In the wake of Mega Man Legends 3's death, a vast number of campaigns have popped up all over the web, each focusing on getting Legends 3 (or Prototype Version, at the least) back on its feet. At the nexus of these campaigns is the 100,000 Strong For Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3 Facebook group.
Just a day after its inception, the group has amassed nearly 10,500 members (as of this writing). It's not at that magic number yet, but at this rate, they'll arrive at their goal in no time. Amazing to think the Devroom, after nearly a year, could only muster 15,000 members worldwide. Capcom, I think we're onto something here.
If 100,000 members is synonymous to the number of people who intend to purchase Legends 3, let alone download Prototype Version, then we're looking at a pretty successful pay-off. Mind you, Legends 3 was never intended to be a big budget production, so that number is likely to re-coop fairly low development costs.
It is the hope of many Capcom will proceed to relaunch Legends 3 if the group reaches its goal. However, Capcom has yet to acknowledge the campaign, let alone acknowledge the immense backlash that's ravaged the net these past few days. Regardless, if you own a Facebook, by all means join the group. It's a worthy cause that deserves your attention.
I'm really hoping it will work and we get Capcom to revive Legends 3. I know full well that there's a chance we can't save Legends 3, but may prevent them from doing this again. I have to say, though, if Legends 3 is lost, then I don't feel I could call the campaign a success. However, I do think this is probably the most backlash anyone has ever gotten over a game cancellation. And I'm not just saying this as a Mega Man fan, I really think this is something big. But I guess we'll have to see for sure what happens, though, but for some reason I have hopes with this one.
ReplyDeleteSurprise suprise. Keiji Inafune actually SUPPORTS this thing. :)
ReplyDeleteIf fans support this, then by golly Capcom may have a heart and start fixing this problem ONCE AND FOR ALL. I support this really cause I actually would like to play Megaman Legends 3 really. I know that Megaman Universe was canceled, but I think that if the fans can support this, then it will be a miracle. This makes me happy to see that people actually care about Megaman really. He is a hero like Astro Boy (the inspiration), Mario, Mickey Mouse, Pac-Man, Sonic the Hedgehog, Ratchet and Clank, and many others.
I have confidence that we will succeed. If we do, this will go down as the biggest moment in videogame history.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, that's not Inafune. His entire profile is ripped straight from Inafune's Wiki. That and look at the way he talks... Inafune is far more respectful than that.
This should get some more people to join the cause.
ReplyDeleteNow, if only we could diverge all support from other MM sites into this bad boy...
BTW, the FB group itself already has a YT account and a account as well:
ReplyDeleteOops. Sorry about that mistake, thought it was Inafune himself supporting this. Thanks for the heads up Protodude. HOWEVER, it WOULD be a miracle if Inafune did support this really cause it would help out bring back the license really. :)
The Inafune profile outright states it's not the real Inafune.
ReplyDeletei just can't believe that capcom is disrespecting their fans like this...
ReplyDeleteI will copy/ paste what i've said in the devroom anoucement:
wait.... just wait a ****ing moment.....
first, FOR LIKE 10 YEARS OR SO I'M ****ING WAITING for a MML3...
then i was like: OH MY GOD! MML3 ITS FINALLY GOING TO BE REALTY!!!!!!!!11!!eleven!!!!!!
i've seen people happy everywhere because of this... i've seen signatures in gamefaqs board saying things like this "when MML3 is finally out, it will be possible to buy happiness!"
so i was ANXIOUS to have the sequel in my hands... NEXT MONTH I WOULD BUY A ****ING 3DS BECAUSE OF MML3... saw the prototype video (which was good but i missed megaman...)
then after all that... after making all fans happy, just come saying that is CANCELLED?????????
CAPCOM my dear... this was really a strike on the back, i can't really express my deception with words....
i believe you've just broken the heart of many people.... whatever your "criteria" is...
You're all deluding yourselves if you think this will make Capcom change their minds. They're very stubborn even if you got a million Mega Man Legends fans signed up I doubt they'd budge an inch.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it will. Maybe it won't. But that doesn't mean we won't try!
