Simple, seamless, and convenient. This single webpage currently redirects you to four core campaigns: Get Me Off The Moon, the Capcom Unity Petition, Become a Servbot, and Christian Svensson's Legends 3 opinion thread. Four different campaigns, united under a common goal. It is in your best interest to invest time in each, so do check 'em out when you've got some time.
More over, you are encouraged to get the word out about Legends3.com. Not just to friends and family, but now's the time to start relentlessly pursue coverage in the bigger media outlets about our efforts. Capitalizing on other gaming outlet's audiences will help increase the petitions' numbers dramatically. Heck, Get Me Off the Moon's success today is due in part to branching out to GamePro, whose audience contributed to today's 35,000+ members. Imagine our footprint if we headline Kotaku, 1Up or G4 even. Increasing our numbers is key to success and you, as an ambassador of sorts, can make that happen.
We realize there are other campaigns and efforts not included on Legends3.com. We'll get to adding those, of course, but for now please give an equal amount of attention to Legends Never Die and the recently established Tanomi.com effort. Legends Never Die continues the snail-mail campaign which began mere hour before Legends 3 was cancelled, while Tanomi aims to collect personalized messages from fans around the globe.
It truly is amazing how quickly we're organizing all of this, and for that you have my respect. I'm doing all I can on my end and I look to you to do your part as well. We're going the distance here. We'll see this one to the end, together, as a community.
We were told days ago that Kotaku had a story in the works. By Crecente himself even. But we still haven't seen anything of it yet. Either they're REALLY doing their research, or he was bullshitting(which seems unlikely).
ReplyDeleteI would imagine any Legends 3 story they had planned was tossed to the "later" pile after the massive 3DS price slash, that was a days worth of news right there.
ReplyDeleteLet's do it!
ReplyDeleteReach out to EGM and Nintendo Power too.
ReplyDeleteCrecente bullshitting is most likely, for the kotaku attempt. That's what the man does best.
My friend owns a local mom-and-pop game store and I told him about Legends 3 being cancelled and asked how he felt about it. He immediately brought out the old Mega Man Legends Cardboard cut-out he's had in his store for years and hung up a sign with "Legends3.com" written on it :)
ReplyDeleteUgh, Kotaku. Lame central.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't matter the place, anon. Kotaku holds the most readers of any gaming site ever. That's whats importrant.
ReplyDeleteUpdated the site again with two additional campaigns, drop shadows to the flag icons, etc.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah because MMX9.com really got Capcom thinking about making that game.
ReplyDeleteGive up already, what we have done already should have been enough to change the decision to make MML3, Capcom obviously doesn't care about making the game anymore. No Mega in UMvsC3 should have told you they don't care about MM anymore, hell him not being in MvsC3 should have told you that.
If Sega can still TRY (big emphasis on the word TRY there because at least they ARE trying)with Sonic,
Capcom can most definitely give us some mega love, but they just don't care about the character or its franchises anymore.
That is... awesome Kyle, its cool to see people everywhere thats got heart, I mean like a burning soul to do stuff like that. :)
ReplyDeleteGo Mega Man Legends 3!!!
ReplyDeleteGiving up right now would be the worst thing to do, if you're a person who really wants to see future Mega Man games. All the heat generated from this last cancellation, not to mention Mega Man not showing up in UMvC, are definitely being heard by Capcom and others.
Capcom may have their current line-up of games planned, but in the future, they'll be looking for what IPs to revisit. I, for one, want Mega Man to be at the top of that list.
Doesn't anyone find this whole thing odd? Doesn't it seem like viral marketing of sorts? Capcom knew that Mega Man fans are rabid. They knew the fans would be upset if they cancelled the game. They knew it would make all the news sites, and build up free marketing and raise awareness. The game was never really cancelled, they just said it to drum up support. Then, suddenly, they announce the game is "un-cancelled" because of all the great support from fans!
ReplyDeleteSuddenly a heck of a lot of people who never knew about the game, but read gaming websites, now know of its existence....not so far fetched. I believe the game is not cancelled and never has been. Even that tweet that "accidentally" blamed the games "cancellation" on fans was orchestrated. Think about it. They knew that tweet would get people even more worked up and work even harder to spread the message.
Of course it's not the best PR move, but for a company who seemsto only care about sales lately...
This game was never cancelled.
Can anyone give a source on the Crecente Legends article being confirmed?
ReplyDeleteI've been looking for that myself, actually. Supposedly, he said something on the Facebook group but I haven't found a thing.
Remember, once you've become a Servbot, head over to http://www.facebook.com/GetMeOffTheMoon and announce your number to the world. People like to see how many we've got!
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to feel more and more like Kotaku wants nothing to do with us, for some absurd reason.
ReplyDeleteHey protodude, someone posted this link to where Crecente allegedly left the comment. It's clear he did say it since someone is thanking him, but I'm guessing he removed his comment afterward? Make of it what you will :/
ReplyDeleteDuh, forgot the link:
I'm seeing that I may be having trouble seeing the actual comment, but in any case, solid proof he did like the page and he did leave a comment at some point:
Although you can't read the whole thing, this is the proof. I hope he hasn't given up on it. (if we're lucky, maybe it's taking this long to work on since it may be a whole feature vs just a news post!) Here's hoping I guess.
I can see what Jeff is saying, if that is the case I think I would be even more angry. And whats worse is there really is nothing you can do about that.