
Toy manufacturer Jazwares has been experiencing a bit of a Mega Man resurgence over the past couple years. They've ambitiously pursued the return of the popular Retro Roto series, and more recently the urban vinyl "JUVI" series. In the case of the latter, we were supposed to get Cut Man and Elec Man JUVIs earlier this year, but nothing came to fruition.
Fearing the worst, Rockman Corner reader Marcus reached out to Jazwares for comment via e-mail, yielding the following response:
Not a particularly good outlook for Elec Man and ol' scissor head, but the comment does affirm Jazware's intentions to produce new Mega Man products. For those not in the know, Jazwares previously confirmed the development of new figures back in November. Alas, he we are nearly a year later, and nothing's surfaced. That's not necessarily a bad thing -- better to take time to develop something of high quality rather than a shoddy piece of scrap! Still, I was hoping to see something new about now.
Anyway, I, personally, wouldn't completely rule out Cut Man and Elec Man. I'm sort of catching this vibe that they may be forthcoming, possibly to flesh out the new toyline... whenever that hits.
Thanks for the tip, Marcus
Fearing the worst, Rockman Corner reader Marcus reached out to Jazwares for comment via e-mail, yielding the following response:
"We have no plans to release these two figures at this time. However, we are working on what's next for MegaMan. Stay tuned!"
Not a particularly good outlook for Elec Man and ol' scissor head, but the comment does affirm Jazware's intentions to produce new Mega Man products. For those not in the know, Jazwares previously confirmed the development of new figures back in November. Alas, he we are nearly a year later, and nothing's surfaced. That's not necessarily a bad thing -- better to take time to develop something of high quality rather than a shoddy piece of scrap! Still, I was hoping to see something new about now.
Anyway, I, personally, wouldn't completely rule out Cut Man and Elec Man. I'm sort of catching this vibe that they may be forthcoming, possibly to flesh out the new toyline... whenever that hits.
Thanks for the tip, Marcus
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Kick Off Your Weekend With The Sounds of "We Are Rock-Men!"
Importing soundtracks can be a pricey affair, especially if you have your sights set on "We Are Rock-Men!", the latest album from Capcom's own in-house sound team. Fortunately, YouTube's got you covered. If you're feeling a little too hard pressed to pick up a copy, user CWU01P has put the album up in its entirey for all to enjoy. And it's just dandy.
Slick arrangements, if you ask me. A couple hits/misses, but all-in-all it's a solid album.
Thanks for the tip, Mac!
Thanks for the tip, Mac!
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