@July 22, 2011 1:08 AM Anon:
ReplyDeleteIt's better than doing nothing, so shut up and sit down if you plan on not joining the cause.
If you plan on joining, fine. If you don't, fine. But don't go telling everyone the old "this shit is useless" bullcrap. You don't go into a catholic church and yell that their God doesn't exist.
That kind of comment is completely out of place. Please refrain from doing so. You can curse at Capcom all you want for all I care, but don't you dare dissing L3 and the couple of HUNDREDS OF THUSANDS of fans that have been waiting for this game for over 10 years just to get cockteased and blueballed because of profit loss.
I commend the efforts of all the fans who are trying to revive the project, but I get the distinct feeling that Capcom simply doesn't care about the project.
ReplyDeleteIf a Million fans signed up, Anonymous2, that would be 1,000,000 users x 39.99 Price Point = 39 Million dollars (or 3.9 BILLION YEN) in Capcom's wallet.
ReplyDeleteEven if we ONLY get 100,000 people saying YES, we'll get the game, that's 39.99 Price point x 100,000 consumers = 3,999,000 dollars (or 390 Million Yen), which would pay for the expenses done for the project.
If I were to say, though... we should get 150 or heck 200k people to join the battle. 700 Million Yen would sure look good to Capcom.
About time this group is getting some attention. It, the LND Campaign, all the other petition sites should all come together and calculate a combined total eventually. Or just form into one centralized unit, which is what people have been saying. I agree, and thanks for posting the group, P-Dude. I think I will update a post on X9 or perhaps make a new one advertising it as well. =)
ReplyDeleteWe're affiliated with Operation Rainfall.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Inafunes are fakes. Still, not bad.
On that note, this is 11000 people in 36 hours from the US alone.
We haven't been able to get Japan to join in, let alone any other country. Primarily due to a lack of translators. Spread the word in whatever language you're fluent in, boys.
Now, let's say there's 10 times the number of people across the globe. That'd be a whopping 110,000 people on day 1. Within 30 days, that's 3,300,000 people willing to do support or buy DASH 3.
If even a THIRD of those people actually buy the game, it would account towards at least 5% of Capcom's "total units sold" tally at the end of the year, I believe.
We're on to something.
@July 22, 2011 1:08 AM Anon:
ReplyDeleteIf you got nothing productive to say then shut the hell up!
Hopefully capcom sees this gathering of megaman fans and makes things right!
Despite having an account, I'm pretty biased against Facebook, so under normal circumstances, I wouldn't even bother entering the site, but if it's for a noble cause such as getting Capcom to resume the production of Mega Man Legends 3, then I'm all for it. I just hope this doesn't fall on deaf ears like peoples' requests for Mega Man, Mega Man X, and Sigma to appear in Marvel VS Capcom 3.
ReplyDeleteCapcom may be stubborn but so are we. We've waited ten years for this game and we're not about to give up yet! I'd wait another 10 years if I have to.
ReplyDelete@July 22, 2011 1:08 AM Anon:
We believe what we believe. And in this case, it's Mega Man Legends 3. We believe it'll see daylight. That's why, we're doing this.
For megaman we must keep going.
We NEED to make capcom understand that they can't stomp on a game many fans had waited for.
ReplyDeleteEven if you're cynical, and I can be, how the heck hard is it to click a dang "like" button?!! C'mon people!
ReplyDeleteI don't use facebook but I'll spread the word as best I can. It's actually a pretty awesome idea. I'd be thrilled to see our blue hero brought back by the will of 100,000 friends.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first saw this page, I thought it would just be one of many pages that would only gather a few people. To see it actually hit 10k surprised me and convinced me to join. If it's anything the fans need to do, it's to unite under one, huge group in order to catch Capcom's eye.
ReplyDeleteOkay, guys. Now I'm getting offended.
ReplyDeleteWhy the cancellation of Mega Man Universe didn't garner this kind of outcry shows just what kinds of Mega Man fans whine the loudest.
The MM Legends fans sat silent for the majority of a decade, and just because Capcom tempted them with a game that wasn't officially greenlit, then canceled it before it even got off the ground, the Legends fans are going to keep whining and whining.
I'll save you guys a lot of trouble... If you closely observe Capcom's recent activities, you'll realize one simple, yet harsh reality:
Sorry to speak the obvious, but apparently these fans seem to think they can make a difference.
Ahh, the ignorance of youth...
*Sigh* Self-righteous much, guys?
ReplyDeleteIf someone wants to point out it's not likely to happen, it's an attempt at practicality.
Guess people aren't reasonable when their video games get cancelled.
Don't forget to also join the Devrooms in case you didn't yet, just to make sure to give Crapcom bigger numbers to their **** criteria.
ReplyDelete@StrikeSlash: No, no! The point is for them to make it NOW!
ReplyDeleteJoined before you told us. :3
ReplyDelete@ otarolgam: FYI, the dollar is quite weak. Right now $1 is worth about 75 yen. You can drop your yen values by 25%. Still a substantial amount of money, but let's keep things realistic.
ReplyDelete(Reads image) It's more likely that "not enough people in Capcom care", because WTF? I never saw something like this before. Capcom's reputation must be in the bottom of pit now.
ReplyDeleteA good game doesn't mean good sales. Read this:
ReplyDelete"Ōkami was a product of Clover Studios with direction by Hideki Kamiya, previously known for his work on the Resident Evil and Devil May Cry series. The game is favorably compared to a Zelda-type adventure, and is based on the quest of the god-wolf, Amaterasu, using a "celestial brush" to draw in magical effects on screen and to restore the cursed land of ancient Nippon. Released first in 2006 on the PlayStation 2, it later received a port to the Wii system, where the brush controls were reworked for the motion controls of the Wiimote. The game was well-received by critics, with Metacritic aggregate scores of 93% and 90% for the PlayStation 2 and Wii versions, respectively, and was considered one of the best titles for 2006; IGN named it their Game of the Year. Despite its strong praise, the game sold less than 600,000 units by March 2009. These factors have led for Ōkami to be called the "least commercially successful winner of a game of the year award" in the 2010 version of the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition. Shortly after its release, Capcom disbanded Clover Studios, though many of its employees went on to form Platinum Games and produce the more-successful Bayonetta."
That's why Capcom is only releasing poor games. Currently they probably have the same thinking of the Atari 2600 E.T. game. Image sells more. Nah, can't be it as Mega Man is popular. So... are they just insane or what?
Protodude, quick news update from the Facebook page in case you've missed it.
ReplyDeleteThe megaman link on Capcom's Brands page apparently leads to a 404.
And CyberConnect2's CEO's interested in developing DASH. Is this a possible option?
Even tho I don't have a 3DS and no plans of getting either the console and the game, I'll still join the group, cause I love Megaman.
ReplyDeleteLet us overcome any negative feelings and push ahead with brute-force.
ReplyDeleteWe cannot let CAPCOM wash their hands of this.
We cannot let corporate big-wigs decide the fate of Mega Man.
Sign petitions, contact translators and let our e-voices be heard worldwide.
Hope and dedication can and will determine the final outcome, but only if YOU are willing to make a difference.
Uh, guys...
Take this with a grain of salt.
I think the devroom should never have been used to gauge the total number of sales. I didn't participate in the devroom because I didn't have time to, but I completely intended to buy the game. It's nuts if they were gauging interest strictly based off those numbers.
ReplyDelete@Professor MegaMan
ReplyDeleteAw, shut the hell up. Nobody wants your pessimissim.
And to add, Universe was a shitty Capcom Little Big Planet rip-off. I didn't like the aesthetics and I didn't like them ripping LBP off.
It's better it got cancelled.
Legends 3? I still wanna play Legends 2! I want any GOOD MegaMan franchises I can get my hands on!
@Amaterasu: Both Bayonetta and Okami are good, but sadly there is one reason for it being more successful:
ReplyDeleteSexy > Cute, cool, epic, and everything else:
It's still not enough to bring MML3 back. We need more people from the whole world. Yeah, you heard me!
ReplyDeleteHow are you get 100,000 fans from thos world? Are they a Megaman fans? What are gonna do when you convinced them to revive MML3?
@ Anyone & Everyone who says this has a slim chance of succeeding:
ReplyDelete"Given the choice between Slim to None, I'll take Slim any day."
I for one will be in complete support of this attempt to revive the dream. As for those who says this attempt will be doomed to fail, know this quote:
"THERE IS NOT FAILURE ,EXCEPT IN NO LONGER TRYING" Sure, it may be a waste to try to bring it back, but that's why we call ourselves fans & you don't: WE AT LEAST TRY!
@Professor Megaman:
ReplyDelete"Ahh, the ingorance of youth", eh?
From what I've read of your posts, I've always assumed you were an ignorant young'n yourself. Must have been fooled by a good impression.
ReplyDeleteJesusdude of the ponydudes
ReplyDelete@Anons who says ponydude: This is NOT the time nor place for My Little Pony Memes/
ReplyDeleteBrian are you Jesus? Or a pony? Neigh...
ReplyDelete@Rock-X: Agree. And Capcom should not give up of launching MML3, specially without even giving a proper reason.
ReplyDeletePonydude can you call me protostar?
ReplyDeleteI'd like to like it, but I just think it'd be too embarrassing. I like to keep my personal life and my video game life separate. Plus, it's a slacktivist e-campaign--joining one at all is inherently embarrassing, much less one for a video game.
ReplyDeleteI'll see. I'll definitely think about it.
I would, but I don't want to use facebook.
ReplyDeleteIt would be great if there was a labour strike in Capcom.
ReplyDelete@Professor Megaman:
ReplyDeleteDo you want to know why nobody cared about Universe getting cancelled? Because that game was absolute garbage, that's why. It was a total slap in the face on so many levels. I could hardly think of a single thing that wasn't wrong with it. Aside from being another Mega Man 2 rehash (when we were promised something "new and original"), it had a terrible art style, a horrible character roster where nearly ever character was an alternate skin and/or a character that had nothing to do with the Mega Man franchise, it had piss-poor level designs, and whatever else I might have missed.
It wasn't even remotely close to the Powered Up sequel that many fans have been asking for. So, in short, that game failed on at least three accounts. I'm no die-hard Legends fanboy or anything, but that game definitely a lot more to offer Universe did, and this is coming from someone whose favorite Mega Man series happens to be Classic (and X).
...Whoa. How do I end up making mistakes like this? In my above post, I meant to say "that game had a lot more to offer than Universe did". Like I said before, it's a shame that blog comments can't be edited.
"it's a slacktivist e-campaign--joining one at all is inherently embarrassing, much less one for a video game."
ReplyDelete@Mike: Not to sound personal, but I read that comment and think "So that's why you're afraid."
@KrazyMonkey: No problemo, man. Everybody makes mistakes. Heck, even I do it once in a while myself.
I have a perfect word to describ Capcom:
ReplyDeleteThere were plenty of people looking forward to Universe, myself included. Not everyone vocalizes their opinion. The reason there wasn't an outcry like with the Legends cancellation is because the Legends series has a pretty sizable cult following, and many people have been waiting for a sequel for years. Universe didn't have that to fall back on since it was pretty much a new concept, so people just moved on disappointedly. Saying nobody was looking forward to Universe based on the pessimistic reception of a handful of "fans" is about as illogical as Capcom saying that Legends didn't have enough support according to the number of Dev room participants.
ReplyDeleteIt has been stagnant around 21k followers
ReplyDeleteGoing up steadily. Hit 22000 at the current moment.
ReplyDeleteApparently Kobun #206 has joined up, assuming it's him. But I'd like to have faith.
Who knows? Maybe we'll get Ariga to join sometime.
Powerful allies, guys. Powerful allies.